Friday, January 18, 2008

Can I Eat Sugar Alcohols On My Low Carb Diet?

Can I Eat Sugar Alcohols On My Low Carb Diet?
 by: Benji Paras

"Polyols" or sugar alcohols are a number of different carbohydrates that are neither sugars nor alcohols--and are commonly used as artificial sweeteners in a range of products, from ice cream to chewing gum.
While these tasty sweeteners appear to be the perfect solution for both low-carb dieters and low-carb food producers, recent studies of sugar alcohols have painted a somewhat different picture.
To begin with, sugar alcohols are not entirely carb-free. Most studies have indicated that sugar alcohols contain approximately 1/2 to 1/3 the amount of calories as sugar--and in the form of carbohydrates.
In addition, studies have shown that sugar alcohols are absorbed by the small intestine, but the process is slower and fractured. This affects a rise in blood sugar, but again is smaller and more gradual than with sugar--and the rise tends to vary from person to person.
Sugar alcohols also have a laxative effect on some consumers. Since they are only partially absorbed, they bring water into the bowel--and undigested carbs into the colon, creating gas and bloating as the carbs are acted on by bacteria.
Over-consumption of sugar alcohols can often have an adverse effect on low carb dieters, even when they can digest them properly. Sugar alcohols can trigger cravings in low carb dieters, causing them to deviate from dietary restrictions.
In addition, sugar alcohols can often cause low carb dieters to choose an unhealthy diet of sweets, which appear to be carb-free, over a varied diet that includes essential nutrients.
If you are currently on a low carb diet and want to mix sugar alcohol products into your diet, it is very important that you monitor your total sugar alcohol intake--and keep it at a minimum while consuming a healthy diet.
One easy way to do this is to determine the total amount of carbs in sugar alcohol products you are consuming. You can do this by subtracting the amount of fat and protein calories per serving from the total amount of calories per serving. Simply multiply the grams of protein by four and the grams of fat by nine. Now subtract the sum of the two from the total amount of calories per serving.
Using these figures, you can determine whether or not carbs are being "hidden" in "carb free" sugar alcohol products you consume, allowing you to make a better-informed decision that fits the prescriptions of your low-carb diet.

About The Author

Benji Paras runs, specializing in the benefits of the low-carb lifestyle. The site contains a treasure trove of information for losing weight, and includes a list of low carb foods along with informative articles and the latest low-carb headlines.

This article was posted on August 07, 2005

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Atarax Atarax
Our price: $0.39
Atarax (Hydroxyzine) is used for treating anxiety and sedation.

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Beating the Freshman 15

Beating the Freshman 15
 by: Paul Buckley

It's a fairly accepted 'fact' among college age women that they will gain weight their first year away from home. It's so well accepted, in fact, that nearly anyone will know immediately what you mean when you refer to the 'Freshman 15'. The research doesn't quite bear it out, though. One study conducted 15 years ago found that incoming freshman did gain weight at higher rates than their peers who did not attend college, but the average weight gain for the stressful freshman year was 7 pounds, less than half the mythical 15 pounds they'd been told to expect.
Even more encouraging is that a more recent study of college weight gain monitored the weight and body fat of freshman women. More than half the students put on weight, but for most it was less than five pounds. One third of the students lost weight. Interestingly, those students who most worried about gaining weight believed that they had gained weight even when the scales showed that they hadn't.
If you're concerned about gaining weight in that first year away from home, here are some concrete suggestions that can help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15.
Adopt a Healthy Attitude Toward Food.
Researchers place part of the blame for the Freshman 15 on the tendency to turn to food for comfort. In an unfamiliar setting, with new stresses and new worries, students may turn to the familiar foods that make them feel good to help them get through. Train yourself to eat when hungry - and deal with stress through other means.
The corollary to the statement above is that the less you allow changes and worries to affect you, the less stress you'll have to deal with. One of the best ways to stress-proof your body is by eating a healthy diet. Regular exercise and making sure you get enough sleep play a big part, too. When you're body is well-nourished and well-rested, you'll find it much easier to deal with stress without resorting to major snacking.
Watch out for the parties.
Away from parental supervision for the first time, many college age students give in to the urge to party. Try to keep in mind that beer, even light beer, has 100 calories per every 12 ounces that you drink. You're also a whole lot more likely to snack on high fat junk food like chips when you're drinking. As for other drugs - there are all sorts of reasons not to smoke. Add the fact that it's fattening to the list.
Take advantage of the gym facilities and any student privileges you might have by getting regular workouts. Swimming, tennis, aerobics - any sport that you play, any activity that you do will both burn calories, and help reduce the stress of your first year at school.
Find a group of friends and be a part of it. The more you feel like you belong, the less you'll be missing home, and the less you'll be snacking to make up for it.
The Freshman 15 isn't inevitable. Just remember to eat healthy, exercise, sleep well and have fun. The weight loss will take care of itself.
Copyright 2005 Ardmore Internet Marketing, Inc.

About The Author

Paul Buckley is a full-time pilot and part-time webmaster. You'll find plenty of great information about weight loss and healthy eating at the Healthy Diet Zone

This article was posted on August 07, 2005

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Detrol Detrol
Our price: $1.45
Detrol (Tolterodine) is used for treating overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary frequency.

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What Is Acne - And How To Prevent It

What Is Acne - And How To Prevent It
 by: Josh Spencer

Have you ever had acne? Chances are that you have had or are still having acne. Teens are primarily the ones cursed with at least with a mild form of acne. But what is acne? Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, occurs when oil and dead skin cells form a plug and clog your follicles or pores.
Eighty-five percent of teenagers have had at least a mild form of acne. During puberty increased hormone levels cause an increase in oil production. This increased oil can then combine with dead skin cells and cause acne. Acne does not discriminate though as some adults, especially women, have intermittent acne all their lives.
What is acne symptoms going to look like to most people? You will most likely notice an outbreak of whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. These can occur on your face, back, shoulders, or chest. Whiteheads and blackheads are clogged pores, while pimples have a bacteria build-up under the clogged pores. Large and deep pimples are called cystic lesions and can be quite painful and create scarring.
What is acne treatments going to consist of? Acne treatments depend upon the severity of the acne. The goal is to reduce or eliminate acne outbreaks and reduce any scarring that may occur with an acne outbreak. The first method of treatment to begin with is cleansing with a mild soap and warm water and using benzoyl peroxide. This often controls and prevents mild acne.
If this does not reduce or eliminate the acne outbreaks, you will need to consult a physician to try more aggressive treatments. The physician may prescribe antibiotics combined with topical benzoyl peroxide. This increases the effectiveness of your treatment. If there is still no improvement and the acne is severe, the physician may recommend Accutane as a last resort. Accutane has rare but serious side effects and is very expensive. A new treatment available is Light Wave Therapy. This treatment was recently approved by the FDA and is helpful in reducing and eliminating mild to moderate acne that has not been responsive to other treatments.
What is acne reducing things that you can do to help reduced your symptoms or outbreaks? Things you can do to help reduce your acne symptoms are cleansing your face twice daily using a mild soap and warm water. Use your clean, bare hands to wash your face rather than a washcloth. Vigorous rubbing of your skin will only make your acne worse. Follow your Doctor's directions fully. This will help to ensure that your acne is reduced or eliminated.
What is acne? Acne is a condition that can cause moderate to severe embarrassment and self-esteem problems, as well as depression. If your acne is not responding to treatment then seek out a treatment that works for you or your skin.

About The Author

Josh Spencer is committed to helping people promote and protect their health. Read more about Josh's Acne Prevention Tips here - Josh Spencer - -

This article was posted on August 07, 2005


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Our price: $23.11
Flovent (Fluticasone Propionate) reduces swelling and inflammation of the airways (asthma).

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Anti-aging: Is it really possible?

Anti-aging: Is it really possible?
 by: Geri Richard

Although it is obviously not possible to turn the clock back entirely, we can take many steps now to ensure that not only do we slow down the aging process, but we can also reverse many of the signs of aging that we may presently be experiencing.
The biggest key in the fight against aging is of course our diet and nutrition. The old adage, "you are what you eat" is absolutely true! It is impossible to expect to be healthy and vital if we are not eating the nutrients we need to keep our bodies performing at its best.
I truly believe that the increase in lifestyle diseases that we are presently seeing is in great part due to poor diets and junk food. It is very important to try to increase the amount of whole foods that we eat and decrease the amount of processed foods that we eat.
Processed foods have almost no nutrients left in them ... they are considered "empty calories". But even worse than that, the preservatives, additives and chemicals that are in these processed foods interfere with many bodily functions including hormones. These chemical toxins are called "xenoestrogens" and they often trigger a condition called "Estrogen Dominance".
What is Estrogen Dominance? Simply explained, it is when the ratio of Estrogen and Progesterone get out of whack and you have higher levels of estrogen, compared to progesterone. There are many things in our modern society that contribute to this imbalance including birth control pills, caffeine, alcohol and xenoestrogens (which are caused by external toxins and pollutants like detergents, pesticides, plastics etc.), as well as impaired liver function and even stress!
The hormonal imbalances caused by Estrogen Dominance have many negative effects on the body and can make you feel a lot older by triggering many symptoms like poor memory, "foggy brain", weight gain and difficulty losing weight, increased facial hair, decreased sex drive, vaginal dryness, darkened skin pigmentation, water retention and much, much more. Estrogen Dominance also increases the risk of many lifestyle diseases like cancer, fibrocystic breasts, breast cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and much more.
Estrogen Dominance is much more common than people think, thanks to the world we live in. And it is happening to women at younger and younger ages, even to women in their twenties or thirties! So how do you combat estrogen dominance? One of the most important changes you can make is losing weight if you are overweight, since this triggers a vicious cycle of hormonal imbalances and weight gain, especially in the abdominal area.
But of course, how you lose weight is just as important, if not more, than just losing weight. If you lose weight following unhealthy weight loss diets, you could be unbalancing your hormones even more. The better method is to lose weight in a slow, steady fashion by eating healthy, nutritious food and NOT starving yourself.
If instead of following an unhealthy diet, you follow a healthy eating program you will not only lose weight, but will have many health benefits as well. Check out these little-known, powerful anti-aging benefits you get from eating a healthy, balanced diet:
- Eating a healthy diet decreases free radical production through proper nutrition, which is a powerful anti-aging technique, as well as decreasing the risk of developing different types of cancer
Eating healthy also helps to promote anti-aging by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides to healthy levels
- When you follow a healthy diet and do not skip meals or starve yourself, you actually speed up your metabolism and increase fat burning capabilities. Dieting is one of the best ways of slowing down your metabolism, which of course makes losing weight very difficult. Yo-yo dieting is a good example of this. Each time you lose weight and gain it back, you are slowing down your metabolism so that each subsequent diet gets harder and harder to lose weight.
- It is also possible to make a few simple changes to your diet so that the food you eat stabilises your blood sugar levels and reduces insulin and improves insulin resistance ... ultimately decreasing the risk of Diabetes. And did you know that Insulin is a major culprit in weight gain?
- And here is a very powerful anti-aging secret: eating a healthy, balanced diet supports your liver! If your liver works better, your body detoxifies more efficiently, which improves all areas of your health (including cellulite reduction the natural way), as well as supporting your immune system which is of course very important for good health
And not only do unhealthy diets unbalance your hormones, one thing that many people don't think about when they decide to lose weight following unhealthy fast weight loss diets: the faster you lose weight, the bigger the chances that you will be left with loose, sagging skin! A healthy eating program decreases the chances of having loose, sagging skin, because you lose weight in a slow, steady way, which gives your body a chance to firm up your skin. There are also many foods you can eat that promote healthy, firm skin tone. (The "Diet Free ... At Last!" Weight Loss Program teaches which foods promote anti-aging and also which foods you can eat to help to improve skin tone and prevent loose, sagging skin.)

About The Author

Geri Richard is the owner of the "Diet Free ... At Last!" Weight Loss Program website. This program teaches you how to lose weight the healthy way, without hunger, food cravings or starving yourself on endless diets. It even includes a free e-book that focuses on how to reverse aging and improve your health and quality of life. Visit the website at to see how you can get this free e-book.

You are welcome to reproduce this article on your website or newsletter provided it is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information and a live hyperlink to our website.

This article was posted on August 07, 2005


Abana Abana
Our price: $19.25
Abana is a cardiac tonic that prevents from cardiac neurosis.

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Coconut Oil - More Than The Average Saturated Fat

Coconut Oil - More Than The Average Saturated Fat
 by: Sherri L Dodd

Origin: Southeast Asia, South America, New Zealand and India
Description: Known as Sanskrit "the tree which provides all the necessities of life", the Coconut Palm yields 50-75 coconuts per year and not a part of it goes unused. Coconut water contains sugars, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants and a variety of vitamins and minerals. The sap from cutting the flowers from the tree is used to make a drink called "toddy". The fibrous husk from the tree, the coir, is used in many things including ropes, mats, brushes and potting soil. If you no longer need a coconut tree, the apical bud of an adult tree can be eaten as "palm-cabbage", and the "heart of the palm" is a delicacy in gourmet salads. The 'no longer' clause due to consuming these will kill the tree. And of course, there is the white meat of the nut that can be eaten directly or used to make coconut milk, coconut cream, and coconut oil of which we will focus today.
Benefits: Researchers have increasingly revisited the health benefits of coconut oil. The findings have associated it with many healthful benefits starting with weight loss due to the medium length of the fatty acid chains (aka MCT's). Though it is considered a saturated fat, coconut oil is a different structure from the notorious saturated animal fats, and even offers benefits not available in the longer chained plant oils. The medium length of the coconut's fatty acid chain enables rapid breakdown in digestion as well as ease of use when burned for energy. These same MCT's, along with monoglycerides, are found primarily in coconut oil and breast milk and contribute toward well-being, which includes a role in thyroid health. It has tested well in helping prevent hypothyroidism due to its evasion of rancidity. Studies show that rancidity is harmful to the thyroid as well as many cells throughout the body. (The plant oils used by mainstream food manufacturers have a high propensity toward rancidity and must be processed through hydrogenation into trans-fatty acids.)
Another benefit of using coconut oil is that it supports the suppression of Candida (aka, yeast) in the digestive system. While yeast commonly inhabits your digestive system, it is kept controlled due to the body's presence of probiotics (aka "good" bacteria). In the event the person starts taking antibiotics, prescription medications, birth control pills or maintains a poor diet and experiences daily stress, Candida yeast begins to fiercely outnumber the good bacteria, causing evidence of infection. Also, digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and IBS can have positive results from one consuming coconut oil. The MCTs will not only be easily digested, but will also assist in the absorption of the nutrients from other foods.
Blurb: While time may be limited on the amount of pampering a mother can do for herself, there are steps that can be taken to look our best and coconut oil is here to help. Coconut oil is used for treating damaged hair, dry scalp and pimples, moisturizing dry and aging skin, and enabling anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral effects throughout the body. It has also shown great reduction of keratosis polaris, rosacea and psoriasis. You do not have to pay absorbent fees for beauty products. Instead, buy a large jar of the solid oil and use it directly on the appropriate area as well as ingesting it for overall well being…it tastes great and goes down smooth!
Coconut Oil (1 Tbsp)
Calories: 119
Fat: 14g (Sat. Fat 12g)
Information found at and

About The Author
not a part of it goes unused. Coconut water contains sugars, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants and a variety of vitamins and minerals. The sap from cutting the flowers from the tree is used to make a drink called "toddy". The fibrous husk from the tree, the coir, is used in many things including ropes, mats, brushes and potting soil. If you no longer need a coconut tree, the apical bud of an adult tree can be eaten as "palm-cabbage", and the "heart of the palm" is a delicacy in gourmet salads. The 'no longer' clause due to consuming these will kill the tree. And of course, there is the white meat of the nut that can be eaten directly or used to make coconut milk, coconut cream, and coconut oil of which we will focus today.

Benefits: Researchers have increasingly revisited the health benefits of coconut oil. The findings have associated it with many healthful benefits starting with weight loss due to the medium length of the fatty acid chains (aka MCT's). Though it is considered a saturated fat, coconut oil is a different structure from the notorious saturated animal fats, and even offers benefits not available in the longer chained plant oils. The medium length of the coconut's fatty acid chain enables rapid breakdown in digestion as well as ease of use when burned for energy. These same MCT's, along with monoglycerides, are found primarily in coconut oil and breast milk and contribute toward well-being, which includes a role in thyroid health. It has tested well in helping prevent hypothyroidism due to its evasion of rancidity. Studies show that rancidity is harmful to the thyroid as well as many cells throughout the body. (The plant oils used by mainstream food manufacturers have a high propensity toward rancidity and must be processed through hydrogenation into trans-fatty acids.)

Another benefit of using coconut oil is that it supports the suppression of Candida (aka, yeast) in the digestive system. While yeast commonly inhabits your digestive system, it is kept controlled due to the body's presence of probiotics (aka "good" bacteria). In the event the person starts taking antibiotics, prescription medications, birth control pills or maintains a poor diet and experiences daily stress, Candida yeast begins to fiercely outnumber the good bacteria, causing evidence of infection. Also, digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and IBS can have positive results from one consuming coconut oil. The MCTs will not only be easily digested, but will also assist in the absorption of the nutrients from other foods.

Blurb: While time may be limited on the amount of pampering a mother can do for herself, there are steps that can be taken to look our best and coconut oil is here to help. Coconut oil is used for treating damaged hair, dry scalp and pimples, moisturizing dry and aging skin, and enabling anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral effects throughout the body. It has also shown great reduction of keratosis polaris, rosacea and psoriasis. You do not have to pay absorbent fees for beauty products. Instead, buy a large jar of the solid oil and use it directly on the appropriate area as well as ingesting it for overall well being…it tastes great and goes down smooth!

Coconut Oil (1 Tbsp)
Calories: 119
Fat: 14g (Sat. Fat 12g)

Information found at and at: 14g (Sat. Fat 12g)

Information found at and

This article was posted on August 06, 2005

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Our price: $0.2
Lasix (Furosemide) is a diuretic that is used to treat fluid accumulation, caused by heart failure, cirrhosis, chronic kidney failure, and nephrotic syndrome.

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Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance
 by: Jakob Jelling

Dental insurance may be less effective than dental plans, but it is usually offered free.
Don't wait until you already have problems with your teeth to get dental insurance! Instead, you should get dental insurance as soon as you can. One reason for this involves the things that can go wrong with your teeth - and the other reason is that usually this insurance will also cover the costs of bi-yearly check ups to make sure that your teeth are still strong and healthy.
Dental insurance is slightly different than most dental plans since you will have to get it through your employer. Dental insurance is not usually offered to individuals, and is instead offered to major companies. If you are offered this insurance through your employer, then you should take it since it will be either free or very cheap, and is definitely worth it if you can get it.
That being said, there are some disadvantages to dental insurance, one of which being that it is not generally available to regular people unless they can get it through their employers. The other disadvantages are that generally this insurance will not cover all types of dental work, and it also usually has a spending limit per year. Therefore, if you do not already have dental insurance through your job, then you should look for a different type of dental plan.
Most people who cannot afford dental insurance get involved with dental plans, some of which are quite cheap. These plans also tend to cover part of your dental costs, instead of all of them. Therefore, these plans are less like insurance and more as though you are just getting a discount on your dental work.
Finally, another thing to consider is that if you have dental insurance from your employer and you're looking for something to cover everything else, a discount dental plan may help. Some people find that it is best to have both plans just in case.
In any case, dental insurance is a great deal if you can get it for free through your employer, thought it is not a very good purchase to make on your own. Also, before buying any dental insurance, make sure that you find out how much and what is covered by the plan.

About The Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.

This article was posted on August 06, 2005

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Requip Requip
Our price: $0.65
Requip (Ropinirole) is used to treat Parkinson's disease.

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Lasers - The New Mythical Gift Of Fire

Lasers - The New Mythical Gift Of Fire
 by: Doug Smith

In Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus gave the gift of fire to Humanity. It provided warmth, light, and energy. Whether or not you believe that myth, humanity has learned to concentrate that light into beams of unimaginable power:
What does that word make you think of first? Science fiction ray guns? A secret agent strapped to a table while a metal-melting beam of light inches toward him? Or maybe the master thief throwing dust in the air to reveal a deadly maze of red laser beams guarding the treasure?
Those are all popular but outdated images of the laser. Today, lasers vanquish different foes such as unwanted hair, vision correction, and even tumors.
How is a beam of light able to delicately reshape the surface of the eye, yet still be able to cut steel?
LASER is an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." In this definition radiation doesn't refer to nuclear radiation, but to electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and X-rays. Some light wavelengths are visible, and other are not unless special equipment is used (e.g., infrared cameras, night-vision goggles).
Lasers operate by concentrating the strength of various forms of light. The strengthened beam is an almost perfectly straight beam, called a coherent beam. "Coherent" means that almost all of the light energy (photons) are traveling in the same direction. The laser light energy stays focused on a smaller area with greater power.
Compare this to an incoherent light source such as a light bulb, which emits photons in many directions and at many wavelengths. This is the job of a bulb, because we want visible energy spread out as much as possible.
A flashlight also uses a light bulb, but also contains a curved mirror to approximate a more coherent beam. The light from the strongest commercial spotlight (essentially a giant flashlight) will disperse in the atmosphere after a relatively short distance. A laser beam can be bounced off the moon!
A closer analogy to a laser is a magnifying glass. Remember as a child how you got the sun's rays to focus on a tiny spot that got hot enough to burn? That's similar to what a laser does, unless you moved the magnifying glass. Then the focus was lost and the sunlight was no longer concentrated. Because the laser employs a coherent beam, that essentially means it stays focused no matter the distance! Think of it link an infinite magnifying glass.
Lasers can perform a multitude of different tasks at different power levels. Specific light wavelengths and beam strengths can be achieved by altering the light source, power source, and even the color of the light. This extreme versatility allows both the shaping of a delicate cornea and the cutting of industrial steel.
The laser in your CD player won't cut steel, but neither can the industrial laser reshape your eye without destroying it. Matching the right laser power to the right job enables us to safely harness this useful new fire.
Copyright 2005 by Doug Smith

About The Author

Doug Smith

Get Free Laser Hair Removal Facts, Answers, and Articles for Both Men and Women. Learn How To Tell If You're A Candidate For Laser Hair Removal, How It Works, What The Side Effects Are, And How It Compares To Other Hair Removal Methods. Visit

This article was posted on August 06, 2005


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Our price: $16.5
Pilex shrinks enlarged veins, controls bleeding and hastens the healing process in the anorectal region.

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