Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Refusal to Take Vitamins During Pregnancy

QUESTION: My sister, who is 19, is having her first baby. She is three
months along, and although her doctor has told her to take vitamins, iron and
calcium, she refuses. She says it is not necessary! Would you please explain
the situation to her? I am five years older than her and I have tried to talk
with her but she refuses to listen.
ANSWER: Well young sister, what are we going to do with you? The newspapers
and journals are just full of information that explains the necessity of good
nutrition and health care, particularly during the months of pregnancy.
Surely you are aware that your normal diet, no matter how perfect, will fail
to provide sufficient nutrition for both you and the new life that is now your
responsibility. The fact is that due to the way human physiology works, the
baby will make demands that your body will have to supply. If you do not take
calcium supplements, for example, the growing baby will steal your supplies,
taking the calcium it needs to develop from your bones. The head start to
health that you can provide your child now will affect its entire life. Both
physical and mental development requires that the necessary nutrients be in
place from the very beginning of life, and only you can provide them now.
Perhaps you are having some doubts and fears about now, and are a bit
overwhelmed by this whole process. But it looks like you have a loving older
sister and a concerned physician standing by to offer the answers and help you
need. If it takes a message from me to convince you, that you have, but it is
the circle of family, friends and physician that can really offer the
information you may need. Why not take advantage of the Pre-Natal Classes
that are offered in many hospitals and Health Centers across our country, to
get yourself and your baby back on track? Someday you will be very glad you

