Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yoga For Back Pain Relief

Yoga For Back Pain Relief
 by: Dave Wooding

A good, regular yoga practice will go far in relieving the stress and tension that sometimes cause mild back pain, and in fact, studies have shown that yoga is the number one most effective exercise for relieving back pain. However, not all yoga poses relieve back pain, and some can in fact aggravate existing pain, so it is important to know which poses will be most helpful in relieving back pain. It is best to do these exercises under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor, and if you encounter any problems with these poses, you should consult an expert. Even just one or two sessions with a yoga instructor can help, an instructor will help you with your form and posture during poses. Here are some of the best yoga poses for relieving back pain. Each pose should be held from five to ten seconds, depending upon your level of comfort, and should be done on a mat or other soft, supportive surface.
Corpse: Lie flat on your back in a relaxed position, arms resting at your sides, palms down, and legs lying naturally, with knees turned out slightly. If it hurts your back to have your knees turned outward, do this pose with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Breathe in and out for a few seconds while allowing any tension to leave the body.
Cat Stretch: Start out on your hands and knees with a flat back. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders with fingers spread. Knees should be directly under the hips. Head is held loosely so that you are looking at the floor between your hands. Inhale, and as you exhale, arch your back toward the ceiling, tuck your chin in to your chest so that you are looking at your navel, and tuck your tailbone underneath. Hold, then release back into your original position.
Wind Releasing Pole: Lie flat on your back as in Corpse pose. As you inhale, bend your knee, place your hands right below the knee, and draw your leg towards your chest. Your left leg should remain flat on the floor. Exhale and bring your forehead up to touch your knee. Inhale, and then as you exhale, return to your original position. Repeat with the other leg.
Sage Twist: Warning for this pose—it involves twisting your back, so you should take particular care not to twist too far or you risk aggravating any existing back pain. This should be a gentle stretch; twist just as far as is comfortable. Sit on the floor with both legs out in front of you. Bend your right knee, lift your right leg over your left, and place your right foot on the floor next to your left knee. Sitting with spine straight, place your left elbow on the right side of your right knee. Bend your left arm so that your left fingertips are touching your right hip, while at the same time, twisting to look over your right shoulder. This is where you need to be careful not to twist too far. Hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat on the opposite side.
Palm Tree: Stand with feet facing forward, arms at your sides, weight distributed evenly on both feet. Raise both arms over your head, interlock your fingers, and turn your hands so that your palms are facing upward. Next, place your palms on your head and turn your head so that you are looking slightly upward. Stretch your arms upwards, and at the same time, come up onto your toes if you can do so without pain. Stretch your entire body upward and hold, if you can. Some people have difficulty balancing during this pose, so just do the stretching parts if you need to.
Fish Pose: Lie on your back with knees bent and arms at your side. Arch your back as far as you comfortably can and raise it off the ground by pushing the floor with your elbows. If you can, tilt your head backwards and rest the crown of your head on the floor. Breathe deeply from the diaphragm and hold pose for one minute if you can.
LOCUST: Lie face down with arms at the side, palms down, and elbows slightly bent with fingers pointing towards the feet. Raise your legs and thighs as high off the ground as possible without causing your back any pain. Hold for one second and repeat up to twelve times. This can be a vigorous exercise so you must take care to strain already injured muscles.
Bending Forward Pose: Stand up straight with feet together and arms hanging loosely along your sides. Breathe in deeply and raise your arms straight above your head. While breathing out, bend forward and touch your toes if you can. If you can't reach your toes, grab hold of your ankles or calves. To complete the pose, you should touch your head to your knees, but this may be too difficult for many who suffer from lower back pain. Your movements during this pose should be smooth, not jerky.

About The Author

Dave Wooding provides health related information and heart rate monitor review at for your reading pleasure.

This article was posted on December 16, 2004

Advair Diskus

Purinethol Purinethol
Our price: $3.78
Purinethol (Mercaptopurine) is used to treat leukemia.

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Plan To Manage Holiday Stress

Plan To Manage Holiday Stress
 by: ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Everyone finds themselves stressed out during the holiday season. But for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), November through January can feel like a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. Lack of time management will result in undue pressure and overwhelm for the ADD adult.
One way to take the stress out of the holidays is to plan for them. These simple steps can help the ADD adult manage their time and tasks during the holiday season, thereby relieving unnecessary stress.
Create one hour this week to plan your holiday preparation schedule, and follow these steps:
Step 1 - Make a List of all the Things You Need to Do to Prepare for the Holiday
This probably includes gift shopping, writing and mailing holiday cards, decorating your home, planning your travel, etc. After you have made this list, put a star next to each of the items that you don't like to do. (Maybe you get bored writing out the holiday cards, or maybe you detest shopping.)
Step 2 - Use a Calendar or Planner
Use something that gives you ample space to write for each day. This could be a wall calendar, a daily planner, or planning software. Begin by writing in all your holiday appointments, such as parties and scheduled shopping trips. Next, write in all the other activities that you have going on during the month, like meetings and appointments. When you're done, you should have a good idea of where your free time is.
Now, take a look at the items on your holiday to-do list that are not marked with a star, and schedule them in. Do you have a free evening next week in which you can write out your cards? Schedule it on your calendar! Do you have a free Saturday to get your shopping done? Schedule it on your calendar!
Step 3 - Make the Dreaded Tasks Easier
Take a look at all those tasks you marked with a star. These are the tasks that you hate to do for one reason or another. Take a moment to look at each one, and figure out how to make that task a little easier or more bearable. If you hate writing cards because it's a tedious and boring task, you can make it easier on yourself by inviting a friend over to chat, catch up, and write out cards with you. Hate decorating? Perhaps you can buy a new CD you've been wanting and allow yourself to crank it up while you put up the holiday decorations.
Investing just a small amount of time in planning can save you from undue stress and overwhelm during this holiday season.
© Copyright 2004

About The Author

Jennifer Koretsky is an ADD Management Coach who helps adults learn how to manage their ADD and move forward in life. She offers individual and group coaching, workshops, and skill-building programs. Her work has been featured in various media, including The New York Times Magazine. Subscribe to Jennifer's free email newsletter, The ADD Management Guide, by visiting

This article was posted on December 15, 2004


Vermox Vermox
Our price: $0.45
Vermox (Mebendazole) is used to treat infections caused by worms such as whipworm, pinworm, roundworm, and hookworm.

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Basic Weight Management

Basic Weight Management
 by: Richard Rigor

The perfect diet should be combined with a healthy weight management or activity program. Weight management may conjure up that dreaded "exercise" word. And exercise to some means pushing the body beyond limits, experiencing painful in joints, muscles, bones - everywhere. No pain no gain, right? Wrong. Instead, replace the word "exercise" with "activity" and incorporate this in your daily routine. And a general rule of thumb for guidelines about "activity" would be to strive for a minimum of 30 minutes for adults or 60 minutes for children of moderate physical activity daily.
Individual activity goals depend upon each person's health and weight goals and issues. Begin by checking with your medical advisor or healthcare physician to get a green light on which activities would be suitable for you, what your target weight range should be and a strategic plan to improve your health.
In a nutshell, during activities, calories are burned, pounds are shed in the long run. And the number of calories burned depends upon the duration and intensity or the activity. Slow and steady is the rule of thumb. And note daily progress. For those who have never been very active at all, it may be advisable to begin slow like with walking 10 minutes each day, gradually building up time and distance with increased "brisk" pacing. Even if you can't get out to walk, bike or swim, take stairs instead of elevators and escalators. Clean your house. Clean your car. Wash windows. Wash your dog. Check out exercise videos, cassettes and workout books from the public library and put some of their ideas into action (Visit for more info). Check out your local fitness centers, YMCA, community center, too, for ideas. Partner up with a neighbor to walk or join a community volleyball team. There are unlimited ways to be active and enjoy life at the same time without using painful weight loss strategies.

About The Author

Richard Rigor is the author of "The Ideal Body Fat Loss Guide." - Publishers can get new content each and every month >

This article was posted on December 14, 2004


Viagra Soft Tabs Viagra Soft Tabs
Our price: $1.78
Viagra Soft Tabs (Sildenafil) are quick-dissolving lozenges, used to treat male impotence. Proving its high quality and reliability, Viagra Soft has reduced the start time from 30 to 15 minutes with the same response time of 5 hours.

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Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research
 by: Gerald Armstrong

How To Buy Your Way Out Of An Early Death From An Incurable Disease.
How?... With Private stem cell research, of course!…Stem cell research holds more than hope for cures. The jury is in on stem cell research. Stem cell research can offer a cure for your incurable illness. With private stem cell research a personal cure for an ill patient can be accelerated. With every michroscope in the lab tuned into your unique disease a rapid cure is guaranteed. Private stem cell research for the wealthy (that will eventually lead to cures for everyone) has arrived!
So now you are all relaxed about your health's future because some countries such as Switzerland and some American states such as California are beginning to endorse stem cell research.We too are excited about this ground breaking research. Unfortunately these researchers will be working with one hand tied behind their back because these countries and California are working with restrictive legislation that forbids or impedes the cloning of human embryos. That's like giving them permission to build the fastest car in the world but with the restriction of not allowing them to put a motor in the car!
That's why the major new cures for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other incurable diseases will ultimately come from small offshore labs working without restrictive legislation from the western world. Thank God for the sake of our health that there is a world outside the United States and the Western countries. The number one lab in the world offering excellence in medical research is Gen Cells Cures owned by Gerald Armstrong. Our motto is "Have Michroscope will travel" When a government gets in the way of our life –saving research we will pack up our michroscopes and move on.
When Alexander Grahm Bell patented his telephone in 1876 it was the difference of a half turn of a screw that put him in the patent office before Elisha Gray. With only one company in the Grand Unites States openly working on therapeutic cloning, the U.S.A is left in the dust where innovative research and future cures are concerned.The U.S. was once at the forefront of medicine and technology, research and innovation, cures and prevention. Now the job falls into the hands of the few working outside America. In many cases the work will be done by Americans. Even the Korean's who first cloned the human embryo had help from steady American hands, but the work was done in Korea by Koreans, not in America by Americans. We here at Gen Cells Cures have found that the Korean's new technique of squeezing out the DNA from the egg cell works much better than sucking out the DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievement.
The only American company working openly with therapeutic cloning research in the country is Advanced Cell Tech. When the cure comes it will likely come from Gen Cells Cures or some other little basement lab out in the middle of nowhere. Gen Cells Cures wants the opportunity to find cures for major incurable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimers disease, diabetes and other dreaded incurable diseases. The only problem with Gen Cells Cures and Advanced Cell Tech is that both of these biotechs are always running out of the money needed to do the research. Getting private funding is like pulling teeth. It's not easy work. The cure cannot come from the western world with restrictive legislation backed by ignorance and obscurantism. All that controversy over a stem cell smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Even if stem cell research (with it's restrictive limitations) had all the funding in the world there will not be a cure found until all the research is completed and that includes the therapeutic cloning stem cell research. Through out history their have always been those people with dark age thinking who have held back scientific progress. Sadly, US President, George Bush is a victim of such limited thinking. Gen Cells Cures michroscopes already have Alexander Grahm Bell's half turn of the screw built in for success with no U.S. competition.
Non-embryonic stem cell research has produced therapies for more than forty ailments including, heart disease, lupus, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, Crohn's disease, brain hemorrhage, brain tumors, retinoblastoma, ovian cancer, sarcomas, scleroderma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer and others. There have been no therapies from embryonic stem cell research so far simply because researchers have been using generic stem cells and there has not been one penny of public or private research money available for the real solution, therapeutic cloning stem cell research. While adult stem cell research received 190 million dollars from the U.S federal government in 2003. Therapeutic cloning stem cell research received zero dollars in funding support in 2003! What can you expect with zero dollars allotted to this life-saving research. Why hasn't there been a cure from therapeutic cloning stem cell research so far? The answer is plain and simple, fear and ignorance has restricted the research!
Gen Cells Cures doesn't like working with generic stem cells created from an egg and a sperm cell. There is no genetic match for our patient and you destroy the embryo that could have gone on to become a baby. The company likes working with perfectly matched cells created from a patient's skin cell and a human egg cell. You have a perfect genetic match and the stem cell is made young again . While we like the applications of adult stem cells and will use adult cells until we unravel the secrets of therapeutic cloning. We would rather have our cure come from perfectly matched fresh young stems cells rather than adult stem cells that are as old as our patient! We see the somatic cell nuclear transferred stem cell brought back to the beginning of life as the key to unlocking the aging clock. We just don't see a skin cell matched with an egg cell as a human being.
Fortunately for those of you with the ways and means and the vision to see the new dawn of stem cell research there is a way out for you and that way out is your own private medical research, (private stem cell research.) Gen Cells Cures is searching desperately for the funding to carry out the research that has been put on indefinite hold in the U.S. and the West. If someone knows a millionaire or a billionaire without a cause, please direct him or her to this stem cell research article. And if you know some one who is in desperate need of a cure, but is poor send him or her to us anyway. Maybe we can find their cure with our dime store michroscopes while we wait for the support to arrive to buy the high quality michroscopes we need to do the job. God tends to look after his flock. Gen Cells Cures offers stem cell research that includes a combination of an accumulation of today's best science and molecular biology that fuses therapeutic cloning stem cell research and genomics, (without political or legislative restraints.) Gen Cells Cures futuristic medical research technologies are available to the public now! Stem cell therapies and cures are just around the corner brought to you by Gen Cell Cure's advanced stem cell research... No FDA approval needed! Stem cell research, stem cell research and more stem cell research is your solution and stem cell research is the solution for the world.
Article by Gerald Armstrong-
Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures
Visit his group for information about "the cure" for incurable diseases and aging.
Group address
You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

About The Author

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to finding "The Cure" for incurable diseases and aging. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. I am passionate about molecular biology and what we can do with science to find "The Cure" for those of you suffering from aging and incurable diseases.

This article was posted on December 14, 2004


Acomplia Acomplia
Our price: $3.2
Acomplia is an appetite suppressant diet pill.

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Boost your Immune System

Boost your Immune System
 by: Alfred Jones

The Immune System is probably the most important system in your body. It was designed by nature, millions of years ago, to aid the body in recovering from injuries and illness. In other words "a natural built in healing system".
Your blood is composed mainly of red and white cells, the red ones carry the oxygen and nutrition to all parts of the body, the white ones are the defenders and scavengers of your body, during infection, they are immediately called upon to fight the infection and clean up afterwards.
These billions of cells work very hard and consequently they have quite a short lifespan, usually, only a few days.
Originally the Immune System did not face as many problems, as it does in this day and age, now it has to cope with pollution, poisons, toxins, pesticides, herbicides and chemicals, in the air that we breathe, the food that we eat and the water that we drink. As you will understand, the immune system is fighting a huge battle, just trying to cope with all these attacks that are happening every day. Luckily for us, these cells can be generated very quickly, so with the correct nutrition, it will not take the immune system much time, to get back up to full strength.
When you have a vaccination, your immune system is given a copy of a specific disease, so that if the system comes across the disease again, the memory cells in the immune system, will know exactly what action to take, likewise, if you have had a disease before, they know what to do in the event of reinvasion.
The cells involved in your immune system, have what is called "cellular communication", this means that the cells all talk to each other, they ask each other if they are OK, if one says it is unwell, the others will all help it to heal, if it is beyond help, the other cells will exterminate it and then eliminate it completely from the body.
Sometimes the immune system will go astray and start attacking the good healthy cells, then problems occur which are known as auto immune system diseases, which can cause cells to mutate with all sorts of consequences. Auto Immune System diseases are increasing all the time, and is one of the most serious threats to good health.
There is a natural slow decline in the efficiency of the body's immune system, which partly comes with age; you tend to absorb some nutrients less efficiently.
There is evidence that suggests a nutrient dense diet, may slow this decline, slow the aging process, improve your immune system and energy by giving it a boost or modulating the cellular communication process.
One of the Natural Healing products that are available through our website, is a natural nutrient, that has been used for over a thousand years and it is known as the most "Nutritionally Dense" food in the world.
Your immune system needs help to function at the highest capacity. Without an efficiently functioning immune system, you are not going to maintain good health.
Health is you're your most valuable asset, even though you might not realize this now, when it begins to deteriorate, it could just possibly be to late to do much about the consequences of ill health. Possible help for the Immune System is a healthy diet, with lots of natural sources of Vitamins A, C and E, Zinc, Iron, Folate, Vitamin B6. Check out the website for more information.

About The Author

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Learn about Himalayan Goji Juice, or Glyconutrients with Antioxidants, The Essential Sugars that Heal".

This article was posted on December 14, 2004

Superloss Multi

Acticin Acticin
Our price: $18.05
Acticin (Permethrin) cream is used for treating scabies.

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A Diet Deficiency Today is a Clinical Event Tomorrow

A Diet Deficiency Today is a Clinical Event Tomorrow
 by: Theryssa Gossman

For those of us that understand nutrition and it's importance in our lives, this statement makes all too much sense doesn't it.
Today, six out of the top ten causes of death are diet related and chronic degenerative diseases afflict over 120 million Americans. Cancer has moved from the eighth leading cause of death to number two, even after Richard Nixon's "War on Cancer" spent thirty billion dollars attempting to find a cure. Diabetes has increased 700% since 1959.
Nearly 15 million American adults suffer from asthma and the Environmental Health Commission predicts that number will increase to 29 million by 2020. Twenty-one million Americans suffer from arthritis and approximately 50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases, with 75 percent of these being female. Many of these autoimmune conditions were practically nonexistent thirty years ago.
Look at the average diet of children today--soft drinks, processed cereal, pizza, candy, fast food and their favorite and often only source of vegetables: french fries. Could this be why we are seeing a dramatic rise in ADHD, to the point where 8 million American children need to be drugged daily? Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 children to 1 in 150 in just 10 years. Adult- onset diabetes is occurring at epidemic rates in children as young as eight.
There can be no doubt that deficiencies of these vital nutrients can lead to serious problems. Scientists are continually discovering new links between viruses, bacteria and the immune system and many of the most common and most dangerous diseases. Take a look; you might be surprised at what they're learning about the importance of a strong, balanced immune system.
"Are Viruses and Bacteria the Real Cause of Heart and Kidney Disease?"...In the August 2000 issue of the American Journal of Medicine, scientists reported that the hepatitis C virus could show up as a kidney infection or as heart disease. Last year, Italian researchers reported that the reason cholesterol deposits stick to the walls of arteries might be due to an undetected infection that inflames blood vessel walls.
"Are Bacteria to Blame for MS?"...The July 1999 issue of Annals of Neurology reported that a common bacteria called Chlamydia pneumoniae was present in all the patients tested in the study with multiple sclerosis (MS). In addition, 30 percent of people with MS also harbor the herpes virus.
"Epilepsy Linked to Abnormal Immune Cells"...In 1997, a group of scientists looked at a total of 135 people with epilepsy. More than 80 percent of these people had one or more abnormalities in their cellular immune defenses.
"Alzheimer's Disease Linked to Immune System Dysfunction"...An article in a 1994 issue of Progress in Drug Research reported that Alzheimer's disease may be linked to an abnormal antibody response to a portion of nerve cells in the brain.
"A Hidden Virus that Causes Obesity"...Researchers at the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Wayne State University in Detroit reported in August 2001 that increased fat stores have been linked to the presence of a virus.
"Is Arthritis Really a Joint Infection?"...Dutch scientists recently reported that chronic arthritis might have a bacterial connection. In fact, if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, which is considered an autoimmune disease, your disease may have been triggered by a prior infection that may have over stimulated immune responses, which in this situation, needed to be suppressed.
"Is Male Infertility Due to E. Coli Bacteria Sticking to Sperm?"...A German study in the July 1993 issue of Fertility and Sterility reported that e. coli can actually adhere to sperm causing them to clump together.
And if you do a search on the Internet you will find more of these types of headlines all over the place. It's just amazing, sad actually, and scary.

About The Author

Theryssa Gossman
Helping people get back the nutrition their bodies need.

This article was posted on December 13, 2004

Toprol XL

Superman Superman
Our price: $66
Superman is a non-hormonal and safe sexual stimulant.

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Supplements and Glyconutritionals?

Supplements and Glyconutritionals?
 by: Theryssa Gossman

Why Do We Need Food Supplements and Glyconutritionals?
Food is one of our most basic needs. However, in our modern society fresh food is a thing of the past. The so called fresh fruits and vegetables we buy today have little nutritional value because they are grown in nutrient-deficient soil, picked before they ripen naturally, gassed, irradiated, artificially ripened and stored for days before we eat it. Therefore, our diets lack the essential building blocks of functional foods vital to our health and well-being.
Without functional foods the body cannot continue the miracle of healing itself as these foods provide the raw materials needed to assist in this healing process thus giving the body fuel to perform at optimum levels. Without sufficient functional foods the following four problems exist for most people: Starvation: since most of our food is nutritionally starved; Toxicity: many food products including raw fruits and vegetables contain toxins not to mention the air we breathe and the water we drink, which actually work against our body's natural healing process; Stress: as a result of malnutrition and high levels of toxicity; Degenerative disease: which can be symptomatic of nutritional deficiency and as a result of stress on the body.
Functional foods or Neutraceuticals are "foods that are thought to prevent disease" (Harvard Health Letter April '95). The building blocks of functional foods are called phytochemicals (plant chemicals) These phytochemicals (carbohydrates) are naturally occurring bioactive substances that prevent diseases by interacting with the body's innate healing process to maintain vibrant health and energy.
Of the 200 simple sugars (glyconutritionals) occurring in plants, only eight are known to be essential for cell- to-cell communication. These are only found in food that is ripened on the vine/tree and remain active for 48 hours after being picked. However, only two of these, glucose & galactose are found in modern diets. The body can convert these two into the six missing sugars, but this enzymatic process is long (up to 20 steps), unreliable and error-prone. Thus we need to supplement our diets with these missing sugars.
WHY ARE THESE glyconutritionals SO IMPORTANT?
All cell surface receptors; binding and signaling components are glycoproteins (proteins and sugar). They essentially act as the language between cells in our body. The glycoproteins are like the letters and words of a language. If the correct sugar (carbohydrate) is not placed in the proper location, or is missing, the glycoprotein is not formed correctly and will not be able to carry out its function in the cell membrane. Only effective cell membrane communication can make the proper cells for our organs.
The functional components of glyconutritionals appear to boost the production or activity of enzymes that act as: Blocking agents: detoxifying carcinogens or keeping them from reaching or penetrating cells; Suppressing agents: restraining malignant changes in cells that have been exposed to carcinogens.
There are four basic reasons why people get sick. These are: Decreased function of the immune system Increased oxidative stress Diminished/ faulty neurotransmitter function Poor/faulty cellular repair/regeneration
Glyconutritional supplementation will help give your body the ability to heal, correct, repair and protect itself. Therefore, it does not matter if you are in a state of sickness or considered healthy, you can benefit from food supplementation, specifically glyconutrient supplementation.
WHEN WERE THESE DISCOVERIES MADE? The discovery of the importance of glycoproteins was awarded the "Biochemical Discovery of' the Year" in 1996 by the American Naturopathic Medical Association. The ANMA further released the statement "The most Significant Discovery of the Century". "Almost without exception where ever two or more living cells interact in a specific way, cell surface carbohydrates will be involved " (Bio/'Technology, John Hodgson 1990). Major studies have recently indicated exciting revelations regarding the significance of glycoproteins in our development', out- growth, and in the formation of disease.
WHO CAN USE THESE SUPPLEMENTS? Scientists are suggesting that glyconutritionals may provide the missing link in the body's amazing capacity to heal itself and sustain health. Thus anyone who eats, drinks or breathes in today's world is likely to benefit from these supplements. These products were selected by the American and Canadian Track and Field teams as supplements for athletes preparing for the 2000 Olympics. Mannatech, the supplier, has the only international patent filed on a supplemental blend of the known necessary carbohydrates. - Copyright 2004 S. Lueck
Medical Disclaimer: I am not medically qualified to diagnose or treat people. The intention of this is to provide quality health and nutritional information for it's readers, but not to replace the advice of physicians.

About The Author

Theryssa Gossman
Helping people get back the nutrition their bodies need.

This article was posted on December 13, 2004

Toprol XL

Mevacor Mevacor
Our price: $0.6
Mevacor (Lovastatin) is a cholesterol-lowering medicine.

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Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
 by: edbishop

Carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for at least 400 accidental deaths and over 5,000 people are treated in hospital emergency rooms per year.
Unfortunately, carbon monoxide poisoning is often misdiagnosed as flu, food poisoning, allergy/asthma or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Children, the elderly, individuals with respiratory problems and pets are at risk, even at low levels.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are; headaches, nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, tiredness, pain, cramps and sleep disturbance.
Some people experience headaches and dizziness for almost 2 years prior to carbon monoxide poisoning diagnosis.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is highly toxic, making it impossible to detect with our senses.
Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion in household appliances like furnaces, boilers, water heaters, stoves, ovens, fireplaces as well as well as automobiles.
Tips to protect yourself and your loved ones:
1) Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home
2) Have your appliances (boilers, furnaces, stoves, water heater, fireplaces) checked and serviced by a reputable heating company.
Be sure they are equipped with a professional carbon monoxide analyzer.
If they tell you they don't have one, find another company!
3 Do not use unvented appliances (kerosene heaters, barbecue grilles) in the house.
4) If you have a garage that is attached to your home click here.
5) Any time you strengthen the insulation properties or add a ventilation fan you should have your appliances checked to ensure the upgrades have not compromised the ability of the appliances to safely draft the combustion products from the house.
By following the above guidelines, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning can be significantly reduced.
Go to

About The Author

Ed Bishop is founder and president of Enhanced Living Inc., a Troy, NY-based design-consulting and contracting company specializing in high performance heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems . A pioneer in residential contracting, Ed is a thirty-year industry veteran trained in the "House Is A System" approach to HVAC design. He was formerly a building analyst instructor, providing certification training for New York's Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program.

This article was posted on December 13, 2004

Premium Diet Patch

Amaryl Amaryl
Our price: $0.39
Amaryl (Glimepiride) is an anti-diabetic drug, used to control high blood sugar.

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Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic

The extracts of Allium sativum bulb and compound preparation possess pharmacodynamic properties. The extract of garlic was found to have a significant protective action against a fat induced increase in serum cholesterol and plasma fibrinogen and in fibrinolytic activity.
Garlic is used as a carminative, aphrodisiac, expectorant, and stimulant.
Anticancer Actions:
Human population studies show that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer. This is partly due to garlic's ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds. Animal and test tube studies also show that garlic, and its sulfur compounds, inhibit the growth of different types of cancer-especially breast and skin tumors.
Circulatory Effects:
More than 250 publications have shown that garlic supports the cardiovascular system. It may lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, inhibit platelet stickiness (aggregation), and increase fibrinolysis-which results in a slowing of blood coagulation. It is mildly antihypertensive and has antioxidant activity.
Antimicrobial Actions:
Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal activity' It may work against some intestinal parasites. Garlic appears to have roughly 1 % the strength of penicillin against certain types of bacteria. This means it is not a substitute for antibiotics, but it can be considered as a support against some bacterial infections. Candida albicans growth is inhibited by garlic, and garlic has shown long-term benefit for recurrent yeast infections.
High Blood Pressure:
Garlic is regarded as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. The pressure and tension are reduced because it has the power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas within the digestive track As these days garlic capsules are available with the chemist shops, the average dosage of two to three capsules a day to be given to make a dent in the blood pressure.
Digestive System Disorders:
Garlic is one of the most beneficial foods for the digestive system. It exercises a beneficial effect on the lymph, aids in elimination of noxious waste matter in the body. It stimulates peristaltic action and the secretion of the digestive juices. Crushed cloves of garlic may be infused in water or milk and taken for all types of disorders of the digestion. It has an antiseptic effect and is an excellent remedy for infectious diseases and inflammations of the stomach and intestine. The oil of garlic is absorbed into the alimentary tract and is eliminated partly through the urine.
Garlic produces a very marked effects on the intestine. It is an excellent agent as a worm expeller. It has also a soothing effect on the various forms of diarrhoea. Problems such as colitis, dysentery and many other intestinal upsets can be successfully treated with fresh garlic or garlic capsules One garlic capsule taken three times a day is usually sufficient to correct mild cases of diarrhoea or dysentery. For more persistent cases, upto six capsules a day can be taken. Garlic has the ability to destroy harmful bacteria in the intestines without affecting the beneficial organisms which aid digestion.
Skin Disorders:
Garlic has also been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders Pimples disappear without scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistent form of acne, suffered by some adults, has also been healed with garlic. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots and pimple, and boils. The process is further helped by taking the garlic orally also, to purify the blood-steam so as to secure a long term clearance of the skin. A regular course of three garlic capsules per day should help to clear minor skin infections quickly.
Whooping Cough:
Garlic is an excellent remedy for whooping cough. Syrup of garlic Should be given in doses of five drops to a teaspoonful two or three times a day in this condition. It should be given more often if the coughing spells are frequent and violent.

About The Author, the portal on ayurveda is a complete Health Guide featuring natural remedies to all your health-related ailments. The portal has exclusive sections devoted to ayurveda, massage, herbs, herbal dietary supplements, home remedies, online consultation, online shop for herbal products and a lot more.

This article was posted on December 13, 2004

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Monoket (Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate) is used for preventing symptoms of angina(chest pain).

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How Bad Breath Affects Your Self-Esteem

How Bad Breath Affects Your Self-Esteem
 by: Ted Kushner

As a long time sufferer of bad breath (halitosis) I can still remember the day my girlfriend told me I had puppy breath. As affectionate as that sounds I knew what she really meant was that I had bad breath. Being somewhat shy in the first place, this only compounded my lack of confidence and made me totally aware of my breath problem from that day on.
Rarely was there a date from then on that I didn't have a supply of mints, gum, or some other type of breath altering products available to me. My bad breath was consuming me during my dates with my girlfriend or being in close contact with anyone else for that matter.
If you are one of the millions of sufferers of chronic bad breath then I'm sure you can relate to me. And I'm not alone. According to the ADA, it is estimated that there are over 27 million people in the United States alone that suffer from chronic halitosis. That doesn't include anyone who only suffer from it occassionally.
Bad breath has become an epidemic that affects both young and old, but could be especially devastating to teens and pre-teens as they cope with a whole array of pre-adolescent problems.
What causes bad breath can be attributed to a whole array of underlying issues including, poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, bleeding gums, dry mouth, peridontal disease, tooth decay, or one of many other health related problems including sinus infections, diabeties, and even cancer patients undergoing treatments.
If you're like me then you probably have been trying to just mask the symptoms all these years as you could never find a perminent solution to eliminated the symptoms that have been causing it. But doing just that may be adding to the problem by letting the underlying problem keep compounding.
But did you know that you can effectively treat bad breath and cure it naturally and fast? There are some excellent products online that can give you the resources to combat the symptoms and eliminate your problem in as little as a few days. So if you're tired of being embarrassed by bad breath and what to do about it then you owe it to yourself to investigate alternative methods in helping you cure this self-conscience robbing problem.

About The Author

Ted Kushner a long time sufferer of bad breath (halitosis) knows how it can rob you of your self-esteem and wants to inform the public on the affects of it and how you can go about in treating it. To learn more about what causes bad breath and treatments visit:

This article was posted on December 12, 2004

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Amaryl (Glimepiride) is an anti-diabetic drug, used to control high blood sugar.

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Using hypnotherapy to beat IBS

Using hypnotherapy to beat IBS
 by: Sophie Lee

Hypnotherapy is one of the best known and most widely used treatments for IBS, and can offer sufferers a drug-free solution to their symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and bloating.
There are now many hundreds of hypnotherapists who offer what is called "gut-directed hypnotherapy" for IBS, which takes the general techniques of hypnotherapy and applies them directly to the abdominal pain and digestive symptoms which IBS sufferers struggle with. This type of hypnotherapy has been clinically tested and found to be very helpful to many IBS patients.
One of the first studies of hypnotherapy for IBS was conducted by Dr Peter Whorwell, a leading expert on IBS and hypnotherapy in the UK. A trial he conducted in the 1980s found that a group of IBS sufferers who had failed to respond to other treatments showed dramatic improvements when treated with gut-directed hypnotherapy. Since then, other therapists have shown similar results.
What hypnotherapy involves
Hypnotherapy in a medical setting bears no relation to the kind of stage hypnosis where volunteers are made to do ridiculous things in the name of entertainment. In fact, patients remain entirely in control of their own actions, and are simply coaxed into a kind of deep relaxation state.
While the patients is in this state the therapist will talk to you and make positive suggestions – one typical method for IBS is to ask you to place your hand over your abdomen and imagine that a healing warmth is flowing from your hand to your stomach.
Some hypnotherapists will record each session for you so that you can listen to them again between your appointments, and therefore increase the effectiveness of the therapy.
If you don't have the time or the resources to visit a qualified hypnotherapist, you might find some relief in one of the self-hypnosis CDs available, which can be listened to in the comfort of your own home.
While you will not get an individual treatment program from a ready-made CD, you will be able to benefit from the general hypnosis approach, and you can choose to listen to the CDs whenever you have the time.
The IBS Audio Program, developed by the UK hypnotherapist Michael Mahoney, is the most widely used program for IBS sufferers, and is available on audio CD and cassette. The program is designed to be used over 100 days, and includes four CDs and a program booklet. The makers claim that around 80% of listeners experience a significant reduction of pain and bowel dysfunction.
The program consists of three therapeutic session CDs, with an introduction and five different hypnotherapy sessions. It also includes a bonus fourth CD (the IBS Companion), which explains IBS to non-sufferers.

About The Author

Sophie Lee has suffered from IBS for more than 15 years. She runs IBS Tales where you can read hundreds of personal stories from IBS sufferers and self-help tips.

This article was posted on December 12, 2004

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Geriforte rejuvenates the entire body system and retards the skin changes, associated with aging.

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Three Questions People Are Asking About Health Care in America

Three Questions People Are Asking About Health Care in America
 by: Marc Eskew

Q. Why is there so may uninsured people in America?
A. There are over 44 million uninsured people in this country and over 75 million underinsured because of three main factors:
1. Insurance rates continue to rise each year by 10-25% forcing many people to drop their health insurance.
2. Layoffs in the job market have left many people in a difficult situation when it comes to protecting their families. Many of those that aren't laid off are seeing their insurance benefits cut.
3. More Americans today are facing health challenges that virtually make them uninsurable.
Q. How is America coping with this growing problem?
A. Not very well. The only alternative so far for many thousands of people is to seek medical care in overcrowded, understaffed, county hospitals where they virtually have no choice as to the quality of the Health Care they receive.
Q. So what is the answer to this growing problem for those trapped in the Health Care Crisis?
A. Well, if someone finds themselves trapped in the middle of either not being able to afford traditional major medical insurance, or not able to qualify for insurance because of pre-existing conditions, the alternative is to participate in a health care savings benefit program. These programs allow you to purchase your health care at Managed Care Prices which are the reduced rates that traditional insurance companies pay the doctors and hospitals. The better programs also offer additional membership insured benefits as well like accident benefits, daily hospital benefit, office visit benefit, and accidental death benefits to name a few. The key to finding a program to fit your needs is to look for a company that has been in business for a long time with a track record of assisting people attain these kinds of savings. A program with feature driven benefits is your best value when looking for non-insurance alternative health care solutions in today's market.

About The Author

Marc Eskew is widely recognized for his knowledge and expertise in the area of non-insurance alternative solutions to the high cost of Health Care in America. For more information on the subjects contained in this article, Mr. Eskew may be reached at (866) 545-6315 or

This article was posted on December 11, 2004

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Prozac (Fluoxetine) is in a new class of antidepressant medications that affects chemical messengers within the brain.

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Herbal Remedies for Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache, Joint Pains

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache, Joint Pains

Arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to Ayurveda arthritis is primarily a vata (air) disease which is due to accumulation of toxins in the joints and is known as amavata.This can be caused by poor digestion and a weakened colon, resulting in the accumulation of undigested food and the buildup of waste matter. Poor digestion allows toxins to accumulate in the body, and problems with the colon allow the toxins to reach the joints.
Symptoms :
Immense pain & stiffness in affected muscles in case of chronic muscular rheumatism.
Pain or tenderness in a joint which is aggravated by any movement or activity, such as walking, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, turning a key.
Excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints in case of chronic articular rheumatism.
Home Remedies
The following are a few simple cures that might just help relieve you from the pain of arthritis. Try any of them to see what works for you.
Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water taken twice a day is good for curing arthritis.
Two teaspoons of juice from fresh leaves of bathua, drink every day on an empty stomach for 2-3 months.
Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis.
Taking alfalfa tea twice a day makes a good cure.
Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water taken once or twice a day brings relief.
Rub the aching joints with hot vinegar to get some relief from pain.
Two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene makes a wonderful liniment to bathe afflicted joints.
Add one tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before sleeping.
One raw clove of garlic every day is very beneficial. This clove can be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for 2 months.
Guggulu is very helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with warm water.
Exercise the afflicted joints in a tub full of hot water.
Drink carrot juice, cucumber juice, eat cooked vegetables and/or vegetable soups, and drink coconut water for a healthy body & massage your joints daily to cure arthritis.
On an empty stomach eat 2-3 walnuts or some coconut.
Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress.
Lose weight, if necessary, to get close to your ideal weight. If you weigh less, there is less weight on your joints and less pain.
Effetive and Proven Results For - Arthcare Oil (Anti Inflammatory and Muscle Relaxant Herbal Massage Oil) :
Arthcare Oil is the best natural solution for your problem, manufactured under the guidance of renowned MD Ayurveda Specialist doctor. Arthcare is an anti-arthritic herbal oil which not only gives a sure relief in rheumatic arthritis but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable movements of joints and muscles. It is a powerful antioxidant and increases the energy level. Arthcare penetrates the body tissue faster than any other ointment because of its strong anti-inflammatory action. It removes stiffness and improves mobility of limbs. It brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains, joint pains etc. Body massage with Arthcare oil, relaxes an asthmatic person. Arthcare is scientifically proven Ayurvedic formulation containing the herbal combination of well known traditional herbs described above. Within few minutes of application you will feel relaxed from pain. For Best Results Take 2 Arthcare Capsules twice a day and massage the affected area with Arthcare Oil 2-3 times a day.
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For more information on Arthritis , please read at
Herbal Remedies:
The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. The following have been used traditionally to treat rheumatoid arthritis:
Shallaki also known as boswellia (Boswellia serrata), comes from a tree that yields gum when its bark is peeled away. In clinical trials, promising results were observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, Crohn's disease. Researchers found that standardized Boswellia extract significantly reduced swelling and pain and usually reduced morning stiffness for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Ashvagandha (Withania somniferum) is an Asian plant of the potato family. Its roots have long been used to treat "rheumatism," high blood pressure, immune dysfunctions, erection problems and also to ease inflammation. Because of all this, it's sometimes called the "Indian ginseng."
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) may be among the best-studied of the four. Research suggests ginger root inhibits production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are involved in pain and inflammation. In an uncontrolled 1992 Danish study, 56 patients who had either RA, OA or muscular discomfort took powdered ginger. All of those with musculoskeletal pain and three-fourths of those with OA or RA reported varying degrees of pain relief and no side effects, even among those who took the ginger for more than two years.
Herbal oils are applied to the arthritis to loosen stiff joints, restore mobility, remove pain, inflammation or swelling, nourish tissues and relieve pain. The experienced hands dipped in the pleasantly warmed oil will travel all over the body with pressure. Arthcare not only increases blood circulation but also gives a sure relief for rheumatic arthritis, spondylosis, paralysis, muscular disorder, slipped disc, asthma and tuberculosis. Brings in relief from stress, strain and tensions. It is also very good for tonning of one's muscles and nerves. Get instant relief within minutes of application of oil. For more information please read at
Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate): Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis.
Dosage and Directions: Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily as often as you'd like.
M/s Morpheme Remedies (P) Ltd., the portal on ayurveda is a complete Health Guide featuring natural remedies to all your health-related ailments. The portal has exclusive sections devoted to ayurveda, massage, herbs, herbal dietary supplements, home remedies, online consultation, online shop for herbal products and a lot more.

About The Author, the portal on ayurveda is a complete Health Guide featuring natural remedies to all your health-related ailments. The portal has exclusive sections devoted to ayurveda, massage, herbs, herbal dietary supplements, home remedies, online consultation, online shop for herbal products and a lot more.

This article was posted on December 12, 2004

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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility
 by: Dr. Mike Berkley

Although health and healing are the common goals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and allopathic medicine, their ideas on the etiology of disease, disease itself and the process used to regain health are decidedly different. The allopathic physician learns that disease must be cured by prescribing medicine, which kills bacteria or renders a virus ineffective; at times surgical intervention is a necessity.
There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach. It often works. The question worth exploring is why TCM succeeds where allopathic medicine fails? What is the mechanism of action of acupuncture and herbal medicine, which results in palliation or cure that is not manifest in biomedicine?
Though the goal of TCM is to cure a patient, the doctor of TCM attempts to do this not by treating the disease but rather by treating the whole person, taking into account the various attributes of an individual which, when combined, account for an individual being sick or healthy. A person, according to the tenets of TCM is more than their pathology. While treating the pathology may yield impressive results, they are commonly temporary.
A person is not, according to TCM, represented solely by his or her illness, but by the accumulation of every human interaction engaged in from the moment of birth, including the values of and the culture from which the individual develops. The emotional experiences, eating habits, work habits, work and living environment, personal habits and the social milieu are factors that contribute to disease and are factors which, when modified appropriately may lead to regained health.
Though the Western scientific community has not, to date, arrived at a methodology to use in research of Chinese medicine, the veracity and efficaciousness of this medical modality is nonetheless proved by its long history of continued success. More than a quarter of the world's population regularly uses TCM as part of their health care regimen. Chinese medicine is the only form of classical medicine, which is regularly and continuously used outside of its country of origin.
The 'Four Examinations' is a method of diagnosis which dates back over three thousand years. Observing, Listening and Smelling (Listening and Smelling are counted as one of the Four Examinations), Questioning and Palpating make up the 'Four Examinations'. This method of diagnosis is far from simplistic, allowing the practitioner to arrive at a differential diagnosis.
Each of the "Four Examinations" can take years to master, and while these diagnostic tools are not replacements for that which Western medicine can provide in analyzing and treating disease, they have the ability to offer information which, when understood in the context of TCM, provides additional opportunities in mapping out patterns of disease and arriving at greater treatment success.
The doctor of TCM must approach a patient with a clear and calm mind, without a preconceived diagnosis and etiology. This mind-set will enable the practitioner to yield clinical gems which are clues about the individual who sits before us! This is the stuff of TCM.
The subjective, interpretive and objective evidence of an individual obtained via the 'Four Examinations' leads to the discovery of the etiology of disease while concomitantly opening a window to the 'Whole Person", thus revealing where in the individual's life the pathogenesis started and what initiated it. The practitioner of TCM must utilize his own interpretive skills, which takes into consideration what is verbalized by the patient and what is observed, while considering what the patient does not verbalize as well. Often, that which is not said can be as clinically enlightening as the information which is freely provided. The tone of the voice, the complexion, the condition of the eyes (in TCM, the Shen or spirt of an individual is said to be revealed through their eyes. Who can deny the clinical efficacy of this? Is there a different expression revealed through the eyes of a clinically depressed individual than from those of a happy, well adjusted one?), the facial expression, the overall demeanor, how one walks, sits, and stands are all observed and utilized by the doctor of Chinese medicine as part of the information required to arrive at a differential diagnosis. The doctor must be able to note and sense inconsistencies in an individual that are expressed by the patient even without the patient being cognizant of the chasms which exist between what they verbally express and what their spiritual presentation divulges. The sensitivity to and awareness of these human idiosyncrasies enables the TCM doctor to develop an understanding of who the patient is even before the 'main complaint' is discussed.
Proper treatment in TCM is more than the elimination of pathological processes. In addition to attacking a pathological factor(s), it is the responsibility of the TCM doctor to support the individual in his or her goal of achieving overall health which includes aspects of physical-psycho-emotional and spiritual health. This paradigmatic approach is an inexorable part of the process of healing. Without it, we are merely chasing the sickness and forgetting about the patient. With this approach, the patient is seen as a whole person, representing the sum of a lifetime of experiences if you will, not just an embodiment of pathology.
Pathologies are guests (and we hope temporary ones!) in a home which serves as a gracious host - our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. TCM first is concerned with strengthening the immune function which includes homeostasis of the physical, emotional and spiritual attributes of the patient, so as to be able to assist the patient in his or her endeavor to do battle and destroy the enemy at the gates (or inside them). When people are chronically exhausted from lack of sleep resulting from anxiety or depression, they can become chronically sick as a result of a lowered immune system.
In TCM the point of departure from Western medicine is not to view the acute presentation (called "the branch" in TCM) as primary, but to treat the etiology (called "the root" in TCM) which is the anxiety and depression which causes the insomnia then facilitating exhaustion and lowering the immune function which can lead to chronic illness.
So, rather than prescribing antibiotics repeatedly, we might address the patient's anxiety/depression syndrome or refer them out to a psychotherapist for appropriate intervention while simultaneously providing treatment.
In Part II we'll look at the mechanisms of action in infertility.

About The Author

Dr. Mike Berkley has been treating fertility disorders since 1996 with amazing results. He works exclusively in the area of reproductive medicine and enjoys working in conjunction with some of New York's most prestigious reproductive endocrinologists. Sign up for his free newsletter at

This article was posted on December 07, 2004

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The Effects of Diet on Infertiltiy

The Effects of Diet on Infertiltiy
 by: Dr. Mike Berkley

Overwhelmed by studies, research and the constantly changing diet, nutrition and food recommendations? With so many conflicting opinions and studies it's a full time job trying to keep up with the do's and don'ts.
Here are… not just five, but six... of the top basic lifestyle changes that Cynthia Stadd, Director of Nutrition Services at The Berkley Center, recommends to proactively promote and prepare your body for conception and a remarkable family life!
Greatly reduce or eliminate caffeine and coffee altogether. It is a vasoconstrictor which can impede blood flow.
Establish a whole foods based diet that's easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. Include whole vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and minimal animal protein. Consider scheduling a consultation with a nutritionist to discover which fresh whole foods you should choose for your body type including quantities, shopping tips and food preparation techniques for maximum health and digestion.
Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary liquids. The new high energy, vitamin and natural food drinks on the market may seem like a healthy alternative but they might not be as good for you as you think.
Avoid chemicals, additives and preservatives. Get educated on how to read food labels, recognize the artificial sweeteners to stay away from, and get acquainted with some natural sweeteners you may never even have heard about. Start increasing your fertility quotient with powerful dietary and nutritional counseling.
Limit your dairy intake. Find out the scary correlation between cow's milk and reproductive health. Get the latest information on hormones, organics and soy… and how they may be affecting your reproductive health.
Curb unhealthy cravings. Here's a simple solution you can start using tomorrow. Eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast can make cravings worse so start your day right and don't miss the most important meal of the day. When working with a dietician you'll learn lots of reasons and cures for unhealthy cravings including other emotional factors that may be keeping your body from conceiving.
Proper nutrition is very important from the perspective of reproductive health. A registered nutritionist will provide you with a list of foods and beverages which you should abstain from and a list of foods and beverages which you should partake of. Following these guidelines are important for your health in general and for your reproductive health in particular. She will walk you step by step through your own personalized nutrition and fitness plan and will also give you quick lifestyle and nutritional tips to break free from cravings that can reduce your chances of conceiving.
Your nutritionist will also guide you in managing any chronic health problems, help you attain your healthy, ideal weight, help you understand how your lifestyle choices impact your ability to conceive, help you create balance in your life as your prepare for parenthood, assist you in developing a manageable, doable exercise routine, reduce and manage stress on a day-to-day basis and support you in your journey to conception.

About The Author

Dr. Mike Berkley has been treating fertility disorders since 1996 with amazing results. He works exclusively in the area of reproductive medicine and enjoys working in conjunction with some of New York's most prestigious reproductive endocrinologists. Sign up for his free newsletter at

This article was posted on December 07, 2004

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Femara (Letrozole) is used to treat postmenopausal women with breast cancer.

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Weight Gaining

Weight Gaining
 by: Armen Hareyan

I learned about gaining weight when I heard the question of a skinny girl asking, "how does someone gain weight." First I came to surprise because gaining weight is not something that people want to have around you. On the other hand we hear that everyone is asking each other for tips on how to lose weight.
Weight Gaining
This article does not intend to provide the reader with good and healthy ways of gaining weight. The intention is informative and is raise an awareness about the fact of how many people are interested to gain weight.
I promised her that I will do research on how to gain weight and on gaining weight without hurting your health.
I was surprised to see that in this age when the majority around us are searching for various weight loss programs, there are so many who are looking for ways to gain weight.
The data provided by shows that in May of 2004 the number of searches that were conducted for "gain weight" was 20514. 16810 searches were done by using the term "weight gain." Slightly differently, "gaining weigh," were searched 5621 times. This does not include the pregnancy category because that number is 4858.
The conclusion is that to our surprise there are many in various countries and cultures among us that are interested in weight gaining. will attempt to bring more articles on this topic that would serve the weight gaining information needs of our readers.
Copyright 2004

About The Author

Armen Hareyan is the Publisher of that publishes free health care articles on many subjects of human health.

This article was posted on December 07, 2004


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Wheel Chair Ramp

Wheel Chair Ramp
 by: Armen Hareyan

Some people order fomr various companies when in need of Wheel Chair Ramp. Others just try do build their own wheelchair ramp, thus trying to save some money or for variety of reasons. In any case you want your Wheelchair Ramp to be the best it can to suite your needs.
Here are few questions that you can ask yourself before you either build or order a Wheel Chair Ramp from a company.
What weight capacity am I looking for this Wheel Chair Ramp to be? Is this going to be good for doorway thresholds and raise landings? One probably would like the Wheel Chair Ramp to have a 600lbs. weight capacity because Electric Wheel Chairs can be very heavy.
Do you need one that bridges gaps over steps, curbs and raised landings? Perhaps you can ask the company if they have the ramps available in different sizes for your various needs.
Is the new Wheelchair Ramp going to be sturdy and dependable? For the smaller Ramps a good question is are they lightweight and can be transported without much efforts?
Some Wheel Chair Ramps are not for the house use only, but are built to enable access to vans or other kinds of transportation. Therefore, a question that rises here is are these rams convenient to store and set up? Is the length adjustable?
It is important that the Wheel Chair Ramp may provide a solid and safe driving surface for any kinds of wheelchairs: electric or manual. Ramps should have a 5' straight and level surface at the bottom to allow adequate stopping distance.
Copyright 2004

About The Author

Armen Hareyan is the Publisher of that publishes free health care articles on many subjects of human health.

This article was posted on December 07, 2004


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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christopher Reeve To Have Promoted Basement Lab

Christopher Reeve To Have Promoted Basement Lab
 by: Gerald Armstrong

Chrisopher Reeve has died. But his vision of a "Cure" has not. Mr. Reeve, who became a quadripilegic after a horse riding accident in 1995, was best known as advocate for stem cell research which promises cures for spinal cord injuries. Shortly before his death he had planned to get behind a little known biotech driven offshore By President Bush's restrictions on stem cell research. The "Cure" didn't reach Christopher Reeve in time. But a cure for the paralysis that plagued the star –and ultimately led to his death may be in the test tubes in a basement lab in a small carribean island.
People all over the world are mouning the actor and activist, but the scientists at Gen Cells Cures lab were particularly saddened by the news. No one except the Actor and Gerald Armstrong of Gen Cells Cures new about Mr. Reeve's plans to get behind the research of the now disabled biotech. Spokesperson Gerald Armstrong had this to say. "Not only did President Bush restrict the research … there are no public funds for our research. All of our operations are completely shut down until we can locate private money. I cried when I heard the news, where do we go from here. Along with millions of other people I mourn Christopher Reeves passing and extend my sincere condolences to his family. I pray the world embraces Christopher Reeves family, as they grieve the loss of their husband, father and son."
Chritopher Reeves taught people two words: Hope and Cures-- Without hope we have nothing. As for Cures… Gen Cells Cures will finish the work.
Article by Gerald Armstrong-
Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures-
Visit his group for information on cures for incurable diseases and aging.
You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated

About The Author

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to curing incurable diseases and aging. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. I am passionate about molecular biology and what we can do with science to find ugently needed cures for those people suffering from aging and incurable diseases.

This article was posted on November 29, 2004

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Looking To Buy Home Exercise Equipment?

Looking To Buy Home Exercise Equipment?
 by: Ray Hudson

Looking to buy Home exercise equipment? Here is how to choose between two of the best selling ones: treadmills and ellipticals
Both elliptical trainers and treadmills are two of the most popular home fitness equipment. They are excellent tools for getting an aerobic workout indoors. In fact, When you compare ellipticals vs treamills, you will quickly realize that treadmills have been around much longer whereas elliptical machines have only come to the party fairly recently. As a result, treadmills are wider known and more commonplace. However, a quick trip to your local gym will show that there are almost as many ellipticals these days as there are treadmills. There is a good reason for that.
A quick comparison:
When you compare treadmills to elliptical trainers, you can't help but notice how impact free the elliptical machine is.
With the elliptical trainer, there is no impact on the ground, so the joints in your lower body are free from any abuse. Although the treadmill mat is better for your knees than cement, there is still a significant amount of impact on your joints.
One obvious point that is in favor of treadmills is that it provides a better training experience for a dedicated runner/jogger than an elliptical trainer. If you are training for a marathon or even a 10k, and you don't want to go outdoors too often during the months, you are certainly better off with a quality treadmill.
That being said, if you are looking for a quality aerobic workout with the maximum amount of efficiency, you will not be able to overlook the elliptical trainer. Most ellipticals give you a total body workout if you have dual action handlebars for your arms and foot pedals for your legs, whereas treadmills focus more on your lower body as they simulate the jogging experience.
What is even more interesting, according to recent studies, is that the lack of impact on the joints allows the user to burn roughly the same amount of calories as treadmills with the impression of putting CONSIDERABLY less effort.
Therefore, it comes as no surprise that ellipticals have been the machine of choice for senior citizens with knee problems, as well as physical trainers who are involved in rehabilitating their clients.
This is what Thomas Altena, an exercise physiologist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, had to say: "The physiological responses associated with elliptical exercises were nearly indentical to treadmill exercises." He went on to conclude that "both exercise machines are effective for increasing the amount of calories burned and for producing cardio respiratory health and training benefits..."
Finally, one feature which is often overlooked about elliptical trainers is the ability to add variety to your aerobic workout. Whenever anyone is on an exercise plan, one of the biggest challenges he faces is to stay motivated and interested in his workouts. With the treadmill, the ability to change the incline, as well as the intensity are big pluses, which has contributed to its popularity over the last decade.
The elliptical trainer matches these features and has a few additional ones of its own.
First, we spoke earlier of the dual action handlebars. Well as an exerciser, in addition to changing the cross ramp incline (which is available in Precor models, as well as varying the intensity, you also have the option to not use the handlebar and ONLY focus on your lower body.
Although this option is not used often, it DOES add variety to your workout. Also, you can vary the intensity in more ways. You can increase the speed of you motion with or without changing the difficulty level of the stride. With treadmills you have to manually change the speed level to increase your speed.
However, the most critical feature, and what separates the elliptical trainer from many other exercise machines when it comes to variety, is the forward and reversible feature on the foot pedals. When you are going forward, you feel like a cross country skier hitting the long slopes. However, when you reverse your pedal motion, you can target your lower body in a completely different way. Without question, you are targeting your quadricep muscles and will soon feel them burn after a few minutes.
Although it is too early to state that elliptical machines will dethrone the treadmill as the exercise equipment of choice, you can bet that they will give them a good run for their money. If you look at all the health clubs and rehab clinics, you will soon realize that elliptical trainers are more than just a fad and are here to stay.

About The Author

Ray Hudson is the chief editor for, a consumer oriented site that focuses exclusively on elliptical trainers. You get unbiased reviews on top elliptical brands including Smooth (, Proform, ( and many others.

The site also features tips on budgeting for scuba equipment ( ) as well as a scuba gear checklist ( ) .

This article was posted on November 29, 2004


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How To Clone The Perfect Baby

How To Clone The Perfect Baby
 by: Gerald Armstrong

Sheep, Cows, pigs, mice, donkeys, mules, cats and a rare wild african wildcat.
What next then? You know what's coming next...The perfect baby.
To date all the human cloning claims have been a fraud because no DNA proof has been presented. However, the Korean's cloning experiments have opened the door wider on human cloning. President Bush can bang his head up against the wall all he wants. He can get down on his knees and pray to God for the world to outlaw cloning. He can pass all the laws he wants to ban human cloning, but there will always be people out there who will disagree with him and there will always be a little corner in the world that will allow full blown human cloning and the creation of the perfect baby. Our motto is "Have Michroscope Will Travel!"
We here at Gen Cells Cures have found that the Korean's new technique of squeezing out the DNA from the egg cell works much better than sucking out the DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievement.
Most research scientists will deny that they would consider cloning a baby. Only because it's not popular, but most cloning scientists would love to be the first to clone a healthy baby if it weren't for the controversy.. Well, for the record, I, Gerald Armstrong the owner Of Gen Cells Cures, a biotech company, think it's a fantastic idea! (My biotech does private medical research for wealthy people who are looking for a cures for incurable diseases.) What's the difference if a baby is created from a sperm cell and and a human egg cell or a human cell and a human egg cell. A baby is a baby. Would God not love this baby too? I can't wait to have my son. When I was a young man I didn't want children. I had a vasectomy, Now I regret it. I will have my son… the technologies are now in my very own hands.
But I am not a renegade scientist I will not create my son until we have perfected the science to avoid birth defects. I also hate human life expectancy …what's 120 years if you are very very lucky. Just the blink of an eye. I will rework my son's telemeres to extend his life. What's holding me back? The funding needed for the research.There are no technological barriers to prevent us from accomplishing this goal. Only countless hours of hard work. Do you think we might be able to change President Bush's opinion. Yes, Mr. President just go ahead and make the check out for 100 million dollars to Gen Cells Cures. For now, if you want to cure an incurable disease or clone your lost pet we can handle the job, but the perfect baby will have to wait. But it's only a matter of time, research and money.
Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures-
Visit his group for information on cures for incurable diseases and aging.
You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated

About The Author

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to curing incurable diseases and aging. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. I am passionate about molecular biology and what we can do with science to find ugently needed cures for those people suffering from aging and incurable diseases.

This article was posted on November 29, 2004

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Curing Cancer

Curing Cancer
 by: Gerald Armstrong

Before Two Out Of Three Of Us Die From Cancer
Lifting the curse of the Big C. For years cancer has been seen as a death sentence and still brings out the fear of God in most of us today. We at Gen Cells Cures believe the tide is about to turn.
6 million people will die this year from a disorder that is often discussed in terms that make it seem less like a disease than an implacable enemy. What tuberculosis was to the 19th century, cancer has been to the 20th: an insidious, malevolent force that frightens people beyond all reason…far more than, say diabetes or high blood pressure and with good reason. In the year 1880, one in thirty developed cancer in their lifetime. In the 21st century, the figure is 1 in 2- shocking statistics! Unlike other killer dieases, cancer usually causes a slow death involving pain, suffering, mental anguish, and a feeling of hopelessness. In addition, the mental and physical stress it puts on loved ones and caretakers is beyond calculation.)
Cancer is a public health problem worldwide. It affects all people: The young and old, the rich and poor, men, women and children. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth and spread of cells that may affect almost any tissue of the body. Lung, colorectal and stomach cancer are among the five most common cancers in the world for both men and women. Among men, lung and stomach cancer are the most common cancers worldwide. For women, the most common cancers are breast and cervical cancer. More than 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year. Cancer causes 6 million deaths every year. It's the "Big C" that scares me personally. When my own cells start eating me alive I will eat, sleep and dream of a biomedical cure for this deadly killer. Too many people learn just how precious life is at the moment they discover their own is ending. Although I don't believe I have cancer now. I'll admit it, I have the fear of an early death from an incurable disease and cancer is number one on my fear list.
A revolution is underway in cancer research and we hope to be at the forefront of the revolution while easing some of the fear of an early death from this deadly killer. Most cancers likes to get an early start with the average age to begin eating away at your healthy cells is about 55 years old, a particulary scary time for one Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures because I am about 55 years old! And the risk of cancer increases significantly more as we grow older. Two-thirds of the cancer being diagnosed today occurs after 65 years of age.
With over 200 types of cancer we hope to get our hands dirty with a couple types of cancer. By assembling some of the top scientific minds from around the world we hope to better understand the biology behind the disease and perhaps bring a cure for one or two forms of cancer from the bench to our individual patient's bedside.
We think we can advance the ball of research a lot faster working in the carribean with our open petri dishes and absolutely no one looking over our shoulder. Again we have been asked to research a particular cancer, which we feel we can cure with the right team of scientists and the leadership and management provided by Gerald Armstrong. By focusing on one patient at a time with our private, personalized cancer research we will prevail.The problem is one in the same here at Gen Cells Cures as it is at many biotechs around the world. The best private biotechs simply lack the funding to do the research. Looking for private money is like pulling teeth. Many biotechs doing research just barely keep their doors open from month to month. Last year there were cumulative net losses of more than $40 billion for the industry's public companies.Unless a biotech is billionaire backed like the Stowers Institute from Kansas City you better have a good night job. Apart from the lack of funding we believe that the same kind of successful strategies used to make billionaires wealthy can also be applied to scientific research to make people healthy. It just takes the right team with the right leadership and a little prime the pump money to get some success flowing into the pipeline. Success is success whether it's in love, money or health. We know that belief makes things happen and we will make it happen. We want to go beyond current technologies which so often end with the word relapse and finally be able to say the word cured.
Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures-
Visit his group for information on cures for incurable diseases and aging.
You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated

About The Author

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to curing incurable diseases and aging. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. I am passionate about molecular biology and what we can do with science to find ugently needed cures for those people suffering from aging and incurable diseases.

This article was posted on November 29, 2004


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