Sunday, September 23, 2007

What is a Hiatus Hernia?

What is a Hiatus Hernia?

QUESTION: I am thoroughly confused. What I thought would be a simple yearly
examination has now led to a diagnosis of a hiatus hernia. I had no symptoms,
and don't really understand about a hernia in my chest. Can you help me out?
ANSWER: That is what annual examinations are for, to discover unsuspected
conditions and deal with them before they advance too far. It isn't unusual
for a hiatal (or "hiatus", both terms are equally correct) hernia to be
silent, without any symptoms or complaints from the patient. Let's look at
some definitions to help clear up your lack of understanding and to deal with
your evident anxiety. Whenever an organ pushes through a wall of the body
cavity that encloses it, it is called a hernia. In men, the common use of the
term refers to the pushing of intestinal contents through the abdominal wall
into the scrotal sac. In a hiatal hernia, the stomach is pushing through the
diaphragm, a sheet of muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the
chest cavity. In general use, a "hiatus" means a gap, cleft or opening, and
there is such an opening in the diaphragm that permits the esophagus to pass
through from the chest cavity to attach to the stomach, in the abdominal
cavity. This opening has become enlarged, probably by an increased pressure
within the abdominal cavity that may have been provoked by chronic coughing,
straining, sudden physical activity, pregnancy, obesity or as a result of some
trauma. Hiatus hernias occur in people of all ages and both sexes. Most
usually it seen in middle age and small hernias can be discovered in most
people over the age of 50. In many cases the cause is not clear, but that
doesn't effect the type of therapy needed; as for most asymptomatic cases,
like yours, there is no treatment necessary for as long as there are no
complaints. It is unnecessary to change your diet, work or play habits or
activity. You should be alert, however, to any changes that may occur; and if
new symptoms develop, consult your physician promptly.

