Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Treadmills - A Way To Achieve Better Health

Treadmills - A Way To Achieve Better Health
 by: Catherine Olivia
So, you've finally decided you have to do "something" to get yourself in better shape. It's a fact that in the United States obesity and overweight have reached epidemic proportions. Overweight also plays a major role in numerous preventable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. It is also a fact that diet alone will not give you sustained weight loss and better health. To sustain a healthy weight, and to achieve better health you also need aerobic exercise.
For many of us with hectic lifestyles, going to work, taking care of the kids, and running errands each day, a gym membership may not be the way to go. However, without any excuse, each and every one of us can find at least 20 extra minutes in our day to exercise at home. Do it in the morning while watching the news, after dinner while watching your favorite reality show. Do it in the afternoon while the baby naps.
Treadmill work-outs in the home are fast becoming a favorite aerobic work out for busy professionals. Treadmill popularity is also on the rise for senior citizens. Generally older people benefit from low impact exercise, and treadmills let you walk, and run, at a pace comfortable for you. You can walk and run in the comfort of your own home in any kind of weather.
As with buying any merchandise, you get what you pay for. Treadmills range from $500 to $3000 and up. They can be bought new, or at any used equipment store. As with any exercise program, your success is based on finding something that keeps your interest and something you will stick with. The prevalence of used treadmills for sale means that someone else decided it wasn't for them. Some buyers opt to spend less on a machine at first. Then, if they decide that the treadmill is an exercise they will stick with, they spend more money for an upgraded treadmill.
Treadmills are generally classified as basic, advanced, and commercial. A basic treadmill would be one that is manual, meaning without a motor. On a basic treadmill your feet actually get, and keep the belt moving. A commercial treadmill would be like something you would use in your neighborhood gym. A commercial grade treadmill will have a high quality motor, be able to reach faster speeds, have steeper inclines, will be better built overall than a lower priced treadmill, and, a commercial grade treadmill will give you a wide variety of options and programmability. Most treadmills have console panels that allow easy viewing of distance, incline, speed, and heart rate. More expensive treadmills have pre-programmable programs. They allow you to set your desired heart rate and then will automatically adjust speed and incline until your desired heart rate is achieved.
New fitness guidelines suggest a combination of aerobic conditioning and muscle strengthening. Your own work out program needs to be based on your present fitness level and the level of fitness you wish to achieve. If you are over the age of 35 it is always advised to check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise program. If you have any questions or concerns you might want to talk with an exercise physiologist who can help you plan your exercise program.

risperdal drug

Purim Purim
Our price: $24.75
Purim helps maintain optimum health through broad and systemic blood purification.

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Gastric Bypass Surgery . What Happens Afterwards?

Gastric Bypass Surgery – What Happens Afterwards?
 by: Beverley Brooke
After patients have had gastric bypass surgery comes a very challenging and demanding few months ahead. It isn't easy, no matter what those success stories on the adverts tell us. It requires a great deal of mental and emotional toughness. Unfortunately these assets aren't always seen in the morbidly obese, and must be developed to ensure a healthy life and weight loss after the surgery.
Sticking to your dietary guidelines is extremely important to reduce the risk of developing dumping syndrome, which can cause sweating, diarrhoea, bloating and dizziness. Always listen to what your surgeon, physician and nutritionist is telling you. It's your life and long-term health we're talking about.
Right after the procedure you will be required to stay in hospital for 4 to 6 days, and generally you can get back to your normal activities within 6 weeks. You should lose generally between 8-10lbs per month in the first 2 months after gastric bypass surgery and achieve a stable weight after 2 years.
The first year is critical and will require you to see your physician regularly were you will be evaluated – this includes your mental health too.
Exercising and eating properly are crucial to your health afterwards and there's still a long way to go after surgery, it certainly isn't a quick fix for obesity and carries real risks. Remember what your doctor has told you, stay strong, focused and you'll do just fine.


Tentex Royal Tentex Royal
Our price: $21.45
Tentex Royal is useful for erectile dysfunction.

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Light Therapy For Ailing Skin And Stress

Light Therapy For Ailing Skin And Stress
 by: Tiffany Pacchia
The Healing Powers Of Light On Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized by scaling and since there are a number of forms of psoriasis, this skin ailment affects about 400,000 Americans. Skin diseases are difficult to treat in general and psoriasis is no exception. While many doctors prescribe topical ointments to treat psoriasis, it may be surprising to the general public who is accustomed to taking pills or using creams for skin problems that phototherapy, or treatment with light, is an effective treatment for a number of skin diseases, including psoriasis.
Phototherapy, according to scientific medical studies at several respected institutions, is able to clear up around 80% of all skin scaling caused by psoriasis. The right kind of light treatment also works well for jaundice, Rosacea, acne and skin fungus. For people who suffer from depression and SAD (seasonal affective disorder), light therapy is very helpful. With SAD, a disorder where a person is depressed during the winter season, a person's depression is presumably due to lack of sunlight.
Simply turning on more lights in your house or going to a tanning bed do not provide the right kind of light that the body seems to need to combat skin disorders and SAD. What is needed is a special kind of light known as UVB and only a few manufacturers make light bulbs that emit UVB light. A person with a skin disease like psoriasis needs light treatment anywhere from three to five times a week and preferably every day. Few people can afford the luxury of visiting their dermatologist nearly every day for an expensive custom light treatment, even if it is highly effective.
The benefits of UVB are healthy for generally anyone, not just for a person with a skin disorder. For instance, sunlight and specialized UVB light are clinically proven to reduce stress. Maybe that's why going to the beach is so relaxing. If you consider the lack of sunlight in most workplaces and the constant commutes during darkness, this might shed some light as to why many workers are so grumpy! For this reason, some forward-thinking businesses are starting to replace fluorescent lights with UVB lighting. Another benefit of the UVB lighting besides reducing stress is this lighting is much easier on the eyes and produces fewer glares.
The human body needs sunlight to create natural vitamin D. While modern humans can get synthetic vitamin D from milk or a vitamin supplement, synthetic vitamins are no real substitute for the naturally produced vitamins needed every day for proper health. Exposure to UVB light is close enough to natural sunlight that the body will produce the needed vitamin D.
Phototherapy has been used for decades to effectively treat psoriasis. There are home phototherapy units that can be ordered online without a prescription. These units are safe to use as long as the directions are followed. See or for more information on home units.


Monoket Monoket
Our price: $0.35
Monoket (Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate) is used for preventing symptoms of angina(chest pain).

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Acne Scars and Makeup

Acne Scars and Makeup
 by: Suzanne Hughes
When a person has acne scars, makeup is important. There is makeup for acne scars that is especially formulated for this situation.
Makeup for acne scars is manufactured by many different companies. If you are not sure which makeup for acne scars is the best to use you may want to do a little research.
Talk to a dermatologist before buying makeup for acne scars. Your dermatologist may have some great recommendations for makeup for acne scars.
Another person to ask is a friend who also has problems with acne scars. A friend can guide you to makeup for acne scars that has worked for them.
You can find makeup for acne scars online. If you don’t know what kind of makeup to use you will be able to read about lots of different kinds of makeup for acne scars. You might find really good prices for makeup for acne scars online.
You can go to a makeup counter at a mall and find makeup for acne scars. The cosmetologists will be able to help you choose the best makeup for you.
Makeup consultants that sell cosmetic products will often have makeup for acne scars. This is a great way to go because the consultant will come right to your home. You can try the makeup for acne scars and see if you like it before you buy.
When you decide on the makeup for acne scars that you plan to use there are a few things to remember:
1. Do not use too much of the makeup for acne scars.
2. Use a fine-bristle makeup brush to blend the makeup for acne scars.
3. Use a dotting motion to apply the makeup for acne scars rather than big left to right strokes.
4. Set the foundation with a transparent powder that does not contain oil.
5. Always have compact powder with you in case you need a touch-up.
When you find a good makeup for acne scars and apply it the correct way, your acne scars will seem to fade away leaving your face looking smoother.

protonix medication

Lotensin Lotensin
Our price: $0.45
Lotensin (Benazepril) can be used in treating high blood pressure.

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