Friday, November 27, 2015

Proper skin care

Every woman wants to preserve her youth and beauty, though not forever, but, nevertheless, a very long time. The first thing that can easily give age is a state of the facial skin. The pale, flabby, sagging skin is added to the age of 10-12 years. Therefore, the importance of regular care of the face there is no doubt.

The earlier you start to care for the skin, the better. Even if you are the owner of the nature of the beautiful skin, you still need to think about quitting. Being exposed to various influences from the environment, it can lose its original shape.

General terms skincare

1. The correct moisturizer. Who is the shop windows you can see a variety of creams. What exactly to choose? The purse every woman should be sure the sunscreen; fat cream to protect your skin in the winter, the basis of which there is no water; depending on the age of day and night cream. No need to use the cream every time only one brand, because there are times when the use of a long one and the same cream, does not give any results. This does not mean that the cream is bad, your skin is just so used to the ingredients, there is no specific "offsets." You can search for a good cream online store for cosmetologists.

2. Morning and evening care. Wash in the morning better than boiled warm water, because hot water leads to sagging skin, and cold - to flaking. Be sure to purchase a washing foams, lotions. In no case did not go to sleep with makeup! The facial skin of such a relationship does not suffer. To begin, remove make-up milk and then wash your face with warm water.

3. face towel. Any woman should be only a single towel for the face. It is very important and quality of the material. Let your will be a soft towel made of natural fabrics. No need to rub the skin after washing your face, just gently touching, remove residues of water droplets.

4. Sponge. To remove the horny layer of the skin, be sure to use a small sponge. When you use it, move exclusively along the massage lines. Be sure to wash and dry after the sponge to her microbes are not developed.

The above rules need to perform on a daily basis, it is primarily the foundation on which will depend on the condition and beauty of your face. Any difficulties they do not constitute, important regularity.

Basic care - is the main treatment. But your skin will tell you thank you very much if you contact and additional methods that are also important.

Additional care:

1. Masks from natural products. Whatever the expensive creams you have not purchased, natural mask will always be on top. Pay special attention to the summer, when a lot of vegetables and fruits that can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, cucumber, strawberries, melons, raspberries, pumpkins. These products saturate the skin with moisture and makes it supple and strong. In winter you can make a mask of egg and honey, which is great to protect your skin from the cold and frost.

2. The ice for the face. Your skin will remain young, if you will wipe every morning with ice on the massage lines. For ice, you can use mineral water or herbal teas of various herbs (mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm, marigold). After a week of such procedures, your skin becomes supple and matt.

3. Gymnastics. Yes gymnastics, it can be done for the person, not only for the figure. Such exercises will help to deal with deep wrinkles or prevent them.

4. Proper nutrition. On the skin condition also affects your diet. Make sure that you have on the table were the food of vegetable origin, fish and eggs, which are beneficial to the skin.

The benefits of bee products

Bee products have many advantages and healing properties, the benefits of which will be really worth a lot and know how the product has any advantage.

Honey - the main product of beekeeping. The product - is not just a kind of delicacy, sweetness and a nice addition to tea. He has a positive effect on the respiratory system, relieving people from the various diseases. If you chew the honey together with the cells, it also normalizes the mucosa of the respiratory tract that can not but rejoice. In medicine, honey is widely used as a neutralizing agent that has anti-allergic effect on the human body.

Besides honey, of course, beekeeping products includes a host of other products. For example, these include the royal jelly. Royal jelly - it's really valuable to date product of natural origin, especially if you look at it from a biological point of view. In the structure it has a lot of useful elements, thereby having a positive impact on the skin, for example, because of what is often used in medicine and in cosmetics.

Bee Propolis - a substance that is widely used in medicine, especially in veterinary medicine, because it provides an antimicrobial effect on the human body. For this simple reason, it is often added to various ointments used for various types of utterances wounds, eczema and many other diseases. If you buy candy or chewing gum, which is composed of bee propolis, they will improve the immune system and help cure diseases of the oral cavity.

Ambrosia - is exactly what is needed for people with anemia, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, anemia, and diseases associated with the stomach, because it helps to increase the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin, significantly enhances human immunity and helps the body to be stronger, that is to fight against the disease. Very often, as bee pollen is used in cosmetics because it has a positive effect on the skin. If you do face masks containing pollen, the skin can be quickly put in order.

In general, all products of beekeeping has at least some positive effect on the human body. It's not just great delicacy, for example, but also useful products for your health!

6 Important Tips for a good sleep

Sleep - daily essential needs. Sleep is essential for the body to rest, while sleeping all organ systems begin to function more slowly. If the need for sleep is not satisfied, or we sleep properly, the body immediately gives to know about it as a lack of energy efficiency and reducing the deterioration of health. How to avoid these unpleasant nuances and sleep right?
Terms of healthy sleep is very simple and easy to implement, the main problem - do not forget to perform them correctly and regularly.

The most simple and familiar to everyone. For good and full of sleep you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Doctors recommend to go to the kingdom of Morpheus no later than 22-23 pm, and start your day to 6 am.

Fresh air
Fresh air is necessary to saturate the body with oxygen. Good habits - to make an easy walk before bedtime. In the stifling hot room, and you are unlikely to be able to sleep, and you gain strength, especially if you need to get up early in the morning. Therefore, you should ventilate the bedroom, but do not leave the window open all night, or you can catch a cold.

An empty stomach
Doctors recommend supper for 4-6 hours before bedtime. If your stomach will be filled at the time of sleep, the body's main focus will be not on restoring force, and the digestion of food. It is also not recommended to use tonic drinks (caffeine, energy drinks, strong tea, chocolate) in the afternoon. They can lead to insomnia, consequently, to the horrible state of health in the morning.

The bed should not be too soft or hard. The important role played theft - at the wrong choice of pillows disturbed blood supply to the brain, the result - headache and lack of strength.
Physical exercise
Physiologists believe that physical activity - the best prevention of stress. Due to physical stress full body burns energy obtained in the form of food, thus easy fatigue will be the best hypnotic. But before going to bed to exercise is not recommended - excessive excitement of the body will help you fall asleep.


Get out of bed should be fast, but not dramatically. If you lie around in bed will be the result of fatigue and lethargy. But the sharp rise in what good will not. Wake up, roll about a bit in bed, get up, pull up, smile and start a new day fresh and active!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Food allergies

fever, nausea, itching, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, abdominal pain

Food allergy is the body's reaction to allergens, received food through. It is able to occur in a large number of cases receiving allergopotentsialnyh products. There are two types:

1. mild;

2. severe.

How does a food allergy

The manifestation of the disease begins a few minutes after a meal. But the probability and a delay of up to 2 hours. In this case, symptoms are less pronounced and not as bright as at the instant reaction to the allergen.

In mild observed following symptoms:

    rash as a reddish-pink dots or urticaria;
    stuffy nose;
    tingling in the mouth;
    gastrointestinal disorders;
    itchy rash on the body.

In severe marked symptoms such as:

    angioedema, covering throat, esophagus, mouth, lips, neck, ears, hair and body parts of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
    intestinal cramps and spasms;
    extensive rashes on the body (abdomen, arms, legs, chest, groin);
    strong reddening of the skin;
    weakness throughout the body;
    coughing and wheezing;
    shallow breathing;
    distraction or drowsiness.

What causes food allergies

The cause of food allergies - food. In the list of the most common allergens include:


Usually, the problem is their constituent protein. It is he who makes these products allergens. A person suffering from severe reactions, even quite a smell of food, or touching the product to trigger an allergic response.

Another active allergen - sulfite (a chemical). It is part of the artificially colored food: food, carbonated drinks, some cheap sweets. Also used to make dried fruits and vegetables a bright color.

Food allergies starts with itching, redness of the skin and rashes on the body. They can concentrate on the inside of the forearm, chest, abdomen, in the folds of the joints, on the cheeks and ankles. If there is a mild reaction, then that's about it. However, severe disease manifestation of a more complex, acute and rapid.

In allergy may start swelling of the throat, palate, tongue, abdominal symptoms in the form of swelling of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, intestines. This in turn triggers diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, choking, wheezing. Such a reaction is called angioedema. It is the most dangerous.

It is noted that the immediate appearance of allergies as a result of the meal proceeds more clearly and problematic, with serious consequences. In case of postponement is less pronounced symptoms and does not cause major problems. In general, the allergic response of an organism depends on the amount of antibody concentrations in the blood.

The most acute manifestations - anaphylaxis. It affects the whole body. As a rule, there is after 1 hour after receipt of the allergen into the body. Able to re-aggravation of 1-2 hours. The most dangerous complications are also observed:

    loss of consciousness;
    swelling of the throat and tongue (angioedema in the composition);
    bronchial asthma;
    obstruction of air into the lungs;

Diagnosis of food allergy

The diagnosis is made on the basis of external characteristics. If the allergen is unknown, appointed special studies:

    laboratory tests;
    skin tests.

The first list includes:

    examination of blood levels of antibodies;
    ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay);
    RAST (radioallergosorbent test).

The second list includes:

    prick test (mini-prick with the application of a liquid on the skin to allergens);
    provocation test (with false-positive results or blurred symptoms).

Prevention of food allergy
Best option - to refuse a potentially safe food. To do this, you must know exactly what is an allergy and learn to "decode" the labels. Thus, by "kozeinatom" is meant milk, under "hydrolysed vegetable protein" - peanuts under "gluten" - wheat. To prevent overreaction, you should always carry a first aid kit and a special bracelet. It should include all allergens.

Bronchial asthma

shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest, labored breathing, palpitations, cough

Asthma is a chronic allergic respiratory disease. It is a response to allergen exposure on the background of emotional experiences, stress, physical exertion or cold. Characterized impede the normal flow of air in the bronchi and lungs. Often begins in childhood.

How does asthma

It is able to manifest itself in varying degrees of exacerbations in moderate and severe forms. Usually, asthma is accompanied by:

    difficulty breathing;
    a feeling of tightness in the chest;
    attacks of breathlessness;
    cough (dry and unproductive, especially at night);
    breathing with wheezing (it can be heard even at a distance);
    shortness of breath;
    Syndrome lack of air;
    rapid breathing;
    difficulty exhaling;
    swelling of the chest;
    the problematic question.

What causes asthma

There are non-infectious, allergic and infectious-allergic forms of the disease.

Non-infectious-allergic asthma is caused by a variety of organic and inorganic allergens. The list includes:

    street and house dust, including mites, pollen;
    chemicals (salts of heavy metals, cyanamides, pesticides, formalin);
    drugs (aspirin, vitamin B1, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, penicillins and other antibiotics);
    foods (strawberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas);
    animal waste products (wool, dander, urine);
    external stimuli (in the form of exhaust gases, smoke, perfume sprays);
    stress (fear, anxiety);
    sporting (intensity, in cold conditions);
    down and feather of a bird.

Infectious-allergic asthma is triggered by bacterial and viral infections:

    sore throat;

Asthma develops and runs on the background of genetic predisposition. This means that if someone in the family was sick with asthma before, then the other person under certain conditions it can also occur. The level of difficulty can be of three types:

    easy flow;
    moderate flow;

Seizures can take from several minutes to hours. Often completed yourself. But if symptoms do not pass all the time growing for 24-48 hours, then you need to see a doctor urgently.

In mild asthma occurs without strong suffocation and transient symptoms. There is 1-2 times per week.

Moderate flow is characterized by more intense symptoms of breathlessness, cough and night respiratory discomfort of not more than 1-2 times a month.

Severe asthma has all the classic symptoms with wheezing, shortness of speech, inability to breathe, a syndrome of lack of air. When the first two forms of the condition of patients between attacks stable.

Complications of the disease include:

    emphysematous lung disorders;
    acute respiratory failure;
    penetration of air in the pleural cavity (pneumothorax).

Diagnosis of asthma

Diagnosis is based on:

    history complaining of characteristic symptoms;
    clinical manifestations;
    the results of physical examination;
    respiratory function tests;
    the presence of eosinophils in the bronchial secretions or sputum;
    allergy status with skin, inhaled, conjunctive, nasal samples;
    radioallergosorbent test results.


The main principle of bronchial treatment - the continuity of anti-graded events. This reduces the number of times of chronic symptoms and prevent worsening of the disease.

The most effective drugs for asthma are considered to be inhaled glucocorticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs long-term treatment. They are administered in the form of sprays, aerosols or inhalers. It is possible, and the use of inside.

To modern therapeutic agent for asthma include:

    ambrobene and so on.

Prevention of asthma

For the prevention of this disease need to know exactly what stimuli cause an attack. Then, to avoid these factors. You also need to regularly take all the prescribed medication to reduce the number of exacerbations.

In addition, prevention includes measures that eliminate the causes initially deterioration. These include:

    Frequent exposure to fresh air;
    contents clean housing and the workplace;
    elimination of smoking;
    avoiding smoke, exhaust;
    regular wet cleaning and so on.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Allergies at home

Allergies at home - this is direct evidence that the allergen can not hide anywhere. Sometimes in terms of individual housing them even more than outside the home. Hypersensitivity may occur to all:

- Mold;

- Household chemicals;

- Latex;

- House dust;

- Food;

- Insect bites;

- Animals.

How does an allergy at home

Allergy to house conditions shown depending on the component, which triggered it. At the same time, these symptoms have a lot in common, as is the same effect on all organs and systems. The response of the organism can occur in two forms: heavy and light.

Among the main manifestations of mild symptoms:

    single rashes on the body;
    itching or burning;
    nasal sinuses;
    redness of the eye;
    frequent sneezing;
    shortness of breath;
    swelling of the eyelids;
    liquid discharge from the nose;
    watery eyes;
    pain in the eyes;
    heavy breathing;
    dry non-productive cough.

For more severe manifestations include:

    inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes;
    swelling of the larynx, mouth, neck, ears, hair body parts, scrotum, palms, feet, esophagus, pharynx;
    spasmodic and paroxysmal cough;
    wheezing, audible even from a distance;
    abdominal cramps;
    loss of consciousness;
    blurred vision and so on.

What causes allergies at home

Home allergenic Wednesday differs by the presence of a whole range of potential irritants. Its members may include:

    Animals (allergenic elements - saliva, urine, exfoliated skin, fur, feathers, feces, serum, horny scales);
    Dust (allergenic elements - dander, mites, hair, fur, skin particles, upholstery and insects);
    mold and mildew (places where allergens - neprochischennye filters of air conditioners and vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, trash cans, wallpaper, earth pot plants, tub, toilet);
    household chemicals (allergenic products - washing powders, detergents);
    insects (allergenic elements - all of their waste products, as well as venom injected with the bite);
    Food (allergenic elements - some drinks, foods and dishes made from them);
    latex (allergenic elements - cleaning gloves and condoms).

In any type of allergy for complex diseases. But it has some differences:

    not due to seasonality;
    often characterized by symptoms lubricated, which makes it impossible to establish an allergic reaction and to distinguish this disease from the flu, colds, diseases of the joints;
    It occurs more than one month (often - up to several years);
    It is constant (of course, to eliminate the source of allergens).

If you are allergic to dust brunt falls on the respiratory system, eyes, nose and mouth. Complications include allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis.

If you are allergic to animals most affected skin, digestive tract and respiratory system. Among the most serious consequences observed: angioedema, covering the throat, mouth, ears and head, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma, eczema, coma.

If you are allergic to insect pass put lymphatic, nervous, circulatory, food system and skin. In allergic complications may occur in the form of asphyxiation, loss of consciousness, fall of blood pressure, heart failure, lung spasm, swelling of the throat, larynx, palate, tongue, neck.

With food allergies affected the entire gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus and ending of the rectum. As well as the circulatory system and skin. Complications include extensive angioedema, asthma, loss of consciousness, liver disease, kidney, pancreas.

If you are allergic to household chemicals mainly affects the skin, nose, throat and eyes. Among the complications - atopic dermatitis, urticaria, rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Diagnosis of allergy at home

In any case, the diagnosis is a doctor specialized in the medical facility. If you want to determine the type of allergen skin test is assigned to the alternate introduction of stimuli. The reaction is shown in the first half hour and can be from a small reddening to urticaria.

Preventing allergies at home

Prevention - a basic element of the prevention of allergies in the home. From the impeccable cleanliness and order depends on the degree of manifestation of the disease. And also - the intensity of the "defensive" reactions. To avoid the house need of allergy:

    Do not use carpets, heavy drapes, curtains and tapestries;
    limit the presence of upholstered furniture;
    not to hoard soft toys;
    not to have pets;
    monitor the cleanliness and conduct weekly wet cleaning;
    avoid contact with allergens;
    use an air purifier.

Kiss type allergy

redness of the lesion fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness weakness low blood pressure, swelling of urticaria angioedema

This type of allergy is a reaction to a bite or removing the insects on which there is intolerance. In medicine it is also found another term - insect allergens. It can occur as a result of all kinds of contact with insects - from touching to the inhalation of their metabolic products.

How are allergic to insect stings
It is able to manifest itself in two forms: moderate; acute.
Moderate reactions to insect stings cause one or more of these symptoms: itching; raising the local temperature; swelling; skin rash; redness at the site of the bite; soreness.
Acute reaction has different manifestations. Among them: a drop in blood pressure; dizziness; tachycardia (rapid pulse); anxiety and restlessness; swelling of the mouth, throat, or face; urticaria (itchy red rash that extends beyond the sting site); heavy breathing.
Also, there may be a delayed reaction that occurs after 6-12 hours after the bite of an insect. And sometimes - and up to 2 weeks. It manifests itself in the form of shallow breathing; heart palpitations; weakness; enlarged lymph nodes; painful joints; rash on the body; headache; malaise.

Causes of allergies to insect stings

The basic reason is genetic predisposition to this type of allergy. The appearance of sensitivity and its activation caused by a number of external and internal factors, such as: poor environment; the presence of certain diseases; eating disorders (carcinogens, flavorings, colorings and chemical additives in food).
Allergy provoke bites of various insects: wasps; hornets; bees; bumble bees; red ant; harvester ants; mosquitoes; mosquitoes; midges; horseflies.

After a bite allergy often manifests itself immediately, within the first minute. Rarely - a few hours later. If there is an intolerance to insect venom, the reaction of the organism to be stormy. The local signs as redness, slight swelling and itching join the common symptoms. This - a consequence of the immune system to fight foreign substances (allergens). Thus is prevents the penetration of poison in the blood.
Bites give rise to edema, erythema and rash polymorph. It is one of several forms: necrotic; hemorrhagic; urtikalnoy; papular.

Also rozhistopodobnye appear as erythema reaction without temperature increase and regional lymph nodes. There is, and the general reaction of the organism in the form of low blood pressure; difficulty breathing; shortness of breath; a weak but rapid pulse; increasing the temperature of the body; weakness; hives; swelling.

If this condition is not affected to provide timely medical care, the consequences are extremely serious: angioedema; spasm of the lungs; cardiac arrest; loss of consciousness; swelling of the throat; anaphylactic shock; death.

Diagnosis of allergy to insect stings
Diagnosis is based on history and examination received the bite. The problem is often facilitated by the fact that the defeat he saw what he was bitten by an insect. If not - confirmed the allergen skin test.
For this purpose markup portion of the body (most often - the inner area of ​​the forearm) are alternately applied to the liquid to the allergen and make a shot or a scratch. In the presence of the poison of intolerance reaction manifests itself in the next 30 minutes.

The bite is injected with epinephrine (adrenaline). It contributes to non-proliferation of poison throughout the body. This drug is opposed to the development of allergy in an acute form. Further intramuscularly give prednisolone which antagonises histamine. At the Bite applied an ice pack. In some cases, make drip and treat with oxygen.

In mild allergy medication used with a local calming effect. It can be any of ointments, sprays or panthenol fenistil gel. Once the process is stopped, start immunotherapy using specific allergens.
Prevention of allergies to insect stings

The most effective prevention - avoiding the source of allergy. That is to look out for insects. In the event that confirmation has medical pathology and contact can not be avoided by resorting to preventive therapy antihistamines. In addition, allergies should always carry a "protivoshokovym first aid kit" with prednisolone, adrenaline and syringes.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Allergy to vaccines

redness of the lesion fever itching redness of the skin swollen lymph nodes swelling of the throat choking diarrhea, swelling of the face

Allergy vaccination is in the negative reaction to the drugs administered. Act as allergens vaccine components, which has a high sensitivity. This type of disease is classified as complications after vaccination.

Can proceed in one of two forms:

1. in the light;

2. In a heavy.

How are allergic to vaccinations

Among the main symptoms occur:

    rash and blisters on the body;
    urticaria low intensity;
    shortness of breath;
    runny nose;
    toxic epidermal necrolysis;

For more severe manifestations include:

    urticaria with a massive coverage areas of the body, and severe itching, redness (there a few minutes after inoculation);
    angioedema, which causes swelling of the throat, nose, throat, face, ears (gains intensity after a few minutes or hours);
    Lyell's syndrome spread blistering and rashes, accompanied by strong burning (applies to toxic and allergic response of an organism to a stimulus, it appears for the first 3 days);
    serum sickness with the defeat of the cardiovascular system, the lymph nodes, kidneys, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and nervous system (there is a week or two);
    anaphylactic shock (develops within the first 3 hours after the injection).

Causes of allergy vaccination

When the grafting reaction is dominated ballast substances used in vaccines. They are the cause of this type of disease. Also, they are called non-specific or additional components. These include:

    alien (heterogeneous) proteins;
    toxic substances used as preservatives (formaldehyde, thimerosal);
    aluminum hydroxide is used as an adjuvant, and a sorbent;

In addition, a negative reaction to vaccination is able to manifest and food or drug allergies:

    a vaccine against hepatitis B (in the presence of allergy to baker's yeast);
    a vaccine against yellow fever, influenza, mumps, measles (allergy to the protein of eggs);
    the vaccine against mumps, rubella, measles (with allergies to antibiotics).

Its beginning - the first hour after injection, or for the next day (3-5). For this purpose the graft is observed for 20-30 minutes. This measure allows promptly provide qualified medical.

This type of allergy occurs in varying degrees of intensity - from mild to severe. The reaction of the body is:

    raising the temperature of the body;
    the appearance of the rash and blisters;
    swelling of the throat, neck, throat, tongue, nose and throat;
    hives, burning, itching;
    choking with coughing and wheezing;
    difficulty breathing;
    vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
    fever, cramps.

The most serious complications allergy vaccination include:

    serum sickness (fever, urticaria, angioedema, joint pain, enlargement of the spleen and lymph nodes, damage to the nervous system, lungs, digestive tract, kidneys);
    anaphylactic shock (a fall in blood pressure, diarrhea, vomiting, dyspnea, swelling of the throat and neck, severe itching, rash, or redness of the skin, weakness).

Diagnosis of allergy vaccination

Diagnosis is based on external manifestations obtained medical history and medical observations. If the allergen is not determined, it is recommended to do a skin test. For this purpose under the top layer of the dermis is injected a small amount of the drug. When hypersensitive response of the organism occurs during the next half-hour. To prevent undesirable results of a study carried out under strict medical supervision. You must also carry a first aid kit protivoshokovym.


Vaccinate people prone to allergies should be cautious, because the cure is not completely possible. To avoid complications, it is necessary to pass a preliminary diagnosis. So it is possible to determine exactly what form of allergy is available.

Then appointed hypoallergenic diet with the exception of substance provocateur. Before vaccination pass consultation with a general practitioner, immunologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist and dentist. Vaccination is performed separately, with long intervals and only in remission of allergic manifestations.

Before vaccination receive medication preparation, which includes:

    antihistamines (Claritin, diazolin, tavegil, suprastin);
    calcium supplements;
    herbs (St. John's wort, valerian, dandelion, licorice, burdock root).

After being vaccinated to prevent complications should beware of psychological and physical overload and ereohlazhdeniya.

Prevention of allergy vaccination

Those who suffer from allergies, vaccination should take place more closely. However, this does not mean a complete rejection of it. Restrictions may serve only unusual allergic reactions or serious conditions caused by the previous vaccination.

The injection is administered with long intervals, separately, in the process of decay of allergic disease. Then watch for half an hour. That all went without complications, graft only in specially equipped classrooms - with anti-shock medical kit from allergies.

Allergies to medications

nausea, vomiting, itching of the skin runny nose watery rash shortness of breath swelling of the larynx bronchospasm discharge from the eyes

Allergies to medications occurs when the immune system rather than accept help - begins to fight with the active substances by producing antibodies to the drug. The reaction in most cases are mild and pass within a few days after discontinuation.
If you once had an allergy to any drug that is a 90% chance you'll never take this medication.
The reaction to the medicine is not necessarily allergic and can be a side effect. For example, if the wrong dosage can cause nausea, headache, malaise. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.
Allergies can have a cross-cutting nature, ie, manifested for drugs similar chemical composition. That is why it is important to report all cases of allergic reactions, doctors, and even better - to stick on the cover of the passport data on the drug, which has developed an allergy to when and how to show a reaction.
How is the diagnosis:
To diagnose an allergy doctor can only. For history it will need answers to the following questions:
whether previous cases of allergic reactions to medications and how they proceeded,
Did you have relatives like symptoms
a list of all medications that you have taken over the last point and just before the manifestation of the disease (need to tell including on dietary supplements, about vitamins, and even cosmetics).
After making history is necessary to conduct tests for allergy to those drugs, which according to the doctor, is a likely cause of the Greatest reaction.
Why do I get an allergic reaction to the medicine.
With confidence it is impossible to name the exact causes of allergies, but there are factors that increase the possibility.
Factors depending on the product: The origin of medicine: natural cause allergies more frequently than synthetic. The degree of impact: how often, how long dose. There are studies that prove that the frequent and chronic administration of drugs, and also increases the chance of developing an allergy. The method of administration. For example, when the local process often manifested contact dermatitis. The safest - subconjunctival and intraarticular. Cross-sensitization
Human factors: Age and gender Genetic factors (whether allergic reactions from relatives) concomitant diseases (eg, asthma or HIV) occur whether the patient previously drug allergies
There are cases where symptoms of allergy to the same drug in the patient each time may be different.
Allergies to medication occurs in no more than 15% of cases, and is rarely fatal.
How does the disease:
Symptoms occur within the first 72 hours after dosing. After contact with the allergen in the blood can develop a delayed reaction (is not immediately) or immediate (immediate symptoms) type.
With slow development there is local swelling, or inflammation develop symptoms of the type of contact dermatitis.
For instant symptoms include hives, angioedema, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock. Symptoms such as rashes and breathing problems occur within the first hour.
When instantaneous termination of the medication the symptoms begin to disappear.
What drug allergy occurs most often:
Allergies can occur at any medicines, but the most popular allergens are:

Treatment options depend on the severity of the allergic reaction. More often than not simply stop taking the medication, the culprit.

If the allergen is not clearly determined, it is necessary to stop taking all medications.
When receiving the drug inside is necessary gastric lavage or enema.
When symptoms such as rash need to take an antihistamine ..
In more severe forms of the disease such as angioneurotic edema, difficulty breathing, and the like, need urgent hospitalization and subsequent treatment in hospital.

What to do if you suspect at allergies to medicines:

    stop taking any medication, even if you are sure you are not allergic to this drug is
    consult your allergist
    If symptoms are severe, such as angioedema, wheezing, anaphylactic shock, call an ambulance
    take any enterosorbent (activated carbon, Polyphepanum, smectite, enterosgel, Atoxil, etc.), if possible to do an enema

Friday, October 9, 2015

Allergic conjunctivitis

Any illness creates some inconvenience for people. But of particular discomfort felt when suffering one of the most vulnerable and sensitive organs - eyes. This problem is familiar to so many: conjunctivitis occurs in children and the elderly, men and women. That is, all who have eyes. However, the most susceptible to the disease, those who:

    It has a weakened immune system;
    wear soft contact lenses;
    It takes corticosteroids;
    It has chronic nasal lesions, lacrimal;
    prone to allergies.

Of all the diseases of the eye it is the most common is conjunctivitis. It is easily treatable, but in the absence of proper attention may become chronic or even damage eyesight (such as nearsightedness).

Features of the disease

The eyeball and the inside of the transparent cover of the century, almost invisible film. Its thickness is not greater than one millimeter. This film, which is responsible for dry eye, and there conjunctiva. When it becomes inflamed, it begins conjunctivitis. The reasons for which an illness is pretty much the main ones are:

    other irritants (e.g., evaporation, chemical substances).

And viral and bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious. The only difference is that in the former case, the infection spreads through airborne droplets, and the second - in contact with the affected area. So first, as a rule, inflamed one eye and then the other. Although under certain conditions the second eye infection can be avoided.

Acute conjunctivitis is developing rapidly and has a bright symptoms and chronic, on the contrary, it proceeds rather slowly and is manifested not so clearly.

This disease can be in two forms: acute and chronic. The person experiences severe itching, pain, swelling of the eyelids (upper and lower), sometimes stinging. With the transition of allergic conjunctivitis in the chronic stage are stored only irritation of eyes and itching. The rest flows smoothed, but almost constantly. Disease manifests only on contact with the allergen.

    Medicinal conjunctivitis develops within 6 hours after taking the medications. During this time, there are growing rapidly swelling, excessive tearing, itching, burning sensation in the eyes and the inability to open it. After prolonged administration of the drug appears follicular form of allergic conjunctivitis. It reminds spring catarrh. In this case, the disease progresses slowly - about 4 months. After the abolition of the drug all the symptoms gradually disappear.
    Atopic conjunctivitis has a seasonal exacerbation. Often accompanied by allergic rhinitis and hay fever seen with. The manifestation of the disease is characterized by burning eyes, itching, severe pain, photophobia, and lacrimation. Also in the course of having swelling, redness and excessive mucus. For this form of allergic conjunctivitis is very dangerous secondary infection. From this age appear defeated, scarring, and hypertrophy of the papillae.
    Spring catarrh common in the southern regions. He mainly affects adolescents, children and men. It has a clear affection for the season: it begins in the spring and the autumn subsides. One of the first manifestations - itching. He gradually intensified, becoming unbearable, especially in the evening. Then, swollen eyelids, conjunctiva reddens. On the conjunctiva appears tuberosity - individual papillary proliferation of dense nature. Sometimes the disease becomes severe, affecting the cornea and limb. The disease has a long duration.

Among the consequences of allergic conjunctivitis:

    loss of visual acuity;
    bronchial asthma;
    the accession of secondary infection;
    purulent conjunctivitis;
    blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
    keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
    iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris eyes);
    anaphylactic shock.

Diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis

Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation. For this study the data history and characteristics of symptoms. If you want to perform a differential diagnosis with other types of the disease:

    fungal conjunctivitis;
    viral conjunctivitis;
    bacterial conjunctivitis.

The most informative method is to bacteriological studies and bacterioscopic detachable eye and mucous membrane swabs. It is also practiced by cytological analysis of scrapings. To understand the cause of the allergic reaction is assigned to the procedure of establishing the cause of allergies. For this purpose, the skin tests and examinations of blood serum for the presence of IgE antibodies.


Despite the presence of specific symptoms, in many cases, even the doctor can not determine the cause of the disease, namely, it depends on it, what will be the treatment. Just identify the causative agent is possible only in laboratory conditions. But often such studies is not necessary, most conjunctivitis tested by themselves.

When bacterial infection effective drops or an antibiotic ointment, but are sometimes used pills and even injections. To clear the secretions from the eyelids, you should use cloth that has been soaked in boiled water. It is important to observe hygiene and produce all manipulations with eyes (to dig in, wiping) only with clean hands.

Nasal allergy

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory reaction of the nasal mucosa allergy. He also is known as hay fever. It is characterized by episodic or chronic disturbances of nasal breathing. Can be of two types:
1. persistent (year-round);
2. intermittent (seasonal).

What are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis
After contact with the allergen reaction occurs almost immediately or can be delayed for a few hours - from 4 to 8 disappears after 7-10 days. Among the symptoms that manifest themselves in a few minutes, are: intense sneezing (in chronic allergies is usually observed in the morning, after waking up); rhinorrhea (runny nose are generally transparent and has a liquid consistency, but may be a yellowish viscous and the presence of nasal or sinus infection); tickling in the throat (as a result of a drip infusion, often accompanied by a cough); itchy eyes and watery eyes (a sign combining with allergic conjunctivitis); itching and tickling in the nose and ear.
By delayed symptoms occurring after a certain period after exposure to the allergen, include: nasal sinuses, and wheezing; allergic crease in the area of ​​the nose (from the constant rubbing and sniff provoked rhinitis); Allergic black eyes (dark circles); pain and discomfort in the face; hearing problems or the pressure in the ears; congestion of the Eustachian tubes (coming from the ears to the throat); sinus problems (dryness and discomfort); persistent coughing; disorder of sense of smell; mouth breathing (due to the constant nasal congestion); unsatisfying sleep; prostration; bad mood and irritability; eye sensitivity to light.

The causes of allergic rhinitis
The cause of allergic rhinitis is direct contact with allergens. Thus during breathing they fall on the mucosa of the nasopharynx and irritate it, causing a variety of disease manifestations. Among the most active allergens include: pollen; animal dander and pets; Bird feathers and down; dust mites and their waste products; mold and fungi of all kinds; cockroaches, as well as traces of their presence; household dust; cereals; sawdust; chemicals.
Allergic rhinitis - is a sharp immune system's response to inhaled irritant potential. She actually comes into confrontation with allergic particles, causing the above symptoms. Most often they appear in individuals in a state of atopy.
As a rule, these people have more than one kind of allergic symptoms, but several. A similar tendency is observed in patients, relatives who were also exposed to similar kinds of allergies. It is usually from: nasal; eyes; ears; pharynx.
When the immune system first encounters allergens, it takes them as alien hazardous substances. Therefore, the body reacts to them rapidly, producing antibodies.
In the subsequent penetration of the antibodies affect allergens, accompanying this release of histamine and other chemicals. Thus there are sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itching. This process is called sensitization.
This allergic rhinitis is fraught with negative consequences such as: sinusitis; bronchial asthma; plug in the ear; inflammation of the ear; sleeplessness; irritability; migraine; fatigue.

Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
The diagnosis is established on the testimony of history and on the basis of the identified symptoms. In the acute form of manifestation appointed special allergy tests. They may be in the form of skin test (the upper layer of the skin a small amount of liquid is applied to the allergen, and then an injection is performed); Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay mark (to determine blood levels of the antibody immunoglobulin E); nasal swab (his fence allows determine the level of eosinophils - white blood cells entering the nasal discharge).

For the treatment of this disease are used: antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness (they are well eliminate the sneezing, itching, runny nose); decongestants (to help get rid of the nasal sinuses); corticosteroid nasal spray (characterized by fast action and helps to avoid the appearance of characteristic symptoms); ipratropium bromide (stop runny nose); cromolyn sodium (opposed not only nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing, and irritation of the eyes); leukotriene modifier (effective for rhinitis, itching, nasal sinuses, sneezing).

Prevention of allergic rhinitis
To do this, follow a few requirements: avoid contact with the allergen; More frequent wet cleaning and monitor accumulation of mold, hair, dust; Only wash bedding in hot water; coming from the street to wash the nose and eyes; close the windows in the hours of greatest concentration of pollen.

Allergies to animals

allergic to animal allergens intolerance is allocated animals in the environment. It is the body's response to certain stimuli. Accompanied by the development of specific symptoms, which can be severe or mild. It refers to a group of the most common types of allergies.

How does allergic to animals
The list of the main manifestations of the disease include: redness and itching of the skin (in special cases - burning); shortness of breath with suffocation and shortness of breath; dry cough and wheezing (often audible even from a distance); eye irritation with tearing, redness, inflammation and itching; sneezing, liquid discharges from the nose and nasal sinuses; headaches (sometimes accompanied by dizziness); the weakness of the body and loss of attention.
When a complex pattern is observed prolonged exacerbation of asthma, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Causes of allergies to animals

The sources of allergic reactions are, in fact, all animals - pets, farm and wild. The most common reasons are: the cat; sheeps; Guinea pigs; rabbits; horses; rats; Parrots; hamsters; dogs.
First of all, allergies associated with wool and fur of these animals. However, not only she is allergic component. This list also includes other products of their life: the saliva; excrement; exfoliated skin; horny scales; serum (part of blood); urine.
The most provocative irritability has sebum, urine and epithelium. The most allergenic droppings - parrots and pigeons, urine - cats, dogs and medium-sized laboratory animals, saliva - horses, dogs and cats.
Most of allergen exposure occurs if inhaled together with fumes and dust. Also plays an important role and tactile touch to the products of animal - to wool, skin, urine and saliva. The most severe form of the disease occurs when an allergic reaction to horses and rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters).
The disease is prolonged. Most can reach six months. At the same time suffering from allergies: urticaria, or atopic dermatitis (itching and rashes on the skin); asthma (asthma, breathing problems, wheezing in the chest, dry cough); allergic conjunctivitis (watery eyes, burning and stinging in the eyes, eyelid edema); allergic rhinitis (runny nose, nasal sinuses, itching, sneezing).
The most dangerous consequences include angioedema; eczema; loss of consciousness; swelling of the throat; coma; anaphylactic shock.

Diagnosis of allergy to animals
The diagnosis is based on a number of factors: history, patient complaints, medical examination, special examination.
The latter is a skin test. They also called scarification. Executed with the application of the allergen on the skin highlighted a specially marked place. It is included in the liquid composition.
Most often used for this procedure, the inner surface of the forearm, which mark out the types of samples. Then make a scratch with a sharp object or perform interdermalnoe introduction. If you have a sensitivity to the stimulus, the reaction occurs in the next half hour. It may seem like a slight redness or rash intensely expressed.

The most appropriate treatment - immunotherapy. It allows giposenzibilizirovatsya, reducing sensitivity to allergens animals. During the course of therapy is injected under the skin of a small volume of allergic substances. It promotes the production of antibodies the human immune system and prevents acute reaction to a stimulus.
At the beginning of the treatment dose administered the least 1 time per week. Based on the severity of the disease, this procedure may take up to several months. In the following will be sufficient Allergy 1 the injection every 4 weeks. Immunotherapy allows to permanently get rid of severe symptoms when exposed to potential irritants.
In addition, effectively relieve symptoms: treatments for asthma, conjunctivitis; antihistamines; nasal sprays and aerosols.

Prevention of allergies to animals
With such a type of disease it is crucial. Is a very large list of restrictions and special procedures. Allergy sufferers should: avoid contact with animals and their metabolic products; remove from the house or apartment all potential "collectors' fur, saliva and exfoliated skin - carpets, upholstered furniture; held twice a week, wet cleaning; wash your pet with special shampoos once every seven days (not their own); use of air purifiers; monitor the cleanliness and feeder cells (also not on their own); restrict access to the animals in the bedroom or any other personal space (if it is impossible to avoid contact); disinfect the seat of animal detergents based on chlorine.

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to reduce the harm from smoking

Smoking is bad for your health. And it seems that little is left of people who do not understand it. But sometimes it is simply not possible to give up this bad habit. In such cases, it is possible and necessary to know how to reduce the harm from smoking for our body, following a fairly simple rules.

So, in order:

1. Do not smoke in the empty stomach. In the best case, after a hearty breakfast, at worst, after a cup of tea or coffee with biscuits.

2. Vitamins. Doctors recommend guzzle a course of vitamins for at least 2-3 times per year, most of the smokers and 4-6 (usually made on the course of 1 month). At the present level of pharmaceuticals and as the majority of vitamin complexes (and absolutely no difference import or domestic production), even if you will receive alternate month, month non-admission gipervitaminoz does not threaten you. A need for vitamins in smokers more than non-smokers, especially vitamin C.

3. Ventilate the light, walk in the fresh air (preferably a fast tempo), inhalations (doctors recommend softwood, it reduces the harm from smoking), often ventilate the bedroom.

4. Do not smoke while walking, running, especially in the hill and up the stairs, when the load is light on top. Enjoy smoking in a little more than usual and harm.

5. Do you smoke only one brand of cigarettes (required filter - he has a good delay resin), do not experiment.

6. improves peripheral blood circulation. A cool shower in the morning, preferably before the first cigarette. In the evening, as the shower, rub the hands and feet sponge of medium hardness.

7. If you have gathered to smoke, think about whether it is a desire that you fulfill with pleasure or mechanically move. So you can not only reduce the number of cigarettes a day and reduce the harm from smoking, but also really enjoy the pleasure of smoking.

Just now sold a large number of special filter to retain the bulk of bad pitches (but as you well know, they lead to a risk of lung cancer and other horrors), you can find them in drugstores.

And of course do not forget that someday, still come a time and will have to quit. At least from the savings (and you save on the purchase of cigarettes and the cost of treatment in the future). Be healthy.

Hiccups. Causes and disposal

Hiccups - is a kind of physiological phenomenon, accompanied by characteristic sounds. Unlike other similar events (nausea, cough, and others.) Hiccup does not possess any positive function. While some doctors believe that the hiccup is a kind of protection from suffocation.

It comes from the spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm and involuntary following this abrupt closure of the glottis. From this and hear a distinctive sound: "Eek!".

There hiccups suddenly and usually lasts 5 - 15 minutes and then just as suddenly passes. If it does not go on for several hours or even days, it can speak about any illness or protracted syndrome. The most protracted of the registered syndromes hiccups lasted 6 years.

Hiccups may occur at any age. Very often hiccups in newborns, and is in the fetus during pregnancy (premature babies hiccup 3% of their waking time).

Causes of hiccups

The exact causes of hiccups are still a mystery to doctors. It is known that the process of launching diafragmentalny and vagus nerves. And there are certain circumstances that are closely connected with the beginning of ICANN:

    Very fast eating food (food in the stomach misses some air).
    The excessive amount of food eaten at one time (especially fatty foods).
    A large number of acute and fatty foods, spices, soda, carbonated drinks.
    Large amounts of alcohol (such that its hard to stomach digest).

If you do not pass the hiccups for many hours or even days it can speak any disease such as gastric ulcer, pneumonia, nerve damage, atherosclerosis and cancer.

Hiccups in newborn babies and children

Newborn babies often hiccup and this is due to the fact that in the process of feeding with milk they swallow a lot of air. Worry about it is not necessary if the hiccups quickly. If it bothers you, try to use a breast pump and let the baby spit up.

Ways to get rid of hiccups

Ways to get rid of hiccups in abundance. Therefore, we will not bump into superstition (they are all based on the fact that a hiccup in itself is very fast) and will focus on those who have medical reasons. In order to get rid of hiccups enough to raise the level of carbon dioxide in the blood and / or lower the temperature in the stomach. To do this:

    Put a teaspoon of sugar to the root of the tongue, hold a little and swallow (repeat if necessary). It works in 60% of cases.
    Hold your breath as you exhale to the acute shortage of oxygen (repeated several times).
    Do not breathing, sip a glass of cold water (better with ice).
    You can try to straighten the diaphragm, the maximum bending forward and hands clasped behind his back on the exhale or inhale.

If you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor:

    Hiccups lasts longer than the 1st day.
    Hiccups in the child takes longer than 3-4 hours.
    Baby hiccups with abdominal pain and spitting blood.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Treatment and remedies for constipation

It should be noted that the lock - is not a disease but a symptom of many gastro-intestinal diseases. It occurs at any age. Despite the fact that today in the diagnosis of constipation are great achievements, treatment is difficult and, above all due modesty patients describe in detail his "problem."

The goal of treatment for constipation is to have a regular patient appeared "soft" chair - every 1 - 2 days.

Treatment and remedies for zaporovV based treatment of constipation is diet therapy. The daily diet should include foods rich in plant fiber: whole-grain bread, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, and at the same time to drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day (unless there are contraindications - diseases of the cardiovascular system). Meals should be at the same time.

Quite often as a treatment for constipation using cleansing enemas and herbal medicines.

In the treatment of constipation is necessary to abandon the drugs that can cause constipation: oral contraceptives, cancer medications, antacids, diuretics, opiates, and others.

In cases when the above measures are ineffective, should be resorted to medical treatment of constipation.

For the selection and admission of laxatives should be treated very carefully!

Depending on the mechanism of action of all the means of constipation fall into groups:

  • a means of increasing the volume of stool - saline laxatives, bran, flaxseed, seaweed and others.

  • means which increase osmotic pressure (polyols and nonabsorbable salt)

  • laxatives, enhancing peristalsis

  • remedy for constipation, softening stool consistency - liquid paraffin, liquid paraffin or almond.

Do not forget about the active motor mode, which helps prevent and treat constipation.

Hair as an indicator of your health

By the hair most people approach the purely aesthetic. We are concerned about their appearance only because he cared about his image and opinions of others. Well, someone did not care about it, and then they are cut under the "zero" or forget about the existence of shampoos.

Health hairline fact, any adverse change occurring with hair: hair loss, slow growth, split ends, greasiness, dandruff - it's not a random attack, and regularity, an indication that the body is something given failure. And if you do not treat the underlying cause, and to concentrate solely on maintaining the beauty of hair - you can miss an important moment coming disease.

Consider the main alarm "bells" of hair and their possible causes.


Losing hair from the head each day - this is normal. But not more than 100 pieces a day: they still have about 100 000 loss will be imperceptible to grow new ones. But if they have come out in droves begin to noticeably thinning and remain in large quantities on the pillow and hairbrush - Think about the following possible causes.
Hormonal disbalance

Keep in mind that the hormones - it is generally the main managers of hair on all our body. To this moment we shall return later. And now - their impact on hair loss.

Doctors even distinguish between two concepts:

    Male-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It is very common, is found in both sexes and is dependent on male hormones at the same bald head from the temples to the crown.
    Loss of female type: hair fall out along a strip on the crown, then this strip is becoming wider.

Hormonal type of hair loss often is inherited from mother to daughter, from father to son. Men, of course, this phenomenon is much more common, and the process can begin as early as adolescence, when hormones start to behave "in an adult." While waving the hand and blame all parents should be: first, to try to go to the endocrinologist, and a course of hormone treatment. In some cases, bad heredity manages to cheat.


Some diseases trigger hair loss. Therefore, if you set one of the following diagnoses - are treated as soon as possible, because none of shampoo, even very expensive and out of the shop, will not help.

    Infections of the scalp, for example, ringworm, or different kinds of fungus. Be careful not to use the towels, razors, etc. - Through which infection can easily be passed from an infected person healthy. But if we are not lucky, and you were infected - treated, and then the former density of hair can be restored.
    Alopecia areata, caused by cardiovascular diseases, disorders in the blood, different viruses. This affected the immune system begins to behave inappropriately and literally attack the entire sections of hair on the body: a person can fall out or eyebrows formed baldness. Note to the ladies: if the hair on his legs stopped growing dramatically - not rejoice too soon. Most likely, you should seriously examine your body for any abnormalities.
    Thyroid dysfunction. Here there is a direct relationship with the hormones in the production of which is directed and thyroid. And how are closely interrelated hormones and hair, we have already mentioned above.
    Autoimmune (lupus) or chronic inflammation (lichen planus) skin disease that does not affect the hair directly, but can cause hair loss in most areas of the skin lesions.

Admission drugs

Some drugs have side effects such as hair loss. And this is difficult to do something about: strong chemicals inhibit the natural processes in the body. But they help you to recover from some serious diseases. Most often complain of thinning hair people taking medicines for:

    mental disorders,
    cardiovascular diseases,
    high blood pressure.

Causes of hair loss
Other reasons

    Physical or emotional shock / stress. The fact that people lose their hair because of the strong emotional turmoil, you probably know. And the nature of stress can be very different from rapid weight loss to personal tragedy. Along with thinning hair, can be found a sharp discoloration (graying).
    Syndrome pulling hair. Manias are different. For example, some suffer from trichotillomania: this is when the person pursues an obsessive desire to pull out at his hair: of head, feet, hands, brows - all in different ways. The result, of course, remain the bald areas. Only one solution: to unlearn the habit on their own or refer to a therapist.
    "Hair" reasons. There are often, of course, women. Misuse of funds for hair, effect on the hair with hot hair dryer and tongs, addiction is too tight hairstyles - a direct way to baldness. Keep it simple and natural - is the main guarantee of beauty from head to toe.
    Malnutrition. Awaits hair thinning, if you neglect some important products containing protein, fatty acids (omega-3), iron or calcium. This, for example:

    One or two servings of meat, or three to four servings of beans every day;
    Cereal products and nuts;
    Milk and milk products;

Remember, the hair does not fall out, as is commonly believed, "just old age." Even with age, their number decreases by one of the above reasons, and therefore, in many cases, you have the chance to show off a thick head of hair even to your grandchildren.

Excessive pilosity

Sometimes, excess hair growth over the entire body can be a real problem for both women and men. However, this topic is so vast that we have devoted to it a separate article: Hirsutism and hypertrichosis


PerhotPredstavlyaet are thin flakes of dead skin of the head. Under normal conditions, your skin peels off, too, and you can see these particles even on the healthiest head of hair - but in very small quantities. If they become numerous, they fall on the shoulders or on the contrary, characterized by increased greasiness and stick along the entire length of hair, and the scalp itches and itches - the reasons may be:

    Too dry skin. This dandruff in a human non-sticky, medium-sized. Usually dryness is not limited to a head peeling like you can see on his face, arms, legs. For many people, there is a property of the skin during the cold season, when vitamin deficiency, etc. Often, a simple gentle skin moisturizing agents are enough to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.
    Rare washing head. If you wash your hair you constantly feel like - do not be surprised that they will have dandruff. Our skin is constantly updated, and old coatings should be washed off with water and shampoo.
    Seborrheic dermatitis - a skin disease, one of the most popular reasons for dandruff. The skin is red, peeled quite large greasy chunks of white-yellowish color. This kind of dermatitis require compulsory treatment. It may manifest itself not only in the head, but also on the chest, under the arms and in the intimate area.
    Scalp Disorders: eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor, etc. Dandruff - one symptom of these diseases.
    Contact dermatitis - or more simply, allergy to perfumes and cosmetics. It may be from anything, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. In this case, you must change the shampoo (paint, hairspray, etc.) And replace it with something more gentle.

You also are at risk of dandruff in the following cases:

    Do you have oily skin
    You are a man of middle age
    You do not eat, and your diet is lacking in vitamin B and zinc
    You put one of the following diagnoses: Parkinson's disease, HIV, chronic stress, heart / minor heart attack, disturbances in the immune system

Thus, dandruff - is not just an aesthetic disadvantage. Even if you do not care about skin flakes on your shoulders and unpleasant to touch hair - take care least about the health of the whole organism and find out the internal cause of this symptom.

Pimples and ingrown hairs

FollikulitOtdelnoe place in the list of trouble with the hair takes folliculitis. This disease, which manifests itself in the form of inflammation and suppuration of the skin around the hair follicles (follicles). The most frequent place of distribution: Region mustache and beard (males), legs (for women), groin, armpits, buttocks.

The reasons for folliculitis may include:

    frequent shaving;
    wearing stuffy clothes;
    skin disorders: eczema, acne, dermatitis;
    a weakened immune system.

Ingrown hairs - another trouble occurs mainly in place of shaving and hair removal. Disturbed hair, especially if it is attempted to remove the dry (no emollients) changes the direction of growth and begins to penetrate deep into the skin, causing irritation, itching, and unsightly bumps on the skin. To avoid this, try to use only sharp shaving blade and soften the hair as much as possible before the removal procedure.

Split ends

The fact that people are usually referred to as "split ends" in medicine has its official name - trihoptiloz. And you guessed it, the main thing - do not look for ways to remove the ugly forked hair, and install and eliminate the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. Such could be:

    excessive use of decorative accessories for hair styling (tongs, hair dryers, irons);
    misuse of chemicals: colors, masks, gels, paints and other cosmetics for the hair;
    adverse weather conditions: burning hair in the sun, strong winds;
    improper technique of combing;
    wash the head bad water;
    the use of low-quality combs;
    various skin (seborrhea, atopic dermatitis), and internal medicine.

Sometimes, you might think that hair is given to a person only for beauty: their protective function, inherited from our ancestors, have long been erased. But with the help of our body hair, we have learned to apply elementary distress. It is only necessary to learn how to recognize them - and then to identify the dangerous disease will be much easier.

Prevention of stroke

Just how dangerous a stroke, perhaps, know all. Acute circulatory disorders of the brain in a matter of seconds can deprive a person's health and even life, bedridden, turn into a invalid. And so it is not surprising that the question of how to prevent this trouble, does not cease to be relevant. In recent years, it has ceased to be the scourge of stroke only the older generation, and increasingly affects young and even younger, so this article applies to everyone.

Who needs a stroke prevention?

For almost every disease can be isolated so-called "risk groups" - groups of people who, ceteris paribus faster than others become victims of this disease. There are some risk and stroke.

First of all at risk include people suffering from persistent high blood pressure. Hypertension causes around 80% of strokes. Therefore, the issues relating to the prevention of stroke, especially people suffering from persistent high blood pressure above 140 / 90mm Hg

A common cause is stroke and atherosclerosis - the process of deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels to form plaques, gradually overlapping a vessel lumen. Atherosclerosis often manifest coronary heart disease and angina, but the disease is systemic, it is not limited to vessels of any one region. Therefore, people suffering from angina, also need to give full attention to the prevention of stroke.

The risk of stroke is also associated with a hereditary factor. If someone from your close relatives had died of a heart attack or stroke at a relatively young - 60 years old - the age, you should be given stroke prevention the highest priority. Panicking is not worth it: not passed inherited disease itself, but rather predisposition. And if you look after your health, the risk of stroke may be even lower than that of people who have no family history.

Diabetes causes damage to blood vessels and circulatory disorders in different organs - is no exception and brain. Therefore, patients with diabetes are also at risk for stroke.

Doctors do not tire of repeating how dangerous to the health of bad habits. Smoking and excess alcohol consumption in - a straight road to a stroke.

Watch pressure

If you suffer from hypertension, type in the habit of measuring blood pressure. Ideally - every day, but even if you do it at least once a week - it will be good. Modern electronic blood pressure monitors measure the pressure accurately and independently, without assistance.

The measurement results are recorded in the diary - so you'll know how effective drugs for hypertension, if you accept them, and what factors trigger ups pressure.

By the way, do such a measure is necessary even if you feel fine and you yourself did not bother. Medical Practice shows that the body can gradually adapt hypertensive to high blood pressure. And dangerous to the health of his figures often do not appear - no headache or sleep disturbances. Therefore, if your level of pressure above 140/90 mm Hg - You urgently need to visit a doctor who will prescribe antihypertensive therapy, or will make adjustments to the previous, ineffective treatment.

Eat right

Proper food - one of the cornerstones of an effective prevention of stroke. Doctors even developed a special diet for the prevention of stroke. Her main points - the use of salt in an amount of not more than 5 g per day, and animal and vegetable hydrogenated fats (which include margarine and creamy-vegetable mixture) no more than 20-25g per day.

In addition, people at risk for stroke, it is necessary to abandon pickles and smoked, as well as limit the amount of butter, eggs and meat in their diet.
If you suffer from overweight (and often high blood pressure is associated with it), you need to reduce the calorie content of the daily menu of 15-20%.

We are conducting a healthy lifestyle

Doctors have long noticed a pattern: high blood pressure and physical inactivity (immobility, too low physical activity) are generally satellites. That is why effective stroke prevention includes the exercise. This "charge" should last at least half an hour, and it must be done at least five times a week. In protivoinsultny complex includes primarily the so-called aerobic exercise - those that increase the body's supply of oxygen. These include swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, skiing - you can choose the way of physical activity, which is more to your liking. It is only important when planning an exercise program, consult with your doctor beforehand. In addition, as the prevention of stroke is not suitable power exercises: press rods and other "iron" into individual gives naruzki limited group of muscles, which may provoke a rise in blood pressure.

Bad habits - fight!

Smoker risk of becoming a victim of stroke is two times more than a non-smoker, and it does not point the anti-smoking propaganda and scientific fact vindicated. There is only one "but": the elderly smokers with the experience necessary to leave the ruinous habit gradually and necessarily - under the supervision of a doctor who will gently and without problems to get rid of nicotine addiction.

Alcohol - is a separate issue. It is widely believed that moderate doses of alcohol contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and prevent blood clots in them. This is true, but in the process of disintegration of alcohol appear foods that trigger high blood pressure. Therefore, people at risk, it is advisable to opt out of alcohol. Exceptions may be made only for a dry red wine - certainly quality, and not more than 50 ml per day

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


rapid heart palpitations

Arrhythmia - a condition in which there is a violation of normal frequency, consistency or rhythm of the heart contractions. Normally, the heart rate does not exceed 60 - 90 cuts / min.
Arrhythmias contribute: 1 diabetes and type 2, hypertension, obesity, coronary heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, heart disease, thyroid disease, and others. Women arrhythmias may occur during the premenstrual syndrome.

Arrhythmias can occur in a healthy person while taking certain medications, insect bites, constipation, with overeating and stress. Most cases of arrhythmia occurs with mild symptoms: recurrent feeling a sinking heart, dizziness, bated breath, weakness and fatigue. With the progression of disease associated pain and discomfort in the chest, irregular heartbeat, fainting.

Arrhythmias, does not violate the general conditions do not require treatment. In other cases, treatment should begin with identifying and eliminating the causes that caused the arrhythmia. Assign: antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides, anticoagulant.


shortness of breath, headache, disturbance of consciousness, palpitations, nosebleeds

Hypertension - high blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system, it suffers every fifth inhabitant of our planet.

Contribute to hypertension: obesity, diseases of the endocrine system and kidneys, stress, heredity, weakness, old age.

Feature hypertension is asymptomatic, but in addition, it is a predisposing factor for the development of stroke, myocardial infarction, renal failure. Patients are observed: headaches, arrhythmia, irritability, fatigue. As the disease progresses align: pain in the heart, memory disorders, shortness of breath, breathing becomes shallow. The disease requires timely correct treatment.

In cases where increased pressure normally tolerated, treatment is not required. In other cases, prescribed drugs that normalize blood pressure, salt-free diet is recommended.


fatigue, decreased concentration, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, memory loss, decreased performance, squeezing chest pain, heart pain, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction

In the body, each person has a natural "pipeline" - the circulatory system. It is with the help of the internal organs are powered consisting of oxygen and various nutrients. Over time, the blood vessels, as well as any pipes clogged, their walls form plaque, which prevents the normal flow of blood. This is atherosclerosis.

The consequence of this disease is that the internal organs begin to "starve", their work is broken. In the worst case, there is a complete blockage of the vessel, and then can even be fatal. Often it causes atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, it is important to keep this natural "pipeline" in order, so to speak, to observe the rules of operation - to eat, to lead sedentary lives, do not have bad habits.

Usually, atherosclerosis develops in the background of the general aging of the body. However, not only the age factor is set. Those at risk include:

  •     males after 40-45 years;
  •     smokers;
  •     obese;
  •     diabetics;
  •     lovers of fatty foods;
  •     People exposed to frequent and severe stress.

Development of the disease

As we have seen, in atherosclerosis is reduced "bandwidth" of the arteries. This occurs as follows: on the inner walls form a small spot, which consist mainly of cholesterol. Over time, they "grow" with connective tissue and become atheroma - in other words, the plaques. Because they artery narrows and deteriorates the bloodstream. As a result, the internal organs are not getting proper nutrition and cease to properly perform its functions.
The disease usually affects the entire body, but developing unevenly. Depending on what struck artery to the greatest degree, distinguish atherosclerosis:

  •     heart;
  •     brain;
  •     the lower extremities;
  •     kidneys;
  •     intestine and m. g.

The plaque itself - the phenomenon is quite unpleasant, but much more dangerous when it breaks the surface. In this case, the affected area start to "stick" platelets and eventually form a clot. It may be so that a piece of plaque or a blood clot destroyed will "travel" through the arteries, stuck in a narrow place and completely block the flow of blood. The consequences can be very sad.


The feature of atherosclerosis is that it develops quickly. Cholesterol builds up plaque gradually increase in size, but the man at the same time does not feel anything. The disease has an effect only when the vessel lumen is narrowed by about 70%. Atherosclerosis is manifested in different ways, it all depends on the principal place of "dislocation" of cholesterol plaques. But there is one common symptom - pain. It is the result of lack of oxygen and nutrition. Weakened "hunger" muscles begin to ache and can not fully work.

If struck by vessels of the brain, the person concerned:

  •     memory disorders;
  •     decrease in mental performance;
  •     fatigue;
  •     headache;
  •     sleeplessness;
  •     dizziness;
  •     noise in ears;
  •     problems with hearing, vision, speech;
  •     incoordination.

The patient becomes irritable and fussy, his emotional state is close to a depressive. In the worst scenario, atherosclerosis, hit vessels of the brain leads to a stroke.

If a large amount of cholesterol deposited on the walls of the coronary arteries, the heart suffers. In particular, developing angina or coronary heart disease, a heart attack can occur. At the same man tormented:

  •     pressing pain, which is deployed in the chest. Pain usually occur during exercise or at the time of stress;
  •     severe shortness of breath. The patient was sorely lacking oxygen, it seems that he is suffocating;
  •     dizziness, headaches. These symptoms are observed in some cases, sometimes even reaching loss of consciousness.

In the case where the plaque formed in the arteries that supply the lower extremities, atherosclerosis is manifested as follows:

  •     feet become cold, sometimes become a pale bluish tint;
  •     People complain about the chill feet;
  •     the pulse of the arteries feet barely detectable;
  •     in the calves when walking there is pain that runs when a person stops. Experts call this phenomenon "intermittent claudication";
  •     wounds do not heal on their feet, in advanced cases formed ulcers, gangrene may develop.

If amazed arteries supplying oxygen and nutrients intestine, these symptoms occur:

  •     colic, abdominal pain. Typically, attacks occur after a meal;
  •     often observed bloating;
  •     possible vomiting.


If the disease has not gone too far, it can be an effective medical intervention. As a rule, prescribers, lowers cholesterol and other fats in the blood. When this does not work, it is necessary to resort to surgical methods. There are two possible options:

  •     expansion of the lumen;
  •     removal of the lesion and its replacement.

Atherosclerosis is necessary to observe a special diet that excludes foods rich in cholesterol. Proper nutrition - the best way to prevent the disease. And of course, you need to quit smoking, increase physical activity. Then the vessels for a long time will remain 'pure'.

Varicose veins of the legs

itching, pain in the knee, nonhealing ulcers, peeling skin, muscle tremors, leg swelling, leg pain

Varicose veins of the legs - a disease that manifests itself stretching and irregular veins, blood flow is accompanied by a violation and failure valves.

Development of the disease contribute to: poor nutrition, overweight, long stay on his feet, endocrine disorders, smoking, heredity, and flat feet. In addition, an important role in the development of the disease plays a defective valve of the venous valves.

Varicose veins of the legs expanded begins with the appearance of a sense of feeling of heaviness in the legs, swollen legs, worse in the evening, fatigue. As the disease progresses align: leg cramps, "protrusion" varices, discoloration of the skin (cyanosis), knot density, unhealed sores, dermatitis (see. The symptoms of dermatitis).


Varicose veins should be complex. An effective treatment is surgical - venectomy (removal of the affected veins). In the initial stages of the disease applied compression and drug therapy.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Myocardial (Symptoms and treatment of heart attack)

Heart attack (myocardial infarction) - Acute severe heart disease resulting from insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle. Symptoms of a heart attack - a consequence of the formation of necrosis (necrosis) in the heart.

The main cause of a heart attack is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Myocardial infarction may occur against the background of an increased angina attacks, causing mental and physical stress.

The disease begins with acute protracted stenokardicheskie attacks, not cropped drugs. Symptoms of a heart attack may last from 30 minutes to several days: there is a pain in the left side of the chest and behind the sternum, radiating to the neck, left shoulder or arm. Growing shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, the skin covered by a sticky cold sweat, pale. Can increase the body temperature. The period ends with the formation of podsotrom infarct, clinical manifestations of heart failure still exist, but in a less marked degree. In postinfarction period (6 months after the attack) in the zone of myocardial scar is fully formed, blood pressure and pulse in the normal range.

At the first sign of heart attack and heart attack, seek medical help.

Treatment in most cases is carried out in the intensive care unit. Use: preparations, dissolving thrombus, beta-blockers, anticoagulants.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Damage to the meniscus

Damage to the menisci ranks first among the internal injuries of the knee. Men meniscus damage are more common than in women. There are several types of meniscal lesions: excessive mobility of the meniscus, a torn meniscus, chronic trauma, cystic degeneration of the meniscus, meniscal degeneration.

Typically, when the meniscus is damaged are marked on the inside of pain, joint effusion. Patients complain of a premonition blocking the joint, its instability, especially when descending the stairs.

When you break the meniscus clicking noted during flexion of the joint and pain


Scoliosis - a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which there is a lateral curvature of the spine and spinal torsional rotation around its axis. Sometimes congenital and acquired scoliosis, but more often - congenital. For scoliosis can cause some disease processes (syphilis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis) and vertebral fracture.

The disease begins with weakness of the muscles of the back, shoulder blades and serving poor posture. As the disease progresses there is a change of the vertebrae and ligaments, resulting in a distortion.


Treatment of scoliosis conservative and operative. Recommended: physiotherapy, massage, swimming, B vitamins

Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia - a type of abdominal wall hernias. It is the most common form. A defect occurs in the groin area, which causes outward protrusion of the internal organs, forming an oval formation. Most often it occurs in men as they have in the area of ​​the groin spermatic cord passes. It affects middle-aged people - mostly older than 40 years. Inguinal hernia is of two kinds:
  •  Acquisition;
  • congenital.

Symptoms of inguinal hernia

Among the basic symptoms of the disease is marked protrusion of oval or round shape in the groin area. It decreases with increased relaxation and stress at the time. It may be localized to the left or right of the symphysis pubis, located above the inguinal crease. The amount of such protrusions varies from a walnut to a very large bulge.

In addition, there are nagging pains that are aggravated by fiznagruzki, and strain during coughing. There is heaviness in the abdomen, difficulty urinating and a violation of the chair.

When a genetic predisposition (congenital hernia) disease is triggered by the low strength of the connective tissue. Why muscle-tendon channel is not able to withstand the pressure inside the peritoneum, forming a hernial sac.

When acquired form of hernia current impetus for its occurrence is very long, or the DC voltage of the abdominal wall. This is due, for example, with chronic and severe cough, difficulty urinating, regular constipation, excessive toil.

However, regardless of type, inguinal hernia occurs equally. After lengthy fiznagruzok and overvoltage at the bottom of the abdomen (right or left), first pulling sensation arises. Then there is a kind of swelling - the protrusion of the internal organs. So shaped oval or rounded education - hernial sac. It can be worn and uneven contours (in the case of strong protrusion).

Due to the growth in intra-abdominal pressure of adipose tissue, bowel loops and nearby organs tense and put pressure on the abdominal wall. This causes discomfort and pain. Inguinal canal widening. The internal organs are located partly outside the abdominal cavity. Further compression may occur - the so-called hernia incarceration. It is accompanied by constipation, vomiting, nausea, severe pain.


Inguinal hernia treated surgically in one of two ways:

  •     tensioning method;
  •     no tensioning procedure.

The first method applies tension hernia repair. It is literally a cut tissue of the abdomen and groin narrowing the gap in several joints. So the muscle-tendon structure is fixed in the new position. The operation is performed only under anesthesia (of any type).

The second relates to the method, and laparoscopic hernia repair endoproteznaya. Operation with the introduction of the endoprosthesis is to impose a polypropylene mesh to strengthen the abdominal wall. This surgery is performed even under local anesthesia. At times it reduces the risk of complications and repeat the disease. Distinguished by a rapid recovery.

Laparoscopic method of operating does not involve large skin incisions. All manipulations are performed through a tube and cannula. The operation is performed under spinal or general anesthesia.


When the man rose to his feet and knees for two, it became one of his main achievements and challenges at the same time. Walking upright increases the load on the spine as a result of its "parts" wear out, degraded. This process experts called osteochondrosis.

Today, the disease has become a truly mass character: in one way or another extent it affects up to 90% of the people inhabiting the Earth. Such prevalence of low back pain is obliged to sedentary lifestyles and poor diet, which are hallmarks of the modern world. However, those involved in sports, this disease is also not shy away from: excessive exercise are not less harmful to the spine.

However, there is no clear answer as to why developing low back pain. Experts agree that the cause of the disease is becoming a whole range of factors. This heredity and metabolic disorders and obesity, and infections, and many other things. So from back problems no one is immune.


When osteochondrosis is a gradual destruction of the intervertebral discs and all that is in close proximity to them - articular cartilage, ligaments, bone vertebrae. As is known, one of the functions is to maintain the ridge body upright. A intervertebral discs act as shock absorbing pads that are filled with a gelatinous liquid. Thanks to this "cushion" the spine is flexible and easy to accept this or that position.

Due to the excessive workload and shortfall of nutrients in the shell of an intervertebral disc appear microscopic cracks. Subsequently, they are overgrown with scar tissue, but it does not save the situation. Intervertebral disc gradually loses fluid, and with it - shock absorbing properties. As a result, the load is increased, and the disc further collapses. As a result, the vertebrae shift become too mobile, and ligaments and muscles sag. There is a denial of the vessels and nerve fibers.

Trying to fix the situation, the body launches on the affected area the formation of bone spurs that "fetters" dislocation of vertebrae in a kind of shell. These growths are often formed in the wrong place, creating additional problems.

On the basis of what is spine amazed distinguish low back pain:

  •     Neck;
  •     breast;
  •     lumbosacral.

In some cases, it struck several departments - is the most severe form of the disease.

How does osteochondrosis

For a long time the disease may not even be felt. In general, it is characterized by a rich symptoms. The catch is that the manifestations of osteochondrosis can be misleading, because many of them, apparently, are not connected with the spine. For example, he felt pain in his heart, a man goes to the appointment with the cardiologist, and in violation of the genitals - a gynecologist, urologist. Meanwhile, the cause of these problems may be just the destruction of the intervertebral discs. After all ridge contacts with a number of internal organs and has an impact on their work.

In most cases, osteochondrosis observed:

  •     back pain - they may be weak, aching, and very intense;
  •     numbness, coldness of hands or feet;
  •     mobility limitation (can not be fully straighten his back, turn his head);
  •     fatigue, rapid onset of fatigue;
  •     violation of posture - movable vertebrae "migrate" to the new location, curving ridge;
  •     muscle spasms.

All these are common symptoms, but there are specific, which manifest themselves in the defeat of certain spine. Thus, signs of cervical degenerative disc disease are:

  •     headache. First of them is suffering neck, and later whiskey;
  •     pain in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms, numbness;
  •     blurred vision, eye fatigue;
  •     development of vertebral artery syndrome, in which there is noise in the ears, dizziness, "flies" before his eyes, and his head "explode" from the throbbing pain;
  •     sudden fainting - it happens mostly with the elderly.

If the disease gripped the thoracic spine, the person usually complains:

  •     pain, a sense of "stake" in the chest;
  •     discomfort in the blade between the ribs;
  •     Pressing pain in the heart;
  •     the formation of "lump" in his throat;
  •     arrhythmia, high blood pressure;
  •     pain in the abdomen.

With lumbosacral osteochondrosis disturbed patient:

  •     pain, often even "backache" in the area of ​​the lumbar, sacral;
  •     numbness in the legs, their coldness;
  •     failures in the genitals. The men - erectile dysfunction, difficulty with urination, women - trouble conceiving.


To restore the intervertebral disc can not be destroyed, it is an irreversible process. But you can stop the progression of the disease, eliminate unpleasant symptoms. For this purpose, the drug and hardware treatment, massage, special exercises recommended. If the portion of the spine severely impaired, it is necessary to resort to surgery.
