By the hair most people approach the purely aesthetic. We are concerned about their appearance only because he cared about his image and opinions of others. Well, someone did not care about it, and then they are cut under the "zero" or forget about the existence of shampoos.
Health hairline fact, any adverse change occurring with hair: hair loss, slow growth, split ends, greasiness, dandruff - it's not a random attack, and regularity, an indication that the body is something given failure. And if you do not treat the underlying cause, and to concentrate solely on maintaining the beauty of hair - you can miss an important moment coming disease.
Consider the main alarm "bells" of hair and their possible causes.
Losing hair from the head each day - this is normal. But not more than 100 pieces a day: they still have about 100 000 loss will be imperceptible to grow new ones. But if they have come out in droves begin to noticeably thinning and remain in large quantities on the pillow and hairbrush - Think about the following possible causes.
Hormonal disbalance
Keep in mind that the hormones - it is generally the main managers of hair on all our body. To this moment we shall return later. And now - their impact on hair loss.
Doctors even distinguish between two concepts:
Male-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It is very common, is found in both sexes and is dependent on male hormones at the same bald head from the temples to the crown.
Loss of female type: hair fall out along a strip on the crown, then this strip is becoming wider.
Hormonal type of hair loss often is inherited from mother to daughter, from father to son. Men, of course, this phenomenon is much more common, and the process can begin as early as adolescence, when hormones start to behave "in an adult." While waving the hand and blame all parents should be: first, to try to go to the endocrinologist, and a course of hormone treatment. In some cases, bad heredity manages to cheat.
Some diseases trigger hair loss. Therefore, if you set one of the following diagnoses - are treated as soon as possible, because none of shampoo, even very expensive and out of the shop, will not help.
Infections of the scalp, for example, ringworm, or different kinds of fungus. Be careful not to use the towels, razors, etc. - Through which infection can easily be passed from an infected person healthy. But if we are not lucky, and you were infected - treated, and then the former density of hair can be restored.
Alopecia areata, caused by cardiovascular diseases, disorders in the blood, different viruses. This affected the immune system begins to behave inappropriately and literally attack the entire sections of hair on the body: a person can fall out or eyebrows formed baldness. Note to the ladies: if the hair on his legs stopped growing dramatically - not rejoice too soon. Most likely, you should seriously examine your body for any abnormalities.
Thyroid dysfunction. Here there is a direct relationship with the hormones in the production of which is directed and thyroid. And how are closely interrelated hormones and hair, we have already mentioned above.
Autoimmune (lupus) or chronic inflammation (lichen planus) skin disease that does not affect the hair directly, but can cause hair loss in most areas of the skin lesions.
Admission drugs
Some drugs have side effects such as hair loss. And this is difficult to do something about: strong chemicals inhibit the natural processes in the body. But they help you to recover from some serious diseases. Most often complain of thinning hair people taking medicines for:
mental disorders,
cardiovascular diseases,
high blood pressure.
Causes of hair loss
Other reasons
Physical or emotional shock / stress. The fact that people lose their hair because of the strong emotional turmoil, you probably know. And the nature of stress can be very different from rapid weight loss to personal tragedy. Along with thinning hair, can be found a sharp discoloration (graying).
Syndrome pulling hair. Manias are different. For example, some suffer from trichotillomania: this is when the person pursues an obsessive desire to pull out at his hair: of head, feet, hands, brows - all in different ways. The result, of course, remain the bald areas. Only one solution: to unlearn the habit on their own or refer to a therapist.
"Hair" reasons. There are often, of course, women. Misuse of funds for hair, effect on the hair with hot hair dryer and tongs, addiction is too tight hairstyles - a direct way to baldness. Keep it simple and natural - is the main guarantee of beauty from head to toe.
Malnutrition. Awaits hair thinning, if you neglect some important products containing protein, fatty acids (omega-3), iron or calcium. This, for example:
One or two servings of meat, or three to four servings of beans every day;
Cereal products and nuts;
Milk and milk products;
Remember, the hair does not fall out, as is commonly believed, "just old age." Even with age, their number decreases by one of the above reasons, and therefore, in many cases, you have the chance to show off a thick head of hair even to your grandchildren.
Excessive pilosity
Sometimes, excess hair growth over the entire body can be a real problem for both women and men. However, this topic is so vast that we have devoted to it a separate article: Hirsutism and hypertrichosis
PerhotPredstavlyaet are thin flakes of dead skin of the head. Under normal conditions, your skin peels off, too, and you can see these particles even on the healthiest head of hair - but in very small quantities. If they become numerous, they fall on the shoulders or on the contrary, characterized by increased greasiness and stick along the entire length of hair, and the scalp itches and itches - the reasons may be:
Too dry skin. This dandruff in a human non-sticky, medium-sized. Usually dryness is not limited to a head peeling like you can see on his face, arms, legs. For many people, there is a property of the skin during the cold season, when vitamin deficiency, etc. Often, a simple gentle skin moisturizing agents are enough to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.
Rare washing head. If you wash your hair you constantly feel like - do not be surprised that they will have dandruff. Our skin is constantly updated, and old coatings should be washed off with water and shampoo.
Seborrheic dermatitis - a skin disease, one of the most popular reasons for dandruff. The skin is red, peeled quite large greasy chunks of white-yellowish color. This kind of dermatitis require compulsory treatment. It may manifest itself not only in the head, but also on the chest, under the arms and in the intimate area.
Scalp Disorders: eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor, etc. Dandruff - one symptom of these diseases.
Contact dermatitis - or more simply, allergy to perfumes and cosmetics. It may be from anything, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. In this case, you must change the shampoo (paint, hairspray, etc.) And replace it with something more gentle.
You also are at risk of dandruff in the following cases:
Do you have oily skin
You are a man of middle age
You do not eat, and your diet is lacking in vitamin B and zinc
You put one of the following diagnoses: Parkinson's disease, HIV, chronic stress, heart / minor heart attack, disturbances in the immune system
Thus, dandruff - is not just an aesthetic disadvantage. Even if you do not care about skin flakes on your shoulders and unpleasant to touch hair - take care least about the health of the whole organism and find out the internal cause of this symptom.
Pimples and ingrown hairs
FollikulitOtdelnoe place in the list of trouble with the hair takes folliculitis. This disease, which manifests itself in the form of inflammation and suppuration of the skin around the hair follicles (follicles). The most frequent place of distribution: Region mustache and beard (males), legs (for women), groin, armpits, buttocks.
The reasons for folliculitis may include:
frequent shaving;
wearing stuffy clothes;
skin disorders: eczema, acne, dermatitis;
a weakened immune system.
Ingrown hairs - another trouble occurs mainly in place of shaving and hair removal. Disturbed hair, especially if it is attempted to remove the dry (no emollients) changes the direction of growth and begins to penetrate deep into the skin, causing irritation, itching, and unsightly bumps on the skin. To avoid this, try to use only sharp shaving blade and soften the hair as much as possible before the removal procedure.
Split ends
The fact that people are usually referred to as "split ends" in medicine has its official name - trihoptiloz. And you guessed it, the main thing - do not look for ways to remove the ugly forked hair, and install and eliminate the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. Such could be:
excessive use of decorative accessories for hair styling (tongs, hair dryers, irons);
misuse of chemicals: colors, masks, gels, paints and other cosmetics for the hair;
adverse weather conditions: burning hair in the sun, strong winds;
improper technique of combing;
wash the head bad water;
the use of low-quality combs;
various skin (seborrhea, atopic dermatitis), and internal medicine.
Sometimes, you might think that hair is given to a person only for beauty: their protective function, inherited from our ancestors, have long been erased. But with the help of our body hair, we have learned to apply elementary distress. It is only necessary to learn how to recognize them - and then to identify the dangerous disease will be much easier.