Saturday, September 22, 2007

Is There Anything to Get Rid of Cellulite on the Hips?

Is There Anything to Get Rid of Cellulite on the Hips?

QUESTION: I am basically a thin person, but have cellulite on my hips and
thighs. Is there anything special I can do to get rid of this? Can you
explain what cellulite is?
ANSWER: Cellulite is really no different from regular fat. It is a word used
to describe the bumpy orange peel appearance of fat that most frequently
appears on women, on their hips, thighs and buttocks. Researchers have
compared fat biopsies taken from people with cellulite deposit areas with fat
taken from people free of cellulite. They found that the fat is essentially
the same. The ripple-like appearance is thought to be the result of the
connective tissue that envelops each fat cell and separates the cells into
compartments. These cells bulge as more fat is stored in them due to weight
Although some men are afflicted with cellulite, more women develop the
problem because their outer layer of skin is thinner and female areas of fat
are larger and more rounded.
If you are thin, but have patches of cellulite in the common areas, then
it will be tough if not almost impossible to get rid of it. Unfortunately,
fat does not always accumulate evenly over the entire body, but in areas of
high concentrations in some anatomical areas. There is no such thing as spot
reduction, and I advise you against believing any advertisements that promise
such results. In reality, exercise along with a low calorie diet will help
take fat off from all areas of your body, and may be of some help. Exercising
the areas where you have cellulite will tone the underlying muscles, but it
won't necessarily remove fat from that area of the body.

