Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Hair loss (alopecia) - a disease manifested by partial or complete hair loss on the scalp and other body parts. Sometimes congenital and acquired baldness. It occurs in both children and adults. Arises as a result of infection in, physical trauma, stress and genetic predisposition. Women - preferably after pregnancy.

Alopecia (baldness) begins suddenly on the scalp, at least - on the chin, cheeks, skin, age. Often, there is a loss of hair in the shape of a circle - single or multiple foci. In addition to hair loss, changes in the scalp: it becomes sluggish, shiny, erythematous (reddened), gradually smoothed. When a malignant form of alopecia observed loss of eyelashes, hair in the beard, mustache, armpits, pubic. Furthermore, there may be changes in the hematopoietic system.


There are two treatment options:

- Operational (Hair Transplantation)

- Without the operational

For topical treatment of external ointments, suspensions, creams, tonics and irritating agitated slurry sprays containing androgens and glucocorticoids. Additionally, you can use drugs, normalizing hemostasis.


Headache when changing weather

Probably every adult at least once in his life felt the headache that is the change of weather. There it is a change in the weather to clear cloudy (and vice versa), and atmospheric pressure caused by irregular (and racing with these recently become sharper).

However, despite the fact that meteodependent people are more and more, scientists are not yet fully studied the process of headaches at change of weather. Medical research in this area showed that the change in atmospheric pressure affects the change in the level of oxygen in the body and head blood vessels begin to narrow or expand to compensate for these changes. And meteodependent people at greater risk to experience headache when the atmospheric pressure is increasing and smaller increases when the air temperature.

And now let's see what we can do for that would, if not prevent headaches when the weather changes, then at least reduce the risk of its occurrence. Here are a few solutions to this problem:

1. Keep track of weather changes and their response to them.

If you think that the headache too often worried about you because of changes in the weather, try to see to it that the conditions under which it occurs. Watch the weather forecast. Keep a journal. There are even special Electronic Barometer with warnings about the risk of migraine. But it's best to use our unique service "Headache by changes in the weather on the map of Russia"

2. Take anti-inflammatory or pain medications.

Very good aid in such a nature headaches preparations based on ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid.

3. Try an ionizer or humidifier.

Try using a humidifier or ionizer. It is proved that a clean and lightly moist air into the room (especially in the bedroom) has beneficial effects on brain activity and decrease fatigue. Get plenty of rest.

4. Learn more about headaches and their occurrence.

Be interested in any information on this subject. Learn more about what happens headache, its symptoms, how it occurs and what is treated


Anorexia is a syndrome consisting in lack of appetite in normal physiological needs of the organism in the food. Accompanied by a large number of metabolic diseases, infections, diseases of the digestive tract.

By species flow is several forms:
  •     primary;
  •     drug.

According to the degree of manifestation occurs:

  •     cleaning and nervous;
  •     restrictive and nervous.

How does anorexia

Anorexia is shown in the following symptoms:

  •     excessive attention to the weight of your own body;
  •     the desire to monitor the food and limit food intake;
  •     very fast weight loss in a short period;
  •     fascination with counting calories in each product;
  •     a feeling of heaviness and fullness by eating small portions;
  •     fatigue;
  •     Frequent weighing;
  •     fainting or lightheadedness;
  •     shortness of breath, and weakness;
  •     sudden disruption of menstruation;
  •     coldness of the upper and lower extremities;
  •     chilliness;
  •     low body temperature;
  •     delayed growth and physical development (adolescence);
  •     signs of anemia;
  •     fragility of the nail plate;
  •     dull and dry hair;
  •     dry skin;
  •     Excessive cleanliness and akkuratizm;
  •     frequent denial of the meal;
  •     increased self-criticism to themselves and their figure;
  •     mood swings;
  •     depression;
  •     passion for cooking with the refusal of food.

The causes of anorexia

Depending on the type of the disease, it has several causes:

  •     nerves;
  •     on the basis of the drug;
  •     on the basis of internal physiological abnormalities.

Nervous (or mental) Anorexia is a result of obsessions and conditions associated with dissatisfaction with the figure or body weight. It also develops on the background of depression, schizophrenia and catatonic stupor. Prerequisites to this there are many:

  •     unhealthy climate of communication among family (dysfunctional family);
  •     negative attitude to food intake (most often because of the force-feeding in childhood and overfeeding);
  •     low self-esteem, increased self-criticism (including against body proportions, shapes);
  •     perfectionism, obsessive behavior, obsession (in an effort to attain perfection, "standard" of beauty);
  •     unmet need for attention and love.

Drug anorexia called laxatives and diuretics to use to get rid of eaten. It can also be a side effect of the effect of other drugs - hormones antagonists, stimulants, antidepressants.

Primary anorexia (on the basis of internal physiological abnormalities) occurs due to the emergence of a number of disease states:

  •     neurological disorders;
  •     hormonal dysfunctions;
  •     urogenital diseases;
  •     malignancies;
  •     imbalances in metabolism;
  •     any chronic pain;
  •     diseases of the digestive tract;
  •     disorders of the endocrine system.

As the progression of patients experienced anorexia flow steps:

  •     increased fatigue and weakness from the most ordinary actions: washing after waking up, walking around the room, cleaning, etc .;
  •     there are drowsiness and a sense of chronic lack of sleep, lethargy reactions;
  •     deteriorating condition of hair and nails (they are thinner, are cut, fade);
  •     It changes the skin (it gets "translucent" effect fades, it becomes dark around the eyes);
  •     worsens the microcirculation in blood vessels (appears syndrome cold hands and feet, cyanosis, hypothermia);
  •     disappears menstruation (amenorrhea) or gets unstable;
  •     there are problems with the kidneys, intestines, pancreas, liver, stomach;
  •     exacerbated by the endocrine and central nervous system;
  •     develop osteoporosis, syncope, anemia.

The most serious consequences of the disease include:

  •     arrhythmia;
  •     hypotension;
  •     cardiac abnormalities;
  •     convulsions;
  •     changes in brain structure;
  •     mental disorders;
  •     endocrine dysfunction;
  •     bulimia;
  •     infertility;
  •     death.

Diagnosis of anorexia

Diagnosis is based on:

  •     visual cues;
  •     characteristic behavior;
  •     results of medical history;
  •     medical examination.


Treatment of this disease is carried out based on the severity:

    Elementary and light shapes can be treated at home. It takes only a correction of diet and nutrition. And also - individual and group therapy.
    Severe treated in a hospital. This - the prerogative of psychologists and psychiatrists. The basis of specific medications are taken drugs and psychotherapy. To strengthen the body appointed means of stimulating appetite - special teas, vitamin B12, and so Reglan. Prescribing the 6- or 7-course split meals, multivitamin, hormonal medication, insulin dosage limited. In extreme conditions recommended to use hypnosis in microdozes antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

Prevention of anorexia

To prevent this disease should pay attention to:

  •     optimal psychological environment;
  •     intra-favorable climate;
  •     food culture;
  •     timely treatment of diseases provocateurs.


Autoimmune thyroiditis

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a chronic disease of the thyroid gland. It manifested in the form of inflammatory autoimmune nature. Due to the destruction of follicular cells and follicular thyroid varying severity. Also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis (Hashimoto).

The disease has several derived forms:

  •     postpartum;
  •     atrophic;
  •     hypertrophic.

How does autoimmune thyroiditis

The vast majority of symptoms of the disease due to a lack of secretion of thyroid hormones. However, in euthyroid and subclinical hypothyroidism symptoms phases not being felt. And only with time appear:

  •     obesity (a significant increase in weight);
  •     violation of thermoregulation of the body;
  •     constipation;
  •     muscle aches;
  •     puffiness of face and swelling of the neck;
  •     slow heart rate;
  •     depression;
  •     menstrual irregularities (usually - irregular);
  •     fragility and loss of hair;
  •     Problems with the mucous membranes;
  •     the impossibility of conception.

Then the state changes and possible manifestation of hyperthyroidism. Excessive release of thyroid hormones in the blood triggers:

  •     an increase in blood pressure;
  •     increased sweating;
  •     increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  •     shaking hands (tremor).

What causes autoimmune thyroiditis

The causes of the disease can be a variety of factors.

    Genetic background. Autoimmune thyroiditis - a hereditary disease. But while the experts have not made a final conclusion whether it is leading. It is believed that the gene factor - it's one of the few prerequisites. Therefore, the presence of these patients in the home increases the risk of thyroid at times.
    Radiation exposure. It is ranked not only increased radiation background of the environment, and other factors. For example, irradiation with radiation during radiotherapy disposal of oncology.
    Excess iodine. An excessively high content of iodine in the body can become an agent provocateur of autoimmune thyroiditis. In conjunction with other factors, he also triggers the disease.
    Hormonal factors. Sex hormones play a major role in the emergence of the disease. The proof is the fact that women get 5-7 times more often than men. It is also important that women have thyroid problems related to pregnancy and childbirth. In 20 percent of cases they then develop into AIT.

It is developing the disease without obvious symptoms. Or may be minor violations of the thyroid gland. Sometimes it takes years before there are serious dysfunction. Quite often signal the onset of the disease is an increase in the crop. This provokes not only uncomfortable, but also problems in swallowing food.

So, observed:

  •     feeling of tightness in the throat;
  •     feeling of a lump when swallowing;
  •     slight pain in the thyroid;
  •     pain on palpation of the prostate;
  •     joint pain;
  •     slight malaise and fatigue.

After 5-15 years from the date of occurrence of the disease, hypothyroidism gradually increases. And then - only in the presence of adverse factors. These include:

  •     exacerbation of various chronic illnesses;
  •     physical stress;
  •     mental overload;
  •     viral diseases;
  •     acute respiratory infections.

Diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis

In euthyroid stage to determine the exact diagnosis is extremely problematic. The criteria allowing it to establish reliable disease include a combination of the following features:

  •     the presence of primary hypothyroidism (overt or subclinical);
  •     hypoechogenicity thyroid (the typical signs on examination ultrasound);
  •     increase in the level of antibodies circulating in the thyroid gland.

The absence of even one of them calls into question the diagnosis of why he is probabilistic in nature.


Finally get rid of this disease is impossible. Modern drugs can only maintain an optimal level of concentration of hormones, the normal metabolic processes and a stable cardiac function.

Treatment is carried out by several methods:

  •     medication;
  •     surgically.
Medicament approach is based on the use of:
  •     thyroid medications (replacement therapy with L-thyroxine, thyroidin, triiodothyronine, thyroxine);
  •     glucocorticoid agents (usually in conjunction autoimmune thyroiditis, and subacute);
  •     preparations based on white cinquefoil - zobofita, Endocrinol, endonorma, album);
  •     immunomodulators (T-activin, they can go on their own or in combination with thyroid drugs).

Surgery is rarely practiced in exceptional cases. It is prescribed only when the crop and sharply increasing threat to neighboring tissues. For example, while squeezing the esophagus, trachea and blood vessels.

Prevention of autoimmune thyroiditis

It consists in:

  •     timely treatment for medical assistance if discomfort in the area of ​​the thyroid gland;
  •     under constant medical supervision of genetic predisposition, aggravated goiter;
  •     rational use of iodine and products in which it is contained.
