Saturday, February 18, 2012

Agoraphobia And Panic Attack Help by Yvonne Kelly

There is phobia that is linked to the experience of panic attacks‚ and that is agoraphobia. An agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces or of being in crowded‚ public places such as shopping markets. It is a fear associated with leaving a safe zone‚ such as the home.

Because of a feeling of being vulnerable‚ people who experience this fear often suffer from panic attacks in these “open” situations. It is true to say many people who have regular panic attacks experience different degrees of agoraphobia. Some have a lingering background anxiety about being away from home should they experience a panic attack. Other people are so immobilized by this fear that they find it very difficult to leave their home for even a short period.

The thinking behind agoraphobia usually follows the line that were a panic attack to occur‚ who would look after the person‚ how would he or she get the assistance and reassurance they needed? The vulnerability grows from the feeling that once victims of agoraphobia are caught in the anxiety‚ they are suddenly unable to look after themselves and are therefore at the mercy of the place they find themselves in and the strangers around them. In its extreme form‚ agoraphobia and panic attacks can lead to a situation where people become housebound for numerous years. Please note‚ this is by no means a hopeless situation‚ and I always need to reinforce the fact that something only becomes hopeless once the person really believes that to be the case.

Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks

To begin with‚ the primary issue that needs to be addressed is the belief in the safe zone. To clarify‚ when I talk about safe zone‚ I am referring to the zone where the person believes panic attacks do not occur‚ or at least occur infrequently. As comfort is found there‚ it is where the person tends to spend more and more time. The safe zone of anxiety is a myth sustained by the mind. The mind has developed a habit of thinking that dictates that being inside the safe zone is the only place to feel secure and avoid agoraphobia and panic attacks.

If agoraphobia is an issue for you‚ watch as your mind comes up with reasons why it believes only a certain area is safe and another is not. Those reasons range from being near the phone or people you trust to having familiar physical surroundings to reassure you.

The reality of anxiety is that there is no such thing as a safe zone. There is nothing life threatening about a panic attack‚ and therefore sitting at home is the same as sitting under the stars on a desert island. Of course‚ your mind will immediately rush to tell you that a desert island is a ridiculous place to be as there are no hospitals‚ no tranquillizers‚ no doctors‚ NO SAFETY.

You need to review your previous experiences of panic attacks. Aren’t you still here‚ alive and well‚ after all those attacks during which you were convinced you were going to die?

It may be that on occasions you have been driven to the hospital where they did medicate you to calm you down‚ but do you really believe that you would not have survived were it not for the drugs? You would have. If the same bout of anxiety had occurred on this desert island‚ it too would have passed‚ even if you were all alone. Yes‚ when it comes to conditions that need medical attention such as asthma‚ diabetes‚ and a whole litany or other conditions‚ then having medical aid nearby is a big asset‚ but no doctor in the world would tell someone with anxiety that there are only specific safe zones in which she or he can move.

As I know more than anyone how terrifying it can feel to move out of your safe zone as the feeling of fear is welling up inside‚ I do not wish to sound harsh. This course is not about chastising people for their behaviors. It is a way of looking together at solutions and seeing through the myths that form prison walls. The goal is to enable you to return to a richer and more meaningful life and ultimately defeat your agoraphobia and panic attacks. I also realize that people around you cannot understand why a trip to shops would cause you such discomfort. You will have to forgive them and try not to be upset by their lack of understanding of your problem.

If an individual such as a partner or family member has not had a similar anxiety issue‚ that person may often find it hard to understand and empathize with what you are going through. I am sure you have been dragged out of the house numerous times against your will‚ kicking and screaming. This can then lead to tensions and arguments and is upsetting as it can make you feel less understood by those around you. People around agoraphobics are often simply trying what they feel is best. If you can see that their intentions are well meaning (although often misguided)‚ then you will be able to relate to them better and help sooth any potential conflicts.

There is one thing I am sure you will agree with‚ and that is that the only person who will get you out of agoraphobic thinking is yourself. These are your thoughts‚ and only you can begin to change that pattern. Dealing with long term agoraphobia and panic attacks is a slow process to begin with‚ but once the results start happening‚ it moves faster and faster until you reach a point where you will find it hard to believe that going out was such a difficult task.

I hope you have found this agoraphobia and panic attacks page helpful in some way.

For more information, visit:

The Easy Blackhead Removal Trick You Can Use Today by George Hutton

Acne is a horrible skin condition that affects literally hundreds of millions of people every year. If you suffer from acne, the only thing you can think of is how to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Blackheads are no different. If you are suffering from blackheads right now, and are looking for a good blackhead removal method, then you've come to the right place. The method you will learn here is quick and easy, and you can do it as soon as you finish reading this article.

Blackheads are slightly different from you average, everyday pimple. Pimples contain a white puss that is developed due to the pressure inside a clogged pore. In order to release the pressure, often times all it takes is a quick squeeze, and you're good to go. Of course this only works with pimples that are commonly referred to as whiteheads, and aren't recommended for other kinds.

With blackheads, you can still get rid of them by squeezing, but you'll need to try a slightly different method. Before you remove the blackhead, clean your skin first to make sure all the bacteria and germs are gone. You are going to be opening your pore, so you don't want in bugs getting in there. It's best to use an anti-bacterial soap or an exfoliate, as this will help prep your skin.

Once your skin is nice and clean, get a small towel, an soak it in some hot water. Then with the towel as hot as you can stand it, hold it against the area with the blackhead for about five to ten minutes. This will loosen the blackhead up and make it easier to get out of there. You might want to consider using a couple of towels, or throwing the one you are using in the microwave for a couple minutes, as it can cool down pretty quickly.

Now that your skin is clean and softened up, it's time to get that ugly blackhead out of there. Try and squeeze from underneath the blackhead, so you'll be putting pressure on the bottom of it, so it will be more likely to pop out. Just by squeezing from the sides won't help, as it will only increase the pressure on the inside. By pushing from underneath, you will increase the pressure which will help push the blackhead out. But be careful not to push too hard, as this can cause damage to the skin, and may make things worse.

Of course, it's a good idea to always exfoliate, and use anti-bacterial soap on your skin to prevent future blackheads from forming. Many people have begin to understand that there could potentially be some ingredients in bar soap that actually closes your pores.

Consider The Possibilities Of Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss by Sherri Frost

The possibilities of self hypnosis for weight loss are endless.

When you really try to figure out the real reason most people want to lose weight you'll find that people just want to feel good about themselves. Losing weight is the thing that they think will make it happen. The media shows us people who are happy after losing weight. They often find their true love and live happily ever after.

If you stop for a moment and remember a time in your life when you were happy, it's quite possible that you were thin. You try to recapture those feelings by losing weight.

When you start to lose weight, it feels really good. Your clothes fit better and you have more energy. When you finally reach your weight loss goal, it feels great and you get to celebrate your success.

This is where the problems begin. If you haven't changed your habits and mindset, you are going to find it hard to maintain the weight. Typically, the weight goes right back on. With each pound gained, you begin to feel a little worse and worse.

You can end this roller coaster ride right now by considering the possibilities. The possibilities of feeling good now.

Life's possibilities are not limited by your weight. You may be limiting yourself by using your weight as an excuse not to do something. Are you someone who knows what you want out of life? Or are you someone who lives your life worrying about your body size?

Knowing what you really want in life will do more for weight loss than any diet plan. When you absolutely know what you want, your thoughts and mindset will fall into line and a naturally healthy body weight soon follows. This can be as simple as self hypnosis.

When you change your beliefs about eating and exercising, you'll begin to take the actions that lead you in this direction.

This is why self hypnosis is so important. Self hypnosis helps you to speed up the process. Here are two ways to get started:

1. Close your eyes and remember a time in your life when you were happy. Create a clear picture in your mind and remember all the sounds, sights and smells. Enjoy the feeling for a few moments. Now bring into mind a picture of choosing healthy foods and attach it to those wonderful feelings. Do this a few more times until it feels natural.

2. Write out a couple of suggestions for healthy weight loss. These should be positive statements such as "I respect my body", "I make healthy eating habits a way of life for me" or "I make choices about food that are in alignment with my desire to be slender." Carry these statements with you and read them throughout the day. You'll soon find that have become a way of life for you.

Some find that they are looking for an easier method of self hypnosis and choose to purchase a recorded audio. The above statements are a sample of what's included in the one we've created to make it easy for our clients.

There are endless possibilities when using self hypnosis for weight loss.

Here Are A Couple Of Blackhead Removal Methods That Will Work For You by George Hutton

Acne is a terrible condition to get, and has a horrible quality of showing up just when you least expect it. When I was in high school, I got a big pimple on the end of my nose the day before the senior prom. Boy was I embarrassed. Blackheads are probably one of the worst kinds to get, and can be the most difficult to remove. However, there are a few blackhead removal methods that have been proven to be effective, which I'd like to talk about in this article.

Just keep in mind that although they seem to come out of nowhere, pimples and blackheads actually take a while to form before you see them, so it may take a while to get rid of them. Blackheads are no exception. So when you try the methods described here, be sure to give them at least a week before you can expect to see any difference.

The first method involves creating a miniature steam bath for your face. Just fill up a sink with hot water, and lower your head so your face is receiving a lot of steam. Then take a big towel and put it over the back of your head and shoulders, creating a small space filled with steam. If you can, leave the water running so the steam stays hot. Just be careful.

Once your face is nice and sweaty, you're ready for the next part. This is just washing your face, and using whatever favorite anti blackhead cream you have. Some people use that exfoliating soap that feels like it has little pieces of sand in it. It removes the dead skin. Many people also like to add in an enzymatic cleaner, which can break down the oil that is causing the problems. Just be sure to wash your face really well after your steam bath.

Another method is to use some type of tape or wax to physically pull the blackheads off. You can do this two ways. One popular method is to get those sticks or those special pieces of tape. You clean your skin, and apply the tape or the stick to your blackhead, and then carefully pull it off. Be sure to clean the very well afterward. Another way to do this is to have your face waxed. It seems strange, but actually it's quite common for people to do this.

Since there are several different degrees of severity of acne and blackheads, be sure to keep trying different things. Keep a consistent effort, and do the same thing day in and day out, and before you know it, all your acne will be gone.

Easy Weight Loss Tips: Three Ways To Success by Sherri Frost

Follow these three easy weight loss tips to get results right away.

1. Set a realistic goal. You are not going to lose 10-15 pounds per week unless you are on a TV show, holed up in a canyon with personal trainers, doctors and nutritionists. Don't even think about it. Set mini-goals as you work your way towards a bigger goal.

What is the end result you want to see happen? Perhaps you want to lose forty pounds in seven months. That is very a very realistic and doable goal. Then decide on a small goal for yourself that you can reach right away. This could be something like losing two pounds in the next week or exercising for a half hour each day. When you reach this small goal, you'll have the feeling of success. Remember to take the time to celebrate each success along the way, you deserve it! This is going to make the entire journey more enjoyable.

One more thought about goals. To make a goal truly inspirational you will want to include more than just weight loss. Include details about how you will look and feel in your new clothes. Write it down and refer to it often.

2. Broadcast it to the world. Declare your intentions out loud. Let everyone know that you are losing weight. Tell your friends, post it online and shout it out your window if it helps. Do whatever you need to do to let people know. It may sound crazy but when you let everyone know what your goals are they become so much more real and tangible.

Even more powerful: Take a before photo and post it online. Take more pictures as you continue to lose weight. Who doesn't enjoy seeing before and after shots of people who have been successful at losing weight. Besides having your clothes fit more loosely, it's the easiest way to see the results.

Just as Oprah has been an inspiration to many as she has shared her weight loss saga, you'll be surprised to learn that you are providing motivation to your friends.

3. Surround yourself with success. Seek out the company of friends and family who support and encourage you. Unfortunately not all of them will give you what you need.

As you lose weight, your friends and family may be getting a bit nervous. They may not see your loss as their gain and they may sabotage your efforts. They could be fearful that you won't want to spend time with them anymore. Or it may make them realize that they have given up on their own goals.

To ignore the unhelpful comments of others, use self hypnosis. Use affirmations to change your thoughts and reprogram your mind towards success. Using these easy weight loss tips, you can tap into the success that is already within you.

Do You Need A Spine Surgeon? by Nick Messe

Nick groans as he wakes up. A week ago, he strained his back reaching for a huge a bag of sand at the landscaping company where he works. That was followed by throbbing pain, not only in his back but down his arms and sometimes all over his body. Now every morning when he awakens, he feels as if he can hardly move.

It doesn't get much better during the day. Yesterday, when he tried to keep his regular weekly golf date with his buddies, he found all he could manage was a poor feeble imitation of his regular golf swing and it hurt to even do that. He struggled through the first two holes, but then had to give up. The over-the-counter pain pills he has been taking simply have not helped.

Nick's next step should be to see a doctor and his best choice would be a specialist in spinal surgery. Surgery may or may not be necessary, but a spinal surgeon is in the best position to help decide. The doctor will order tests such as X-rays or MRIs to determine what kind of an injury Nick may have.

The spine is an intricate and essential part of the human body and many things can go wrong, from a slipped disk to a compression fracture to minor stenosis. An altogether too common problem, for older women especially, is osteoporotic fractures of the spine. Fortunately, these days, there are many forms of treatment even for serious spinal problems.

Some spinal injuries can be treated without surgery. Doctors may suggest heat treatments, physical therapy, or prescription drugs. Some people opt for alternative treatments like chiropractic care or acupuncture. Nonetheless, surgery is often the best or the only real choice. Many people are frightened by the specter of back surgery, assuming that it is extremely dangerous and that the recovery time is long and painful.

In fact, spine surgery has come a long way and medical advances have made it safer and easier. Specialists can even perform minimally invasive surgery. These procedures do not require as much surgical manipulation of the spine as traditional spinal surgery does. As a result, patients usually have lower risks and less pain as well as shorter recovery times.

Fortunately for our hero Nick, his doctors decide that he is eligible for the new surgical procedure. He will have an outpatient operation and he'll be up and about rather quickly. If he is smart, he'll also do back strengthening and therapeutic exercises for the rest of his life to keep his back healthy and his golf swing strong as can be and as smooth as glass. He may never get that elusive hole in one, but his days as a recreational golfer will be long and enjoyable.

A Dermatologist Treats A Myriad Of Skin Conditions by Nick Messe

A dermatologist is a medical specialist trained to diagnose and treat various skin conditions. Primarily, a dermatologist attends a medical school and next completes a residency program to obtain specialized training. Based on the dermatologist's pursuit, they may train to take care of both adults and children. Skin doctors may specialize in diagnostics and treatment of skin disorders. They may also receive certification in surgical procedures, management of contact dermatitis, inflammatory, systemic, and infectious diseases.

Conventionally, dermatologists treat common disorders of the skins, such as atopic dermatitis. This is a variety of eczema that develops at the beginning of childhood, and it progresses into the teen years. Symptoms include skin sensitivity that presents itching and burning. The facial skin can become blotchy, red, dry or flaky. In severe cases, blisters may manifest. The disease improves with the application of corrective, skincare products and lifestyle changes. A dermatologist recommends prescription medications or topicals including corticosteroids, skin creams, ointments, and in some status light therapy.

Allergic-contact dermatitis composes a condition that results from the skin's reaction to a substance causing allergy. Some common allergens that all too often leads to this skin condition are exposure to poison oak, detergents, perfumes, and foods such as peanuts. While symptoms vary, it is not unusual for people with this variety of eczema to produce blisters or inflammation of the skin. Treatment plans can include avoiding the allergenic substance, prescription medications or applying medicative topicals.

Any individual should see a dermatologist when he or she finds a lesion that is questionable. If there are genetic markers, this can increase a person's likelihood of the development of skin cancer. Dermatologists undergo extensive training to evaluate and treat and malignancy of the skin. They have extensive knowledge in skin cancer treatment and the other diseases that affect the skin.

Innovations in dermatology contribute to essential products that defy the aging process in men and women. From wrinkles to frown lines, Botox embodies a medicative injectable practiced in the treatment of a myriad of skin care needs. Botox constitutes a toxin makes up a bacteria called Clostridium otulinum. Primarly, it decreases the nerve signals that transmit to muscle fibers. Botox is available with a prescription exclusively, and the side effects include neck pain, dysphagia or difficulty swallowing and ptosis also called drooping eyelids.

Prior to turning to Botox, a dermatologist will introduce alternatives involving dermabrasion, exfoliants, chemical peels, injectable treatments, anti-wrinkle serums, creams, and lotions. All of these products are excellent options. A dermatologist will go over all the advantages and disadvantages. Cutera is among the latest advancements in aesthetic laser and light wrinkle treatment. This cutting-edge technology is instrumental in addressing not only wrinkles but also sun-damaged skin, acne scarring, growths, and other skin problems.

Resurfacing laser treatments like laser genesis smooths the appearance of skin and rebuilds collagen lost because of severe acne. The precision of these lasers treatments enables dermatologists to polish off damage tissue and strengthen collagen fiber clearly, devoid of bleeding, with minimal recovery time.

Understanding Your Muscle Fibers: A Look at How to Build Your Body by James Druman

To truly get the most out of your workouts, you need to understand what kind of muscle fibers you are stimulating with the workouts you are doing. While looking at any particular body part from the outside, you won't be able to tell the muscle fiber, if you were able to really check under the skin at the muscle itself you would see an incredible difference.

We are going to talk about the 3 main types of muscle fibers in the body. They are fast twitch muscle fibers type A, fast twitch muscle fibers type B, and slow twitch. Understanding the differences, will bring the understanding of your body to a new level.

Fast Twitch Type A

These are the muscles which do most of the powerful contractions, but are the type that fatigue quickly. They are your glory muscles, the ones that fill with blood and look good when your shirt is off. Doing three or four sets of squats or shoulder presses are a good example of when you would be using these muscles.

These muscles tend not to use oxygen as well as the others, this is why they are typically not endurance type muscles.

These are the muscle fibers that are going to use the creatine that you may be using in your muscle building journey right now. Working out will really deplete their normal creatine levels, and the need to supplement is often there.

Fast Twitch Type B

These are very similar to type A, but are often used on exercises that are not at a 100% level.

Much of the time if you are not going to failure on an exercise you will be using these type B fibers. They do not fatigue as quickly as type A, but do share a lot of the other characteristic as type A. They do not fatigue as quickly mainly because of their ability to use oxygen. It is far superior to type A oxygen use.

Slow Twitch

This brings us to the last type of muscle fiber. Slow twitch! These are your endurance muscles; they are the kind that long distance runners and other endurance sports use.

You will not get a lot of power out of these muscles, but their ability to use oxygen to maintain a steady pace is above and beyond any of the fast twitch types. These are also the muscle fibers that burn your fat as fuel. This is why cardio is an important factor in getting a lean body. The slow twitch muscle fibers, will in fact burn the fat on your body more effectively, but they will also use the other two types as fuel as well. This is why long bouts of cardio is not recommended for strength training. You will actually be burning off some of your muscular gains.

So when you are in the gym, now you will be able to understand the muscles you are using on a particular exercise. If you are doing a bench press to your max level, you are using Fast Twitch A. If you are working below your max level on strength or interval training type B is being used. If you are doing long bouts of cardio you will be using your slow twitch muscles.

Try to use this information to help you set up your next workout schedule to suit the goals that you have.

At What Age Can Orthodontic Treatment Begin? by Nick Messe

Teeth are an important part of functioning in this world. They are used not only for chewing and talking, but also for giving shape to a person's face. Straight teeth help give better shape to a person's mouth and face and eliminate uneven bites. There are many different opinions on when orthodontic treatment is the most helpful in straightening teeth.

A child should visit his or her regular dentist every six months. At these visits, the dentist will evaluate a child's teeth to determine how the teeth are shifting in the child's mouth. After most of the permanent teeth have come through, a dentist will be able to determine if braces are necessary. This can be as early as 11 years of age.

When a dentist refers a patient to an orthodontist, an initial consultation will be arranged. At this initial visit, the dentist will take many x-rays of the patient's mouth and measure the bones in the patient's hand. This measurement helps the orthodontist determine when the patient will reach his or her peak growth timeframe. The braces should be put on prior to this time of growth to obtain the maximum benefit of braces.

At each subsequent visit the braces will get tightened and new bands or brackets will be put onto the braces. There are a few different types of orthodontic treatment available. Traditional metal braces are an option available to people with uneven bites or crooked teeth. This type of braces can stain teeth so the wearer must be diligent about using the prescribed toothpaste and flossing daily.

Metal braces cost around $5,000. A popular new type is called Invisalign. Orthodontists who advertise Invisalign braces, offer them to people whose teeth problems are not as severe. These braces are more expensive than traditional metal braces but they are not as visible.

Invisalign braces are made of clear plastic and must be replaced every two weeks to provide maximum teeth movement. The average price of Invisalign is $6,000. Outfitting a child with braces is a wise decision that a child will thank his or her parent for when they are grown. They may not appreciate the braces when they are on their teeth but will be glad once they are adults.

Although the process of orthodontic treatment can be expensive and uncomfortable the results are worth the effort and money. Some famous people who have had braces include Cindy Crawford, Prince Harry, Gwen Stefani, and Tom Cruise. Depending on the severity of a child's crooked teeth or uneven bite, braces can be helpful as early as 11 years old. The many different types of braces can help a child obtain straight teeth that they will be proud of throughout his or her lifetime.

Walking Is A Great Way To Lose Weight by George Hutton

If you are overweight, and you likely are if you are reading this article, then you likely have thought about all the different ways you can exercise and go on a diet to lose weight. Of course, none of these are particularly easy, but the fact remains that some are easier than others. And some are much cheaper than others. It would be of great benefit if we could identify an easy, cheap way to exercise to lose weight.

Well, you're in luck. Simple walking, putting one foot in front of the other, is one of the oldest, most recognized forms of weight loss. No, it's not the quickest, and if you are trying for Mr. or Mrs. Olympia, then you may need to add in some extra exercises, but for most of us, walking is a great way to not only slowly and steadily lose weight on a consistent basis, but also to keep it off as well.

Many reasons exist as to why walking is the most superior form of exercise to lose weight there is. Naturally, you don't need any special equipment or clothes, probably the shoes you are wearing right now are perfectly fine. Even then, you needn't worry about anything. Recent studies of anatomy have shown that high tech running shoes, a boom since the mid seventies, may not be so good after all. Some will even argue that going barefoot is the best and most natural way. Of course, you want to protect your feet from glass and rusty nails, but you certainly don't need to shell out hundreds of dollars for the latest basketball shoes.

Another great thing about walking to lose weight is that you can do it anywhere you want. Inside, outside, at the gym on the treadmill, down at your local park. Near where you work, there are likely some places to walk on your lunch break. This is so great because nearly everybody can do it. Walking during your lunch break at work is quickly becoming one of the most favorite pastimes around.

Lots of people feel the need to have a workout partner, in order to keep them psyched up and motivated. But when you decide to walk to lose weight, you can bring along an inexpensive MP3 player to listen to whatever you want to keep you motivated. Even an inexpensive transistor radio can be used, as several people use them in my own neighborhood. Many people have found walking a great time to listen to books on tape, or other enriching audio programs.

No matter how much weight you'd like to lose, walking on a regular basis will help you get there. Walking will help you stay motivated, stay healthy and feel good about yourself. Why not get started today?

Indian Clinical Trial Market to show Double Digit Growth by RNCOS E-Services Pvt. Ltd.

India has registered fast growth in the number of clinical trials during the past few years, reflecting that the country has become one of the most attractive destinations for medical research. It is expected that the Indian market will outpace the growth of other clinical trials market in future. According to our research report “Booming Clinical Trials Market in India”, India’s clinical trial market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 29% during 2009-2013. Our report has analyzed the drivers that are driving this growth.

Pharmaceutical companies have been finding ways to reduce cost and maintain a growth momentum and for this they are relying on outsourcing. According to a survey, India is considered as the best destination for pharma outsourcing followed by Korea and Taiwan. One of the major opportunities created by the clinical trial market is in the field of pathology and In vitro Diagnostics (IVD). The emerging market trends in Indian clinical trial market have been analyzed in our report. Forecast for these trends have been also covered in our report.

Growth of the clinical trials market is likely to open many opportunities in the country. With the growth of the clinical trials market, many associated sectors like IVD market and education sector are also likely to pick pace. The market is also expected to create job opportunities for clinical research professionals in future. But there are many challenges looming over the industry; ethical issues comprise the biggest challenge as many unethical clinical trials had been conducted in the past.

We have included certain steps that need to be addressed to ensure proper growth of the Indian clinical trial industry. The report has conducted a detailed cost analysis for all the four phases of clinical trials. Moreover, the report discusses the regulatory environment along with infrastructure and expertise. In addition, our report provides information on key players along with their strengths and weaknesses.

For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit:


Dealing With Insomnia Naturally – 16 Of The Worst Sleeping Pill Side Effects... by Peter Kirwan

It's likely that with short-term use, sleeping pills can help you with a minor short-lived sleeping problem, but as part of a regime for dealing with insomnia naturally, you really need to know about the possible side effects - including addiction, that you could suffer.

In fact, due to all of the possible side effects, sleeping pills can very often be just another thing aiding and abetting your insomnia, along with the usual stress, depression , the need to re-train your brain for sleep, healthy exercise and diet etc.

Commonly Known Side Effects

Do yourself a serious favor, be aware of sleeping pill side effects and avoid further, possibly more serious, health issues;

1. Addiction - emotional or physical addiction causes many further negative effects

2. Sleep-walking

3. Unusual dreams

4. Hallucinations

5. Amnesia

6. Daytime drowsiness and dizziness

7. Dry mouth

8. Weight gain/Binge Eating

9. Diarrhea

9. Gas

10. Constipation

11. Weight gain and/or binge eating

12. Other large changes in appetite

13. Heartburn

14. Stomach pains and other stomach discomfort

15. Dry mouth

16. Headaches

There's also the fact that sleeping pills cause a slower/shallower breathing rate - a possible life-threatening side effect for those with lung conditions like asthma.

None of this should really surprise anybody too much, after all we are talking about a drug and it's a well known fact that any drug, be it prescribed or not, is basically a poison and will most definitely have side effects of one type or another.

So to summarize; stress, depression, lack of a healthy exercise routine, a poor bedtime routine and diet, the need to re-train your brain and your way of thinking, coupled with a knowledge of what you may be letting yourself in for when using sleeping pills is critical for ensuring you rid yourself of the misery of insomnia.

Cure Insomnia Naturally - 1 Important Tip About Food To Help You Sleep... by Peter Kirwan

Don't ever doubt it - what you eat does have an effect on the way you sleep!

To cure insomnia naturally, without the use of poisonous drugs, you need to know the various causes that will need addressing. Causes like stress, poor physical condition, incorrect bedtime habits, a need for some brain retraining and a suitable healthy diet.

Knowing the foods that'll only ever keep you awake is important, but you'll probably be nicely surprised at some of the foods that make a definite contribution to that much needed full night of sleep - specifically the foods that contain this essential-for-sleep nutrient;


An amino acid (pronounced TRIP-TOE-FAN). Technically/medically known as a precursor of the sleep-inducing neurotransmitters known as serotonin and melatonin.

Without going into much further technical detail, eating foods containing tryptophan will quite simply go a long way to making you sleepy. Just what an insomniac needs!

Because of a special relationship that exists between tryptophan and carbohydrates, a meal consisting of both tryptophan-containing foods (poultry, dairy etc) and good carbs (potatoes, pasta etc) is a sure way of making sure that tryptophan has an even easier route to the brain. Keep in mind that a meal containing a large amount of protein with little or no carb is the opposite - a sure way of keeping you awake.

So, your dinner, supper and bedtime snack should be comprised of a complex carb with a small amount of tryptophan containing protein - an added portion of calcium such as milk is also helpful (there's good reason it's an old bedtime favorite).

It then stands to reason that low carb, high protein dishes, which give you energy, are best consumed during the first half of the day, for your breakfast and lunch etc.

A bad diet is a major contributor to the awful condition known as insomnia, so remember, fixing your diet and controlling the food you eat is just part of the re-training of your brain that you need to carry out in order to cure insomnia naturally and permanently.

Cure Insomnia Naturally - 12 Foods To Help You Sleep... by Peter Kirwan

There are many foods containing the essential nutrient tryptophan, that can play a crucial role in helping you get that all important full night of relaxing sleep that is so important to human health and vitality.

Tryptophan - pronounced TRIP-TOE-FAN - is the raw biological material found in certain food products that builds important brain relaxing neurotransmitters like melatonin and serotonin. To cure insomnia naturally and permanently, eating these food types are a must as a part of a healthy sleep-inducing routine.

Check out this list of tryptophan containing foods for helping you to feel sleepy;

1. Eggs

2. Meats

3. Hazelnuts, Peanuts

4. Meats

5. Poultry

6. Seafood

7. Dairy Products

8. Beans

9. Hummus

10. Lentils

11. Soy products

12. Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds

A poor diet is a major contributor to the sad condition of Insomnia. What, how and when you eat is a part of the overall re-training of your brain that you have to carry out for being able to cure insomnia naturally and successfully.

There is a certain relationship between tryptophan containing proteins and carbohydrates, so for energy the best kind of meals to consume the first half of the day (breakfast, lunch) are those with a large protein portion and a small or zero carbohydrate content.

Sleep helping meals and snacks for the second half of the day are those containing a complex carbohydrate with a small portion of tryptophan filled protein (including some warm milk if you like - old fashioned, but very effective).

Of course you mustn't forget that all the other usual healthy dieting rules have to apply, like don't eat too large or too spicy a meal too close to your bedtime - the associated gas production and belly rumblings etc are likely to just keep you (and your bed partner) awake. A reasonable sized meal 3-4 hours before you retire to bed is the way to go.

In summary; stress, the lack of a healthy exercise routine, poor sleep hygiene/bedtime routines and the necessary re-training of your brain, your poor dietary habits, are some of the many collective causes of insomnia and all need to be treated very seriously.

Cure Insomnia Naturally – 12 Night Time Snacks & Meals To Help You Sleep... by Peter Kirwan

The food you consume is one of the many contributors to the condition of insomnia and fixing a poor diet should be treated as a serious part of the brain re-training regime you need to carry out if you want to effectively cure insomnia naturally.

Tryptophan (TRIP-TOE-FAN) containing foods need to form a major part of your diet - tryptophan being the amino acid that builds mind and body relaxing neurotransmitters such as melatonin and serotonin.

Because of the carbohydrate/tryptophan sleep inducing relationship, an evening meal, not too large or spicy and consumed at least 3 hours before bedtime, is ideally comprised of a reasonable sized portion of carbohydrate with just a small portion of protein. If you're so inclined, then a (light) late night snack should be eaten at least one hour before bed.

Check out this small list of ideas for evening tyrptophan-filled snacks and meals that'll help grab that much needed sleep-filled night;

1. Rice pudding; Baked and sweetened with raisins or some other dry berry

2. Whole grain cereal with milk; Unsweetened

3. Hazelnuts

4. Peanut Butter sandwich

5. Pasta with Parmesan

6. Scrambled egg with slice of toast

7. Seafood and pasta

8. Cottage Cheese

9. Meats or poultry with vegetables or salad

10. Tuna salad sandwich

11. Hummus with a pita bread

12. Chili with beans and rice; not too spicy

Remember this; lighter, leaner, non-spicy meals or snacks are more beneficial - especially for those particularly prone to acid reflux etc. The larger, high fat and chili-hot meals will make your digestive system work overtime, meaning more gas production and rumblings that’ll likely only keep you (and probably your partner) awake.

So in summary; along with stress, lack of healthy exercise, the need for the re-training of your brain and poor bedtime routines, a poor diet is one of the many collective causes of insomnia and needs to be treated very seriously along with every other contributing factor.

Cure Insomnia Naturally – Top Tips For Controlling Your Caffeine Intake... by Peter Kirwan

The food and beverage that you consume can be a major contributing factor to the miserable and very frustrating condition of insomnia. To be able to speedily cure insomnia naturally, correcting bad dietary habits has to form part of a brain re-training effort.

It's already well known that caffeine containing foods and beverages are at the top of the list of those that keep a person from large amounts of healthy, rejuvenating sleep.

It's probably worth mentioning at this point that it's not all bad-press for caffeine - in the right amounts and at the right time, it can have certain mind uplifting, anti-oxidizing properties which can play a positive role for our good health. That is of course, so long as you don't have some allergic or other unhealthy negative reaction to caffeine.

It's just quite simply a matter of understanding your own tolerance level of caffeine and your subsequent control of how much and when you consume it;

Knowing the foods containing caffeine

There are plenty. Take the time (a few seconds) to read the labels of everything you purchase - you may be surprised or even horrified at how many foods these days contain large sleep-stealing amounts of caffeine. There are energy drinks as well as your usual coffees, colas and teas.

• As an alternative late-night beverage, try caffeine-free herbal teas etc.

Understanding when to have your caffeine kick

The energizing, often jittery effects of caffeine will generally disappear after a period of one to six hours - depending on a persons sensitivity (we're all different). It's surely only common-sense that you'd therefore keep your caffeine intake for the first half of the day.

Understanding the amount of caffeine you can tolerate

Only you can know what amount of caffeine you can comfortably tolerate.

So as a summary, a couple of daily no-effect cups for some would be a complete no-no for others - everyone has a different level of caffeine tolerance!

Dealing With Insomnia Naturally - Intro To The Vicious Circle Made In Hell... by Peter Kirwan

Aside from all the known common causes of insomnia such as stress, depression, lack of exercise, a poor diet and an unstable bedtime routine, there's frustration - that's the ongoing, ever-increasing further frustration caused by (yep, you got it) the frustration of not getting the sleep your body and mind needs.

Destroying frustration is also part of the gentle brain re-training program that an insomniac needs for dealing with insomnia naturally and effectively, without the need to resort to poisonous drugs and chemicals.

No matter what the original reason was for your onset of insomnia, it's a given that frustration is gonna end up playing a big part in the vicious circle that makes you feel you've been sent to some kind of hell on earth.

An Intro To The Vicious Circle Made In Hell;

• You have a crappy night of little or no sleep

• The next day you’re mildly stressed and just can't seem to concentrate on anything for too long

• That evening, you force yourself to compensate by hitting the hay early or maybe even having a strong night-cap or two – maybe both!

• You have a crappy night of little or no sleep

• The next day you’re more than a little stressed and frustration's kicking in big-time as your concentration worsens and your activity level drops further

• That evening, you force yourself to compensate again – a night-cap or three?

• You have a crappy night of little or no sleep

And so round it goes – the vicious circle from hell has now got you in its' grip.

The drug solution now seems like a good idea as desperation for a full night of sleep sets in. It'll likely even work for a while, but this easy and seemingly quick fix is seriously only gonna cause other complications that'll make your life more miserable than it already is - that's a whole other topic!

In summary, along with all the usual array of insomnia causes; depression, stress, lack of a healthy exercise routine, poor diet and a poor bedtime routine and the need to re-train your brain, frustration is another symptom of worsening insomnia.

Dealing With Insomnia Naturally - Understanding Your Poisonous Pills... by Peter Kirwan

Apart from stress, lack of good exercise, depression, a poor diet, poor bedtime habits and the need for some gentle brain re-training, sleeping pills are very often another major contributor to the misery causing condition of insomnia - not to mention a large list of other uncomfortable side-effects that are common with the ingestion of a drug.

As an aid toward dealing with insomnia naturally and without causing yourself any further uncomfortable complications, it's important you know that although Popping sleeping pills might help in the short term, they are open to abuse and have other associated risks - addiction being one of the worst risks.

So, What Are Sleeping Pills?

They're mostly of a class described as "sedative hypnotics" and include the types known as benzodiazepines and barbiturates.

Barbiturates, although mostly used as anesthetics, depress and then sedate the central nervous system, so are also prescribed as a sedative or sleeping pill.

A benzodiazepine will increase sleepiness and is mostly prescribed for an anxiety problem. Benzodiazepines such as valium, librium, xanax and ativan are known to be especially addictive and open to severe abuse.

There are other newer, supposedly non-addictive, sleep-helping drugs on the market today - ambien, rozerem and lunesta are examples.

It's simple; sleeping pills do have side-effects just like every type of drug that is out there, including the every-day occurrence of addiction. You'll only know if you'll suffer any of the possible side-effects once you're actually using them.

And guess what? They can often stop working after a fairly short amount of use and leave you with an even deeper insomnia problem - great!

So in summary; stress, depression, lack of exercise, a poor bedtime routine and a poor diet, the need for some gentle brain re-training and your way of thinking along with a knowledge of what you’re letting yourself in for if you choose to use sleeping pills, is critical for ensuring you rid yourself of the misery of insomnia.

Dealing With Insomnia Naturally – Deadly Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills... by Peter Kirwan

Sleeping pills, like all other drugs known to man, have known side effects, some of them potentially life-threatening, that very often act as another contributing factor toward the misery of insomnia - this along with other known causes such as stress, lack of a healthy exercise routine, depression, a poor bedtime routine, a poor diet and the need to re-train your brain.

Addiction is just one of the potentially deadly side effects, so as a further aid to dealing with insomnia naturally, without the use of potential poisons, it's important you know what you may suffer when ingesting sleeping pills.


Parasomnias include sleep-walking, sleep-sex, sleep phone-calling and even sleep-driving - all considered humerous at times, but potentially very dangerous.

A parasomnia is an action over which you have absolutely no control. You are in fact, in a deep forced sleep after consuming a sleeping pill. You simply have no clue as to the danger into which you could be placing yourself - and others!

Some Dangerous Allergic Reactions

Anaphylaxis – a very dangerous allergic reaction. Dizziness, swelling of the tongue, low blood pressure and blue skin with loss of consciousness are some the symptoms. Fast medical assistance will be needed.

Angioedema – Severe facial swellings that will need fast medical assistance.

Breathing difficulties

Swallowing difficulties

Shortness of breath


Accelerated heartbeat

Chest Pains

Swelling of the throat, cheeks, eyes or lips

Rashes and hives

Another associated behavior that's often forgotten or just plain ignored, is the mixing of alcohol and sleeping pills. Just don't do it - it's very dangerous and is responsible for many fatalities! Simply explained, the sedating effect of the sleeping pill is increased.

So in summary, the need to re-train your brain and your way of thinking, along with a knowledge of what you’re possibly in for regarding the use of sleeping pills, is a critical part of ensuring you rid yourself of the misery of insomnia.

Dealing With Insomnia Naturally - How To Tell Which Type You Have... by Peter Kirwan

Insomnia; characterized by the difficulty of falling or staying asleep is a miserable condition that affects many thousands of people all over the globe. Your typical symptoms would usually include;

you're slow to fall asleep or totally unable to fall asleep

You'll be waking often throughout the night

you'll be waking during the night and then not being able to fall back to sleep

you'll be waking too early in the morning

you'll experience the feeling of extreme tiredness after waking

Apart from all the other causes of insomnia like stress, depression, poor diet, the need for some gentle brain re-training and a few habitual bedtime habits etc, having an idea of the insomnia type from which you may be suffering can only help you with the way forward to dealing with insomnia naturally and effectively.

Primary Insomnia

Generally known as sleeplessness not directly related to any medical, psychiatric or environmental condition such as drug use or abuse - it can usually be attributed to a prolonged period of stress or anxiety.

Secondary Insomnia

Differs from primary insomnia because a definite cause can usually be identified, such as a physical/psychiatric health problem, like the use of prescribed medication or substance abuse - alcohol or drugs or even pain from an illness etc.

Acute/Chronic Insomnia

Defined as short-term insomnia, acute insomnia is generally known to last for a period of just one night up to a few weeks.

Chronic insomnia is generally accepted as a sleep disorder lasting for at least three nights a week for a period of at least one full month and is known as long-term insomnia.

To summarize; the need to re-train your brain and your way of thinking, along with a knowledge of the type of insomnia that you may be suffering with – and why you're suffering with it, is a critical part of ensuring you are armed with the neccessary weapons to be able to rid yourself of the misery of insomnia.

Cure Insomnia Naturally - How To Deal With These 7 Sleep Killers… by Peter Kirwan

There are of course, a wide range of causes for sleeplessness that affects tens of thousands of people in our modern world.

One of the worst and most frustrating causes is the condition known as Insomnia.

Having lived many years as a sufferer of insomnia, before finding out how to cure insomnia naturally without the aid of insomnia worsening drugs, i along with many others, found out that a person could go just about completely loony with the boredom and frustration of being awake longer than everybody else on the planet - all the way up to 24 hours at times.

This ensures that a fuzzy-headed zombie-like condition stays with an insomniac throughout the day while all those around him or her simply zip through their day with all the irritating wide-eyed energy that only someone who has had a good night of sleep can manage.

This is truly a misery causing condition. The destructive, prematurely ageing refusal of the mind to shut down and allow you that body and mind rejuvenating sleep-the-whole-night through kind of sleep can be caused by varying factors such as; stress, unhealthy diet, lack of decent exercise and habitual bedtime routines (known often as "sleep hygiene").

Insomnia is a subject that could ensure this article goes on and on – there is a huge array of detail regarding symptoms, cures, reasons and types for this particular disorder. If however, you were to answer the following questions correctly and follow up with the correct actions, you should see dramatic improvement with your negative sleeping pattern;

1. What do you do if you don’t fall asleep straight away, or wake during the night and can’t fall asleep again?

2. You’ve recently been sleeping badly – How do you feel when bedtime comes?

3. What do you think about while you’re lying there, waiting for sleep?

4. What’s your activity level like while suffering from sleep deprivation?

5. How exactly do you prepare for the night?

6. How do you compensate for not sleeping the previous night?

7. How do you rate your chances for consistent, easy sleep in the future?

On top of all the already described problems, the answers to these 7 questions are usually where an insomniac goes wrong – simply put, wrong answers make for wrong actions.

Eliminate Insomnia Fast - 3 Tips To Getting That Important Sleep You Need... by Peter Kirwan

Of all the sleep affecting disorders around today, insomnia is likely the most common.

Most often, it's a combination of all the various known causes of this misery making condition that severely impairs the real human need of a night of uninterrupted sleep.

To help you eliminate insomnia fast and effectively, here are 3 tips for those of you who are eager to know a few basics;

1. Remove any obstacle preventing you getting your sleep

• Stress – work/personal relationships, debt, unemployment etc. You sincerely need to resolve/eliminate or cope better with the cause of your stress.

• A Bad diet – excessive sugar and caffeine intake is just a small example of this common modern day problem.

• Do physical exercise – the lack of even a minor form of gentle exercise is a major contributor to insomnia and associated negative conditions.

2. Adopt sleep-friendly habits – practice good "Sleep Hygiene"

• Take a long hot bath.

• Read an entertaining take-you-away-from-it-all book.

• Take up some gentle yoga-type breathing exercises.

• Don’t eat sugar loaded snacks or drink sugar/caffeine loaded drinks right before you go to bed.

3. Re-train your brain to fall into the deep sleep your body and mind needs

• Before insomnia set in, you had no trouble falling into a deep, satisfying sleep – you’ll definitely need to re-train those quirky brainwave patterns back into shape to make sure you get that full night of sleep.

In summary; these tips and the lists within each tip can be expanded much further and there are likely to be some points here that for some of you, may seem a lot easier said than done. There are many thousands of people that have suffered with this condition for many years and many thousands more still will – but don't despair, there is hope, because there are also many thousands of people who have eliminated insomnia from their lives, permanently!

Dealing With Insomnia Naturally - Top Tips For Good Sleep Hygiene... by Peter Kirwan

Chronic insomnia, known as long-term insomnia is caused by known, defined issues such as arthritis, asthma, depression etc, or medication you may be taking, or even because of substance abuse and would need to be treated by curing the underlying reasons before some type of behavioral therapy is carried out.

Acute insomnia, known as short-term insomnia is generally known to be caused by nothing other than a prolonged period of stress or anxiety and may not actually need any treatment other than some gentle brain re-training and an improved program of “Sleep Hygiene” – habitual bedtime routines.

A few top tips to help you get that good nights sleep;

Don’t eat too heavy a meal too close to bedtime – have a gap of at least three hours before bed. A light carb’ based snack an hour before bed can also help with sleep

Absolutely no late night caffeine, nicotine or alcohol – all stimulants that will prevent you falling to sleep or wake you during the night

Keep a regular exercise routine – not too close to your bedtime. Exercise will stimulate and revive you.

Try to go to bed at the same time every evening. The same applies for waking.

Avoid daytime cat-naps – you need to be tired enough at bedtime for sleep.

Your bedroom must be comfortable – correct temperature, dark, quiet etc. Wear ear-plugs or a darkening face-mask if you need to.

Only use your bed for sleep or sex - your mind will have only a sleep association.

Stick to a relaxing routine at bedtime – read a book, take a hot bath, listen to mellow music etc.

In summary; the need to re-train your brain and your way of thinking, along with a knowledge of exactly what type of insomnia you may be suffering from, is critical for ensuring you rid yourself of the misery of insomnia.

No matter what insomnia type you suffer with, using an appropriate "sleep hygiene" routine will go a long way to helping you fix your sleep problem.

What Are Some of the Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma? by Wendy Moyer

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare malignancy that is usually comes about as the result of a person's being exposed to asbestos. This form of cancer arises most frequently in the pleura - the cells that line the chest - or in the peritoneum - the cells that line the abdomen.

The most common form of this disease is pleural mesothelioma and its symptoms often present themselves in the chest area.

What are the Symptoms of Mesothelioma?

Peritoneal mesothelioma is considerably rarer than pleural mesothelioma. If a person has peritoneal mesothelioma the organs in the abdomen are affected and the symptoms may include abdominal swelling, vomiting, nausea, and bowel obstruction.

The rarest type of this disease, pericardial mesothelioma, involves the sac that surrounds the heart.

Most of the people who have mesothelioma complain of a shortness of breath. Their difficulty breathing is sometimes accompanied by chest pains.

What may come as a surprise is that the chest pain is not often pleuritic. This means that the pain doesn't worsen when a person takes deep breaths.

It's surprising because the lung's outer surface - the pleura - is so often a part of the diseased area of the body. Virtually every other disease that involves the pleura is associated with pain that gets worse as people breathe deeply.

As mesothelioma progresses, the victims breath gets increasingly shorter. It's not unusual for appetites to decrease and for the patient to begin to lose weight.

At times night sweats can also develop. Night sweats means that a patient experiences excessive sweating during the night.

As the tumor invades different areas of the body the patient may experience a change in their voice and their diaphragm may cease to function. However, whatever additional symptoms a patient may experience would be specific to the area of their body that's being invaded and the organs that are in the adjacent structures of the victim's body.

What Causes Mesothelioma?

Most of the people who have malignant mesothelioma have been employed by companies that required them to be in areas where they could inhale asbestos particles and fibers. The majority of the victims are males over forty years of age.

Sometimes the family of an employee who has worked for a company that mined, manufactured, or produced products that contained asbestos has also acquired the disease. This often happened because asbestos fibers were transported on the clothing that people brought home with them from their workplace.

Instances of the children of asbestos workers who sat on their parents' laps getting the disease have recently been increasing. And a number of the spouses who did the laundry of an asbestos worker have also contracted the disease through second hand exposure to asbestos.
