Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where Does "Lichen Planus" Come From?

Where Does "Lichen Planus" Come From?

QUESTION: When an itchy rash suddenly appeared on my body, I thought it was
poison ivy, and that daily washing and a little patience would see me through.
However, when it didn't fade I consulted my doctor, who told me I have a skin
disease called "lichen planus". He is now treating me with lots of
medication, but I still don't know where this came from or whether it will
ever leave. Please help by discussing this disease.
ANSWER: I am afraid there is not much known about the causes of this
condition, although it does seem to appear more frequently in spring and
summer. The itchy, irregular skin lesions may well be confused with poison
ivy, for it may often appear most on the arms and legs; but since it may also
appear on portions of the body that are covered and protected from contact
with the leaves of the plant, and since the rash does not follow the course of
the ivy induced rash, it is relatively easy to tell them apart. The lesions
may also appear on the inner lining of the cheeks, in the mouth and on the
lips, gum and tongue. This happens in just about half the cases. You may
notice that if you injure your skin covering any part of your body, a rash
similar to the ones you now have will appear. This is called an "isomorphic
reaction" and is typical of lichen planus. There are some drugs that are
associated with the appearance of these skin eruptions, and include arsenic,
antimalarial agents, beta-adrenergic blockers, thiacide diuretics and gold
salts. Be sure to mention any medications you may be taking to your
physician. Treatment may include the use of some strong corticosteroid creams
or ointments or oral griseofulvin. Whatever therapy your physician has
chosen, it may be a while before all the lesions are gone. About 50% of
patients on therapy clear in about 9 months, and by 18 months, 85% of the
patients are rid of the rash. Patients who experienced sudden onset of the
lesions as you did generally have more symptoms, but also tend to recover more
rapidly as well. I hope you will be amongst the lucky ones.

