Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success (Part 1 of 4)

Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success (Part 1 of 4)
 by: Jeremy Likness
This is Part 1 of the 4-Part "Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success" series.
Terrorists are aptly named because their tactics are designed to strike fear into the hearts of the people. This fear is often irrational. Many people bide their time suffering anxiety over the next unlikely attack while falling prey to a monster that kills more people every week than those murdered on September 11th. This killer has no hidden agenda and destroys without prejudice. Those who are unfortunate enough to meet this nemesis often suffer prolonged pain before eventually succumbing and "giving up the breath" as death was described in ancient Egypt.
What could possibly be so terrible? In the year 2000, the leading preventable cause of death was tobacco. Only a few decades ago, doctors and priests would smoke during commercials and share their favorite brand of cigarette. Today, there is a stigma associated with smoking because we understand the link between tobacco and death. Unfortunately, there is a new competitor who is rapidly gaining ground. This competitor claimed thousands lives in the year 2000, and was the second leading preventable cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Who is this deadly threat to society?
Poor diet and lack of exercise.
Surprised? Thousands of people die every day due to poor eating habits and lack of regular exercise. The death certificate won't mention their favorite fast food combo meal or the fact that they would rather watch the latest golf tournament than take a stroll through the park. Instead, one of the many degenerative diseases that have been conclusively linked to nutrition and exercise will stake its claim over another life.
Society spends more time and energy worrying about violent threats than dealing with this leading cause of death. While the popularity of products and services designed to address the situation is growing – in fact, the health and wellness industry is en route to become the next trillion-dollar industry according to economist Paul Zane Pilzer – the rate of obesity, overweight, and conditions related to poor diet and lack of exercise such as type II "adult onset" diabetes is increasing. In fact, adult onset diabetes is now being diagnosed in enough children that most medical professionals simply refer to it as "type II."
Perhaps one reason why this epidemic is so hard to combat is that people are focused on the solution as a product or service, rather than a process. To quit smoking, many people receive counseling, join groups or follow systems because it's not as simple as tossing the last pack (the author is one of the fortunate few who was able to stop smoking "cold turkey" but found it far more difficult to overcome his poor eating habits). Overweight and obesity is a condition related to behavior and patterns that have taken years to create, so the notion that some magic product will suddenly undo the thousands of days of programming is absurd. Successful, permanent weight loss is a process, not an event.
During a recent seminar that I conduct, participants explored the concept of just how powerful the mind is and how this relates to losing fat. After a serious of powerful exercises, they were asked to create an action plan based on what they learned in order to successfully lose fat and keep it off. The result of this workshop was seven keys that addressed what most diet programs or weight loss systems do not: the fact that fitness starts inside.
Here, then, are seven keys to permanent weight loss success that start on the inside.
Key #1: Be Positive
You've probably heard this one before. It's a popular clichй. In order for it to work, however, you have to move beyond a catchy statement and integrate this as part of your life. In order to truly "be positive" you must start with an understanding of the mind. Your reality is perception, and perception is influenced by your thoughts. Thoughts create reality. What you think about expands.
A good friend and client of mine was a pilot for many years. After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, he was out of work. He went through a period of extreme grief, pain, and anger. His health suffered. It wasn't the money that struck such a powerful blow. It was something else, a mistake many people made.
You see, my friend's reality could be summed up with this statement: "I am a pilot."
Can you see the danger in this? He defined himself by what he did, not who he was. By losing his job, he lost his identity. In reality, he was there all along, but his ego kept getting in the way of finding his true self. He had to learn how to let go and be himself, and define who he was on his own merits, not by his actions, level of success, or how others perceive him.
Many people who are overweight create the same situation. Most will create the statement, "I am fat." Of course, the desire to lose weight might exist, but if your definition of self-worth is based on the amount of fat you carry, what happens when it's gone? If you've lived with "I am fat" for months or years, who do you expect to become when the fat is gone? This subconscious fear of losing your identity can sabotage your process.
What we think about expands. If you focus on the fat you carrying, or the difficulty you have losing weight, then expect more of it. Expect more fat, and expect a difficult time losing the fact. On the other hand, if you focus on releasing the fat, on your success and the process, then this is what you will receive more of. The fat won't go away overnight. However, if you spend just one day eating healthy foods and exercising – even if it's just taking a short walk – would you consider that to be an improvement? Could you call that a "healthy day" compared to your previous habits? What if you decided to be, "I am healthy," and give the fat some time to let go?
Be positive means be realistic, and focus on the positive progress. Focus on abundance – get more of what you wish to receive, instead of thinking about what you don't want.
These keys will be continued in part 2.
Copyright 2005 Jeremy Likness


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Memory Power: Flex Your Mental Muscle

Memory Power: Flex Your Mental Muscle
 by: andy casasanta
Mental Muscle:
As with all your organs in the body,your brain is subject to age-related fatigue. Levels of nutrients and vital oxygen slowly decline. Conditions such as Diabetes and hypertension can accelerate aging and increase the risk of memory problems.
Flex Your Grey Matter:
Just as Physical exercise inreases muscle mass.Working out your brain can stimulate and keeps your brain active.Strengthening existing neuron pathways and building new ones.
Feed The Brain:
Flax seed oil and cold water fish like salmon,sardines and herring are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.Essential for proper mental function.
Brain Boosters:
Ginko Biloba has been proven to improve circulation to the brain,improving memory.
Inflammation to the brain has been linked to age-related memory loss.Fish oil, curcumin and ginger are natural anti-inflammatories and have been known to help.
Whats In Your Medicine Chest:
Prescription Medicines can also alter brain function.They may include: barbituates tranquilizers anti-depressants ulcer drugs digitalis painkillers certain eye drops antihistamines
See your doctor if you are concerned that your meds is affecting your memory.
Clean Living:
And of course getting your 8 hours of sleep and drinking sufficient amounts of water(typically 8 glasses of water should do you).And also a multi-vitamin wouldnt hurt.
Get Active:
Exercise is important in preventing memory loss and general overall decline in the human body.It can also reduces the affects of stress and improve immune system function.
Drop The Extra Weight:
As far as memory loss, goes being overweight bogs everything down as your body isn't running at peak performance - not to mention the health issues.

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Seven Reasons to Take Acai

Seven Reasons to Take Acai
 by: Todd Levering
Acai (pronounced ah-sy-ee) is a berry grown mainly in South America that has a number of nutritional properties, and has even been known to prevent certain diseases. There are a number of reasons to take acai supplements or drink acai juice on a daily basis no matter what your health needs are; here are seven of the great qualities of acai juice that everyone should take advantage of.
Antocianine, one of the main substances in the acai berry, is high in antioxidants like Vitamins C and E and helps the body fight of free radicals in the environment. Harmful substances in the air like smog, cigarette smoke, and even the damaging effects of the sun can be significantly reduced by drinking acai juice.
While there are a number of other fruit juices that fight off antioxidants, none of them come close to acai juice. Acai berries are up to six times more potent than noni juice or mangosteen, so a daily intake of acai could protect you from contracting colds or the flu, as well as give your skin a healthy glow.
Acai has a significant amount of calcium, which can help prevent osteoporosis, especially in women. Calcium helps to strengthen the bones and prevent fractures, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist, and in addition with the right diet filled with other calcium-rich foods and Vitamin D, osteoporosis can also be effectively treated.
In addition to osteoporosis prevention, women with extreme menstrual pain can also benefit from acai juice. Calcium-rich foods tend to coat the lining of the stomach and uterus, and reduce the pain that comes from cramps and bloating.
Helping to develop healthy teeth and gums is also another characteristic of calcium. For a whiter smile and stronger teeth, as well as the prevention of gingivitis as well as other gum diseases, try adding a serving of acai juice or powder to your normal dental care routine.
Lower Cholesterol Levels
Acai berries can help to lower cholesterol levels due to their high fiber content. The high fiber in content can also help to prevent colon cancer, since the fiber in the acai berry helps to move substances through the digestive track and arteries. The berries contain Omega-3 fatty acids as well, another substance that lowers cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids can also improve the health of your skin because it improves circulation and increase the level of protein in the body.
Macro minerals
Macro minerals are necessary minerals that are found in both foods and supplements. Most people need high amounts of these minerals, so acai juice is one of the easiest ways to make sure that you get the necessary amount of macro minerals per day. Potassium, sulfur, magnesium and phosphorous are some of the main macro minerals that people don't get enough of. Sulfur can help to improve acne, magnesium can help women with menopausal complications, and potassium has been known to improve heart health.
Low glycemic index
Another benefit of acai is its low glycemic index. The glycemic index is the ranking of carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose or blood sugar levels. The quicker carbohydrates break down during digestion, the higher the glycemic index. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic index. Foods that are low in glycemic levels are slow to digest and be absorbed into the body's bloodstream and cause the body's blood sugar and insulin levels to rise slowly. Low glycemic Index diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in diabetic individuals. They also have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low glycemic levels can also help individuals who are trying to lose weight, since it keeps you fuller longer, and can even prolong physical strength and endurance.
Increased energy
Because of the acai berries ability to help fight off diseases and sicknesses due to its high level of antioxidants, a higher energy level can be attained by drinking acai juice every day. High antioxidant levels boost the immune system, and people have reported having boundless energy and endurance as a result of taking an acai supplement daily. This is also due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in acai, which can help to maintain a healthy diet by providing part of the daily allowance of certain vitamins. Acai juice constitutes a serving of fruit, so the more you consume, the more your body will be cleansed and able to run properly, and fatigue will be eliminated over time.
High celadrin levels
Even if you exercise regularly and eat well, you may still experience the effects of aging and constant physical activity. This can have an affect on your bones and organs over time, and acai berry can help to regulate your stress levels, and even to repair your body.
Celadrin, a natural anti-inflammatory compound of fatty acids that is derived from bovine tallow oil, has been known to promote healthy joint function by lubricating the membranes that cushions joints and bones. Glucosamine, a substance that works well with celadrin and is also found in acai, helps to build healthy cartilage in the body.
Once you decide to take acai on a regular basis, be sure to talk your doctor about your new diet choices to discuss ways to maximize the benefits of acai in your diet. Making certain improvements to your eating habits, exercising regularly, and taking certain prescribed medication as instructed can all help to make acai one of your best dietary choices.


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