Saturday, September 22, 2007

Can One Develop Cancer From Sexually Transmitted Viruses?

Can One Develop Cancer From Sexually Transmitted Viruses?

QUESTION: I am aware of many types of sexually transmitted disease because of
the many articles that now appear on this subject. My question goes a bit
further, for I am concerned with the possibility that one can develop cancer
from viruses which may be transmitted in this way. Is there any way in which
this can happen?
ANSWER: Unfortunately, the answer to this question is "yes". A papilloma
virus may cause a condition known as Condylomata Acuminata which has been
linked to squamous cell cancer of the cervix in many studies. Genital warts
appear as a growth commonly found on the vulva, under the foreskin or on the
skin of the anal region initially as soft pink or red swellings that rapidly
multiply and take on a cauliflower like appearance. The condylomata virus is
infectious and is transmitted sexually. There is an incubation period of from
1 to 6 months between infection and the appearance of the lesions.
Squamous cell cancer of the cervix is never found in virgins, and is
extremely rare in monogamous relationships. Women who are found to carry the
virus are estimated to have a 1,200 to 2,000 times greater risk of cervical
cancer than women who have never been infected by the virus. There is no
treatment which is totally satisfactory, but the warts can be removed by
application of extreme cold (cryotherapy), electrocauterization, or the
application of podophyllin or trichloroacetic acid. Any woman diagnosed as
carrying the virus should have regular Pap smears and be carefully monitored
for the possibility of cervical cancer.

