Saturday, January 28, 2012

Things You Have To Be Aware Of Regarding Heart Disease by Andy Guides Jr

Arteriosclerosis is a common form of heart disease. Also known as coronary artery disease, it is a frequent killer. There are a lot of things that you can do to prevent this problem. Many different things can cause it. Knowing what you may be up against can be a good way to start.

You Do Not See It Coming.

You could have no idea that you have coronary artery disease. During the course of a normal day the heart works efficiently. It pumps blood through the body and life goes on. However, that blood flow can be restricted or even interrupted. Fatty deposits in the arteries can cause these problems. Gradually they build up until blood no longer flows properly to the heart. The heart cannot function and live without proper blood supply. For many years this scenario can play out - until something has to give. If you do nothing, it will eventually be your heart.

Why Does This Disease Happen?

What you eat and how you live plays a huge role, in the health of your heart.

Heart problems can be passed on from one generation to the next. The susceptibility to develop it may also come from your parents. This factor can put you at higher risk. If you have relatives with heart problems you will need to take extra precautions.

Smoking has been linked to arteriosclerosis. The act of smoking has an effect on plaque build-up within the blood vessels.

Blood sugar problems can also be an indicator. Diabetes increases the risks with such conditions.

Age is also a factor. The longer we live, the greater the chance of plaque build-up. However, it is affecting young people also.


Unless you are having a heart attack you may not know. High blood pressure or cholesterol can mean that something is wrong, so be aware of this.

What To Do About It

The best agreed upon treatment is prevention. A lifestyle that contains exercise, fruits and vegetables is recommended. Limiting salt and fatty foods is also a good thing. Management for conditions like hypertension and high cholesterol are very important. They are also known as silent killers. If you have had a heart attack it will be very important to listen to your doctor. You may need to take medications and revamp your lifestyle.

Take the time to educate yourself. Knowledge is power. You can find that power in a lot of places. The World Wide Web will be a good starting place. Bookstores and libraries are another source.


Do not wait until you develop symptoms or it may be too late. Heart disease is a slow killer that can sneak up on you. See your doctor and do what it takes to prevent future problems.

