Sunday, October 14, 2007

What Causes Epileptic People Trouble In School?

QUESTION: I have just returned from another visit to the school that my 9
year old son attends. He is having trouble keeping up, and I am wondering if
this may not be the result of his epilepsy. His seizures are well controlled
on medication, but he seems to have trouble in his studies. Is this related
to his medical condition, or could it be the medication?
ANSWER: Several studies have shown that epileptic children have slightly
lower scores on intelligence tests than other children. The epileptic
seizures, however, are not necessarily the cause of intellectual impairment.
Some doctors believe that the differences in intelligence test scores can be
caused by the effects of antiepileptic drugs or by the presence of a brain
disorder before the seizure. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder
characterized by recurrent episodes of convulsive seizures, impaired
consciousness, abnormal behavior, and other problems. The condition is
usually produced by uncontrolled electrical discharges from nerve cells in the
There are, however, other triggering mechanisms for epilepsy, such as
trauma to the head, brain tumor, or chemical imbalances. But don't lose
heart. If your son is having trouble learning, he needs to be seen by an
epileptic specialist to have his specific problem and case analyzed. The
doctor should also reevaluate the medications your son is on for his problem.
Some researchers believe that antiepileptic drugs are over prescribed and that
the negative side effects sometimes outweigh the benefits. A small adjustment
in dose, or changing the medication may continue to control the seizures, but
allow for greater intellectual activity.

