Saturday, February 15, 2014

Pills for drivers

pills for drivers

Many drugs excellent help to cope with the disease, but drinking them on the track still not worth it. They often have side effects : depress the central nervous system, causing lethargy and sleepiness, disturbed coordination of movements. If the driver accepts them, the risk of accidents on the road increases manifold. What medications should not be taken if you are behind the wheel ? Or vice versa: when taking any medication temporarily should not drive a car ?

Avowed enemy of all drivers - psychotropic drugs. Their method increases crash risk by 2-5 times. According to statistics, 10 % of people injured or killed on European roads, were under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Enumerate all - not enough a few pages, so many of them. But there are a few rules that will help the driver to determine whether a dangerous drug group.
Rule one. Read the summary to the drug. To prevent  You should not drive vehicles and engage in other activities that require attention  need to treat very seriously.
Second Rule. If you learn from the summary that the drug belongs to a group of neuroleptics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives, hypnotics, or lithium preparations, know that they all relate to psychotropic drugs. After receiving them behind the wheel is better not to sit down.
The third rule. Sometimes in the annotations to medicines given advice:  Be especially careful at the beginning of treatment. If the drug is well tolerated, completely give up driving is not worth it. This is also not the best recommendation.
Tablets may have a hidden effect, which is much more dangerous than explicit. After feeling sluggish and drowsy driver hardly sit behind the wheel. And when he feels well, hardly guess that because of the medication received on the eve of impaired ability to concentrate and coordinate movement. Facing the loss of such a calm alertness.
Antipsychotics inhibit the central nervous system without disturbing consciousness.
Antidepressants for drivers is also very dangerous. New drugs in this group are less affected by the coordination of movements, but care should be taken in treating them.
Tranquilizers suppress restlessness, anxiety, fears, and at the same time reduce the ability to concentrate and disrupt coordination.
Lithium, with prolonged use weaken concentration.

Slightest sip of alcohol (even curative medicine ), together with the tablet can turn into a tragedy on the road.

In the exclusion list for the driver is included with all drugs hypnotic and sedative effects.

In addition to classic psychotropic drugs cause some confusion antihypertensive drugs that lower blood pressure, almost all antihistamines used to treat allergies, and drugs that are close to morphine - the so-called opioids. Of antihypertensive drugs in the first place drivers to beware of drugs acting on the central nervous system.
Cause fear and beta-blockers. They are used for treating not only hypertension but also with coronary heart disease and certain cardiac arrhythmias. The road is better not to take.
Herbal preparations with soothing effect is also not harmless, especially in combination with drugs that increase activity.
The driver must be very careful and to drugs that inhibits the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Previously, they were widely used in the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis. Now rarely used. All they affect vision : eyes widen and make the image blurry. In the list of forbidden drugs and get diarrhea, which have decelerated effects on the central nervous system.
If you're not aware of the side effect of a drug, consult with a physician: whether after taking the medicine get behind the wheel ? If consultation with a specialist is delayed - and better to postpone the trip. Perhaps in this case, trouble will be less.

