Monday, October 1, 2007

Do Chemical Peels Do the Same Thing as Face Lifts?

QUESTION: Do chemical peels do the same thing as face lifts? I'm thinking of
having one of them to gain a more youthful look.
ANSWER: Chemical peels and face lifts serve different purposes and have
different effects. With the face lift, hidden incisions are made, and the
skin is lifted, the facial muscles are tightened, and extra skin is removed.
The results will be tighter, less wrinkled neck and jowls. This surgery
should be done only by a board certified surgeon with special training in the
procedure. It's done under local anesthesia as an outpatient. Those
patients who get the best results are around the age of fifty--that is before
wrinkles are excessively deep.
Chemical peels help to remove the fine lines and wrinkles which we
commonly get around the eyes and mouth as we age. The doctor "paints" a
chemical on the skin, causing the upper layers to peel. What's left is new,
tighter skin, with many fewer wrinkles.
Naturally, the results will be different for each patient, and the aging
process continues along its merry way. You can help yourself to prevent
wrinkles by limiting your time in the sun, wearing sunblock and not smoking.

