Monday, October 1, 2007

What Makes a Person Get Embarrassed?

QUESTION: I'm a bit "red-faced", but I'll ask anyway. What makes a person
get embarrassed?
ANSWER: Embarrassment is a state we've all experienced to some degree. It
stems from social situations and is essentially caused by sensitivity to the
way others think about us. An embarrassed person is feeling conspicuous,
mortified, and is extremely aware of what other people may be thinking about
Some people get embarrassed more severely or more frequently than others.
It may be caused by an inability to perceive social cues that leads to
embarrassing social gaffes. Some people are excessively modest and simply
feel more embarrassed than other people in the same situation would.
Embarrassment alone is not a health problem but it can lead to one. Some
people let a physical problem that embarrasses them go without treatment until
it is untreatable. Many times, the problem concerns sexual, digestive, or
urinary functioning and it is important for physicians to defuse the person's
embarrassment and offer reassurance. I'm glad you overcame your feelings, and
asked the question.

