Saturday, February 15, 2014

Why stomach hurts?

Sharp and dull, throbbing and stabbing, aching and arching - Abdominal pain is very different. The cause may be a variety of diseases - from heart attack of appendicitis. The main thing - to recognize the symptoms and seek immediate medical attention
Reason 1. Appendicitis
Attack often begins suddenly, first appears constant pain around the navel, which then descends into the right iliac region. In rare cases, gives to the waist. May be aggravated by movement and coughing. In the beginning of an attack is possible vomiting, not bringing relief. Usually marked constipation, stomach gets tough. Body temperature rises to 37,5-38 ° C, pulse rate of 90-100 beats per minute. Tongue slightly coated. When the location of the appendix behind the cecum remains soft belly, pain and muscle tension observed in the right lumbar region.
What to do?
Urgently call physicians. To alleviate the condition on the right side you can put an ice pack. In any case does not apply to the abdomen warm heating pad. Before the arrival of the doctor not to take painkillers and laxatives, it is advisable not to drink or eat.

Reason 2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
For this condition, which interferes with the work of the intestine, but he remains healthy, characterized by recurrent severe cramping (twisting) or sharp abdominal pain - usually only in the morning, combined with a strong urge to defecate. After bowel pain and tested during the day do not come back.
What to do?
Refer to a gastroenterologist, who will appoint the necessary research. The diagnosis of " irritable bowel syndrome " is established only after the exclusion of all other possible diseases of the digestive tract.

Reason 3. Diverticulitis
Pain in the left lower abdomen, fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, cramping, and constipation - all characteristic signs of diverticulitis. When the disease is in the walls of the colon formed a kind of " bulge", called diverticula, which are formed as a result of differences fibers muscular frame of the intestinal wall. It usually occurs on the background of chronic constipation for improving the intraintestinal pressure. Also with age, muscular frame intestine loses its tone and the individual fibers may diverge. Diverticula can not disturb lifelong, but in some cases it may be an inflammation.
What to do?
Consult a gastroenterologist. Your doctor may prescribe the necessary medicines, liquid diet and bed rest for a few days. In some cases, treatment of diverticulitis require hospitalization. If you have complications may need surgery.

Reason 4. Gallbladder disease
Dull pain in the right upper quadrant or right side, worse after eating - a characteristic feature of cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder wall). In acute disease the pain sharp, throbbing. Often discomfort accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or the appearance of a bitter taste in your mouth. Unbearably severe pain in the right upper quadrant (biliary colic) may occur in the presence of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts.
What to do?
Consult a doctor, a gastroenterologist, who will send an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. During exacerbation cholecystitis appointed painkillers and antispasmodic drugs, antibiotics, fasting diet. In the period of remission of the disease appointed Cholagogue natural and synthetic origin. Treatment of gallstone disease in the early stages is to dissolve the stones with medication and crushing. In the presence of large stones, as well as the development of complications, surgical removal of the gall bladder - cholecystectomy.

Reason 5. Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
Acute (sometimes knife-like) pain in the epigastric region (between the breastbone and the navel) may indicate the presence of an ulcer - a defect of the gastric mucosa or bowel. When ulcers pain more severe, burning, but can sometimes be dull, similar to the feeling of hunger, or absent altogether. Pain usually are "hungry" nature and come out at night on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after a meal, but sometimes they may increase after eating. Other common symptoms are heartburn and ulcers brash.
What to do?
Sign up to a gastroenterologist, who will forward on gastroscopy. Requires general and biochemical blood tests, as well as test for antibodies to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers. Also need ultrasound of the abdomen. Doctor will prescribe medication and diet : the exclusion of alcohol, coffee, too hot or cold foods, spicy, fried, salty, coarse food (mushrooms, tough meat).

Reason 6. Diseases of the pancreas
Dull or aching, girdle pains in the middle of the abdomen (around the navel) or in the left upper quadrant are characteristic of chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the tissues of the pancreas). Discomfort is usually worse after a fatty or spicy foods. In acute pancreatitis, the pain is very strong in the upper abdomen, often accompanied by vomiting, bloating, constipation. Most often, acute pancreatitis occurs after eating and alcohol abuse.
What to do?
Consult a gastroenterologist, who will send an ultrasound of the pancreas, as well as a blood test for pancreatic enzymes and glucose. Doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and enzymes, and most importantly, dietary fractional power. In acute pancreatitis requires emergency hospitalization.

Reason 7. Mesenteric thromboembolism (mesenteric) vessels
Spasm or thrombus occlusion of the mesenteric vessels supplying blood to the tissue of the intestine, leading to changes in the secretory and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract and is accompanied by a strong, sharp, and hardly abdominal pain. Please discomfort can wear intermittent cramping in nature, then become more uniform, constant, though equally intense. Other symptoms observed nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, often with bloody stools may develop shock. Progression of the disease can lead to heart attack and intestinal peritonitis.
What to do?
Call emergency services as patients with thrombosis of mesenteric vessels often need emergency surgery. As enzymatic treatment prescribed, astringent preparations, improving blood circulation, antispasmodics, including nitroglycerin for pain.

Reason 8. Gynecological diseases
In women, abdominal pain in the middle or on one side of the abdominal cavity may occur during the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, appendages. Usually they have character and are accompanied by pulling from the genital tract secretions. A sharp pain, dizziness, fainting - all these symptoms are characteristic of ectopic pregnancy, ruptured ovarian cysts.
What to do?
Consult a gynecologist. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy immediately call an ambulance.

Reason 9. Heart failure
Pain in the upper abdomen (in the stomach), bloating, nausea and sometimes vomiting, weakness, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure - all of these symptoms can talk about myocardial infarction (the so-called abdominal form). Possible hiccup feeling stuffiness, pallor.

