Friday, November 7, 2008

Ganoderma Lucidum - The Wonder Herb.

Ganoderma Lucidum - The Wonder Herb.
 by: Terry Dunn
One of the most apparent influences modern times has brought to people is their realization of going back to the basics, to the natural, and to the organic. Although the advances brought by technology has made life easier to people, many are still looking for better organic alternatives that are proven to be more effective in their most natural of form, like Ganoderma Lucidum or commonly known as "Ganoderma."
Believed by the Chinese as the "Miraculous King of Herbs," Ganoderma Lucidum is highly-regarded for its medicinal properties that help improve human body's healing ability while helping its user to maintain good physical shape. Aside from promoting longevity, Ganoderma Lucidum has unique properties that contribute much to the strengthening of the immune system. Somewhat rare in the West, Ganoderma Lucidum has been worshipped as a kind of herbal medicine the emperors of the great Japanese and Chinese dynasties drank with their special teas and mushroom concoctions to achieve greater vitality and longer life. Ganoderma Lucidum was also believed to be visible in the "elixir of eternal youth" that the ancient Taoists constantly searched for.
A fungus known by its many names like "Reishi," "Ling zhi," and "Mannentake," among others, Ganoderma Lucidum, for hundreds or even thousands of years, is recognized as powerful medicinal fungi because it has properties often associated with health and healing, long life, knowledge, and happiness. In fact, during the ancient time, it is believed that the Ganoderma Lucidum in medicine was considered so promising that its medicinal value has been attested in a 2,000-year old Chinese medical text—known as an authentic textbook of Oriental medical science. For years, medicinal mushrooms such as Ganoderma Lucidum have long been included in the history of folk medicine for contributing much to curing cancers of all sorts and for showing positive effects to the development of the immune system.
Aside from contributing a lot to the treatment of various diseases, Ganoderma Lucidum has also become popular because of its promising properties that might extend life span while increasing vigor and vitality.
Mushroom miracle
The role of Ganoderma Lucidum in the medical field is quite impressive. Even if its role in the treatment of cancer doesn't have a strong and solid medical backing yet, Ganoderma Lucidum is still recommended to prevention because of the absence of unfavorable side effects. While people from different walks of life take interests and contribute a lot in the rediscovery of herbal treatments, the popularity of Ganoderma Lucidum increases steadily.
Under the extensive research continuously done so many scholars, as well as the cooperative analysis and clinical experiments conducted by people in the hospitals, inside the colleges and universities, and even by pharmaceutical manufacturers, Ganoderma Lucidum's potential as an effective medicine is becoming clearer and defined. And like in ancient China—where Ganoderma Lucidum is considered not just a symbol of 'prosperity and peace' or an 'item of tribute'—the so-called 'miracle herb' is now also seen by the people in the modern world as a potential elixir for immortality.
With so many research and emerging evidence how Ganoderma Lucidum helps the body work more effectively, efficiently and optimally, the people who do these extensive and never-ending researches continues to hope that Ganoderma can bring a brighter view to humanity on its conquest for longevity.

Thyroid Disease Symptoms - Understanding Hypothyroidism Symptoms

Thyroid Disease Symptoms - Understanding Hypothyroidism Symptoms
 by: Olinda Rola
Thyroid disease symptoms and hypothyroidism symptoms afflict millions of adults in the USA alone. Thyroid disease symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. Approximately 10-20% of women and 1-2% of men have symptoms of thyroid problems. The most common type of thyroid dysfunction is the condition hypothyroidism, also called low thyroid or underactive thyroid.
When thyroid function slows too much, one of the consequences is that metabolism in the body slows down more than it should. When the body's metabolism slows down due to underactive thyroid function, the result can be hypothyroidism symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and depression. And other thyroid symptoms may be experienced as well, and these other symptoms may appear to be unrelated.
The most common thyroid disease symptoms and hypothyroidism symptoms include: Cold intolerance, cold hands and feet Constipation Depression Dry and coarse skin Fatigue and weakness Forgetfulness, dementia Hair loss Heavy menstrual periods High cholesterol Immune system problems Nervousness, tremors Sleep difficulties Weight gain
Having hypothyroidism symptoms is related to hormone imbalance. For a woman, three of the critical hormones are estrogen, thyroid hormone and progesterone. Understanding how these hormones work together helps one better understand how to approach treating thyroid disease symptoms.
Harvard-trained Dr. John R. Lee, women's physician Dr. Jesse Hanley and Virginia Hopkins are co-authors of the best-seller What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Premenopause. Dr. Lee explains his observations over a twenty-year period when treating women having thyroid disease symptoms. Dr. Lee believed that elevated levels of estrogen interferes with normal thyroid function, while progesterone facilitates healthy thyroid function. As excess estrogen interferes with normal thyroid hormone function, progesterone helps the thyroid gland function more as it is supposed to.
He noticed that women who tested normal for thyroid function were often progesterone deficient. Dr. Lee found a clear pattern in his patients with a progesterone deficiency which was this - their thyroid disease symptoms lessened when natural progesterone supplementation was done and hormone balance was achieved.
Read more about hormone imbalance, how progesterone deficiency happens and how to have balanced hormones for better health. There is a free online womens hormone health test you can take to find out more about your health and symptoms you may be experiencing. After the test, you will receive physician-based recommendations based on your answers. If you feel you may have thyroid disease symptoms, learn more about the natural approaches recommended by naturopathic physicians for treating hypothyroidism symptoms.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Steroid Stars

Steroid Stars
 by: Lucas Blake
A long time ago, in the country far, far away, a young boy decided he wanted to change his stars for good. He decided that bodybuilding would be his ticket to the top and starts pumping iron. He quickly became successful, but that was partially due to the fact that bodybuilding was the least popular sport in his country at the time. He continued to win other prizes all over Europe, but realized that he could only succeed completely if he went to U.S. and win it there.
Upon arriving to U.S. our hero was surprised to learn that his American Competitors were leaner and more graceful. On his first American Mr. Universe he came in second and was completely disappointed. His thoughts at the moment were: "I'm away from home… In America, and I'm a loser" a day later he decided: "I'm going to pay them back; I'm going to show them who is really the best!". He succeeded and became a 7 time Mr. Olympia, a successful actor, and now holds an important political function.
The question here is how one can improve so much over a short period of time. Most bodybuilders know that after working out for a long time one hits a wall where he can't improve any more – naturally that is. At this point bodybuilders have only two options; to remain as they are or to gain more using steroids. As our man was working really hard (5-7 times per week, was on a constant diet…) for 8 years we can assume he has already hit the wall at that point.
It is obvious that his first American Mr. Universe competition has influenced him much. As can be observed from his statement he was strongly psychologically affected. Furthermore one can discern, by observing his pictures of that era that he suddenly became bulkier. From this we can conclude that he probably did start using Steroids at that point. To discern weather he was taking Deca or some kind of Testosterone mix is not really important for this article but it is obvious that they were readily available at that time.
The main problem at this point is not the sole fact that our hero was using steroids; the problem is that he would not give a clear statement weather he used them or not. When asked by a reporter if he ever used Steroids in his competition years he would answer: "We did a lot of experimenting at that time". What kind of answer is that? As Steroids weren't illegal at the time when he supposedly used them he couldn't be prosecuted even if he admitted that. But instead of proving that he is a bodybuilder, doing something for bodybuilding, he deiced to rather be a politician and behave as one – be completely indecisive about any issue that concerns him.
Today steroids have an extremely bad reputation. They are equaled to hard drugs and when ordinary people hear that word they immediately think of "criminal!" or "drug addict". The fact that Steroids in general are basically products of human body and completely different than drugs is not really important, nor it is known. In such times a person who owns a part of his success to Steroids and has the power to help improve the overall image should do so. I don't expect the man to say anything like "Kids, use Steroids, they're god for you….". But he sure as hell could help de-criminalize their use and possession in small amounts.
