Saturday, February 15, 2014

Aspirin. Benefit or harm?

It is believed that a small dose of painkiller, take each day, can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and prevent blood clots. But there are doubts.

Numerous studies confirm the magical reputation aspirin - said the publication The Daily Telegraph. It seems that scientists have decided to get to the truth and, if we have any questions about the effectiveness of its wholly against heart disease, why in connection with aspirin did not talk about cancer? New research, which spent scientists from the University of Oxford, has shown that this medicine when taken daily for 3-5 years, can reduce the risk of cancer to 30%. When this drug not only stops the progression of the disease, but also the spread of metastasis. In particular, taking 75 mg of aspirin daily for five years or more reduces the risk of bowel cancer by a quarter and deaths from the disease by a third.

We also know that aspirin thins the blood, affecting platelets, so, again, it is prescribed to people with cardiovascular disease, and prescribe it for the prevention of high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition, aspirin is widely used to maintain blood clotting and prevent cases of repeated miscarriage... it prescribed for migraine, patients with cataracts and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. So whether older people (which the drug is not contraindicated) - the main vulnerable groups, serious - primarily heart disease and cancer - take it every morning as a pill for all ills ?

Professor Peter Rothwell, who heads a team of scientists from Oxford, says yes. Professor Gordon McVie and the European Institute of Oncology in Milan confirms: "There is no doubt, aspirin is cheap and effective." Agrees with them and Peter Ellwood, professor of epidemiology at the University of Wales, he was even more confident in the miraculous properties of this drug" Taking an aspirin every day, you increase your chances of a long and productive lives, preventing serious diseases."

One of the leading specialists in the UK on cancer, Professor Karol Sikora, said that preventive part of the theory of the miraculous effect of aspirin is definitely proven, but here he is in no hurry to take this medication. Why - and does not know a clear answer had not. And he's such an indecisive, not only among British doctors. Once Sikora, prisutstvovashy a thematic conference in the U.S. devoted to cancer, asked his colleagues : "Do you take aspirin as a prevention of serious diseases ?" - 60 % said "yes." And at a conference in Britain a similar question answered in the affirmative, only 5% of doctors. The reason ? Karol Sikora believes that Americans are more concerned about the default of their health than Europeans.

Side effects associated with regular consumption of aspirin, a major risk factor for those who appointed him for yourself panacea. The main problem, which they say lately - a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, which may manifest as pain, and in the most severe cases, aspirin can cause bleeding. "Nobody can guarantee that by taking this drug, you will not encounter this - says Professor Sikora. - If you have no history of ulcers or gastritis, likely side effects are manifest. But if a week or two after you start taking aspirin you feel stomach discomfort, talk to your doctor. "

In addition to peptic ulcer disease to other contraindications include hemophilia or bleeding disorder, as well as an allergy to aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and diclofenac. Precautions should take aspirin and people with asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, digestive problems, pregnant and lactating women.

But if you do decide to start taking this drug as a preventive measure, then the question arises - when, at what age? Doctors believe that it is definitely worth doing for older people. For example, Dr. Sovrem Wheatcroft, consultant gynecological clinic in Guildford recommends drinking aspirin for women of menopausal age and older, they can take a daily low daily dose should not exceed 75 mg. So - says Wheatcroft - can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including, possibly, dementia as aspirin, diluting the blood, reduces the likelihood of microscopic clots in blood vessels. It is also known that women with age gradually reduced estrogen level, which can provoke the risk of developing cancers, so taking the drug can become effective. Do I need to take aspirin to people of middle age? This question is still open, if only because that cancer is no age limit.

