Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What You Need to Know About Oily Skin by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Oily skin can make it difficult to maintain your skin’s health and beauty. However, if you know the factors which contribute to extremely oily skin, you can better understand the treatment options available. If you have oily skin, here are a few things you should know about your skin type.

How the Oil Is Produced

The sebaceous glands reside deep in the skin, in the dermis, the second level of skin. Throughout a person’s life, they produce oil, otherwise known as sebum. The glands are particularly concentrated in the face, neck, back, and chest, making these areas the oiliest on any body, not just on oily skin types. Not surprisingly, the person with an oily skin type has an overproduction of oil which creates excessive shine rather than the desired, balanced healthy looking glow.

What Causes Oily Skin

Having oily skin may be out of your control. As a hereditary trait, if your family members have oily skin, you are more likely to also. It can also be linked to hormones. For example, upon beginning a birth control regimen or hitting puberty, many women find themselves dealing with oily skin.

However, there are a few things which contribute to oily skin which can be avoided. Humidity may assist in over-production of oil; consider getting a dehumidifier for your home or office. Your diet also plays a large role in your skin’s temperament. Eating large amounts of proteins and vegetables while avoiding carbohydrates and saturated fat can help moderate your skin’s oil production.

How to Tell if You Have Oily Skin

Other than the obvious give-away of feeling extra oily, oily skin types come with a few other telltale signs. People with oily skin tend to experience pimples more often than other skin types. Pores tend to be enlarged, allowing more dirt and grease to collect if not cleaned properly. Make-up also tends to wear off more swiftly.

How to Treat Oily Skin

The main treatment tip for oily skin: be gentle. When you use harsh soaps and cleanse until there’s no oil left, the body notices and naturally produces even more oil to take its place. Using a cleanser followed by a non-oil-based moisturizer can increase the quality of your skin. Facials also enhance oily skin, particularly when they incorporate glycolic or salicylic acids.

For more personalized skin care instructions, consult with Zimmet Vein & Dermatology, a professional Austin dermatology clinic owned by renowned dermatologist, Dr. Steven Zimmet.

