Sunday, October 4, 2015

Prevention of stroke

Just how dangerous a stroke, perhaps, know all. Acute circulatory disorders of the brain in a matter of seconds can deprive a person's health and even life, bedridden, turn into a invalid. And so it is not surprising that the question of how to prevent this trouble, does not cease to be relevant. In recent years, it has ceased to be the scourge of stroke only the older generation, and increasingly affects young and even younger, so this article applies to everyone.

Who needs a stroke prevention?

For almost every disease can be isolated so-called "risk groups" - groups of people who, ceteris paribus faster than others become victims of this disease. There are some risk and stroke.

First of all at risk include people suffering from persistent high blood pressure. Hypertension causes around 80% of strokes. Therefore, the issues relating to the prevention of stroke, especially people suffering from persistent high blood pressure above 140 / 90mm Hg

A common cause is stroke and atherosclerosis - the process of deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels to form plaques, gradually overlapping a vessel lumen. Atherosclerosis often manifest coronary heart disease and angina, but the disease is systemic, it is not limited to vessels of any one region. Therefore, people suffering from angina, also need to give full attention to the prevention of stroke.

The risk of stroke is also associated with a hereditary factor. If someone from your close relatives had died of a heart attack or stroke at a relatively young - 60 years old - the age, you should be given stroke prevention the highest priority. Panicking is not worth it: not passed inherited disease itself, but rather predisposition. And if you look after your health, the risk of stroke may be even lower than that of people who have no family history.

Diabetes causes damage to blood vessels and circulatory disorders in different organs - is no exception and brain. Therefore, patients with diabetes are also at risk for stroke.

Doctors do not tire of repeating how dangerous to the health of bad habits. Smoking and excess alcohol consumption in - a straight road to a stroke.

Watch pressure

If you suffer from hypertension, type in the habit of measuring blood pressure. Ideally - every day, but even if you do it at least once a week - it will be good. Modern electronic blood pressure monitors measure the pressure accurately and independently, without assistance.

The measurement results are recorded in the diary - so you'll know how effective drugs for hypertension, if you accept them, and what factors trigger ups pressure.

By the way, do such a measure is necessary even if you feel fine and you yourself did not bother. Medical Practice shows that the body can gradually adapt hypertensive to high blood pressure. And dangerous to the health of his figures often do not appear - no headache or sleep disturbances. Therefore, if your level of pressure above 140/90 mm Hg - You urgently need to visit a doctor who will prescribe antihypertensive therapy, or will make adjustments to the previous, ineffective treatment.

Eat right

Proper food - one of the cornerstones of an effective prevention of stroke. Doctors even developed a special diet for the prevention of stroke. Her main points - the use of salt in an amount of not more than 5 g per day, and animal and vegetable hydrogenated fats (which include margarine and creamy-vegetable mixture) no more than 20-25g per day.

In addition, people at risk for stroke, it is necessary to abandon pickles and smoked, as well as limit the amount of butter, eggs and meat in their diet.
If you suffer from overweight (and often high blood pressure is associated with it), you need to reduce the calorie content of the daily menu of 15-20%.

We are conducting a healthy lifestyle

Doctors have long noticed a pattern: high blood pressure and physical inactivity (immobility, too low physical activity) are generally satellites. That is why effective stroke prevention includes the exercise. This "charge" should last at least half an hour, and it must be done at least five times a week. In protivoinsultny complex includes primarily the so-called aerobic exercise - those that increase the body's supply of oxygen. These include swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, skiing - you can choose the way of physical activity, which is more to your liking. It is only important when planning an exercise program, consult with your doctor beforehand. In addition, as the prevention of stroke is not suitable power exercises: press rods and other "iron" into individual gives naruzki limited group of muscles, which may provoke a rise in blood pressure.

Bad habits - fight!

Smoker risk of becoming a victim of stroke is two times more than a non-smoker, and it does not point the anti-smoking propaganda and scientific fact vindicated. There is only one "but": the elderly smokers with the experience necessary to leave the ruinous habit gradually and necessarily - under the supervision of a doctor who will gently and without problems to get rid of nicotine addiction.

Alcohol - is a separate issue. It is widely believed that moderate doses of alcohol contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and prevent blood clots in them. This is true, but in the process of disintegration of alcohol appear foods that trigger high blood pressure. Therefore, people at risk, it is advisable to opt out of alcohol. Exceptions may be made only for a dry red wine - certainly quality, and not more than 50 ml per day

