Saturday, December 29, 2007

Laughter and your health

Laughter and your health
 by: John Ryan

Jokes and humor for your health
When thinking about alternative medicine, most people picture plants, crystals, needles, maybe some bugs and leeches, but few realize that jokes, humor and comedy are truly medicines, in their own right. It has long been established that optimists live longer than pessimists, but now there is some hard evidence that people with a better sense of humor also have longer and healthier lives. Your "stay healthy" plan should include a joke and a 20-minute comedy show, to go with the broccoli and carrots.
There are now various associations and physicians specialized in the so-called therapeutic humor, who are still investigating the roles of laughter in our lives. Perhaps the most obvious of these roles is that related to the social life - jokes often allow people to connect and to bond, and sharing a good laughter is a good method to integrate in a team, to get along with the coworkers, neighbors and so on. This function is vital from the point of view of mental health, since it reduces loneliness and, with it, depression and other problems associated with it. You don't have to be trained in stand-up comedy in order to say something funny, sometimes all you need is a change of perspective or the courage to make fun at your own expense.
Humor is an invaluable asset in crisis situations, when it helps us calm down and reduce the levels of stress (and all the negative effects stress has on health). It is often considered that, among patients with very severe diseases, those with an upbeat approach, who are capable of making jokes about their situations, have the best chances to defeat the illness. So far, there have been no scientific studies to prove this, but the patients themselves report feeling better after joining an activity with humorous potential, even if it's just watching a comedy show together with some friends or with other patients.
Recent researches suggest that laughter influences more than our mental framework, it actually has a positive effect on the physical aspect as well. It has been widely accepted, for some time, that laughter increases the pain resistance level, but the theory is still not proven. In fact, very few studies have yet been made about the relation between comedy and health, but those existing seem to indicate that a good joke may lower the blood pressure, improve memory and cognitive functions and boost the immune system. Moreover, these results are not short-term only: it seems that a good sense of humor may protect you against heart diseases and alter your biochemical state to a level where the organism produces more antibodies. The lack of research in the field is due to the fact that people have always assumed that laughter is good for your health (along with an apple a day and a breath of fresh air), but little has been done to analyze this in depth.
There is also a "bad" humor (same as there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol). This category includes the approach that makes people feel miserable about themselves, or angry, upset and vengeful, as well as the skeptic and cynic attitude, which is often the front for deep depression and indifference. Jokes directed at other people are also "bad" humor, along with ethnic, racial and sexist jokes, which are born out of frustration, not out of optimism and cheerfulness. Also, people who often make fun of themselves hide a low self esteem, which is only worsened with every funny joke they invent (there is a good reason why clowns and successful comedy actors are often perceived as sad and depressed in their real lives).
If you decide to use laughter as a therapeutic method, the first obvious issue is that there are no harmful side effects, and you've got nothing to lose. The second issue is that you can actually improve your sense of humor in time, same as any other skill or ability, by constant training and exposure to jokes and comedy. Next time you go to the movies, buy a ticket for a comedy, no matter how dumb the poster looks. When you read the paper, don't forget to check out their daily cartoon too. Spend ten minutes every day reading jokes, and, when you find some you like, share them with your friends. (And when your boss catches you reading jokes instead of working, tell him it's just therapy, he can't stop your from taking your medication at work, right?) Last but not least, try to find the funny side of the small things that happen every day around you - there is always something absurd or plain stupid going on right near you, which may provide five minutes of good laugher, which, in turn, may unblock some arteries and keep the heart attack far away.

About The Author

John Ryan is the author of the famous 10-day Free online Quit Smoking Course at

In his spare time,he likes to rewrite classic jokes at

This article was posted on April 07, 2005

Female Viagra

Flomax Flomax
Our price: $0.63
Flomax (Tamsulosin) is an alpha-blocker that is used to improve symptoms, associated with an enlarged prostate.

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The Williams Broomstick Diet

The Williams Broomstick Diet
 by: Ed Williams

I'm sure the dieting industry in the United States has to be a multi-billion dollar one. Pick up any newspaper or magazine out there and they will invariably have articles in them about diets. There's tons of diets available to choose from, some are hugely popular, and, because of that, even more diets seem to be springing forward. Since we Americans seem to be having a national problem with obesity, this is to be expected, I suppose. As a result of all this interest in dieting, restaurants have started taking notice, and more and more of them are offering low calorie or low carb dishes on their menus.
For me, personally, I don't get in a big uproar regarding diets. The way I see it, they come and they go, and each of them involves me having to give up something that I don't want to. If I go with a low carb diet I can't eat ice cream or Reese's Peanut Butter cups, in fact, if I go with just about any diet I can't eat ice cream or Reese's Peanut Butter cups. For that reason alone, diets bite, and that's putting it mildly. In the end they're just programs that are designed to take away the very things you love to eat, and then replace them with stuff that you don't. So, I guess if I really want to go on a diet that's guaranteed to make me lose weight then I would have to go on one that allows me to eat only the following:
Beets - These purple, vein laden monstrosities make eating a hand full of dirt seem tasty. They smell bad, taste worse, and if you get that purple color on your clothes it's really hard to get off. I would rather kiss a rat right on its heiny than eat a beet, and heiny kissing a rat is something that I never intend to do.
Original recipe fried chicken from a fast food place that we all know of - Don't get me wrong, the chicken tastes great but for some reason it makes my stomach swell up like a woman eight months pregnant with triplets. The good taste the chicken has is just not worth the inner agony that I have to deal with afterwards.
Liver - I would rather put on a pink dress and sing a medley of Linda Ronstadt hits as to be forced to eat liver. It looks vile, tastes vile, and I think that my stomach would literally invert itself if it were ever to encounter some. I wouldn't even feed it to my dog, heck, I would rather eat my dog than eat the liver.
Sushi - I have several good friends who are Japanese, and this is certainly not meant as a put down, but seaweed wrapped around some chunks of raw fish is just not my idea of a very tasty meal or snack. I had some one time several years ago and it took two days and a pound bag of M&Ms to get the taste out of my mouth afterwards.
Scrapple - If you don't already know what this is, then for God's sake don't go out and buy some in order to find out. It would be more appealing to spend an hour in close quarters with a bunch of guys who've just eaten some big helpings of baked beans than it would be to eat some Scrapple. It's a meaty, oily substance that yankees like to fry or poach or whatever else they can conjure up to do to it, but however it's prepared it's ghastly. Scrapple should stay right up north along with cold winters and any and all New Jersey politicians.
Altogether these items make up the main components of the "Williams Broomstick Diet," as I would be skinnier than one should I ever actually have to go on it. You know, when I think about dieting and all the problems associated with it, I have to wonder what's so terrible about growing old and fat? Granted, if I ever decide to be a aging, balding blob I'll probably have worse health, and I might even croak from eating all the wrong things, but at least people would understand what had happened to me. However, if staying healthy for the rest of my life means that I have to eat Scrapple, sushi, liver, or beets, well, I think that I'd rather take my chances with being a chubby and jolly old man. After all, being like that hasn't worked out too badly for Santa, now has it?

About The Author

Ed's latest book, "Rough As A Cob," can be ordered by calling River City Publishing toll-free at: 877-408-7078. He's also a popular after dinner speaker, and his column runs in a number of Southeastern publications. You can contact him via email at:, or through his web site address at:

This article was posted on April 07, 2005

phentermine diet pill

Mircette Mircette
Our price: $1.02
Mircette (Ethinyl Estradiol/Desogestrel) is used as contraception to prevent pregnancy.

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Diamonds In The Ruff - Finding A Good Personal Trainer

Diamonds In The Ruff - Finding A Good Personal Trainer
 by: Aaron Potts

The question of how to find a good personal trainer is as old as the industry itself. In fact, it usually gets transformed into an even bigger question - should you even HIRE a personal trainer? Conveniently enough, the answer to one of those questions will dictate the answer to the other one - every time!
The short and simple truth of the matter is that you should only hire a personal trainer if you can find an effective one that is right for you. Here are several things to consider before you decide!
The term professionalism should cover our prospective trainer's skills, as well as his/her ability to act in a professional manner. Both are critical to the training process, and if a trainer is lacking in either department, it will spell doom for your program eventually, either in the short term, or later on down the road.
The days of personal trainers just being jocks with a certification are (thankfully!) coming to a close. Today's personal trainer needs to be a consummate professional with regard to his/her actual skills, as well as ability to treat their clients in a professional and business-like manner.
For now let's just agree that if your trainer doesn't have a clue about how to get you in shape, you probably don't want to hire that trainer!
What about their level of professionalism? A good personal trainer will always maintain their professional bearing. They don't need to be some stick in the mud with no personality, but there are several things that a trainer should NOT be doing during a training session. These include things like staring at themselves in the mirror, daydreaming, excessively talking to other people, talking on their cell phone, checking out members of the opposite sex, and just generally not focusing on you during the workout.
Your trainer should look professional as well. Although the actual clothing standards vary widely, some things that you should not see are excessive body jewelry, the latest fashions such as arm bands, beanie caps, combat boots, etc., or any clothing or accessories that are worn simply as decoration or because the style is in. The latest styles have absolutely nothing to do with your training program!
Which level of personal training certification is the best has been and continues to be a matter of extreme debate. This article will not propagate that debate with further discussion of the details. However, what you should take home is the fact that regardless of your fitness goals, your trainer should be qualified to train YOU.
For general health and fitness, any of the top 10 nationwide certification agencies offer acceptable programs. A brief list includes - but is not limited to - the International Sports Sciences Association, the American Council on Exercise, and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. There are others, and your trainer should be more than happy to point you to the website that governs his or certification, so that you can learn more on your own.
For more specific considerations like training for a sport or athletic competition, your trainer will need a higher degree of expertise. The American College of Sports Medicine has a great program and is one of the most recognized certifications for sport specific training.
You should ask very specific questions about how a potential trainer is going to tackle the particular issues that you want covered during your training program.
Regardless of your potential trainer's credentials and professionalism, you need to know where you are going to train. The industry standard of only working out at a gym is being challenged more and more these days. It is possible now to find a trainer who will come right to your house and train you, or possibly meet you outside, or in your housing area community fitness center. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have to go to the gym if you want a personal trainer!
One of the biggest issues for trainers and clients alike is scheduling. After all, you both have to be in the same place at the same time for a minimum of 30 minutes, and possibly as long as 90 minutes. A good trainer will try to find a way to fit you into their schedule. It won't always be possible, especially with a highly sought after trainer, but if the trainer truly wants to help you, they will do their best to fit you in.
Having a good rapport with your personal trainer is crucial! If you and your trainer don't get along, it's a waste of time for both of you. You will likely end up more frustrated than ever, thinking that even a professional couldn't help you!
Working with a personal trainer that you like is necessary, and on the flip side, the trainer should like you as well. You don't necessarily need to pick out curtains together, but you should at least be able to carry on a comfortable dialogue while you exercise. Most good trainers are good communicators as well, but if the two of you aren't very comfortable with each other, then it will cause tension and increase the risk of your program meeting with failure.
A good personal trainer will agree to meet with you face to face before you actually sign up for a training program. Some trainers offer a free or low-cost initial consultation, and that is the perfect time to size up your trainer to make sure they fit your needs!
You should take home the fact that the definition of a good personal trainer is someone who is not only a professional, but is also appropriate for your specific personality, needs, goals, and desires. You may be working with this person for awhile, so choose wisely!

About The Author

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals.

This article was posted on April 07, 2005


Evecare Evecare
Our price: $24.75
Evecare regulates the menstrual cycle by virtue of its uterine stimulant action.

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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss
 by: Tami Close

Discover secrets to overcome food addictions by releasing negative thoughts and reframing with powerful affirmations, and manifest all that is yours by Divine right.
My name is Tami Close and my intention is to empower women to realize they are responsible for their own health and well-being.
Why am I doing this? Years ago I became very ill and wrote down the foregoing statement while reading a book by Mark Victor Hanson entitled Dare to Win. I knew that I went through the illness for reason and now am manifesting my purpose. Through this illness I was led on a journey to discover Me!—the Me! who was hidden beneath all the childhood trauma of not feeling loved. With the help of an energy practitioner, I finally released the childhood stuff and it was life-changing.
You, too, can release your childhood issues and have a miraculous discovery of self. Many women suffer needlessly with unwanted pounds and I was told I am to work with women to help them love themselves unconditionally. As an integrative body therapist using Rapid Eye Therapy and Emotional Freedom techniques, I help women release their stuff so they make new, healthy choices in their weight loss goals. These healing modalities are quick and easy to use and get results. Once you're able to see yourself as pure love, the results will be astounding! You'll attract those things that keep you focused on a positive lifestyle and the pounds will begin to shed. Watch the miracles that show up for you as a result! No more thong envy here!
Many women showed up for me to help me and I, in turn, will show up for you to hold your hand and guide you through your transformation. It's no accident you're reading this. Know that my intentions are to help you take control of your health.
Look what has manifested in my life as a result of peeling back my own layers. I became a co-author in a book with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and several others. The book, Wake Up….Life the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom, was just published in March and can be purchased at Barnes and Noble. On April 1, 2005 (No April Fools joke) I met Mark Victor Hansen and he signed my Dare to Win book. I would not have manifested these amazing things if I didn't release my pain which was keeping me stuck. I am on purpose!! I am living my dream of helping women and loving every minute of it.
Check out

About The Author

Tami Close is certified in Rapid Eye Therapy (RET) and has her own successful practice. She is a Reiki Master and also has completed the Basic and Advanced courses in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). She received a grant from the Sumasil Foundation for her work with RET and EFT. She has a B.S. in Training CUM LAUDE from Southern Illinois University. She has done extensive training and coaching in health, sales and management areas. She was asked to speak at a national convention on the FISH! Philosophy, choosing your attitude and having fun in the work place. She is a co-author in a book with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and many others. The book, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom, just hit the #1 bestseller list in several categories.

This article was posted on April 06, 2005

Diet Maxx

Cialis Soft Tabs Cialis Soft Tabs
Our price: $3.61
Cialis Soft Tabs (Tadalafil) are quick-dissolving tabs, used to treat male impotence. Having the shortest start time of 15 minutes, Cialis Soft remains its most long-lasting effects of 36 hours among all the world-known ED products. The neutral react...

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Natural Health Insurance: 3 Proven Immune Boosters

Natural Health Insurance: 3 Proven Immune Boosters
 by: Ryan Wilson

As important as it is to make sure you have 'normal' health coverage, it's even more important to increase the amount of 'natural' health insurance you have. After all, if you protect your body now you won't need to worry about paying a big doctor's bill later! One of the best ways to do this is by boosting your immune system and helping your body to fight off disease.
The following tips are some of the most effective methods for boosting your immune system naturally. Each one is absolutely proven to help protect you from a wide array of diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Incorporating them into your lifestyle is one of the easiest ways to 'buy' natural health insurance!
Eat Colorful Vegetables & Fruits
These extremely healthy foods should be the basis of your diet. Eating colorful veggies and fruits is a must if you want to stay healthy for life. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals that keep your body -- and your immune system -- strong and ready to fight off disease. Choose things like leafy greens, bright red tomatoes, orange grapefruits, yellow peppers, and plump blueberries. Remember, the more colorful your plate is the healthier you're going to be.
Get 8 Hours of Sleep
There is no longer any doubt that lack of sleep affects the immune system and leads to health problems. Several recent studies have shown that getting a good night's sleep can dramatically boost your immune response, while even one night of poor sleep can significantly suppress immune function. The immune system is constantly working, so when we sleep the body is able to 'reinforce' and strengthen it, most likely by producing powerful hormones. Most people need about 8 hours of sleep per night for optimal health so that's a good number to shoot for.
Exercise 6 Days a Week
Exercise is a powerful immune booster, not to mention a very important component of good overall health. Regular, moderate exercise has been shown to lower an individual's likelihood of getting sick. It also boosts natural energy levels while relieving stress at the same time. To top it all off, regular exercise makes it much easier to sleep at night! Just don't overdo it. Too much exercise can actually suppress the immune system. Try to get about 30 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, leaving one day for rest and recovery.
Well, there you go -- 3 powerful and proven ways to boost your immune system and stay healthy. Each of the above are healthy habits which, over time, will provide you with an abundance of natural health insurance. If combined, you'll enjoy great health and wellbeing for a very long time!

About The Author

Ryan Wilson is a writer for, a guide to useful news & information about staying healthy. You can learn more at:

Note to web site owners: Feel free to use this article on your site or newsletter. Just be sure it includes a 'live' link back to

This article was posted on April 06, 2005


Prednisone Prednisone
Our price: $0.15
Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid, used for suppressing the immune system and inflammation.

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The Cholesterol Myth

The Cholesterol Myth
 by: Ray Gebauer

Cholesterol. What images come to mind when you see this word? Is it positive or negative? Is it health, or is it heart disease?
If what came to mind was negative, as something to avoid, and heart disease, then the pharmaceutical companies food industries have been successful in getting you to believe a fabricated myth!
According to George V. Mann, M.D., professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, "Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century."
Russell L. Smith, Ph.D. is the author of the book, The Cholesterol Conspiracy. Dr. Smith states that "Both the public and clinical physicians have simultaneously been swamped by an ever-growing tidal wave of exaggerations, distortions and even fabrications of the facts."
Here's the truth. Cholesterol is good! It is a necessary part of every cell in your body and is essential in virtually all aspects of metabolism. Without it, we would die. That's not the impression you got from the advertisers, is it!
Cholesterol is necessary for the brain, nervous system, hormones, digestion, liver function, heart muscle contraction, calcium metabolism and bone structure and skin. Cholesterol forms 50 percent of the nervous system and serves as the conductor of nerve impulses. It is so important that your body produces four to seven times as much as you ingest and reduces its production to accommodate cholesterol intake from the food you eat.
A deficiency of Cholesterol results in obesity, emotional disturbances, fatigue, impotency, and many more imbalances.
How the Scam Begun
In the early 1900's, experiments were done in which rabbits were given extremely high amounts of dietary cholesterol. Their blood cholesterol rose twenty fold and a soft plaque like disease formed on the coronary arteries. But the cholesterol levels returned to normal and the plaque disappeared when the feeding was stopped. This formed the basis of the theory that cholesterol caused coronary heart disease in humans.
Here are the flaws. The rabbits were given a synthetic form of cholesterol that easily oxidized when exposed to air (which made it toxic). Rabbits also do not metabolize cholesterol as do humans. Humans and other animals like dogs and rats do not develop atherosclerosis-like disease as do rabbits when given dietary cholesterol. And finally, humans do not develop soft plaque as did the rabbits; humans develop hard plaque which does not reverse, and it is not caused by dietary cholesterol.
Eggs and Cholesterol
One of the many foods we are warned about is eggs. In one study, seventy men were divided into three groups which ate either 3, 7, or 14 eggs a week for five months. They all had similar cholesterol levels in the beginning. The total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not change during the study for any of the groups.
An 88 year old man consumed 20-30 eggs a DAY for more than 15 years, yet maintained normal blood cholesterol levels of 150 to 200.
Cholesterol occurs only in animal foods. Yet the consumption of animal fat since 1909 actually decreased by 10 percent, whereas vegetable fat increased by over 200 percent. The increase of heart attacks has paralleled the increased use of margarine, homogenized milk and processed foods such as sugar.
According to Judith DeCava, in her book, Cholesterol, Facts and Fantasies, in one study, almost half of the patients had total cholesterol levels under 200, which is supposed to be safe. Yet half of this group had coronary heart disease. Of the almost 1200 who did have heart disease, one third had cholesterol levels under 200. Dr. Michael DeBakey, the famous heart surgeon, reports that 30 percent of patients who have a coronary bypass have "normal" cholesterol levels."
The Real Culprit
Here's what IS clearly linked to heart disease: sugar. Judith DeCava, in her excellent book, Cholesterol, Facts and Fantasies states,
"John Yukin analyzed the refined sugar consumed by men with atherosclerosis. The men who had heart attacks ate almost twice as much sugar as those who not having heart attacks. In fact, in persons with coronary heart disease, the degree of atherosclerosis was proportional to the amount of refined sugar consumed." (The Lancet 1964); 2 (7349):6-8.
As further evidence of this is the fact that the consumption of fat in the Caribbean countries is very low, but the use of sugar is very high. Cuba has one of the highest levels of sugar use, and has a higher death rate from heart attacks in men between ages 55 and 64 than the U.S.!
The Fox Guarding the Hen House
So what's perpetuating this campaign of misinformation? It's the money from the drug companies who want you to buy their cholesterol reducing drugs (that have serious side affects) and from the food industries that benefit from this scam.
Here are some examples. The American Medical Association's Executive Vice-President, Dr. James Sammons, promised physicians in 1988 of their financial rewards by stating, "the AMA's campaign against cholesterol will bring both old and new patients to you for necessary testing, counseling and care."
One researcher who later became a director of the National Institutes of Health bought stock in a pharmaceutical company just before announcing the results of a study favorable to the drug's effects. The editor of the AMA's publication, Circulation, also received stock options on the same drug company.
Jane Heimlich began doing extensive research on this cholesterol issue in 1989. In her book, What Your Doctor Won't Tell You, she concludes,
"There is no question that the cholesterol program…benefits three powerful groups in our society to the tune of billions of dollars. These three are the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry, and the food companies."

About The Author

To get your FREE report entitled, "The Ten Deadly Health Myths of the 21st Century" go to:

Ray Gebauer is a M.D. of a different sort--he is Mission Driven to save lives with a revolutionary technology that even MIT claims can "change the world." As the author of the popular groundbreaking book, How to Cure and Prevent Any Disease, his passion is to educate people as to how to escape the invisible and socially acceptable trap of degenerative diseases that needlessly kill 90% of Americans.

This article is posted by Lori Wilton and Ray Gebauer.

Lori and Ray are business partners. Lori Wilton is an independent wellness consultant who specializes in glyconutrient education and has overcome her own health challenges through the understanding and practice of good nutritional principles.

This article was posted on April 06, 2005


Shallaki Shallaki
Our price: $22
Shallaki (boswellic acid) is useful in treating arthritis and joint pain.

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Incredible - Essential - CoQ10

Incredible - Essential - CoQ10
 by: Mike Spencer

Deficiencies in CoQ10 (also known as Coenzyme Q10) can cause or aggravate many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and periodontal disease.
"After age 20, levels of Coenzyme Q10 in your body decline gradually. After 50, it plummets."
Healthy levels of CoQ10 help to lower your blood pressure and assist circulation as well as maintain healthy muscle tissue in your heart.
CoQ10 is also one of the most powerful antioxidants known to man.
CoQ10 levels decline as we age. This is significant because evidence suggests that a vast number of diseases including dystrophy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Neurological disorders and certain cancers are not only treatable with CoQ10 but may in fact be caused, at least in part, by a deficiency in CoQ10.
What can CoEnzyme Q10 do for you?
Take a look at what Coenzyme Q10 can do for your health:
Slows down the aging process as it protects your body from the damage of free radicals
Support your immune system defences
Is beneficial for promoting cardiovascular health
Plays a crucial role in the maintenance of periodontal health
Research has shown that your immune system function is reduced when your levels of CoQ10 are depleted.
What is CoQ10?
Coenzyme Q10 resists easy classification. Because it's an organic compound acting as an enzyme or coenzyme, necessary in small amounts for normal body function, most researchers consider it a vitamin.
CoQ10 is needed in every single cell in your body. It's found in meats and some protein-rich nuts, but the concentrations in these foods are normally weak.
How about fifteen pounds of peanut butter - or an equally improbable three-and-a-half pounds of sardines - which provide just 100 mg of Q10!
Now I love peanut butter - but fifteen pounds..... a day!
This is the amount the University of Washington School of Medicine Physicians' Update calls "a reasonable daily amount."
To get optimal amounts of Q10, you need to take a supplement.
Why you need CoQ10?
Coenzyme Q10 is recognised as an essential component in your body's production of ATP (also known as "muscle fuel").
Without ATP, our muscles cannot move. Without CoQ10, we can't manufacture ATP.
After age 20, levels of CoQ10 in your body decline gradually. After 50, it plummets.
Coenzyme Q10 is also one of the most powerful antioxidants every discovered, and has been found to improve athletic performance, and help intensive training athletes recover quicker.
In short, CoQ10 may well be one of the most important and versatile nutrients ever discovered. The only downfall of CoQ10 relates to its oral absorption.
A Breakthrough in CoQ10 research
Fortunately, however, a recent breakthrough in CoQ10 delivery technology was recently discovered, meaning you can now make the most of this amazing nutrient.
"When I coined the word vita-nutrient, I was thinking of Coenzyme Q10. It is neither vitamin nor mineral nor amino acid, yet it is absolutely vital to our health and vital that we get enough of it." Dr Robert C. Atkins, M.D. from his book, "Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution"
Although it's present in virtually every cell in your body, very few people are aware of how important it is or how many different health benefits CoQ10 provides.
In fact, CoQ10 plays so many different roles in health, you really need a book to detail all of them!
CoQ10 combats effects of heart attack.
Coenzyme Q10 is shaping up to be a heart's best friend. But only a small fraction of people who could benefit actually know about it.
"There's no question that coenzyme Q10 can play a significant role in recovery for heart attack,"
adds Dr. Peter H. Loengsjoen, a cardiologist in Tyler, Texas, who has authored many journal articles on the use of CoQ10.
"In hundreds of studies, and in my own practice, I've seen results that we would have said were highly unlikely, if not impossible."
Beyond the heart
In addition to its critical role in ATP and energy production, CoQ10's powerful antioxidant property diminishes as levels fall, decreasing your body's disease-fighting abilities.
CoQ10's antioxidant strengths also make it a likely candidate in helping prevent or treat other diseases where free radicals have a major effect (such as cancer).
Oxidative stress is suspected as a possible trigger for many diseases, including breast and colo-rectal cancers.
Other applications for Coenzyme Q10 include possible roles in treating neurological disorders, controlling insulin levels, treating periodontal disease, and enhancing athletic performance.
These far-ranging benefits are supported by a number of clinical studies.
Dosage and delivery
Getting the right amount of CoQ10 into your bloodstream and maintaining sufficient levels in your body is more complex than just taking CoQ10 capsules.
A major factor in the bioavailability of CoQ10 is the delivery system for the coenzyme. CoQ10 "molecules" are so large that some researchers believe they stretch the definition of the word.
Their size means these fat-soluble molecules need assistance for optimal absorption. Unfortunately most CoQ10 supplements today cut corners on the delivery system, meaning a less than effective product for us as consumers.
CoQ10 in a form your body can use.
The most effective Coenzyme Q10 capsules now contain both emulsified CoQ10 and a fatty oil to ensure maximum absorption.
CoQ10 that is pre-emulsified in an oil base relieves your body of having to perform this task and can "increase absorption levels by a factor of up to three times".
Absorption of fat soluble CoQ10 can be up to nine times as great as in crystallised Q10, according to a study reported in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1998.
This absorption technology, refered to as Tru-Sorb technology, was recently licensed for use in the USA and Europe by Changes International (now part of Goldshield Elite).
Your Quick Guide to CoQ10
CoQ10 is needed by every cell in your body to promote optimum health
It plays a significant role in recovery from heart attacks, and equally importantly in helping prevent them
Improves blood flow, which can help to reduce high blood pressure.
Powerful Antioxidant
Natural body levels and the ability to synthesise it in your body drop after age 20 and plummet after age 50. Supplementation is both advised and recommended.
Also known as ubiquinone, taken from the Latin word ubique, meaning 'everywhere'. The English word ubiquitous, meaning "appearing everywhere at the same time", also gives a hint as to the highly regarded nature of CoQ10.
Some delivery systems such as the patented Tru-Sorb system are shown to be 900% more absorbable than the normal type.
Copyright 2005 Mike Spencer

About The Author

Mike Spencer has been helping people protect their heart health for several years.

Coenzyme Q10 is just one of the essential nutrients in the Heart Health Pack - which provides everything you need to ensure a healthy heart, and optimum health in general.

For more information visit

This article was posted on April 06, 2005

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Plan B Plan B
Our price: $2.65
Plan B (Levonorgestrel) is used to help prevent pregnancy in women who have had unprotected sex.

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Adult Acne Treatment . Simple Solutions

Adult Acne Treatment – Simple Solutions
 by: Kay Smith

Are you one of the millions of adults who have acne? Many adults are dealing with acne, the first signs of wrinkles and grey hair all at the same time – talk about physical and emotional tolls. Life just seems too unfair at times. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions for treating acne. Really. You don't have to live with it.
To properly treat acne, one must first understand what causes it. When hair follicles and sebaceous glands become inflamed acne follows soon after. Sebum is an oily substance made by the sebaceous glands. Bacterial growth and inflammation result when too much sebum is produced. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the four basic mechanisms contributing to acne are hormones, increased sebum production, changes inside hair follicles, and bacteria.
These simple solutions require persistence and consistency.
First things first, talk to a Dermatologist. A Dermatologist can provide you with the best solutions for you based on your medical history, age, skin type etc. Depending on the severity of your acne and your individual circumstances, your Dermatologist may want to prescribe an antibiotic, a vitamin A derivative like Isotretinoin, or one of the other acne drugs now available.
Use non-comedogenic products. Non-comedogenic basically means - not likely to block the pores of the skin, or cause blackheads or acne. There are many non-comedogenic products available today, including, makeup, foundation, moisturizers, sunscreen, lip stick, etc. If it's something that you apply to your skin you should be able to find a non-comedogenic version. In fact, you can also find non-comedogenic and medicated makeup with acne fighting ingredients like, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. These products shouldn't clog your pores and should help treat acne.
Proper skin care is also very important. Gently washing with a facial cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur will also kill the bacteria that causes acne. Proactiv Solution is one such product that is used my millions of people – with great results. Whatever product you decide to use, do not scrub your face as this can irritate your skin and make your acne worse.
Even though there is no cure for acne, there are several effective methods available today to treat it. By discussing your acne with a Dermatologist you can determine the best course of action for you. In the mean time, keep your chin up – there are treatments available that will help you with your acne situation. Imagine waking up one morning and noticing how clear your face is becoming. It really is a great feeling!

About The Author

Kay Smith is the webmaster of which provides information, product reviews and news on acne and acne related products.

This article was posted on April 06, 2005


Proscar Proscar
Our price: $2.25
Proscar (Finasteride) is used for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

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How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 2

How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 2
 by: David L. Kern

In this series of articles, you will learn exactly how to lose belly fat, using 10 proven techniques from medical studies and laboratories around the world.
Abdominal fat is now seen as a growing health hazard, an indicator and contributor to "Syndrome X," or metabolic syndrome. The risks of metabolic syndrome go far beyond a bulge at your waistline, and include heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
If you're over 40, it's time to get serious about reducing your abdominal fat. Not just for your waistline, but to dramatically reduce your risk of chronic disease.
How to Lose Belly Fat: Secret #2 - DHEA
DHEA is a human hormone that has also been found in certain types of yams. While some of the research on DHEA and fat loss is inconclusive, a new study published in the prestigious JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) in 2004 is turning heads.
In the JAMA study, 28 men and 28 women, ranging from 65 to 78 years of age, took 50 mg. of non-prescription DHEA for 6 months. The DHEA treatment produced "significant decreases" in both abdominal fat and ordinary fat. In addition, insulin sensitivity was also substantially improved.
The researchers concluded that "DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity." Primarily, I would add, in elderly people- or people with low levels of DHEA.
DHEA levels are known to decline with age. The older you are, the more likely that DHEA will help you reduce belly fat. Your doctor can also do a blood test for DHEA levels.
The theory of hormone replacement therapy, which links your body's gradual loss of certain hormones to aging and age-related disease, has a lot of established medical proof. In its narrowest sense, HRT is means replacing estrogen in menopausal women. But the broader picture of HRT includes human growth hormone, melatonin, sex hormones, and DHEA.
If you are still young, you probably have adequate levels of most or all of these hormones. There would be no sense in giving you more, because you are not yet "deficient."
The key to HRT, especially as it relates to aging, is to return your hormone levels to a more "youthful profile." Levels similar to what you had when you were, say, 25 years old. Before most of us were worried about diabetes, heart disease, or our bulging bellies.
Just as low levels of this hormone can be a problem, too much DHEA can also cause problems. Ask your doctor about the blood test before you supplement.

About The Author

David L. Kern is a health researcher and publisher of New Health & Longevity, a newsletter devoted to the latest advances in nutritional science. Find out how to lose belly fat today at This entire series of articles, How to Lose Belly Fat: Secrets from the Research Labs will be available for download at

This article was posted on April 06, 2005

General Health

Parlodel Parlodel
Our price: $2.2
Parlodel (Bromocriptine) is used to treat persistent breast milk production, lack of a menstrual period, infertility, and other conditions associated with high prolactin levels.

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Startling New Evidence: You Can Slow the Aging Process, Scientists Say

Startling New Evidence: You Can Slow the Aging Process, Scientists Say
 by: David L. Kern

Six years ago, government scientists made what may be the most important announcement of your lifetime. Did you get the memo?
What if you could actually slow your rate of aging, and live healthier longer, simply by eating certain foods? U.S. Government scientists now say it's possible.
Floyd P. Horn, then Administrator of the scientific research arm of the USDA, broke the exciting news in February 1999.
"Young and middle-aged people," said Horn, "may be able to reduce risk of diseases of aging -- including senility -- simply by adding high-ORAC foods to their diets."
I don't know about you, but I find that statement tremendously exciting: "simply by adding high-ORAC foods."
Buddy, Can You Spare Some ORAC?
Unfortunately, most Americans have no idea that there may be a simple solution to preventing- or at least postponing- the ravages of decline, disease, and feeble old age.
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It's a test developed by the USDA and Tufts University to measure the antioxidant speed and power of foods and supplements. The ORAC test is quickly becoming the accepted standard for comparing antioxidant capacity.
And as you may know, oxidative stress, or free-radical damage, is implicated in all diseases associated with aging, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes- a short list of the 5 major killers of Americans.
She Told You So
An easier way to understand ORAC is to look at particular foods. Let's take spinach, for example. We all know spinach is good for us. Mom said so. And Popeye.
When USDA scientists tested spinach, they found it has an ORAC value of 1260 units per serving. So spinach qualifies as a "high-ORAC food," which may help slow the aging process.
It turns out Mom was right. She knew it would keep you healthier. But she probably never told you that spinach may keep you younger- to actually help you age more slowly.
Sound the Alarm
We have an epidemic of age-related disease in America. The statistics are shocking. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) in Atlanta now says that 80% of elderly Americans have at least one chronic disease. And 50% have two or more!
And the ORAC tests help explain these terrible numbers. The truth is, our diets are woefully deficient in nutrient-dense, high-ORAC foods.
USDA researchers estimate that you need somewhere around 5,000 ORAC units in your diet every day to get the ORAC benefits that slow aging and prevent disease.
But they also estimate that the average American gets only 1,200 ORAC units a day. This means that most of us are eating our way to one or more of the chronic diseases of aging.
Is it any wonder, then, that the diseases of aging are out of control? The average American gets less than the antioxidant (ORAC) value of one serving of spinach every day.
So what do you do if you hate spinach? No worries! There are many foods that rank high on the ORAC scale. Many delicious fruits and vegetables have high ORAC values: prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, kale, alfalfa sprouts, and Brussels sprouts are all rich in ORAC. Just find the ones you like, and eat more of them.
Vitamin C, a common health supplement, scores 1,890 units per gram. (For comparison, spinach delivers 12.6 units per gram) And that's another very good reason to supplement your diet with antioxidant vitamins.
But if you want to get serious about a true anti-aging diet, there are specialty food ingredients available that deliver far higher ORAC values than ordinary foods and vitamins.
The Next Level of ORAC
Scientists are now testing "superfood" antioxidants that can give you astonishing ORAC protection- much higher than ordinary foods and vitamins.
One of these new generation ORAC foods, derived from the skin of immature apples, tests as high as 13,000 per gram on the scale- over 1000 more powerful than spinach!
Anti-aging enthusiasts are now using these super-antioxidant ORAC foods to get maximum protection for aging and related physical and mental decline.
Why? Because high-ORAC foods may slow aging. And the next-generation ORAC food ingredients are showing remarkable health benefits in human and animal studies, against the same diseases associated with aging- heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's.
So let me ask you:
>> If you are growing older
>> If 80% of older Americans have at least one chronic disease
>> If the USDA says that high-ORAC foods may slow aging
isn't it time that you consider adding a lot more high-ORAC foods to your diet?
Or maybe, you didn't get the memo.

About The Author

David L. Kern is a health researcher and specialist in anti-aging nutrition. "There is now solid scientific proof," he asserts, "that we can actually slow the aging process." Discover the latest breakthroughs in high-ORAC anti-aging nutrition at

This article was posted on April 06, 2005


Wellbutrin SR Wellbutrin SR
Our price: $2.81
Wellbutrin SR (Bupropion) is a pharmaceutical prescription antidepressant and antismoking drug.

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The Five Modalities of Optimum Success: Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions, & the Overarch

The Five Modalities of Optimum Success: Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions, & the Overarch
 by: Neesha D. Meminger

The Five Modalities of Optimum Health: Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions, & the Overarch.
Optimum health, wealth, and success, require peak performance, or functioning, in each of the five major layers of the Self – what I have come to define in my Coaching practice as the Five Modalities. There are the basic three: Mind, Body, and Spirit, that many "progressive" thinkers in the current medical paradigm are beginning to acknowledge and embrace.
The fourth layer is the Modality of the Emotions which is as important as the above-mentioned three; and I coach through a fifth Modality that has yet to become part of the ongoing conversation about Optimum health and success: what I refer to as the Overarch, or Social Ecosystem.
Each of us is born into a Social, or Economic Ecosystem. The dictionary definition of an Ecosystem is: "a localized group of interdependent organisms together with the environment that they inhabit and depend on." So, we all enter into this world ecosystem in a particular social or economic status. And, we enter into this world as interdependent creatures. Socially, and economically, we depend on one another for survival, just as much as we depend on the earth for our food and water and other essentials.
Although our social or economic status can change throughout our lives, based on a variety of factors; the structure of the Overarch, itself, remains intact, and will continue to remain thus. It has been this way for thousands and thousands of years in all parts of the world.
This structure is hierarchical in nature, resembling a pyramid. Those near the apex, have more control, access to resources, and decision-making capabilities than the ones near the base. Yet, those toward the apex are only able to exist at that spot with the support of all those that are holding them there from the base on up. So, we all fall into position somewhere in this hierarchical pyramid structure. And, as the physical structure of a pyramid would suggest, the vast majority of the world's population is closer to the base of the pyramid than the apex.
Why would this be important in Optimum Health? Three reasons; the first is that the level of control over one's basic physical survival, (in our current paradigm, this takes the form of finances and access to resources) increases as they move toward the apex – fewer people have direct influence over major areas of a person's life the closer s/he gets to the pinnacle.
Factors such as whether a person has an income and how much they earn, are examples of specific areas that a person gains increased command over as he or she nears the top of the Social Ecosystemic pyramid. In other words, there are less people that have the capacity to fire or hire you; less people who decide how much or how little money you make; less to decide when you work and the terms of that work; less who decide whether or when there is time off for family or leisure.
The closer a person gets to the top of the Social Ecosystem pyramid, the more control they have over their time and resources, and decision-making capacity increases dramatically. For example, heads of state have the ultimate decision-making capacity; the decisions they make affect the entire social and economic ecosystem of our pyramid. They have ultimate control over their own finances, when and under what terms they work; access to more resources than anyone else in the Overarch; and ultimate control over how much income they are able to generate (not all of it necessarily being through earned income from their "job"). The same is true for others who are not heads of state, but are on par with that positioning on the pyramind.
The second major reason that this Modality should be a significant consideration in evaluating anyone's capacity to achieve Optimum health and success in life is that the further up the pyramid they are situated, the lower their levels of chronic stress. An overwhelming number of studies have shown that predictability and control over one's life, one's body, one's destiny, one's finances, etc., is directly linked to stress levels; the less the amount of control, the higher the stress levels. And, levels of stress, especially chronic stress which is the type most common to this particular Modality, are directly linked to how healthy a person is in each of the other Modalities.
So, our aforementioned heads of state may consider themselves to be Optimally healthy in this Modality because of the level of control that being in their position affords them. Yet, whether or not they are Optimally healthy in the other Four Modalities, is debatable. Depending on what one's definition of "success" is, having a position that affords ultimate financial control and access to resources, while having chronic ailments related to suppression of emotions does not make for optimum quality of life.
The third reason is that this Modality affects each of the other four. It has a direct relationship with the Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotions. Some of the factors that have direct bearing on where we fall in the Overarch are the social dynamics of a particular region; economic strata; one's relationship to his/her surroundings; and the accepted wider cultural perception of a person or group. Whether you are male or female, whether you are Asian, Latino, European, or American; whether you are considered Wealthy, middle class, or working class; whether you never finished high school, or have several post-graduate degrees under your belt. All of these factors contribute to where you are positioned in the Overarch. And, that positioning absolutely lends itself to how you are perceived by your environment, how your enironment relates to you, and by extension, has the capacity to shape your thoughts and perceptions about yourself, your abilities, and what you are entitled to in this world. This all has a profound effect on each of the Five Modalities.
In order for Optimum success and health, one must strive to be healthy in all Five Modalities: Mind, Body, Emotions, Spirit, and the Overarch, or Social Ecosystem; creating balance, and thus, actualizing maximum potential, through placing equal weight in each Modality.
Copyright Neesha D. Meminger, 2005. All rights reserved.

About The Author

Neesha Dosanjh Meminger is an Optimum Health, Wealth, & Success Coach who works with people to actualize their full potential using the Five Modalities of Optimum Success™ program that she developed over years of consulting and coaching. She teaches live teleseminars on the Five Modalities regularly; for more information, visit her website at; or contact her at for a free collaborative interview.

This article was posted on April 05, 2005


Flonase Flonase
Our price: $39.6
Flonase (Fluticasone) Spray is used for treatment of allergic and non-allergic nasal symptoms.

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Understanding Cholesterol Levels and Decrease the Risk of Heart Attacks and Stokes

Understanding Cholesterol Levels and Decrease the Risk of Heart Attacks and Stokes
 by: Claire Bowes

Fact: heart disease claims about Ð… million lives in America per year high cholesterol levels play a significant role in heart disease studies show if you lower cholesterol levels, the risk of heart disease is reduced by up-to 40%
What is Cholesterol?
Before we go into how to reduce your cholesterol, let's take a look at what exactly cholesterol is.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is produced by the liver and its job is to:- produce bile acids to help with the digestion of fat build and repair cells and produce estrogen and testosterone hormones
Therefore cholesterol is an important function of the body, but too much cholesterol in the body becomes a risk as it can clog up arteries and this can be the cause of heart attacks and strokes.
Cholesterol Symptoms
It is surprising to learn that there are virtually no symptoms to diagnose if you have high cholesterol. High cholesterol is normally identified by a blood test.
However, if you are having health issues such as coronary disease, vascular disease or stroke, then this could be the end result of high cholesterol levels in your body.
Symptoms of:
Coronary Disease Angina Chest pains Nausea Shortness of breath
Vascular Disease A tightening sensation in the lower extremities Ulcers or open sores on the lower extremities
Stroke loss of balance and dizziness slurring of speech and difficulty in understanding numbing sensation of the face, arm or leg this can be a sudden event with little or no warning
People who are overweight and do no exercise at all tend to be the ones with higher cholesterol levels.
Therefore, it is recommended that you have a cholesterol blood test every three years if you are overweight and every 5 years if you are a normal healthy weight.
How to Lower Cholesterol
If your blood test shows that your cholesterol levels are too high, then you should take immediate measures to help lower your cholesterol. Your doctor will advise you on the best course of action, but initially it is the norm for you to follow a low cholesterol diet.
A low cholesterol diet is normally a diet which is low in saturated fat and will include eating:- skinless poultry lean meats fish and shellfish low fat dairy products fruit vegetables whole grain foods
Cook your food by either grilling baking steaming boiling poaching microwave
Do not fry your food in lard or oil.
Your doctor also might prescribe you with a cholesterol lowering medication if he/she feels that the low cholesterol diet will not be enough.

About The Author

Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of website where you can find further information and resources on lowering your cholesterol.

This article was posted on April 05, 2005

green tea diet

Lamictal Lamictal
Our price: $0.4
Lamictal (Lamotrigine) is used in combination with other anti-seizure drugs in the treatment of seizures.

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Learn the Basics of a Successful Low Cholesterol Diet

Learn the Basics of a Successful Low Cholesterol Diet
 by: Claire Bowes

If you've just found out that you have high cholesterol and need to go on a low cholesterol diet, then here is an outline on what you should and should not eat in order to help you lower your cholesterol levels.
Alternatively you might have just decided that you should eat more healthily in order to prevent yourself from getting high cholesterol. Either way, this is a recommended healthy diet strategy to follow.
Understanding What a Low Cholesterol Diet is
Basically, in order to lower your cholesterol, you will have to follow a diet that is low in saturated fat and low in cholesterol
This is absolutely essential in helping you to lower your cholesterol. You must understand that although cholesterol lowering medications can be prescribed by your doctor, you will still need to follow a controlled diet specifically to help reduce your high blood cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is found in eggs, dairy products, fish, meat and poultry. Be aware that many foods contain both high in saturated fat and cholesterol, such as diary products (especially egg yolks) and red meats. Therefore, it is important to limit the amount of such high-fat foods. It is also recommended to opt for the 'low fat' versions of any type of food, especially dairy products (low fat yoghurts, cheeses, etc)
Basic Foods of a Low Cholesterol Diet
Foods to eat: lean meats skinless poultry fish low fat dairy products complex carbohydrates: pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables low calorie fizzy drinks (limit to one a day) drink plenty of water
How to cook: grill or roast meats steam or boil vegetables steam fish microwave use low fat oils
Foods to avoid: crisps, biscuits, chocolate, sweets don't add whole milk, butter, rich sauces or cream to pasta dishes or any other meal try avoiding white bread alcohol fizzy drinks
If you love pasta dishes with sauces, try low fat versions such as adding a tin of tomatoes with a dash of garlic and Worcester sauce as a tomato-based sauce, low-fat crиme fresh for a cream-based sauce or a cheese sauce packet-mix made with skimmed milk for a cheese-based sauce.
Get used to experimenting with herbs and spices to add different and exotic flavours to your meals.
Exercise - Love it or hate it!
Do you hate to exercise? Don't be ashamed if you do, many people dislike doing any form of exercise. The key here is to find something that you enjoy doing. It does not necessarily mean you must go to the gym three times a week, or run a mile four times a week. Count exercise as any type of movement that gets you out of your chair! Some examples: walking (the dog…) walk up and down the stairs swimming cycling netball / volleyball / basketball etc gardening skipping with ropes dancing cleaning / dusting the house decorating look after a toddler for a day!
Try and find something you enjoy doing and do some form of regular exercise as it does play an important role in cholesterol-reduction.

About The Author

Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of website where you can find further information and resources on lowering your cholesterol.

This article was posted on April 05, 2005


Accupril Accupril
Our price: $0.9
Accupril (Quinapril) is used for lowering high blood pressure and managing heart failure.

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How Many Calories Can I Have and Still Lose Weight

How Many Calories Can I Have and Still Lose Weight
 by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

How to Estimate How Many Calories You Can Have and Still Lose Weight
To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where you are. In other words, figure out how many calories it takes to maintain your present size and then reduce from there. You can go about this in many ways. Most people simply choose an arbitrary number like 1200 calories and that's what they eat, but in nearly every case that's not nearly enough calories to ensure adequate nutrition, not to mention the deprivation that sets up.
While losing weight and to this day, I eat over 2000 calories a day on average and I've maintained a good weight for my height for over 17 years. Remember, your body requires calories to maintain itself.
Basic Calorie Requirements Calculation Based on Activity Level:
Sedentary : 13 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Sedentary is not exercising at all
Moderately Active: 16 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Moderately Active is exercising approximately 3-4 times per week
Very Active: 19 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Very Active is 5-7 strenuous exercise sessions per week.
If you weigh over 200 pound now, and you'd like to weigh closer to 150, here is a calculation you could use to get started: Assuming you are going to be adding enough exercise to quality as Moderately Active, we'll use 16 as our modifier:
150 pounds X 16 calories per pound = 2400 calories
Less 500 (Using the common 500 calories per day reduction) gives us a total of 1900 average calories per day
If you started to incorporate a plan that allowed an average of 1900 calories every day, you'd start to lose weight. The mistake most people make is to reduce calories too much, which ultimately sacrifices muscle plus sets you up for feeling deprived. It's far better in the long run to go more slowly, keeping as much muscle as possible while burning calories via exercise. Remember too, even if you don't eat quite that many calories on many days, you might eat more on the weekends for instance, so it ends up being closer to your goal of 1900 average per day. Take the total calories for the week divided by seven.
Remember, this average calorie number gives you plenty of wiggle room during the week. You can have some treats along with everyone else, or add more on weekends. Instead of constantly saying, "I can't, I'm on a diet," now you can say, "Thank you, that looks delicious," and enjoy some. It doesn't ruin your diet plan because you've got a large enough calorie allowance that if you are more careful some days than others, it will work out to the average number of calories you want. I tend to eat far less calories during the week than on weekends and my totals generally average out to 2000 to 2200 calories per day.
The 500 calorie reduction is a well accepted amount. You can reduce your calories further, but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't benefit anyone to try for faster weight loss, in fact, if you reduce your calories too much you end up wasting muscle in the process, which is exactly what you do not want to do. If you want faster results, it's better to add more activity, thereby burning more calories at rest.
You may be thinking I'm nuts, recommending 1900 calories per day, but I can say for a fact that if you eat too little (1000 - 1200 calories is too few, IMO) then you set yourself up for all of the following:
You're going to feel deprived, mentally and physically. 1000 calories isn't enough for your basic metabolic needs, much less to fuel yourself for your activity needs. Add more food! Just have a bit more than you're already having, so for instance, if you are allowed 1/2 cup of vegetables is a whole cup going to ruin all your progress? I doubt it. Eat a whole cup, or go ahead and have two oranges. Fruits and vegetables are very low calorie but provide high nutrition.
Sure, some vegis and fruits are high in sugar, but it's natural sugar. I seriously doubt our planet grows any killer foods - it is more likely the food industry which has processed those foods to become nothing more than a dried powder, then add back more sugars, and chemicals so it will resemble the original product, is more harmful than a simple apple or banana?
If you are diabetic or must watch the sugars, have a small bit of protein along with the higher glycemic food, such as an ounce of cheese with your apple. Notice I said an ounce of cheese, not a slab big enough to feed a small country.
Metabolic Slow-Down
Feeding yourself too few calories sets you up for metabolic slow-down. Studies have shown time and again that a heavier person can find it difficult to lose weight, even though eating very low calories, simply because their body's metabolism is burning at such a slow rate. As you probably already know exercise helps to speed up your metabolism but so does eating. That's why they say breakfast is so important, not only to fuel yourself but because it starts the metabolic furnace burning, and it continues to burn all day. If you don't eat anything until noon, you don't stoke your furnace to start burning until then either.
Has the ultra low calorie approach worked for you so far? If not, why not try something more reasonable? Tag along with a friend who doesn't have a weight problem and you'll see how sometimes they eat more, sometimes less, but on average they eat enough to fuel their body and maintain their weight.
Adding more food gives you additional eye appeal. If you split up 1000 calories over the course of an entire day you're looking at pretty skimpy portions on your plate each time you eat. I like to feel like I'm getting enough to eat and I do this by rounding out my plate with extra vegetables.
If I'm having a frozen entree for instance, I'll cook up a cup or more of frozen vegetables to add to my plate. The extra vegis really fill me up, providing the satisfaction I need, and I often have a bit extra vegetables to throw away. Is that wasting food? No, it's smart. Far better for me mentally to have extra food to toss away than to be licking the plate because I'm still hungry. I'm also not likely to start wanting something else to eat right after dinner if I'm feeling content with the amount I've eaten.
Make an effort to learn to like your food as is. Plain mixed vegetables with nothing on them are delicious. It took me awhile to stop putting butter on them, and then even quitting the Molly McButter (just chemicals and sodium). I eat them plain and yes, they are great. Nature made our fruits and vegetables naturally sweet and all those "extras" we are used to using like butter on vegetables or potatoes certainly make things taste all yummy but they also make us larger than we need to be. Those "extra" calories add up.
Start to Slowly Make Ajustments to What You Eat or How Much You Eat
For instance wean yourself off adding sugar to your cold cereal. Read the label; all processed cereals contain a ridiculous amount of added sugar already. There's no need to add more. My only exception is brown sugar on oatmeal. I don't sugar my cereal at all anymore but it took me awhile to make the change. Start by adding a bit less, then next week cut back a bit more until you break the habit entirely. Tiny changes make up for big results over time.
If you feed yourself well, and focus on increasing your activity, even if only a little, then you will continue to lose fat, build muscle and get more shapely, all the while increasing your metabolism so you can eat more food!

About The Author

Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss

Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons to Use EFT and NLP and End Your Struggle with Weight Loss

This article was posted on April 04, 2005


Zyban Zyban
Our price: $2.1
Zyban (Bupropion) is an antidepressant and indicated as an aid to smoking cessation treatment.

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How to Reduce Belly Fat

How to Reduce Belly Fat
 by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

If you have excess weight only in specific parts of your body, you still must look at yourself as a whole. It's not possible to spot reduce; in other words, you can't dictate that you only want weight to come off one place or another. In most cases your so called "trouble spots" is where the fat will come off last, so be prepared to lose weight in your fingers (rings fall off) and your face (friends may ask if you're feeling all right).
If you work toward building muscle and reducing body fat you will eventually tackle those trouble spots though, and develop a better physique in the process. Muscle tissue is active meaning it requires calories to be maintained. If you were stranded without a food supply, eventually your body would turn to its own muscle tissue as a source of nutrition first (muscles are protein) while saving the fat stores for last. Simply put, fat is nature's way of ensuring survival during times of famine. That's why the prevalence of heart failure kills someone who is severely malnourished. By building more muscle you become a more efficient energy burning machine which translates to mean you can eat more food! That to me is a good thing.
The More Active You Are, The More You Get to Eat!
That explains why some people can eat so much more than others yet not gain weight; your efficient energy burning friend simply has a greater proportion of muscle to fat than you. Muscle is more dense than fat. It's often said that a pound of muscle is heavier than a pound of fat, but the truth is a pound is a pound. What they mean is a one pound volume of muscle is a smaller package than a one pound volume of fat, or put another way, fat is billowy and fluffy while muscle is sleek and compact. Lady No. 1 weighs 120 pounds with 30% body fat so she has 84 pounds of lean tissue and 36 pounds of fat, while Lady No. 2 also weighing 120 pounds but at 18% body fat is carrying roughly 98 pounds of muscle and 22 pounds of fat. Would you rather be Lady No. 1 or Lady No. 2? Which do you think takes up more space, 22 or 36 pounds of fat? I'd say 36 pounds of fat would be a lot bigger package than 22 pounds.
That is why body weight as a number by itself is meaningless, but your ratio of fat to muscle is very important and worth working to change. Strive to decrease your body fat and increase your muscle mass and you'll look better, you'll feel stronger and more energetic and you'll simply be healthier.
You can generally have your body fat tested at fitness centers and most gyms so ask about having it done. It's better to know you have 30% body fat and work to reduce it to 29, than not to know and only think in terms of body weight. Most people who think only of how much they weigh tend to do everything to reduce that weight, and it's usually at the expense of losing more valuable muscle.
The best way to increase muscle and decrease fat is through a consistent exercise program. Start at whatever is your beginning, but do start.
Begin with an overall body conditioning type exercise program, doing whatever you enjoy, whether it be a sport, gardening, weight lifting, biking, hiking, or any other activity. Any physical movement you do regularly counts as exercise even if it is doing laundry or taking out the trash. Get as much as you can out of every chore you do, and stop thinking of it as a chore but instead as an opportunity to move your body.
In the early 1900s a washing machine was a new invention. People used to wash their clothes by hand, and hang them outside to dry. Being a housewife was actually a pretty strenuous job. It's no wonder women were thankful for modern conveniences like automatic washers and dryers, but now we've come to where our daily activities are not taking our bodies at all, so unless we want to get fatter and fatter we must do something about it.
Get Fit and Belly Fat Disappears
It doesn't make sense to drive around and around in the parking lot looking for the closest space when you're on your way to run or walk on the treadmill. Why take the elevator five flights every day at work and then pay a monthly fee to do the StairMaster after work? What if we all started to notice that our world is full of exercise equipment. We could become so much more fit if we'd just start to notice all the opportunities for physical movement we miss in the name of convenience. Look around and see if you can spot some exercise opportunities, and then get busy and get fit.

About The Author

Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss

Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons to Use EFT and NLP and End Your Struggle with Weight Loss

This article was posted on April 04, 2005


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Our price: $3.2
Acomplia is an appetite suppressant diet pill.

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Fruit, vegetables may reduce pancreatic cancer risk

Fruit, vegetables may reduce pancreatic cancer risk
 by: Dr. John Roberts

An epidemiologic study suggested eating a lot of fruit and vegetables may help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer in men.
The case-control study involved 585 pancreatic cancer cases and 4,779 controls in eight Canadian provinces between 1994 and 1999. The dietary habits were surveyed and analyzed using a multivariate analysis method. Identified and grouped were three dietary patterns, WESTERN characterized by high intake of meat, sugar, and refined grains; FRUIT/VEGETABLES characterized by high intake of fresh fruits and cruciferous vegetables; DRINKER characterized by high intake of liquor, wine and beer.
The study found that those who ate the highest amount of fruit and vegetables (highest quartile) are 50 percent less likely to have pancreatic cancer than those who used the lowest amount of fruits and vegetables (lowest quartile). There was no association with the Western dietary and drinker patterns.
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in men and the fifth in women. As predicted by the American Cancer Society, about 32,180 people in the US will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and about 31,800 will die of the disease.
The study was conducted by Andrй Nkondjock and collegues from University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada and other organizations. The results were published in the May 1 issue of International Journal of Cancer.

About The Author

Dr. John Roberts is a freelance writer for Contact him at if you have any questions.

This article was posted on April 04, 2005

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Abana Abana
Our price: $19.25
Abana is a cardiac tonic that prevents from cardiac neurosis.

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Obese Mice More Likely To Die Of Influenza Infection

Obese Mice More Likely To Die Of Influenza Infection
 by: Dr. John Roberts

A study suggested that obese people may be more likely to die of influenza infection.
In the study, 35 mice were fed a high-fat, high sugar diet for five months making them 37 percent heavier than 35 mice fed a regular diet high in carbohydrates. The obese mice had a body fat percentage of 31 percent in comparison to 21 percent in the regular mice.
After influenza infection at five months, the obese mice had significantly less capability of coping with influenza infection. As a result, 40 percent of the obese mice died while only 4 percent regular mice died of influenza infection. It's believed that obesity impairs the immune response that is needed for controlling influenza infection.
Although the study was conducted on mice, "Numerous marked alterations seen in the mice's immune response suggest that the growing obese population is at increased risk for immune dysfunction during influenza infection, which may lead in humans, as it did in the mice, to increased mortality," Dr. Melinda A. Beck, the principal investigator, was quoted as saying in a news release by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The study was conducted by Dr. Meinda A Beck and Alexia Smith from UNC School of Medicine. The results were presented on April 2 at an American Society of Nutritional Sciences scientific meeting in San Diego.

About The Author

Dr. John Roberts is a freelance writer for Contact him at if you have any questions.

This article was posted on April 04, 2005


Ashwagandha Ashwagandha
Our price: $25.3
Ashwagandha enables its users to handle stress.

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A Natural Mood Elevator

A Natural Mood Elevator
 by: Joe Cirillo

Are you feeling moody? Irritable? Perhaps arguing with your spouse more than you should? Maybe your disorganized closet is to blame. Oddly enough, studies have shown that disorganization can also lend itself to a, shall we say, less than stellar mood. If you wake up in chaos, you'll tend to feel harried and chaotic most of the day.
If you suspect your miles of piles might be the cause of your foul mood, take a minute to consider your surroundings. Step back and survey the space around you. Do you have stacks of things getting in your way. A stack of magazines you'll probably never read, a stack of week-old newspapers you promised yourself you'd get to? Or maybe you're moods have more to do with the things you can't see, like your closets, pantry and drawers. They key is that if you already feel overwhelmed, opening up a closet crammed with "stuff" isn't going to help your mood, in fact it's going to worsen it.
As you begin to go after these areas and get organized, remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and the best organization is done one room, one drawer and one closet at a time. Many times a project like this can take an entire day to accomplish, but if you've got limited time, keep the reminiscing for later ("Look! I found Billy's first pair of baby shoes! I've been looking for them forever!") and set aside a stack of things you need to go through and label or file once you've cleared out the space.
If you're not sure of which room to start in here's a hint: Start in the bedroom. If you start and end your day in an organized space it will set the tone for your entire day and at the end of it, you'll sleep better not surrounded by piles of clothes that won't fit into those bulging drawers.
It's easy to combat stress and clutter if you start tackling the reasons for your stress and alleviate them. Now you may not be able to organize your way to a better boss or fewer deadlines, but by learning to organize the things you can control, you'll be a step ahead and that much closer to learning to respect your most precious and natural resource: your time.

About The Author

It's Your Time is available in bookstores across the nation or on Cirillo's Web site: Cirillo has a long list a happy customers that say his methods will help you organize everything and gain up to two hours a day. Joe Cirillo lives in Sun Valley, Idaho where he is currently releasing his second book The Italian Club, Original family recipes brought over from Naples, Italy. Contact The Cirillo Company today to be placed on the advanced copy list.

This article was posted on April 05, 2005


Motrin Motrin
Our price: $0.1
Motrin (Ibuprofen) is used for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

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Anxiety & Panic - Two Steps to Take Before the Healing Process Begins

Anxiety & Panic - Two Steps to Take Before the Healing Process Begins
 by: Joanne King

Anxiety sufferers are usually at a loose end after trying methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Techniques, Hypnosis, Sessions with psychologists, Meditation, Herbal Alternatives and probably the most popular of them all is Medications such as anti-depressants and Benzodiazepine's.
Now I was no different to any other sufferer, I was pulling my hair out in the hopes of one of these alternatives would kick in and free me of this dreadful nightmare that I lived, day in and day out for years. Unable to leave my house in fear something dreadful was going to happen to me.
But after plenty of research I did eventually eliminate my anxiety and panic disorder. And it certainly wasn't from taking medications, or hypnosis or CBT or any of the worlds most practiced techniques (which have always given a rather poor response in curing anxiety and panic attacks).
Two Steps to Begin the Healing Process
Step One...
Accepting that what you have is Anxiety and Panic Disorder. And yes, I know this can be an extremely hard thing to accept. You're sure that it always must be something else, your heart is racing (you think that you must be having a heart attack). You're finding it difficult to swallow (so now your thoughts sway to you must have throat cancer). You find it difficult to breathe (and in that moment you're sure your going to pass out or die, or maybe you think you have lung cancer or emphysema). Yes, I know how these thoughts can take control of your mind.
But in order to become well again, you must accept all these feelings are, are anxiety and panic attacks.
Step Two…
I struggled with this issue a lot. And I certainly understand when you have lost all faith. After all, you've tried all these other techniques with little to no success. So you begin to wonder why "this time" would be any different to all the other methods you have tried to your wits end.
But the moment you give up all hope and lose trust in any other possible natural method, than this will be when you prevent you're healing and eliminating of Anxiety & Panic Disorder.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks can be eliminated naturally and for good! I'm living proof of that.
© Joanne King

About The Author

Joanne King is a former sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Attacks. She is the author of two books "How to Overcome Anxiety & Panic Attacks" & "How to Overcome Anxiety When Approaching Women". She has helped other sufferers WorldWide to eliminate their Anxiety & Panic.

Copyright © Joanne King All Rights Resevered

This article was posted on April 04, 2005

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Our price: $34.5
Atrovent (Ipratropium) treats lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

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8 Minerals Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About

8 Minerals Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About
 by: Emily Clark

Minerals are essential to maintain our bodies in top condition ...
In fact, our body is composed of many minerals, but unfortunately does not produce the minerals needed for a healthy body.
A deficiency of minerals can lead to various health problems, including arthritis!
The most common minerals used to reduce arthritic pains are:
Boron – This trace mineral aids in bone health.
Calcium – This is a much-needed mineral for bone health.
Magnesium – Magnesium helps keep calcium in balance within the system.
Zinc – This mineral is necessary for bone growth, but is often lacking in arthritic patients.
Manganese – Manganese is also necessary for bone growth. Do NOT ingest manganese with calcium because they can work against each other.
Copper – Copper helps to strengthen connective tissue.
Germanium – This antioxidant helps with pain relief.
Sulfur – A lack of sulfur can result in deterioration of ligaments, cartilage, collagen and tendons.
Our traditional source of minerals has been from fresh fruit, vegetables and some dairy products. Today we have to look at other sources to get sufficient minerals for a healthy diet. Some of the reasons for this are: Loss of minerals in the soil Modern food processing methods Popularity of 'Junk' foods
An increasing number of people are turning to mineral supplements for their source of minerals.
The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

About The Author

Emily Clark is editor at Arthritis Health News, where arthritis sufferers can find the most up-to-date advice and information to assist in improving their quality of life.

This article was posted on April 04, 2005

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Prandin Prandin
Our price: $0.75
Prandin (Repaglinide) is used to treat Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes.

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7 Vitamins Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About

7 Vitamins Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About
 by: Emily Clark

A deficiency of vitamins can lead to a variety of health problems, including some forms of arthritis.
These organic nutrients are normal sourced through our intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Due to the following factors, it is not always possible to get our recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins: Poor soil quality Modern processing methods Popularity of 'Junk' foods
As an alternative to getting your RDA through diet, many people now take vitamin supplements.
The following list of vitamins are known to be especially beneficial to arthritis sufferers:
Vitamin B5 – When grouped and tanked together, B vitamins work at their peak. They, and B5 specifically, are good for reducing swelling.
Vitamin B3 – This vitamin reduces tissue swelling and dilates small arteries, increasing blood flow. Note that Vitamin B3 is NOT advised for persons
with high blood pressure, gout or sliver disorders.
Vitamin B6 – Another B that reduces tissue swelling.
Vitamin B12 – This vitamin aids in multiple functions. It helps with cell formation, digestion, myelin production, nerve protection.
Vitamin C - This vitamin acts as an anti-inflammatory, relieving pain, and rids the body of free radicals.
Vitamin E – This is a strong antioxidant that protects joints from free radicals while increases joint flexibility.
Vitamin K – This vitamin assists with mineral deposit into the bone matrix.
Vitamins combine with enzymes involved with tissue repair, cell production and our metabolism.
There are two types of vitamins:
Water Soluable - These vitamins ( B and C complex ) are not not stored in our body organs and usually pass through our bodies very quickly, in the form of urine. It is therefore important to have regular daily intakes of these vitamins.
Fat Soluable - Vitamins A, D, E and K stay in the body as they are stored in the liver.
The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

About The Author

Emily Clark is editor at Arthritis Health News, where arthritis sufferers can find the most up-to-date advice and information to assist in improving their quality of life.

This article was posted on April 04, 2005


Bactroban Bactroban
Our price: $17.75
Bactroban (Mupirocin) is used for the treatment of impetigo, infected eczema, or folliculitis (infection of the hair follicles).

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