Friday, January 20, 2012

The Importance of Physical Activity

Regular activity, fitness and exercise, are critical for the health and well being of people of all ages. Research shows that everyone , young or old can benefit from regular exercise, either vigourous or moderate. Even very old adults can improve mobility and function through physical activity. It should be a priority for everyone. Millions of people suffer from chronic illnesses, that can significantly improve through activity. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. People who are active outlive those who are inactive.
Despite the well known benefits, most adults and children lead relatively sedentary lifestyles. They are not active enough. A sedentary lifestyle is defined as engaging in no leisure-time physical activity (exercises, sports, physically active hobbies) in a two-week period. Typically alot of older people lead sedentary lifestyles. More than one-third of young people in grades 9-12 do not exercise regularly. They tend to watch too much television.
The cost to the medical establishment is in the billions for treatments of diseases, which could be lessened with exercise. Regular exercise should be 30 mins, 5 days a week. Or 20 mins of vigourous exercise 3 times a week. Physical activity maintains muscle strength, joint structure, joint functioning and bone health. Exercise has an effect on mental health as well, especially amoung young people. It increases the capacity for learning, increases self esteem and reduces anxiety and stress. Sports can introduce skills such as teamwork, self-discipline, sportsmanship, leadership and socialization. Lack of recreational activity may contribute to making young people susceptible to gangs, drugs or violence.
Obesity has become a nationwide epidemic. Regular activity, along with a nutritious diet, that incorporates portion control is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. Public and private sectors need to band together to encourage more activity. Walking programs for schools, worksites and the local community are some examples. The most important change has to come from the individual and families. Every person must realize the benefits of physical activity for the mind and body. Then commit to a lifestyle that is active for the whole family.

Triggers of Migraines . Why You Should Know Yours

What causes migraines is still somewhat of a mystery. Doctors believe that it has to do with the blood vessels in the head contracting and then expanding. This happens from time to time to most people, but with migraineurs this tends to be more intense and painful. The exact cycle of events taking place in our brains during a migraine attack is still not fully understood.
Why You Should Know Your Triggers
Knowing what triggers attacks is a major step towards preventing them. If you can avoid the triggers, then you can avoid the pain and suffering of the attacks, right? Well, not quite. There are many possible triggers for migraines and they differ from one migraine sufferer to another. Sometimes you're not dealing with one single trigger at a time, but with a combination of potential triggers, which makes it all the more difficult to determine what exactly it is that you need to avoid.
Of course, knowing that something may trigger your migraine doesn't always mean you can avoid it. Some possible triggers, such as certain weather conditions, or certain times of the month for us ladies, may be unavoidable.
However, preventing even some of your potential migraine episodes can be a blessing. Every migraine avoided means less suffering and an enhanced quality of life. It won't mean that your migraines are cured, but that your condition becomes more manageable.
Possible Triggers of Migraine
The list is very long and if you're serious about identifying your own migraine triggers, you need to look at ideas from more than one website, as well as do some thinking of your own… I will try and list a few common triggers to get you going.
Food-Related Triggers
First of all, for many people, going without food can trigger a migraine. For some migraineurs skipping a meal is all it takes.
Cheese (especially the old smelly type), alcohol, nuts and alas, chocolate are the prime suspects in the food department. Also, anything that contains nitrates (such as sausage and hot dogs), Monosodium Glutamate and certain artificial sweeteners.
The Menstrual Cycle
Many female migraineurs report a correlation between their menstrual cycle and migraine episodes, often with migraines coming prior to, or during menstruation. Another fact that links migraines and female hormones is that many women no longer suffer from migraines once they reach menopause. For some migraine sufferers, though not all, pregnancy can bring about a change in the frequency and intensity of migraines.
Environmental Triggers
You may find it hard to avoid them, but for some people, environmental changes can trigger a migraine. Changes in temperature, humidity and barometric pressure are all potential migraine triggers. A change in altitude is also a possible trigger.
Stress and Depression
Blaming your mental state for migraines is a wee bit problematic. You see, for centuries, female migraineurs have been looked upon as sensitive, or even hysterical, women with a bad headache. Today, migraine is acknowledged as a serious neurological condition and patients are no longer "blamed" for their condition. The national Migraine Awareness Group (MAGNUM), takes special care in their website to stress that migraine is a purely physiological disorder and not a psychological one.
However, many other resources include stress and depression on the list of possible triggers. Some even go to say that a migraine maybe triggered by the end of a stressful situation, so that when it's time to relax – your body lets go… and gets hit with a migraine.
Keeping a Good Record
You may find it easy enough to identify what triggers a migraine for you. Maybe it's as simple as the date of the month, eating lots of chocolate, a spell of dry weather or skipping a meal. Or maybe that explains only some of your migraines, but not all of them.
If you're not sure what triggers your migraines, you may want to start keeping a record. Like a little migraine diary. Following a migraine, you will have to write down what happened during the 24 hours previous to the attack. Make sure you note your schedule for that day, what you had to eat, how much sleep you got, environmental conditions and your general state of mind.
A final note: Please remember that a good doctor is your best ally when it comes to diagnosing, preventing and treating migraines. The information contained in this article is for educational and entertainment purposes only. In no way is the author of this article engaged in providing medical advice via this article and she will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this article.

Don't Blame Me If I'm Fat!

In a culture of blame-shifting we often look for someone to blame for our predicament. Being overweight is no different - who is to blame for obesity?
"It's the fast food outlets - supplying us with fatty foods"
"Our thin-obsessed society is putting all sorts of pressure on even slightly overweight folks"
"The weight loss industry is to blame - after all if everyone was slim - they would go out of business"
Some will simply blame the overweight person - making generalizations and attaching unhelpful labels to the person. "After all" they say, "it's up to us to manage what we eat and how much we exercise".
There is truth in this, but it is too simplistic. Many overweight people have tried desperately to eat 'properly' to manage their weight - yet continue to struggle for years. There are a number of outside forces here that have more of an influence than we realise.
So Who Is To Blame?
The weight loss industry is large, with millions being spent every year by people looking for answers. Like any industry, it has it's share of charlatans and snake-oil salesmen. Many manufacturers of diet pills and weight loss supplements are certainly opportunists - rather than looking to treat the source (i.e. by eating right), they are trying to treat the symptoms. However we have found that most decent commercial weight loss programs have a genuine interest in helping people manage their weight. So it's unfair to cast blame on the entire 'industry'.
If we were to start looking for culprits, we might want to cast our eye at the food processing industry - that, coupled with savvy marketing experts, has snared us into eating so many kinds of processed foods that going to the supermarket is like walking through a nutritional minefield.
Get Them While Their Young
The Center For Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently conducted a study of the magazine "National Geographic for Kids". In 17 recent issues they found 51 ads for junk-foods - including a depiction of one meal that contained 590 calories (remember this is a magazine for children).
Many years ago a certain famous fast food outlet began calling its meals for children "Happy Meals" - creating an emotional response and attachment to certain foods - typically nutritionally poor foods.
Chemical Food and Clever Marketing
It's not the weight loss industry that's to blame - but the clever marketing tactics from the food processing giants that are misleading us. To make things worse - some popular weight loss diets have unfortunately associated themselves with snack food corporations, and severely reduced their credibility.
Is a low-carb / low-fat (take your pick) snack bar really that good for you? Take a look at the ingredients list - can you decipher all those numbers? Do you understand what a 'partially hydrogenated oil" is?
What about those great 'health' bars for the kids - they even have the healthy tick on them (indicating they are recommended by the American Heart Association). On closer inspection those 'healthy snacks' are nothing but lots of refined sugar, some white flour, trans fats, and a host of other chemicals. But hey - they're low in fat so they must be good? Right?
Finding the Right Food
It's a nightmare. What exactly is good for you? Who do you believe? Next time you see those bright colors, and eye-catching ads - do your own inspection of the ingredients list - you might be surprised.
Recently we bought some cranberry juice for our young daughter who had a slight urine infection - knowing that cranberry has some useful medicinal properties. Like any frazzled parent, having time to stand and stare at the nutrition panel while shopping with children is a rarity. That night our daughter had trouble getting to sleep, and woke up 3 or 4 times in the night. This is unusual for her.
On closer inspection of the so-called cranberry juice - we discovered that only 30% is actually cranberry, and the rest is water and 'high fructose corn syrup' - a chemically altered sugar with a fair share of (anecdotally) noted poor health affects.
What Is The Answer?
If obesity had a simple cause, don't you think we would have the answer by now? Good diet and exercise are the answer - but when we have large corporations spending millions to make us buy their food - it doesn't seem so simple anymore. Go figure - profit in the food industry is made by either people buying more food, or sourcing/manufacturing basic ingredients at less cost. How does good nutrition factor in this? Are you starting to get the picture?
There is no miracle weight loss cure - no diet plan that will fit everyone. The only long term answer is understanding how your own body reacts to the foods you eat. Weight loss is not a 6 week program, but a lifelong commitment to good nutrition and lifestyle.

Beware of The Misinformed Who Offer Their Advice

When it comes to health, fitness and working out, you and I carry many misbeliefs, as you'll quickly realize when you hear this story.
I was down in Tampa recently visiting my good friend Matt when he told me this story about a misunderstanding he had with his three year old son, Frank.
Matt and his wife were getting ready to go visit his parents, and to make things just a little easier on themselves, they decided to stop at Wendy's for dinner on the way.
They ordered chicken nuggets for Frank.
As it turned out, Frank really liked 'em.
A few weeks later, they had gone out to eat dinner at a family restaurant. When asked what he wanted for dinner, Frank said "chicken nuggets".
But once the waitress brought their dinner to the table, Frank felt that something was amiss.
He immediately announced that what the waitress brought him was indeed NOT chicken nuggets.
Of course Matt knew better, but the more he tried to convince his son Frank that the meal on his plate was indeed chicken nuggets, the more Frank resisted.
You see, since Frank already had chicken nuggets in the past, he had already formed an opinion as to what chicken nuggets were, and now that his opinion was being challenged, he was resisting.
And to be honest, it's really no different with us!
Even as adults, we have this mistaken philosophy that the first thing we learn about a subject is right, and anything we hear thereafter must be false.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
Let me give you a personal example.
I'm about ready to turn 39.
When I was in high school, back in the early 80's, I distinctly remember my teachers telling me that the way to be successful in life was to go to college, study hard and get a good education. That way I'd be able to get a great job that would last me the rest of my life.
My teachers had no reason to lie to me, so I believed them.
But over the course of the last 20+ years, I've found this advice to be totally wrong.
In fact, I've lost track of the amount of jobs I had.
You can probably relate.
How many jobs have you worked in during the course of your life?
In case you haven't noticed, things have changed. In this day and age, I venture to say that none of us will work for one company our entire life.
What used to be true years ago is simply no longer true today!
While my teachers may have meant well, the advice they gave me was incorrect. And the sad thing is, many people still swear by this advice to this day.
I tell you this to make a very important point:
Like the story of Frank, and what my teachers told me years ago, much of what you've heard or been told about health and fitness is also incorrect.
But it doesn't have to be that way any longer!

Cure Arthritis? Right!

Arthritis sufferers are daily bombarded with new, better, more exciting treatments. Try Enbrel! Try Humira! Miracle drugs!Get your NSAIDS! Get your DMARDS! Pump more chemicals into your system. Side effects? What side effects? You have a choice; accept the side effects or get sicker and sicker.
In order to allay our fears, the drug companies publish the results of their clinical tests. This double blind study proved that that lethal chemical reduced your swelling more than another, equally lethal chemical.
Do they think they're playing with babies? Yes. That's exactly what they think. Arthritis is such a horrible, debilitating disease that we'll try anything to reduce the symptoms. And that's exactly what these awful drugs do. They reduce the symptoms, temporarily. As the symptoms creep back, your rheumatologist increases the drug or experiments with other lethal concoctions to reduce your swelling or pain. We're told there's NO cure for arthritis. We're told that no one knows the cause. Really! More that thiry years ago we sent men to play golf on the moon. But we can't pin point even one cause for this crippling disease?
It's time for a reality check. The drug companies will continue to pump out really expensive chemicals, ostensibly helpful. Our doctors will continue to serve up the concoctions fed to them by the drug compaines. Unless we refuse to go along with this travesty. We don't need a revolution. We don't even need to take on our doctors or the drug companies. We only need to pool our resources and conduct our own quiet experiments.
We need to experiment with our habits. Just take one aspect of our life and alter it for one month. For example, are you a heavy coffee drinker? I'm pretty well wired to the ceiling by mid-day. Cut coffee from your diet for one month. Document any changes to your system resulting from this. You may, of course, suffer withdrawal symptoms but you may also experience a very welcome reduction in arthritic pain and swelling.
That's just one suggestion. We have lots more. Feed-back from our brave experimenters will eventually allow us to make real recommendations. The revolution has started!

400,000 New Yorkers Breathed the most Toxic Pollutant. Asbestos Poisoning Symptoms. Are you at Risk?

Recent study of U.S. government provides the latest evidence of a systematic cover-up of the health toll from pollution after the 9/11 disaster, which doctors fear will cause more deaths than the attacks themselves.
Belfast Telegraph says, The Bush administration suppressed evidence of increasing danger and officially announced that the air around the felled buildings was "safe to breathe".
But results of the government study, conducted by a consortium of researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Columbia University, New York University, Johns Hopkins University, The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, show exposure-related increases in new-onset cough, wheeze, shortness of breath, and bronchial hyperreactivity more than 2Ѕ years after the disaster.
Ambient air samples showed that asbestos levels in the WTC area were initially elevated following the September 11 attacks, but fell to within federal standards after the first few days.
"More research is needed to determine whether long-term exposure to asbestos fibers might lead to an increased risk of lung mesothelioma, a rare cancer that has been linked to asbestos exposure," said Landrigan. "Previous studies have shown the short chrysotile fibers found in the WTC dust to be the predominant fiber in lung mesothelioma tissue."
It is important to note that symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 30-50 years after exposure to asbestos.
Often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are: shortness of breath, pain in the chest
Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms include: weight loss, abdominal pain, swelling, bowel obstruction, blood clotting, anemia, fever.
If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.
It is very important to see a doctor about any of these symptoms. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

"Among the most exciting applications of herbal medicine lie in treating abnormalities of the immune system. Clinical studies have shown that various herbal products are effective in treating allergies, asthma, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Herbal medicine also has a unique potential usefulness in balancing the immune system in cases of chronic infection, preventing the immune system from turning on the body and causing destruction."
~Phyllis A. Balch, CNC Prescription for Herbal Healing
A healthy, properly functioning immune system is absolutely vital to good health. It is the key to the healing process from the tiniest scratch - to the most complex virus. Even the aging process is intimately linked with the immune system.
Compromised immunity leaves us vulnerable to disease and impairs our ability to heal properly and age well.
People who have more than 2 or 3 colds or infectious illnesses per year are likely suffering from weakened immunity
The immune system is a complex system of interactions involving many organs and glands as well as substances such as bone marrow, white blood cells, lymphatic vessels and serum factors in our blood. Our immunity dependson all these components functioning together.
Unfortunately, modern life is full of things that tend to depress our immune systems.
Also many disorders have been linked to improper immune function including thyroid deficiency, diabetes, rheumatic heart disease, reheumatoid arthritis, lupus and pernicious anemia.
For optimal immune function we need to address any disorders that may be inhibiting immune function. We also need to take steps to avoid exposure to toxins such as pesticides and chemicals we use around the house. Try wearing gloves when cleaning to avoid skin exposure and avoid inhaling fumes from things like bleach, oven cleaners, and the like. Make sure dishes and glassware are thouroughly rinsed of any residue from dishwashing liquids etc. Even though they're more expensive, consider buying nontoxic cleansers. Take steps to ensure that the soaps and shampoos you use are made from the most natural ingredients possible. (Aubrey Organics is a good option.) It's also important to get plenty of fresh air and to drink the purest water available.
ASTRAGALUS - A powerful antioxidant which protects the liver from toxins, boosts the immune system and generates anticancer cells in the body.
ECHINACEA - Enhances lymphatic function and boosts immune system.
GINKGO BILOBA - A powerful antioxidant which increases circulation to brain cells.
GOLDENSEAL - An antibacterial which strengthens the immune system and cleanses the blood. (Don't take internally for more than a week at a time or if pregnant.)
ST. JOHN'S WORT- A blood purifier useful in cases of Epstein - Barr virus and HIV.
OLIVE LEAF - Effective against numerous viruses, bacteria and fungi. It has been used in the treatment of people with viral illnesses such as Epstein-Barr disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herpes and AIDS.
SPIRULINA - Aids in protecting the immune system and cleansing toxins from the body. Though technically a nutrient, not an herb, spirulina is a naturally digestible food that helps protect the immune system and aids in mineral absorption. It helps balance blood sugar levels and supplies nutrients that help the body cleanse and heal.
Other herbs that enhance the immune response are
~Herbal Formulas~
Herbs often work best when used in combination with other herbs. There are contraindications for certain herbs if you have an auto-immune disorder. Consult a good herbal book or work with an herbalist to create a blend appropriate for your needs.
The liver is our primary detoxifying organ and must be functioning optimally for proper immunity.
Herbs which are useful in cleansing the liver include BLACK RADISH, DANDELION, and MILK THISTLE.
~Other Steps to Improved Immunity~
Proper Nutrition
In addition to using herbs to strengthen and balance the immune system it is important to supply the body with adequate nutrients.
Vitamin A Vital to the body's defense system - known as the infection-fighting vitamin.
Vitamin C Probably the most important vitamin to the immune system. It has a direct effect on bacteria and viruses and is needed for forming adrenal hormones and lymphocytes.
Vitamin E Works synergystically with vitamins A & C as well the mineral selenium as a scavenger of toxic free-radicals.
Zinc Promotes healing of wounds and boosts immune response.
Germanium A trace element which benefits the immune system.
Get sufficient sleep.
Don't Smoke
Excercise Regularly
Reduce Stress and Anxiety.
Stress triggers changes in biochemistry that suppress white blood cell activity and taxes the endocrine system in ways that ultimately result in lowered defense against infection and an impaired capacity for healing. Stress also depletes the body of nutrients. Addressing chronic stress is a very important element of bringing the immune system into balance.

Turn Off the Fat Genes - A Book Review

Once in a while a good title comes along and "Turn Off the Fat Genes" is one of those titles that just have to be written about. If you are not familiar with Dr. Neal Barnard's work, he has been writing about how to lose weight on a high carbohydrate diet for at least a decade now.
I'm amazed, as you might be, that his work is not better known. There are a number of advantages to using a high carb diet and as many disadvantages to the low carb/ high protein diets.
There is some great research in his books that document the ability to lose weight on a high carbohydrate diet, which may also be healthier in the long run than the ever-popular low carbohydrate diets.
You might think it surprising, as I do, that more people are not using high carb diets to lose weight. You might also conclude that this is solely due to a lack of awareness on the part of the public.
Turn of the Fat Genes, written by Dr. Neal Barnard features over 150 pages of menus and recipes. The recipe and menu section is very comprehensive and you can definitely find recipes that will delight you out of such a large compilation.
Dr. Bernard discusses the concept that some of the genes that shape and influence us as human beings are themselves subject to influence. The genes that affect taste, appetite and metabolism are subject to the influence of the foods that we eat.
Not only are they subject to influence, the proper use of foods can mean that you don't have to sacrifice and starve yourself of decent nutrition. You can modify your diet, eat perhaps even more frequently and still enjoy weight loss. Does that sound incredible? It is real. You might feel incredulous because the masses of people out there have been told that low carb is the way to go.
I have been following some of the suggestions in one of Dr. Barnard's books and I can tell you that a high carb diet can help you lose weight. Using his suggestions, I can eat a lot of food frequently and I still seem to stay thin.
To give you an idea of what kind of information "Turn Off the Fat Genes" can provide you with, here is a list of some of the Chapter titles:
Taste Genes: Broccoli and Chocolate
Appetite and the Leptin Gene
The Fat-Building Gene
Fat-Burning: Turning the Flame Higher
How Genes Influence Your Exercise
Children and the Fat Genes
Food Choices for Optimal Weight Control
Dr. Barnard writes, "Contrary to popular opinion, scientific research reveals that genes are not dictators; they are committees. They do not give orders. They make suggestions. Genes are not rogue tyrants exerting despotic control over your waistline. Rather, they work in groups, often with subtle effects, and you can nudge them in the direction you want them to go. You can counteract the fat genes and boost your thin genes."
In ancient times, Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." Of course we aren't really talking about healing as much as we are discussing losing weight, but the principle applies.
One thing I learned from another of Dr. Barnard's books is that carbohydrates don't make people fat. It is fat that makes people fat. And it makes sense. Carbohydrates pack around 4 calories per gram and fats have about 9 calories per gram.
By the way, even though it is correct terminology, the fact is that the calories discussed here are actually 'thousands of calories'. In nutrition they decided to make a calorie equal to 1,000 real life calories as measured for energy.
Anyway I don't want to confuse anyone, because the RDA is based on nutrition calories, also known as Calories, but no one capitalizes the C as should be done. You can just keep thinking of calories as calories and don't worry about the technicalities.
Back to the story. Dr. Barnard's books on high carb diets are great reading and may inform you about healthier weight loss than you are currently use to. Did I mention the recipe list?
This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any health condition. If you have or think you have a health condition or even just want to diet, please consult your physician.

Antioxidants and Your Health

Get back to the basics - eat fresh at home and neutralize free radical oxidation, which is rusting away your body, by eating a variety of foods high in antioxidants every day.
Why? Antioxidants, as the name implies, help prevent oxidation, may help increase immune function and possibly decrease risk of infection and cancer.
A few of the better known antioxidants include carotenoids-- the substance that gives fruits and vegetables their deep rich colors. Apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, cantaloupes, spinach and sweet potatoes, are some good choices in addition to lycopene in tomatoes. Vitamin C and E are also good antioxidants.
What's a Free Radical Anyways?
As cells function normally in the body, they produce damaged molecules called free radicals. These free radicals steal parts from other molecules such as fat, protein, or DNA, thereby spreading the damage.
This damage continues in a chain reaction, and entire cells soon become damaged and die. This process is useful because it helps the body destroy cells that have outlived their usefulness and kills germs and parasites. However, this damage, when left unchecked, also destroys or damages healthy cells.
Antioxidants help prevent widespread cellular destruction by willingly donating their parts to stabilize free radicals. More importantly, antioxidants return to the surface of the cell to stabilize rather than damage other cellular components.
When there are not enough antioxidants to hold cell destruction in check, free radicals begin damaging healthy cells which, in turn, can lead to problems. For example, free radical damage to immune cells can lead to an increased risk of infections.
Your body needs to be able to repair this damage that occurs and protect itself from the free radicals before they impact your overall health. This is where antioxidants come to the rescue, because they significantly delay, inhibit, or prevent oxidation.
Your first line of defence is a natural diet full of a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. For all those times when your diet isn't perfect, make sure you have a safety net in place. Think of antioxidants as Rustoleum for your insides! and be sure to have a supplement in your medicine cabinet.
Best of health to you!

Relaxation - The key to healthy life

Physical exercise complemented by a healthy diet may still leave you bereft of a truly fit body if you dont relax enough. Relaxation releases 'feel good' hormones in our body. They help us reduce free radical effect, which means it slows down the ageing process, reducing the PMS syndrome, speeds up recovery of post-operative healing, increases our lung power... the list is endless.
Result shows that just 15 minutes of daily relaxation can aid in the complete avoidance of blood pressure tablets. No amount of exercising and dieting alone can ensure that. Diet and exercise reduce stress levels, but they cannot wholly account for our emotional thought patterns. And thse negative emotions that are mainly accountable for many psychosomatic diseases.
Evidently, pumping iron till your arms ache and dieting diligently will be futile minus relaxation. Relaxation is a must in our daily life. It alone can strengthen our immune system. Right from gardening to playing chess to practising simple mental exercises, anything can be relaxing. The choice and onus both lie with the person.
Research studies have documented positive changes in the blood flow, neurochemistry as well as neurophysiology of the brain when one is relaxed. The blood flow to the brain is increased to those regions of the brain that are associated with feelings of being calm. So, to ensure the complete health quotient, one needs relaxation as much as one needs physical exercise and a proper diet.
1. Do what you love daily, like listening to your favorite music.
2. Devote time to a hobby.
3. Look at some old photographs of an occasion that was full of fun.
4. Be with nature any time of the day.
5. Establish contact with old friends.
6. In the afternoon, take a 20-minute nap.
7. Sit on a chair with your feet touching the floor and your back upright. Focus on anything or any sound for three minutes.
8. Once back from office, as you step into your home, just sit for 10-15 minutes doing nothing. You may switch on the television or listen to some music if you so prefer.
9. Breathe deeply while listening to your favorite music.
10. Press under the big toe and the arch of your foot.

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Morinda Citrifolia , a deciduos creeping vine with twining stems and white flowers which is native to Malaysia, Austrailia, and Polynesia, is gaining popularity in the west due to it's apparently wide ranging health benefits. Part of the Madder family, Morinda's thick, intertwined purple roots are harvested in the spring and fall for use in herbal medicine and to make the increasingly popular noni juice.
The Polynesian culture has long used morinda to treat a wide variety of symptoms ranging from respiratory problems, poor digestion, and high blood pressure to menstrual problems and immune deficiency. Rich in vitamin C, noni juice also contains the hill spectrum of amino acids, as well as naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, beneficial alkaloids , co-factors and plant sterols.
Recent research suggests that noni root compounds contain natural sedative properties and may lower blood pressure. Biochemist , Dr Ralph Heinicke, asserts that proxeronine, an alkaloid precursor to a vital compound called xeronine, helps in the normalization of abnormally functioning cells. Heinicke claims that noni juice provides a safe and effective way to increase xeronine levels, which can be decreased by anger, stress, trauma, disease and injury.
"Rich in vitamin C, morinda provides natural antioxidants that support the kidneys, increasing the flow of urine to flush toxins from the body. It works to correct problems with the structure of proteins and cells. Working at the cellular level, morinda solves problems within the body ranging from cancer to digestive distress." - From Prescription For Nutritional Healing, by Phyllis A Balch, CNC
Morinda contains antidepressant compounds in the form of two sugars, inulin and nystose, as well as succinic acid, a compound created from simple sugars. Morinda also contains xeronine, which brings about a feeling of well-being by opening brain receptor sites to receive more endorphin hormone.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
There is promising evidence that morinda helps reduce inflammatory conditions while strengthening bones and ligaments. People with rheumatoid arthritis report relief from pain and swelling as well as an increase in mobility.
Menstrual Problems
Traditional Chinese medicine has prescribed Morinda for centuries to treat irregular menstrual cycles in women, especially when accompanied by pain in the lower back or pelvic area.
Other Benefits
Studies show that noni stimulates the immune system, regulating cell function and cellular regeneration of damaged cells. It's also been shown to increase stamina and endurance and is thought to be beneficial in treating impotence and infertility.
Morinda works slowly, and is best taken daily over a period of six to eight weeks for best results.
Noni (Morinda Citrifolia), by Rita Elkins. M.H.
Prescription For Herbal Healing, by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
The Way of Herbs, by Michael Tierra "Ralph Heinicke, Ph.D., a biochemist, discovered that noni fruit contains an alkaloid ..." see page 171
Some chemical constituents of Morinda Citrifolia, by Levand O, Larson HO. Planta Med 1979;36:186–7.
Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni Juice research. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ,an international montlhly journal, ISSN 1671-4083, 2002 Dec, Vol. 23, 1127-1141, by Wang, M-Y, West, B., Jensen, J., Nowicki, D., Su, C., Palu, K., Anderson, G.

Coconut Oil Increases Beneficial Properties in Human Breast Milk

The unique composition of human breast milk fat includes the fatty acids, lauric acid and capric acid, which have potent antimicrobial properties. These fatty acids offer the nursing infant protection from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa such as giardia lamblia, and bacteria such as chlamydia and heliocobater.
A study published in 1998 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that lactating mothers who eat coconut oil and other coconut products, have significantly increased levels of lauric acid and capric acid in their breast milk. Thus, the milk supply has increased amounts of the protective antimicrobials , which will give even greater protection to the nursing infant.
Pregnant females store fat to assure successful lactation. Any lauric acid and capric acid in the diet becomes part of the adipose stores. The milk fat of a lactating mother is made up of these stores as well as her current diet. If her diet doesn't contain lauric acid, then generally her milk fat will contain around 3% lauric acid and round 1% capric acid.
When a lactating woman adds foods rich in lauric acid to her diet, the amount of lauric acid available in her breastmilk increases substantially to levels three times the original level and nearly double the amount of capric acid. In countries where coconut oil is a diet staple, levels of lauric acid in the mother's milk can be as high as 21% and capric acid can be as high as 6% giving her infant even more protection against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.
Coconut oil can be used instead of butter in cooking and baking. You can stir it into oatmeal or even use it as a spread. Also, this oil's antimicrobial properties are beneficial for the skin. Pregnant women in many cultures the world over rub cocnut oil on their expanding bellies to keep skin soft and prevent itching.
Fife, Bruce. The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil
Francois CA, Connor SL, Wander RC, Connor WE. Acute effects of dietary fatty acids on the fatty acids of human milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998;67:301-308.
Bach, A.C., et. al. 1989. Clinical and experimental effects of medium chain triglyceride based fat emulsions-a review. Clin. Nutr. 8:223

Addison's Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment by James S Pendergraft

Addison's disease can be a common ailment. It happens when the adrenal glands are not producing a sufficient amount of steroid hormones. This kind of production can be found through medical imaging and blood tests. This disease has got this name from Thomas Addison, the famous doctor who found the malaria disease. The disease can be cured through provision of hormones like oral hydrocortisone to the patient.

There can be many causes of this disease which include dysgenesis which means an inadequate formation of the gland and the production can't happen normally. Sometimes, steroidogenesis can also cause this disease which means inability of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.

This disease is caused due to the lack of this hormone only. Since the symptoms don't reveal themselves easily, this ailment can't be detected so easily however the patient may experience some symptoms like fatigue, fever and weight loss. Patients also suffer from low energy while standing up and hence don't find it easy to do so. Individuals also develop a desire for consuming salt foods because sodium gets washed out of the urine. So, salt which is rich sources of sodium can fulfill their desires. The patients also experience some tanning of the skin because the inability of the glands causes hyperpigmentation which manifests as tanning.

Low blood pressure is caused when someone tries to stand up. There can be many causes of this disease which include impaired steroidogenesis. It's because the adrenal gland needs cholesterol for producing steroid hormones. But, lack of cholesterol causes an impairment of steroid production. The lack of cholesterol to the adrenal gland can be caused by abetalipoproteinemia and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

The disease can be treated by introducing cortisone in the body. So, the hormones can be introduced in the form of tablets. The patient must follow a strict diet and sometimes for the rest of his life. Sometimes, the injections of such cortisones can also be increased when the patient is pregnant or is suffering from a kind of trauma. In fact, such doses also need to be more when a person has become infected. It's important that the patients of this disease have the cortisone injections so that they can be cured if they become injured. They should also have some identification tag so that someone else can know that they have the disease if they become unconscious. So, the tag lets someone know that the patient needs a cortisone injection. This tag can also have the telephone number and name of the relative. The best forms of cure are needle, cortisol and syringe. Sometimes, during stress, patients need more medication and they should be aware of the process.

Sometimes, patients who suffer from this ailment also experience vomiting. They can't be administered tablets of oral hydrocortisone, so they have to take injections. Sometimes, attention by doctors is required when vomiting or diarrhea starts happening due to this ailment.

How to Choose a Dental Implant Dentist by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

You’ve lost a tooth due to injury, gum disease or natural aging, and you’ve decided to get a dental implant for the most stable, permanent tooth replacement option. Now comes the hard part: finding a skilled, caring medical professional to conduct your dental implant surgery.

Although it can take hours to dredge through the many options spanning the breadth of the capital city, it’s ultimately worth it to take that time, not proceeding with the first dentist in the Yellow Pages. Interview your potential practitioners; you need to trust the person conducting surgery in your mouth. Here are a few questions you should ask before committing yourself to a particular dentist.

Ask why they’re qualified to conduct this particular oral surgery. Implant dentistry requires specialized certification. Not every dentist has this advanced training. All dentists are required to continue their education as long as they practice dentistry; with cutting-edge dental technologies developing all the time, a dentist has an obligation to their patients to offer the most applicable procedure for their given dental condition. However, not all dentists choose to study the same subjects. While one cosmetic dentist may have undergone the training to offer a dental implant, another Austin dentist may have chosen to study invisible aligners instead. Just because your dentist has always been able to serve your needs before doesn’t mean they can for this particular procedure. A periodontist, however, trains for implant dentistry during their required studies. If your dentist doesn’t offer implant dentistry, ask them to refer you to a skilled Austin periodontist.

Ask to see examples of their work. A good dentist or periodontist understands their patients’ concern over their oral health, and will do everything they can to alleviate that worry. Oftentimes, this entails keeping a portfolio of case studies exemplifying their abilities. This before-and-after gallery should not only assuage your doubt but also display the dentist’s or periodontist’s abilities.

Ask for details about the dental implant preparation process. This will help you to prepare for your procedure, securing the most positive results possible. Additionally, this should notify you of any other hidden procedures you may need prior to the dental implant. For example, dental x-rays should occur before your oral surgery. Your dentist or periodontist should be able to tell by looking at that x-ray if you have enough bone to safely proceed. If you don’t, you may require a sinus lift before you can get a dental implant.

If you’re interested in dental implant therapy, talk to your dentist about your options. For a direct source, call Dr. Mike Williamson, DDS, an Austin periodontist with years of implant dentistry experience. He offers a free initial consultation to answer your dental implant questions.

Get Rid of Painful Veins with Sclerotherapy by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Smooth, clear skin enhances confidence and comfort. Spider and varicose veins can not only force people to hide their shorts and skirts in the back of the closet, but they also cause heaviness, burning, itching and overall discomfort in the legs. Sclerotherapy was developed in the 1930s to effectively treat spider and varicose veins. After 80 years of technological advancement, sclerotherapy continues to give answers to the thousands of Americans suffering from vein pain in their legs.

Sclerotherapy Vein Solutions

Sclerotherapy involves closing the offending veins so they dissipate from view. Your Austin phlebologist, vein specialist, injects a solution into the varicose or spider vein. The solution effectively forces the vein to swell shut; eventually, the vein becomes scar tissue which then becomes invisible. The actual procedure does generally cause some discomfort and slight cramping, but it’s over in 30 to 45 minutes, depending on how many veins are being treated at once.


Many patients go back to work that same day, even driving themselves home after the procedure. Results require patience, since they can take anywhere between 3 weeks and 4 months to completely disappear, depending on the size and personal specifics. In addition, veins do occasionally reform after their removal. However, more often than not these new veins are actually new veins which patients mistake for the treated veins.

Discuss specific post-care instructions with your Austin dermatology clinic before the sclerotherapy procedure. Aspirin and ibuprofen medications aren’t allowed for a 48 hour span surrounding the sclerotherapy. Patients commonly need compression stockings after treatment to make sure the blood circulation continues as usual. Heat is prohibited for 48 hours after treatment – for example, hot baths, hot tubs, hot compresses or sun bathing.

Some side effects may occur after the sclerotherapy, but they’re almost always temporary. These include a lumpy effect in the treated area, brown lines and bruising.

Who’s Not Eligible for Sclerotherapy

Many pregnant women inquire about sclerotherapy since pregnancy can cause spider and varicose veins. However, if you’re pregnant, you cannot get sclerotherapy until at least 3 months post-birth. If you’ve experienced blood clots, talk to your Austin phlebologist about your medical history before scheduling sclerotherapy.

To discuss your personalized vein treatment options, call Zimmet Vein & Dermatology today. They’ll schedule an initial consultation to address all your questions and concerns.

Acid Reflux Concerns? Things You Have To Be Familiar With by Andy Guides Jr

Your digestive system does an amazing job for you, most of the time. However, there are instances when it can turn on you. If you eat too much or consume the wrong thing, it will talk to you. Often that will happen in the middle of the night. It will tell you that acid has splashed into your esophagus, from your stomach. This is called acid reflux. Your brain will receive pain signals and pass them on to you. You will feel burning in your chest. Your throat will burn. You may have a bitter taste in your mouth. Your stomach may hurt. You will be miserable. If this happens every now and then it is no big deal. If it occurs often, something serious may be happening. Here are some things to know.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

When your heartburn happens all the time it may be Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD. When heartburn becomes chronic it can cause other symptoms. Frequent coughing and difficulty in swallowing can happen. There is a sphincter muscle that is supposed to keep acid in the stomach. For some reason it will splash into the esophagus causing pain. This muscle does not work properly. Some causes are unknown and others are known.

Causes of GERD

Some reasons are unknown. It is known that pregnancy and smoking can cause this condition. Obesity is another reason. Hiatal hernia is a common cause of frequent heartburn. In this condition the stomach extends through the diaphragm, allowing acid to leak. Hiatal hernias are quite common. The older you get, the better the chance it will develop. Most of these hernias are not considered a serious condition.


Barrett's esophagus can develop in some cases of long term GERD. It is caused by repeated invasion of acid into the esophagus. Esophagus cells change in order to protect themselves from the acid. Symptoms may be worse than those of GERD. In some cases they may not be as severe. Barrett's esophagus can lead to ulcers and narrowing of the esophagus. In some cases, the narrowing may be severe. Cancer may also develop. Regular doctor treatment is vital. Only clinical testing can tell you if you have this condition.

Dealing With Reflux

If your problem is minor, over the counter antacid pills may be a good option. If you have GERD or worse conditions, you should see a doctor. There are prescription medicines available to you. Other options like surgery are not usually required. There are some things you can do to help. Sleep with your head raised. Eat smaller meals. Do not stuff yourself. Eating before bedtime is not recommended. Avoid bending over when possible. Do not wear tight fitting clothes.

Final Thoughts

Not all acid reflux should be a concern. There are steps you can take to feel better. If it is chronic, see a doctor. It could be indication of something severe. If it is severe, there are treatment options available to you.

Some Helpful Tips For Selecting A Reliable Antiaging Clinic by Andy Guides Jr

It is vital for any person to carefully select the physician in case of antiaging treatment. One should select such professional who can follow safe methods for solving the issues you want addressing. It is also required that one should do thorough research and search for the best professional before choosing any one for their anti aging solution. One should follow some simple points that will help the person to select the best clinic.

The most important part is to visit the clinic, as it will give a complete idea on the services and the type of professionals who work there. One should not just rely on anybody else for information and should check everything personally before opting for any particular skin specialist.

Do not just restrict yourself to the appraisal of a single anti aging clinic in your local neighborhood. Be deft enough to explore more so that you have a wider choice to choose from. Collect all the relevant brochures from all the clinics that you are visiting so that you can read them and ponder over them later at home.

There is really no need to select the only clinic that is in close vicinity. Search also for such professionals who are available at far places but offer quality services. By doing research, one can have the best choice among the several clinics you will locate. One can also collect all the printed material and the brochures that will help to understand the solutions and the services a particular clinic provides.

When one has selected any particular clinic for anti aging, one should enquire about the credentials and the claims of the physician to check them out. One can also check for the several certifications that one has, as this will help one to make sure the physician is well qualified and trained in the process. To gain complete confidence in the doctor becomes all the more important if an individual is planning to get plastic surgery done.

When all these things have been checked, one can discuss the cost of the treatment also. Cost estimate should be taken in writing from the physician so that it is clear and no problem occurs in the future, during or after treatment.

One more important part to know is the cost. One should get this in written form, as it will help to clarify the process: i.e. listing exactly what you're paying for. Good service comes at high price so one should be ready to pay the cost as this is not something you would wish to skimp on.

Aerobics: 30 Minutes To A Healthier Life by Andy Guides Jr

The definition of aerobics is with oxygen. Aerobic exercise is a combination of physical exercise, strength training and stretching. It is recommended that individuals get between 30 minutes to 1 hour of aerobic activity a day.

Aerobic exercise has many health benefits besides weight management.

Exercise reduces the systemic inflammation that can lead to the development of heart disease. In addition, exercise helps to increase good cholesterol while decreasing bad. It also makes the heart pump more efficiently, thus becoming stronger. Having a stronger heart allows for a healthier lifestyle, controls weight, and leads to a sense of well-being. Theses changes can help control blood pressure levels.

Diabetes is another disease that can be controlled through exercise. By allowing glucose to metabolize in the body, normal blood sugar levels are maintained. For people with Type 2 diabetes, physical activity raises tissue sensitivity to insulin, and produces more glucose to be released from the blood stream and into cells, decreasing glucose in the blood.

Obesity, which is a big concern in the United States is the first noticeable health benefit of exercise. Any amount of increased activity will bring about a change in the body, including a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle.

Aerobic activity increases endorphins, making life a happier experience, it prevents certain cancers, improves sleep, increases energy and mood, and lessens feelings of depression, stress and anxiety.

The American Heart Association recommends a target heart range of between fifty and seventy-five percent of maximum heart rate in order to work out safely and gain the full benefits of aerobic exercise. In order to figure out the target rate, age is subtracted from 220 and then multiplied by 70%.

Aerobics came about when a physician named Dr. Kenneth Cooper developed a series of exercises used to prevent coronary artery disease. Dr. Cooper authored a book in 1968 called Aerobics, that detailed his exercises which included running, swimming, bicycling and walking.

Aerobic dance came about shortly after Dr. Coopers book was published, by a woman named Jackie Sorenson. She developed dance routines that were found to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Howard and Karen Schwartz started a gymnastic like sports in 1983 called sportaerobics. By the year 2002, sportaerobics had gone through many changes to become gymnastique discipline which is what we know it as today. It is a competition where 6 athletes compete in 105 second gymnastic routines and are judged based on their artistic performance and technical merit.

Including aerobic activity into a daily routine, will lead to a longer, happier, and healthier life.

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Adjusting Our Bodies And Minds With Cosmetic Surgery by Andy Guides Jr

Those wishing to improve their appearance can get the results they have desired for years through the magic cosmetic surgery. One can look and feel younger, thinner and prettier on the outside but can also change the inside by skyrocketing self-esteem. After having a procedure done, patients find themselves more personable, more outgoing and more confident.

Physical activity can increase after having cosmetic surgery for most, enhancing their lives considerably. It is clear that the benefits of one making the decision to have surgery are fantastic. Procedures like breast reduction and liposuction are usually surgeries that will significantly alter ones attitude, leaving them feeling self assured and on top of the world.

Physical defects can leave a person feeling self-conscious and down on themselves. If more of a focus is placed on living life instead of worrying about the way others view a person, cosmetic surgery may not be as much of an importance. For most, this is never the case; therefore making them feel that surgery is the only choice left.

As with any medical procedure, there will be certain risks to think about. Surgical procedures such as this can certainly make a person feel better and lead to a better quality of life, but if certain health conditions are an issue, like diabetes, the likelihood of more risks will be probable.

Just because cosmetic surgery can make a person feel better, it doesn't mean there aren't risks involved. As most people know, any procedure comes with some degree of peril. If health conditions exist, such as diabetes, of course, complications may be enhanced.

Overall, patients who are going to have cosmetic surgery can relax and free their minds of worry. The benefits of having something altered or enhanced far out weight the negative results that can come about. Having said that, no one should totally let their guards down and need to stay fully aware.

When comparing the risks and benefits, one will find that the benefits far out weight the possible things that could go wrong. This isn't reason to put ones guard down, but at least worrying, for the most part, can be put aside.

If a set back or complications occurs during surgery, a reputable cosmetic surgeon will do everything possible to correct what is wrong within their power. Most things that can go wrong will prove not to be life threatening or permanent, however, it goes without saying that a small percentage of surgeries could lead to worse scenarios.

Treat Depression - Do Not Live Your Life In Misery by Andy Guides Jr

Who is susceptible to depression? The answer to that is everyone - men, women, children, and the elderly. This illness does not play favorites. It is true that women, on average, are twice as likely to be diagnosed than men; however, men are less likely to seek out treatment. Men tend to commit suicide about four times more often than women. The elderly are another largely untreated population. Their symptoms are often just written off as a result of old age. This is not always the case.

Some people still think that if a person thinks positively enough they can talk themselves out of being depressed. This myth is patently false. Depression is caused by having a trauma history, a physical illness like low thyroid, certain medications, chronic pain and even grief.

In depression, neurotransmitters are ineffectively passing messages between neurons either because there are not enough neurotransmitters or they are too weak. This chemical malfunction in the brain is similar to talking on a cell phone with a poor connection. Treatment can help strengthen the connection.

Lack of energy, isolation, headaches, digestive problems, generalized pain, inability to concentrate, over-sleeping or not being able to sleep, general restlessness, weight loss or weight gain, feeling hopeless, irritable and having thoughts of death and suicide are all common symptoms of this common illness. Medical attention should be sought out if symptoms last two weeks or more. It is better to begin treatment as soon as possible so you can get back to enjoying life.

Children can become depressed, although they show their depression through behavior, not necessarily through words. This is why changes in the behavior or a child should be paid attention to. Postpartum depression happens to new mothers, probably due to the huge hormone fluctuations following birth. This is one of the more guilt-producing types of depression and women may think that they are the only ones experiencing this feeling. Seasonal affective disorder occurs in winter, mainly in people who live in the northern latitudes. Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, runs in families and is identified by its extremely moody highs and lows.

Light therapy is used to treat seasonal affective disorder. Cognitive therapy and medication have been found to be most successful at treating depression when used together. It is important to take care of your body - eat right, exercise, take time to play, particularly when you are starting to feel symptoms beginning. Stress management techniques, such as meditation have been shown to help ease symptoms of this illness.

Depression can lead to death by suicide if left untreated. If symptoms are particularly severe or have lasted more than two weeks, see a doctor. There is no need to suffer. Medications and therapy are available to help you. It is a biological issue like type I diabetes and can be treated, but you have to make the first step to get help.

Long Term Insurance Cost - 8 Factors That Will Impact It by Jeff Schuman

Long term insurance is a good idea for anyone to have because life can throw you many unexpected things. Before you will be able to get this insurance, you have to know about some factors that need to be considered that will have an impact on the long term insurance cost.

Understanding these factors will help you see why it is essential for you to compare prices with more than one insurance provider. Below are the following things that will definitely have in influence on the cost for this insurance.

One: Age - Your age is definitely going to be a factor. The older you are when you get this insurance, the more you will end up paying for it. That is why getting this insurance when you are young is a smart idea.

Two: Current health - If you are in good health, then this will make the cost cheaper than it would for someone with current health problems. Always know what your health is before you get this insurance so you are not surprised at the cost.

Three: Gender - With this insurance, women are always considered to be a higher risk than men are. So, for women everywhere this obviously means a higher cost with most providers.

Four: Marital status - With insurance providers, single people tend to pay more for it because they are considered higher risk than married couples.

Five: Smoker or non smoker - This is a big factor that will make the price higher or cheaper. If you are a smoker you will definitely be considered to be higher risk.

Six: Diet - This is not something that many people think would impact the price, but it does. If you have a poor diet, then you will be considered to be a higher risk.

Seven: Family's health history - If there is a family history of Alzheimer's, strokes, arthritis and many other things, again you will be considered a higher risk. Before you choose the provider and policy for you, always find out what your family history is.

Eight: Exercise routine - Again, this is not one that you would think is a factor, but it is. For anyone that doesn't exercise on a regular basis, you will be considered; you guessed it, a higher risk.

These are the most important factors that will impact the long term insurance cost. You want to check with each insurance provider to find out what influences their cost. Don't rush your decision about which insurance provider to choose because finding the one that you can afford and that provides you with the best coverage is important to your future.

Diabetes: Helping Yourself Naturally Using the Glycemic Index by Andrew Mason

Diabetes is one of our most devastating illnesses and we are waging a constant battle against its effects. In this battle, the glycemic index is an important tool. The index is based on a rating system allocated to a variety of different carbohydrates. Indeed, the index was developed with the plight of people who suffer from type II diabetes in mind. The plan enables those who suffer from this condition around the world to have a dietary option.

We need to manage the amount of carbohydrates that we eat, so that we measure our glycemic response in order to tackle this illness. We have to be able to control insulin and to regulate our blood glucose levels. This is a thorny problem, of course, but if we follow the readings of the glycemic index, the food category, the portion size and the way that we prepare our meals, we have a good chance of success.

16 million or so have type II diabetes around the world and we can see an increasing number of people who fall victim to this condition every year. It is more likely to affect those who weigh too much, are obese or have other health issues, each of whom have a much greater chance of developing the illness. It can in turn lead to heart disease, cancers or other issues, unfortunately.

We need to be on the lookout for a variety of symptoms to warn us of the approach of diabetes. Something known as the Metabolic X Syndrome centers around an elevated level of triglycerides or blood fat, high blood pressure, low levels of HDL, weight problems and resistance to insulin.

Calculate a glycemic index by referring to the guidelines. You will find that each food has a number between zero and 100 and anyone who wants to avoid diabetes or to control it should steer clear of any foods that have a rating of 70 or higher. It is recommended that the daily diet is composed of low and medium rated carbohydrates.

Generally, foods that are found toward the top of the index are simple carbs such as white bread, while your allies in this battle are the fruits and vegetables found toward the bottom. Foods that have a high glycemic load must be avoided, or you will get peaks and troughs in your blood glucose levels, which in turn will create excess insulin. The pancreas will be highly stressed as it tries to develop so much insulin and this is known to be a trigger factor for the onset of type II diabetes.

To exercise total control over all conditions, we need to calculate a glycemic load as well as a glycemic index for each and every carbohydrate. This involves an analysis of the way that we prepare our food and teaches us that we have to not only regulate our carbohydrate quantity, but look at the quality of the foods that we are preparing as well.

If you are suffering from type I or type II diabetes, a low GI is your major consideration. We can regulate glucose levels in blood sugar every day. Never be tempted to load up on food portions and be very careful about how you count your calories, so you can manage your body weight and regulate diabetes effectively.

Can The Glycemic Index Really Help You With Your Diabetes? by Andrew Mason

The war against diabetes is never-ending and the glycemic index is one of our most important tools in this battle. Developed so that we could give a rating system to a variety of different foods, the index is designed to rate carbohydrates. Type II diabetes has become an increasingly prevalent illness for a large number of people around the world and we need to be able to compose a plan to manage the condition. The index has been structured with this in mind.

In order to manage carbohydrates correctly as we tackle this difficult illness, we have to find a way to measure the glycemic response, to control insulin and to regulate the level of glucose in the blood. This is easier said than done, of course, but by following the readings of the glycemic index, the category of food, the amount of each portion and the way that it is prepared, you will be more likely to be successful.

As many as 16 million people have type II diabetes and we're seeing an increase in the number of people who are diagnosed with this problem each year. People who weigh too much, are obese or are otherwise health-compromised have a much greater chance of developing this illness, which in turn can lead to problems such as cancer or heart disease.

Science tells us that we should look out for a number of different symptoms, to warn us of the advance of diabetes. In particular, we should look for Metabolic X Syndrome by watching for high blood pressure, presence of blood fats, or triglycerides, low levels of HDL, resistance to insulin and weight problems.

We can measure food by using the glycemic index, by referring to particular guidelines. Each food is allocated a number between zero and 100. It is recommended that anyone wanting to avoid diabetes or to control its presence should eliminate any foods that have a rating of 70 or higher on the index and instead propose a daily diet of low and medium rated foods.

Those foods that are classified toward the top of the index include such items as white bread, while the "good guys" are the fruits and vegetables found toward the bottom. If you avoid foods with a high glycemic load, you can also avoid peaks and troughs in your blood glucose levels, a condition which is known to create excess insulin within the body. This behavior can lead to a lot of stress on the pancreas as it seeks to develop this amount of insulin and can lead directly to the onset of type II diabetes.

Remember that if we are to exercise true control over these conditions, we need to be able to assess the glycemic load as well as the index value of any carbohydrates. In order to do so, we need to review the way that we prepare the food as we calculate this load. It is essential to regulate the quantity of the carbs, but also to consider the quality of the food that we are preparing.

A low glycemic index is the most important consideration for those suffering from either type I or type II diabetes. If we focus here, we can help to control glucose levels in blood sugar on a daily basis. Remember that we should not "load" up our food portions and we should regulate our caloric intake, to manage our body weight and handle our diabetes effectively.

The Glycemic Index Diet - Foods To Avoid by Andrew Mason

One of these days somebody is going to invent the perfect diet, a plan that will enable every one of us who is plagued by this issue to overcome all our problems and live happily ever after. A pipe dream? Unfortunately, yes, as there is no such thing as a perfect diet, a solution that will work for each and every one of us. Remember that the diet is an individual undertaking and the ideal, healthy plan has to be based on a variety of different factors. Just think of our makeup, our genetic input, the lifestyle that we choose to lead, what we like and dislike and our general aversion to a plan and you can see how difficult it could be.

Many of us choose to go on a diet for a number of reasons. Often these are health related, but sometimes we come across a dietary plan that seems to address a number of very important health issues in one go. Such a diet bears extra attention and a plan based on the glycemic index is just such an option.

The glycemic index is a ranking factor, based upon the effect of a carbohydrate when we consume it. The process of digestion releases a certain amount of blood glucose into our system and the index measures a portion containing 50 g of carbohydrate to get relative values. All readings are compared against pure glucose, which is allocated a factor of 100 and each food is therefore given a number between zero and the top of the scale. Foods that are higher on the index will elevate your blood sugar levels much more than those at the bottom. This is known as the glycemic response and is also affected by the quantity of the food in the portion, whether it is processed or not and how it is prepared.

The glycemic index diet is particularly attractive, as it regulates the blood sugar levels of those who have been affected by diabetes. It's easy to understand why people are drawn to this style of dieting, as it has a clear ability to regulate weight control. If we opt to consume foods from the lower part of the index, blood glucose levels will be better regulated, the sugar levels will be more balanced over a longer period of time and this will help to avoid peaks and troughs, hunger pangs, cravings and other issues.

We find that diets based on the glycemic index contain many different fruits and vegetables, often presented in their natural state for their health benefits and nutrient loads. Always contain the portion size, however, and develop your plan based on the glycemic load, rather than simply the index. After all, a glycemic load takes into account the portion size of each serving as well.

It's important to avoid foods such as baked potatoes, white rice, heavy starches and others that will elevate the sugar levels too quickly, lead to the formation of fats, create difficulties with weight regulation and, of course, raise the possibility of diabetes. Balance a diet based on the low glycemic count by adding lean protein, the right amount of fat and of course remember to be active and to exercise. The bottom line is that it is the quality and not necessarily the quantity of the carbohydrate that we should focus on.

Zoom to Your Dentist for Zoom! Teeth Whitening by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Stained teeth are a drag. They not only affect your personal confidence, but they detract from first impressions. This can be detrimental for your social, romantic and business interactions. Luckily, there are dental treatments available to whiten your teeth to the desired brightness.

The Teeth Whitening Options

Just like any other treatment, the options vary from cheap and inconsistent to expensive and long-lasting. If you choose to go with an over-the-counter teeth whitening option, talk to your Lakeway cosmetic dentist first. They’ll be able to tell you if you’re making a valid, worthwhile choice in specific brands and types.

However, a more effective route directly involves your Austin area dentist. Your dentist molds an impression of your teeth which you may then take home and fill with a bleaching solution. You wear it for 30-minute segments every day, and over the course of a few weeks, your teeth are whiter.

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening

A more effective solution is available through Zoom!® teeth whitening. The Zoom!® Chairside Teeth Whitening involves a dentist directly applying bleaching solution to the patient’s teeth in their Lakeway dentistry clinic, then using an advanced laser light to set the solution. First, they cover the gums to protect them from any accidental damage. The laser breaks down the hydrogen peroxide in the solution, allowing the oxygen to directly affect the exterior and interior of the tooth, lightening the entire tooth without hurting the tooth’s structure. However, it can cause temporary sensitivity and “zingers” during the actual procedure. A “zinger” is a brief flash of pain triggered by the tooth reacting to the bleach.

How Long Does Zoom!® Take?

Generally, the professional teeth whitening only takes about an hour – three sessions, 20 minutes each.

What Results Should I Expect?

Zoom!® teeth whitening can brighten teeth up to 8 shades. Discuss the procedure with your Lakeway dentist to ascertain your expectations and the potential results for your specific treatment.

Zoom!® After Care

When you request Zoom!® teeth whitening from your Austin cosmetic dentist, you also automatically receive bleaching trays and bleaching solution for subsequent applications. Teeth whitening needs maintenance, since we all have a vice or two – smoking, coffee, red wine, soda. To help maintain a white smile, consider cutting back or quitting some of these habits.

For more information on professional teeth whitening, call Dr. Robert D’Alfonso, DDS, a skilled general, emergency, family and cosmetic dentist in Lakeway, TX. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

How to Reduce Stretch Marks by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Stretch marks, or striae, are common in a number of circumstances: if someone grew up swiftly or gained significant weight in a short amount of time; during pregnancy, the skin often becomes taut enough to develop stretch marks; and bodybuilders also frequently suffer from these unattractive markings due to rapid body changes.

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks resemble scars or wrinkled laundry. They occur when the second layer of the skin, the dermis, gets stretched far beyond its abilities. The dermis is made to be malleable, but even it has limits. When those limits are reached, the fibers within the dermis snap, ceasing the normal functions of healthy collagen and creating a scar.

Although these marks are not harmful to one’s body, many people want them removed for appearance’s sake. The unattractive scars can make people uncomfortable, even if they’re hidden beneath clothing, and removing those stretch marks tends to increase a person’s confidence.

How Do I Remove My Stretch Marks?

A variety of methods are available to effectively diminish or completely eradicate stretch marks. While some of the simplest and cheapest solutions involve lotions and creams available at any drug store, those tend to be less effective than more professional cosmetic dermatology techniques. Diet and exercise can help in some situations, but again, there’s less security in the final product. However, professional options range from simple to invasive.

Microdermabrasion. This technique involves moving crystals across the surface layer of skin. However, this technique mostly removes the superficial issues, such as sun damage and acne. For the darker red or purple stretch marks, this procedure may be preferable. However, for the lighter ones which blend in with the skin’s coloring, microdermabrasion may not be an effective procedure. Discuss the possibility with your Austin cosmetic dermatologist, Zimmet Vein & Dermatology.

Thermage®. This advanced cosmetic dermatology procedure naturally heats the collagen within the skin, tightening and smoothing wrinkles and stretch marks. For a non-invasive technique with speedy recovery time, consider Thermage®.

Laser Stretch Mark Removal. During laser removal, your Austin dermatologist directs the laser to the stretch marks, removing the skin in that area. Although this requires some recovery time for the new, smooth skin to replace the old, it’s a consistently safe process with little to no side effects.

Surgical Stretch Mark Removal. In this case, the offending skin is removed surgically instead of through the use of light. A highly invasive procedure, this technique does claim a high success rate.

To discuss your stretch mark removal options in more personalized detail, schedule a consultation with Zimmet Vein & Dermatology. A skilled Austin dermatologist, Dr. Zimmet will gladly address all your concerns.

Keep Your Years with Anti-Aging Dermatology by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Anti-aging sounds futuristic – did we somehow develop the technology to stop time? Fortunately, no; the world is still fairly sane. Anti-aging procedures simply allow you to maintain a youthful appearance as you continue to age. So many of the skin conditions people begin to notice as they age can be smoothed over – sagging skin, wrinkles and sun damage, to name a few. Here are a few procedures you may want to consider as you begin to refresh your appearance.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Using a CO2 laser, your Austin cosmetic dermatologist essentially removes the top layer of skin, spurning the healing process for revitalized skin to grow in its place. This method serves useful for wrinkles, sun damage and scarring, and generally is used on the hands and face. As a semi-invasive procedure, laser skin resurfacing does require recovery time.

Chemical Peels

The B-LIFTx® chemical peel resurfaces the skin as well, but it uses chemicals instead of lasers. A less invasive cosmetic dermatology procedure, chemical peels generally work to reduce fine lines and sometimes deep wrinkles. It also smoothes the skin overall, evening out skin tone and texture.


Thermage® is a skin tightening technique which uses microwaves to heat the collagen in the skin. It’s a non-invasive cosmetic dermatology option which naturally turns back time for areas all over your body and face.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers like Juvederm™ and Restylane™ do precisely as they’re described – they fill out depressed skin. For wrinkles or scars, a dermal filler uses hyaluronic acid to make the skin look as untouched as it used to. It may also be used for lip plumping.


BOTOX® may be one of the most famous cosmetic dermatology treatment, but it’s one of the most famous because it’s one of the most popular. BOTOX® particularly works on wrinkles – the lines created by muscle movement.


This cosmetic dermatology technique is used for extreme exfoliation. It resurfaces the skin by sanding down the dead skin cells, allowing new skin cells to take their place.

To discover which technique will best serve your unique skin condition, call Zimmet Vein & Dermatology, a top Austin dermatology clinic.

Top 10 Ways to Soothe Dry Skin by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Dry skin can be particularly difficult to treat in the dry heat of Austin, Texas. Here are some tips on how to maintain healthy skin, despite a sun denying your skin its much-needed hydration.

Drink Water. Your body needs at least 8 glasses per day to stay fully hydrated. Many people get used to drinking milk, juice or soda when they get thirsty. Nothing can substitute pure water for internal anti-aging hydration.

Decrease Your Intake of Caffeine & Alcohol. These liquids dehydrate the body. Make sure when you do enjoy them, you drink lots of water before and after that cup’a Joe with a shot in it.

Increase Your Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Some useful pills to have on-hand include Vitamin E, primrose oil and flaxseed oil. Taking these daily helps retain hydration in that rash-ridden skin.

Bathe Minimally. Try to keep showers and baths between 5 and 10 minutes, and don’t turn the water on hot; hot water causes skin irritation in dry skin.

Put Oil on Skin After Soaking. Whether you just got out of a bath or washed your hands, pat the itchy skin dry. You don’t want to rub it, because that dries the skin out more. Then put some oil on your skin to seal the hydration in – olive oil, primrose oil or even Vaseline can work wonders.

Get a Humidifier. A humidifier in your Austin home or office can help retain water in the air, keeping all your hard hydration work from going to waste.

Exfoliate & Moisturize. Depending on the level of eczema or dry skin you have, exfoliate and moisturize at least once a week, if not more.

Read the Labels. Many lotions and facial creams are actually detrimental to dry, sensitive skin. Make sure the lotions you’re getting hydrate the skin and don’t just make it smell nice. A similar warning goes to soap; a soap with high fat content, not high lye content, will soothe your skin irritation.

Superglue the Cracks. If you have a small crack in your skin, just put a little superglue on it. If the crack is deep – more like a wound – do not use superglue; use antibacterial or hydrogen peroxide.

Cotton-Covered Sleep. Before going to bed, cover your hands or feet as the case may be with Vaseline or oil; rub it in only slightly. Put on cotton gloves or socks. The cotton allows your skin to breathe while still hydrating and protecting it overnight.

For more information on skin treatments for all kinds of skin, contact your Austin dermatologist at Zimmet Dermatology & Vein. Call today to schedule your initial skin analysis; they’ll develop a professional skin treatment plan personalized to your unique condition.

Mini Dental Implants: Advancing Implantology Technology by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

Most Americans will lose at least one tooth over the course of their lifetime. Implant dentistry allows people with missing teeth to replace those teeth, giving them their original, full grin with comfort and support. Mini dental implants, also called MDI, represent just one of the many bounds in recent years of implant technology development.

The History of Mini Dental Implants

Although they came into existence in the 1970s, MDI’s underwent continued development and enhancement until they were cleared by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999. At that point, they graduated to being called “permanent” implant options.

Since their approval, mini dental implants have continued to ascend in popularity among periodontists, dentists and patients alike. Unlike regular dental implants, which require months of osseointegration (bone healing over the implant) before the crown can even be placed, mini dental implants involve hardly if any recovery time.

MDI’s have particularly assisted in the use of implant-supported dentures. They serve as a denture stabilization system, giving people with dentures more confidence and security. When dentures simply rest against the gums, the bone underneath slowly becomes reabsorbed into the body, essentially disintegrating. First, this means the denture no longer fits, because its seat is constantly reforming. This also means the lips work double-time to keep the denture in its proper position, keeping the patient from having an organic, carefree smile.

The MDI Procedure

The MDI implants consist of mini, 1.8 mm wide titanium screws which replace what previously was the tooth’s root. Your Austin periodontist anesthetizes you initially, then uses a drill to place each MDI necessary into predetermined areas of the mouth. Generally, this involves about six dental implants, but each case varies. No cutting or stitching is necessary, leaving the patient ready to go with their new implants in about one hour. This generally allows the patient to continue with their daily routine as soon as the anesthesia wears off. The implants secure the dentures, rooting them into place so they don’t veer off course.

If you’re missing teeth, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Williamson today. Dr. Mike Williamson, DDS, serves Austin as a periodontist, skilled in various gum tissue procedures including dental implants.

Orthodontic-Related Periodontal Therapy: A Combining of Forces by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

The Dallas Cowboys of the 1990s. The San Antonio Spurs over the past 10 years. Great Texas teams produce great teamwork and results. And in the realm of dentistry, it’s no different. The combination of orthodontics with periodontics is a formula guaranteed to produce a winning smile.

If you’re pursuing orthodontic treatment to improve the functionality and aesthetics of your teeth and smile, your local orthodontist may call upon an Austin periodontist for certain procedures to be performed. This assistance ties together both practices with one common goal in mind: an upgraded grin. By lending a helpful hand, the periodontist can effectively reduce your orthodontic treatment time – in other words, get those braces off your teeth sooner rather than later – and improve your mouth’s long-term health. Sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it?

Have an Impacted Tooth?

A common situation which incorporates a periodontal backing of an orthodontic process is seen in impacted teeth. A single impacted tooth can have adverse effects on your mouth’s health. In addition to causing growth and alignment issues for the nearby teeth, an impacted tooth leaves a gap which needs filling and could damage the roots of adjacent teeth. For the sake of your oral well-being, it’s in your best interest to have an orthodontist and periodontist share the duty of addressing this situation. Your periodontist will take the reins for the uncovering procedure, which locates the affected tooth, removes the barriers preventing its natural eruption and achieves the correct positioning via braces.

Need a Frenectomy?

A second scenario which incorporates an orthodontist-periodontist tag team involves a frenum – a fold of tissue attached to your lip or underneath your tongue. Although it serves no true function, the frenum can be blamed for several oral issues. For example, if it grows between your upper front teeth, it often creates a space known as a diastema. Your orthodontist can correct and close the diastema, but the frenum attachment frequently allows for the space to reappear. This is when your area periodontist steps in to save the day – and your smile. Not to mention, speech impediments often accompany an overly strong attachment between the frenum and tongue. To avoid these problems and keep your mouth’s health on track, discuss your frenectomy options with your Austin oral professionals.

Want Longer Teeth?

A periodontist may also be called into action if you wear braces and certain teeth aren’t long enough for the treatment to take full effect. Crown lengthening, which adjusts the gum line of shorter teeth, exposes more of the natural crown of each tooth and provides more area for brackets to be correctly placed. Moreover, your cleaning and maintenance processes will be simpler, and the overall stability and functionality of the braces will improve.

Time for Realignment?

The pulling and pushing forces which envelope orthodontics and gradually move your teeth into correct, aligned positions can be tweaked and improved by periodontal practices. Your periodontist may suggest microimplants to ensure your teeth’s positions benefit you to the best of their ability. Consisting of small titanium screws placed into your gums, the implants improve the mobility of those stubborn, “I’m not moving for anyone!” teeth.

Orthodontists and periodontists often work together to give patients the best results. Dr. Williamson frequently offers his expertise when orthodontics reaches its limits. Call his Austin periodontal office today to speak with his friendly and knowledgeable team about your periodontal options.

Laser Eye Surgery: Delivering Spot On Vision To Folks Who Have To Wear Glasses by Andy Guides Jr

Laser eye surgery, also called LASIK surgery can correct less than normal vision. In most cases the surgery is successful and the individual can see well without the aid of glasses or contact lenses. This type of surgery was developed in 1990 and has become increasingly popular.

Laser surgery has worked well with people that have myopia and hypermetropia. In perfect vision light goes into the eye through the lens. It is refracted or bent to fall on the retina, which focuses the image. When you wear eyeglasses the lens work with the natural lens of the eye to make the light refract and focus in the retina right where it is supposed to be.

The light overshoots the retina with people that have myopia. Instead the light hits the cornea, which cannot sharpen the image. When laser surgery is applied the cornea is reconfigured so that the light gets to the retina and focusing will no longer be a problem. The material in the center of the cornea is thinned out and removed. In hypermetropia the light is unable to get as far as the retina. In this case material is removed from the edges of the cornea and it allows the light to reach the retina.

When surgery is performed pain medication is given to the patient being put directly on the cornea. Tape is used to stop the eye lids from shutting and a speculum is screwed on to make sure the eye lids never close during surgery. A cut is made in the corner to make a small flap. Then the laser moves in to remove material from the cornea. Once that is done the flap is replaced and it is all over. It only takes a few minutes to perform the procedure and the only thing the patient might feel is a bit of discomfort. The laser is automated and the perimeters are entered into it prior to surgery so there is very little chance anything can go wrong.

Only those people whose eyesight has been relatively the same for a long period of time are appropriate for the surgery, which generally leaves out patients that are very young. There may be some problems with those people that have a thin cornea. If there is not enough material to remove to reposition the focus, the procedure cannot be done. Most of the time these are patients that have very bad eyesight. People with astigmatism or presbyopia (relating to age vision conditions) are usually appropriate for the procedure.

Health Insurance will not support laser procedures and the patients have to pay for it themselves. There are those doctors that will take payments but most want to be paid completely up front. When you pick a doctor make sure to get one that has done this surgery time after time. A doctor that charges a cheaper price but is not experienced is not a good idea. Expect to pay anywhere from USD $1500 to $3000 for the surgery. If you find someone to do it cheaper make sure to see their policy on add on charges. You will find that every little thing will be charged and not included on the quote that was given to you to begin with. Make sure the price they request is the only thing you will have to pay for.

Laser eye surgery is major surgery and should not be taken lightly. There are many preparations that must be done such as avoid wearing contact lenses for a period of time before the surgery and eye make up must be avoided. Depending on the type of lenses you wear it could be several weeks of preparation. After surgery eye makeup needs to be avoided for a period of time and you must wear an eye guard when you sleep. Eye drops need to be administered and antibiotics taken. It might take awhile to be able to see well after surgery but in most cases vision is improved right away and about 90 percent of those that have surgery are successful at having perfect vision without the aid of glasses or contacts.
