Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Atkins Declares Low Carb Dead?

Atkins Declares Low Carb Dead?
 by: Dan Robey
As many of you have already heard, Atkins Nutritionals Inc. the company that turned low carb eating into a worldwide diet craze has filed for bankruptcy court protection.
Does this mean that people did not lose weight on the Atkins diet?
Of course not, carbohydrate restriction has been proven to accelerate weight loss in the short term. Notice the last two words...short term. There is a simple reason why Atkins filed bankruptcy, people love to jump on the latest diet craze and then jump off just as quickly as they jumped on. When buyer demand slows, so do revenues.
People did lose weight, and lot's of it on the Atkins diet. The problem is that diets like the Atkins diet are hard to stick with long term. In fact, there has been little solid evidence to show that carbohydrate restriction can lead to permanent weight loss. What then is the key to permanent weight loss?
The key to permanent weight loss is to change your lifestyle. Your lifestyle is made up of the habits and routines that you have made a part of your life.You can achieve permanent weight loss by simply acquiring new "Positive Habits" that provide weight loss as a benefit.
What is a positive habit? A positive habit is simply a habit that produces positive benefits, actions and attitudes you want to acquire and make a part of your lifestyle. Why are positive habits so powerful. Because habits, by their very nature, are automatic. After a period of time they can become permanent.
So how do we go about adding new positive habits to our life? It's really quite easy. You simply begin repeating an action, attitude or thought process every day for at least 21 days. Research has shown that an action that is repeated for a minimum of 21 days is likely to become a permanent habit.
Remember that positive habits have positive benefits and you will reap those benefits for as long as you maintain that habit. So now that we know what positive habits are, and how to acquire them, let's look at some simple positive habits that will help you achieve permanent weight loss.
Habit #1 - When Dining Out, Control Food Preparation and Lose Weight
When you eat out, make it a habit to request how your food is prepared. You should never feel like you have to accept food items exactly as they are described on the menu. Most restaurants will happily prepare your meal in different ways if you just request it. You can ask that they bake or broil items which are usually fried.
Always remember to ask for salad dressing on the side. Salad dressing can be one of the biggest sources of fat in a person's diet. Studies have shown that females gets most of their fat from dairy products, margarine, mayonnaise, and salad dressing. By making it a habit to order salad dressing on the side, you can control the amount and type of dressing your put on your salads and reduce the amount of fat and calories that you consume. Try substituting olive oil or a low fat alternative like balsamic vinegar for bottled dressings. Olive oil contains healthy monosaturated fat and is a key ingredient in the healthy heart Mediterranean diet.
Remember that sometimes, small changes in your lifestyle can result in big changes to your life. According to the Encyclopedia of Foods: A Guide To Healthy Nutrition, simple changes to your food order as described above you can save 10 to 30 grams of fat and 100 to 300 calories per entree!
Think about how this positive habit can help you achieve a trim and fit body automatically! Remember, your new positive habits will result in a change in your lifestyle. The cumulative effects of these lifestyle changes are considerable, they hold the keys to achieving a permanent weight loss and a trim and fit body.
Habit #2 - Drink Green Tea ...Burn Fat! Boost Your Metabolism!
If you want some help achieving that trim and fit body, make it a positive habit to drink green tea daily. Here are just of few of the benefits you will receive from this positive habit: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently published research demonstrating that a substance found in green tea called catechin polyphenols increases your metabolism and also increases the rate at which your body burns calories. Burning more calories is your ticket to a leaner body.
Green tea is also loaded with antioxidants, which have been shown to protect you from cancer and many other diseases. Other studies have shown that green tea may help you control your appetite. Green tea is available in many restaurants and most grocery stores.
Copyright 2005 Dan Robey


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Understanding Your Stress Levels

Understanding Your Stress Levels
 by: Trevor Dumbleton
In order to understand stress better, it is a good idea to understand that there are different stress levels. These levels vary in the form of stress they take and they can often provide an indication of how to treat the stress. Furthermore, there are tests available that can help people understand their own, particular brand of stress and, with this knowledge, they can also understand themselves better. Then, with this information, a complete stress management method can be constructed. So, when you examine your own stress, keep these stress levels in mind so that you can come to grips with yourself and learn the proper methods for keeping your mind balanced.
These stress levels were found and characterized by Dr. Hans Selye and Dr. Richard Earle of the Canadian Institute of Stress. Thus, the names and types are theirs.
Type 1 - The Speed Freak
This stress level is characterized by an incessant need to be giving 110% at all times. They are often perfectionists, they tend to speak quickly, and they are very impatient. Generally, Speed Freaks have learned that it is necessary to work hard in order to succeed, so they figure that, if they are working hard all the time, they are certain to succeed. This, of course, is not necessarily the case, since running full-bore all the time will only lead to stress over minor issues.
Speed Freaks need to learn how to relax and they need to clarify their goals so that they will work hard on things that really matter, while relaxing while they are working on more mundane tasks. By doing this, they can get up to speed when they need to put in the effort and conserve energy the rest of the time.
Type 2 - The Worry Wart
The Worry Wart stress level is characterized by an inability to stop thoughts, but an equal inability to put thoughts into action. They tend to overanalyze things to the point that they paralyze themselves. Thus, they simply end up spinning their wheels as they get nowhere. True to the name, Worry Warts tend to spend a lot of their time worrying and this only leaves them even more incapable of action.
Worry Warts need to think very specifically about the problems they are facing, write down every possible thing that can go wrong, then think about just how likely these events are. Then, once everything is treated with a philosophical distance, the worry will decrease and the Worry Wart can move on toward their goals.
Type 3 - The Drifter
Drifters are people who keep so many options open that they are incapable of actually developing any skills in depth. Instead of focusing their energies on specific life goals, they end up putting effort into a variety of tasks so that none of them every really get done. Thus, their hours are spent productively, but their hours rarely produce anything concrete. In fact, they create a paradox of complete freedom in which they are trapped by their own inability to use that freedom effectively.
Drifters need to clarity their life goals, focus on things that make them feel worthwhile, and try to build up a life that is open to more than just work. Then, once they have a place to direct their efforts, they can shed all the excess nonsense that they surround themselves with.
Type 4 - The Loner
This stress level is recognizable by the fact that Loners are unable to create meaningful relationships with others. This is due to the fact that they generally work alone, so that do not receive much feedback from others. Thus, rather than building relationships that can help support them, they tend to crawl into a shell and keep other people outside of it. Thus, as they avoid shared experiences with others, they become incapable of finding out what they enjoy and who they enjoy doing it with.
Loners should attempt to clarify their own values, then work to build relationships with people who share those values, which in turn gives Loners a way to move toward their goals. This will give them both a purpose and a support structure that can help them succeed in that purpose.
Type 5 - Basket Cases
This stress level is very dangerous, as Basket Cases are creating their own energy crises. Instead of caring for themselves, they tend to be achy, depressed, and they often decide that activities are simply too much effort. They are often in poor health and their own malaise and depression makes it hard to do anything about it.
Basket Cases need to start eating right in order to start the healing process. Then, after a few weeks, they should start exercising. Then, once they have a little more energy, they need to learn how to conserve energy by taking breaks during work and not overextending themselves.
Type 6 - Cliff Walkers
Cliff Walkers are people who are at risk for destroying their health. They tend to look worn, they often smoke, eat badly, drink too much, and rarely exercise. However, they usually figure that nothing bad will ever really come out of their bad habits, so they cause themselves even more damage. Thus, they tend to have problems maintaining their energy.
The treatment for Cliff Walkers is the same as that for Basket Cases. Eat right, then start an exercise program, then learn to conserve energy so that they are not constantly worn out.
By understanding stress levels, people can not only learn more about themselves, they can also learn how to succeed. Then, once a person's particular type of stress is treated correctly, the very portions of the personality that were once a burden can become a boon. Thus, learning about stress levels can actually help people achieve their goals.
Copyright 2005 Trevor Dumbleton


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Alcoholism as a Disease, Not a Weakness

Alcoholism as a Disease, Not a Weakness
 by: David Chandler
Alcoholism is a disease in which drinkers have lost the ability to control their drinking, leading to physical and mental harm and loss of ability to behave in a socially acceptable manner. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive, pathological condition that affects the nervous and digestive system, caused by the inability to stop drinking despite adverse consequences such as loss of job, family, and health. The disease is potentially fatal, however the most disturbing and debilitating part of alcoholism is the loss of self-respect, the possible job loss, and the toll it takes on the alcoholics family. There is also indication that there may be a genetic component with alcoholism.
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence defines alcoholism as characterized by "impaired control over dinking…and distortions in thinking, most notably denial." This means that for many alcoholics, they are unable to make a decision to stop drinking without the help of others.
Symptoms of the disease include but are not limited to sneaking drinks, lying about the amount consumed, irritability when alcohol is not available, mood swings, loss of appetite, a puffiness of the face, job loss and a high number of traffic tickets.
Family members need to develop an awareness of the disease and talk with the alcoholic. Most alcoholics are in denial and talking to the person about their disease can be very difficult. Choose a time when the person is sober. In addition, talking to the person after an alcoholic problem as occurred, such as a family argument, or a drunken driving ticket, for example, may be a good time to talk. Unfortunately waiting for a problem to occur from alcoholic behaviors can have serious consequences.
Family members coping with an alcoholic or addict can cause a great deal of stress in the family life. Therefore, there are support groups for Al-Alteen for children and teenagers. Al-Anon is for the spouse or loved one that has to cope with an alcoholic. These groups teach family members on how to cope with the alcoholic and process their emotions.
There are studies that want you to believe that alcoholism is not a disease. They are wrong. Alcoholism is a disease and while there is no cure, it is treatable. If it were not a disease, insurance companies would not pay for treatment.

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Aging Gracefully with the Aid of Various Nutrients

Aging Gracefully with the Aid of Various Nutrients
 by: Charlene J. Nuble
During the past thirty years there has been a steadily growing amount of scientific evidence linking vitamins and minerals to having a direct effect in protecting one's self from aging. Apart from the usual health benefits that we can receive from having adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in our body, it's also a highly appealing note to include that being healthy inside will actually reflect on how we look like on the outside. This is why a great change in one's lifestyle is highly encouraged, a healthy way of living can still be achieved given that you have the patience and enough self-discipline to actually control yourself from wolfing down hamburgers and steaks as well as chugging bottles of soda each and every day.
And the health benefits don't just stop there, along with the youthful appearance, a healthy lifestyle can actually result to a wonderful effect on your immune system, strengthening it and eventually making you more active and less likely to catch any illness. There are a number of nutrients that have shown to be necessary in improving how our immune system functions. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, beta carotene and selenium have been shown to boost resistance. The minerals zinc and magnesium are also important for immune function. To ensure a good bill of health, it is important that you have to make sure that you're getting the right amount of these antioxidants each and every day, from a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to nutrition supplements, it really is quite easy to be healthy. However, antioxidants such as zinc and magnesium can be found in dairy products and seafood.
Certain vitamins and minerals have been shown to aid in the prevention of some degenerative diseases and illnesses and peculiarities that are brought about by aging. Antioxidants can actually help lower the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration which are conditions associated with aging. Experts actually suggest that antioxidants can help slow the aging process by reducing the daily cell damage done by environmental pollution and time. Vitamin E has been linked with a lower risk of heart disease. Niacin a B vitamin can help in reducing the level of cholesterol in the body. While some other nutrients that are helpful in protecting against age related disorders are selenium, cartenoids, flavinoids and some Amino acids.
Proper nutrition via the diet can actually be quite a feat for some who have never diet in their entire lives, as hard as it may seem to be at first, a well-balanced diet is definitely achievable. Even though people often work longer and harder while parents tend to both work hard in order to provide for their family, it is not an excuse for people to be neglecting their health by filling their bodies with all sorts of junk Another difficulty comes in being surrounded by a lot of processed food that don't really pack in the nutritional value that a person needs to stay healthy. This problem goes as far as the lack of minerals from the soil, which in turn causes our food to be a lot less healthy that it should be. Even vegetables nowadays cannot be relied on to fill in the necessary nutritional requirements that one needs in order to be healthy.
This is the reason why nutritional supplements greatly abound in check out counters and drugstores nowadays. Not only are they affordable but they can also prove to be a good source of the added vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that a person needs in order to stay healthy and fit. Consult a licensed dietician or your family physician to be able to choose the right kind of nutritional supplement for you.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Quit Smoking: 21 Shocking Smoking Facts, The Tobacco Companies Don't Want You To Know

Quit Smoking: 21 Shocking Smoking Facts, The Tobacco Companies Don't Want You To Know
 by: Ben Adams
Smoking is a global problem. It is estimated that one in three adults smoke, with over 1 billion people smoking worldwide. The majority of these smokers reside in countries on the low end to the middle of the socioeconomic spectrum. Of this majority, about 80% live in low and middle-income countries. The total number of smokers worldwide is expected to keep on increasing each year.
The worldwide popularity of tobacco use varies by social class, historical era, and culture. Historically, smoking had been a pastime of the rich. However, this trend has changed dramatically in recent decades. It appears that financially advantaged men in wealthier countries have been smoking less in recent times.
The World Health Organization has been studying smoking trends and statistical patterns across the globe and has uncovered the following statistics:
1) Eastern Europe has a particularly high rate of smoking, with up to 59% of adult males smoking. Also, significantly more women smoke in Eastern Europe than in East Asia and the Pacific Region.
2) Most people who smoke, begin smoking before they are 25 years old. Worldwide observations suggest that people are stating to smoke at a much younger age. World Health Organization studies reveal that the majority of smokers in affluent countries; begin in their teens.
Smoking In The US
How do Americans compare to the rest of the world when it comes to smoking? It may come as no surprise to hear that Americans are no better than anyone else. According to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics:
3) In the US, it is estimated that 25.6 million men (25.2%) and 22.6 million women (20.7%) are smokers. These smokers face a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Here are the latest estimates for smokers' aged 18 and above:
4) Studies reveal that smoking popularity is significantly higher among people with 9-11 years of education (35.4%) compared with those with more than 16 years of education (11.6%).
5) There appears to be a correlation between a country's standard of living, level of education, and income and the number of people who have quit smoking. The more and better-informed people are, the more likely they are to quit smoking.
6) People living below the poverty level (33.3%) are much more likely to start smoking.
7) Among whites, 25.1% of men and 21.7% of women smoke.
8) Among black or African Americans, 27.6% of men and 18% of women smoke.
9) Among Asians, 21.3% of men and 6.9% of women smoke.
10) Among Hispanics/Latinos, 23.2% of men and 12.5% of women smoke.
11) Among American Indians/Alaska Natives, 32% of men and 36.9% of women smoke.
12) A shocking…1 out of every 5 five deaths is caused by tobacco
13) It is estimated that Tobacco is responsible for 400,000 deaths in the US every single year.
14) Cigarettes are responsible for about 25% of deaths from residential fires, causing nearly 1,000 fire-related deaths and 3,300 injuries each year.
15) Tobacco is blamed for many serious cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases
16) Nicotine and tobacco are some of the most potent carcinogens and are responsible for the majority of all cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea, esophagus and bronchus.
17) Smoking tobacco is known to produce cancer in the pancreas, kidney, bladder, and the cervix
18) Because tobacco reduces blood flow, nicotine addiction has been proven to cause impotency.
19) If you smoke, the risk of respiratory illnesses is high. This could lead to pulmonary diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia, which are responsible for some 85,000 every year.
20) Children and adolescents who are active smokers will have increasingly severe respiratory illness, as they grow older
21) Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and fetal growth retardation. It also causes about 5-6% of prenatal deaths, 17-26% of low-birth-weight births, and 7-10% of pre-term deliveries.
If you don't want to quit smoking after reading these shocking figures, you really need to get your head examined. You know in your heart, what's the right thing to do. Make a firm decision to quit today, and stick to it!


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Cosmetic Dentistry: Part 4

Cosmetic Dentistry: Part 4
 by: Samuel Murray
Many people who have discolored teeth opt to use a "crown" as a remedy. Just as the name applies, this is a prosthetic device that covers the tooth. Sometimes a tooth may have a large filling and there is very little tooth left to support the filling. This would be an effective treatment for that situation. They are often used in conjunction with the dental implants we discussed above. A crown makes your tooth stronger as well as prettier!
Bonding is a cosmetic treatment for teeth that involves placing tooth colored bonding material directly to the surface of the tooth using resin. First the tooth is prepared by slightly etching the enamel. This is done in order to give the bonding material "mechanical retention" allowing the bonding material to adhere to the tooth properly. Then the bonding material is applied, shaped and sculpted. A ultraviolet "laser" light is used to harden the resin material. When the process is complete the tooth is polished to a high shine.
Bonding is also used now for "fillings." In fact, it is favored over the old silver (amalgam) fillings because the bonding resin can be matched to the rest of your tooth color. The downside to bonding, is the expense. Bonding is more expensive to silver. The bonding material is also porous making it a poor choice for smokers as it will yellow.
This is considered a permanent procedure because of removing small amounts of the natural tooth enamel.
Enamel shaping.
This process is often done in conjunction with bonding. The enamel is sometimes removed or reshaped. Shaping allows the dentist to sculpt chipped, cracked or broken teeth using bonding material as discussed above. In both procedures the catalyst is usually done with a laser light which insures that the material is securely merged with the natural tooth material.


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Pilex shrinks enlarged veins, controls bleeding and hastens the healing process in the anorectal region.

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Adaptogens for Life - The Science Behind the Discovery of Adaptogens

Adaptogens for Life - The Science Behind the Discovery of Adaptogens
 by: Mair Gauthier
Modern civilization has produced an unusually stressful environment to humans and animals,with extreme high demands on our physical and mental abilities. The last one hundred years have brought unique new challenges for all. It doesn't take much reflection upon the obvious and not so obvious sources of stressors today to realize the average person endures a lifetime of extraordinary physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual stress.
Unfortunately the continual assault of these daily modern stressors can have severe consequences on our health and well-being. Are you aware that 80% of all illness and disease today is stress related? That 25% of all prescriptions written are due to issues stemming from the root problem of stress. That one of the three top selling drugs in North America is a tranquilizer and 2/3 of all visits to family physicians also stem from stress. What can be done about it? The answer is, Prime One! Dr. Brekhman's signature daily adaptogenic herbal formula made with the seven most powerful Adaptogens known to man.
What are Adaptogens? Adaptogens are biologically active substances found in certain herbs and plants, which help the body and mind of humans and animals adapt to the change and stresses of life.
The world-renowned Russian research scientist, Dr. Israel I. Brekhman PhD, is hailed world-wide as the father of extensive Adaptogen research. He was a professor of medicine, and a physiological pharmacologist. The Soviet Union and The Russian National Parliament bestowed on the good doctor the Order of Lenin, The Lenin Medal for valiant work, as well as the coveted Certificate of Honour, these awards came to him for breaking the genetic codes of plants, uncovering the molecular structures of their phyto-chemicals and his lifetime work with Adaptogens.
He also held 40 patents, published 22 monographs, several hundred scientific articles, and wrote many books. Dr. Brekhman pioneered a vast "top-secret" scientific effort funded by the Russian government involving 1200 of their best scientists. Directed by Dr. Brekhman this scientific community applied scientific methodology to the study of plants. They explored plant biological codes and analyzed their molecular structures. Entire populations of towns, schools, hospitals and factories became his test subjects. In one case study, for example they analyzed an entire town and all its inhabitants including the animals for twelve long years. This lead to one of the most massive, sustained and successful programs of human and animal testing in recorded scientific history.
After 45-years of consistent research and thousands of clinical trials, the final patented formulation, Prime One was created and consists of seven adaptogenic herbal extracts. The primary herb is 'Eleutherococcus' also known as Siberian ginseng. This phenomenal herbal blend was subsequently found in clinical trials to have surprising synergistic qualities – so that the blend of these seven herbs together was significantly more effective than any of the single herbs taken alone.
Prime One contains rare trace minerals, co-enzymes, metabolites, anti-oxidants and vitamins. These phyto-nutrients address entire classes of body functions. They enhance human resistance to a broad variety of physical, emotional, metabolic and environmental stresses, and fill a nutritional void addressed by no other dietary element.
In 1962 Eleutherococcus, the prototype Adaptogen was declared an official herbal medicine by the USSR Minister of Health and was included in their National Drug Guide, the pharmacopoeia. Also, "Brekhman's formula was used on par with diabetes medications to help balance blood sugar levels". Morton Walker medical journal report Innovative Biologics, July 1994
Why are Adaptogens important to our health you might ask? Well, stressors such as: toxins, pollutants, oxidants, and chemicals in processed foods, radiation, depression and fatigue – are now thought to be the cause of DNA mutations that produce cancer. Adaptogens are the missing nutrients from nature that protect us from the chemical hormonal assault of such stressors. The frequency of cancer was 3.3 times lower in the animals taking the Adaptogens than in the control group of animals not given Adaptogens.
But the paramount question for each of us concerned about health is whether we can find a way to reduce, undo and buffer these damaging chemical effects of stress. That is precisely what Adaptogens are all about.
The soviet scientific community tested these particular plant extracts, on large groups of people under physical and mental stress. Russian cosmonauts, top athletes, aircraft pilots, military personnel, truck drivers, factory workers, were all given Adaptogens. They found dramatic improvements in performance, fewer errors, less illness, less accidents and calmer functioning.
The Russians spent more than 500 million dollars in Soviet government sponsored monies backing this massive secret research. Dr. Brekhman's, Prime One, is one of the most researched, scientifically sound nutritional food supplements in the natural products market place today bar none!
Initially, for political reasons, Adaptogens were kept a highly guarded secret from the rest of the world for some time. Perhaps only in the Soviet Union could such an undertaking have been considered. Only in a totalitarian state could this massive testing have ever been carried out. Certainly, it would never have found adequate funding or the amount of test subjects in Canada or the United States, as was done in Russia on such a massive scale.
Other countries such as Germany, Japan, and Sweden, independently conducted their own research and testing validating the research and results of Brekhman's work. The Medical Molecular Biology Institute of Heidelburg, Germany, published an important double blind study in the 1990's testing one of Brekhman's Adaptogens, Eleutherococcus Senticosus. This study employing flow-cytometry showed a powerful strengthening of the immune system. Those who received the plant extract during the clinical trials had their immune system markers reveal all T-lymphocyte subsets, including cancer killing cyto-toxic t-cells showed 40 to 80 % increase. Excerpt from a German Study done in 1990 on Eleutherococcus Senticosus as an Immunodulatory Agent
In 1984 a very important scientific paper by the renowned Soviet molecular biologist, Dr. Igor Totoroff, showed that these plant extracts (found in Brekhman's formula) had wide ranging effects in different organ systems and could suppress excess cortisol production during stress thus controlling the wide spread damage known to occur from excess cortisol production. These adaptogen extracts also showed increased energy production within human cells. In fact, leading scientific research centre's world-wide are currently conducting ongoing studies and clinical trials, revealing new and amazing benefits for the human body from the use of Brekhman's formula.
One can't help noticing in various medical journals and health publications these days where scientists and leading health professionals are reporting that a human body is as young and as healthy as its immune system allows. In light of these health facts, Prime One is the much-needed answer for our health and well-being.
Dr. Brekhman's research was a key factor in the success of the Soviet Space Program. His formulas restored the natural balance of the cosmonauts' bodies and protected them against the stress that is inherent in space flight, such as motion, vertigo, weightlessness and inactivity. Brekhman's Adaptogen formulas became known as the Soviet "Right Stuff".
These Adaptogens were exclusively used by the top Russian Sports figures that dominated in the sports sector, world-wide for decades. Not the least of Brekhman's accomplishments was achieving sports success for world-class Russian athletes, as well, other athletes from Eastern Bloc countries. Soviet Olympic and elite athletes have routinely for decades included Brekhman's adaptogenic formulas in their training programs to give them a well-documented optimal edge in competition.
More recently, Dr. Brekhman's formula was administered to the victims of the Chernobyl disaster with success and great benefit, so significantly that Dr. Vladimir G. Sprigin, PhD., Principal Scientific Fellow at the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote a letter to AMS Health Sciences, right after the terrible tragedy on Sept 11, 2001, stating; "Because of ongoing events I would like to tell you that you have in your hands the miracle remedy for the people that passed through such physical and emotional stress"; I remember how effective Eleutherococcus (the main Adaptogen) was for this purpose after Chernobyl Catastrophe and you have the preparation that is at least 6 times more powerful".
Vladimir G. Sprigin PhD.,
Russian Academy of Sciences
Shortly after the 911 tragedies, world wide associates donated $200,000 worth of Prime One and Prime One Concentrate to the New York Firefighters, and ERT Ground Zero Rescue workers and their working animals. The fire fighters and ERT workers reported that, "Prime One helped them cope with the stressors at hand, giving them the advantage of working more than normal hours with less exhaustion despite the unfamiliar stressful circumstances".
Phil Cappadora, Firefighter, NY City
Kevin Gallagher, President,
Firefighter's Union, New York City
Best selling author Pete Bilac wrote a book about Dr. Brekhman and Adaptogens titled "Managing Stress through the Miracle of Adaptogens. Pete credits Brekhman's Prime One formula for saving his sons life. Pete's many books are currently available in any of the Chapter's bookstores.
One of the world's leading Biochemists, Dr. Stephen Fulder PhD states in one of his many articles on Adaptogens, "The soviets almost universally used Adaptogens to reduce convalescence, to return patients to health more quickly after heart attacks and other illnesses. It became standard treatment for patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer. Perhaps Adaptogens had their most widespread impact in the area of Russian sports and the Brekhman formulas were routinely used on par with diabetes medications".
Dr. Steven Fulder PhD., Oxford, England
International Authority on health and wellness
Research has convincingly shown that Adaptogens are a powerful protection against radiation. They increase non-specific resistance to stress. Inhibits free-radical oxidation, accelerates rehabilitative processes, protects vital organs from stress, and has potent anti-viral properties, and has been found to be very effective in helping normalize blood sugar levels. It has been proven that the chemical hormonal assault on the body from stress lowers the immune system responses. The effects from stress upon the immune system are dramatic, immediate and well documented.
The good news is that Prime One, Dr. Brekhman's signature Adaptogen formula is now available world wide through The Adaptogens for Life Group. Prime One is sold through Network marketing as per Dr. Brekhman's request. It was his wish for all the peoples of the world, to hear by word of mouth of his work and have access to his formulas.
"It has always been my dream to create a special formula to prepare people for life and to protect them from stress."
Dr Israel I. Brekhman 1921 - 1994
Dr. Israel I. Brekhman remains a visionary whose dream to enhance human health and to prevent disease talks to a new generation today.


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Fat Burners: Why You Are Being Ripped-Off

Fat Burners: Why You Are Being Ripped-Off
 by: Johnny Lavot
Fat burners have become very popular in today's society, especially in America. It seems that everyone is looking for a "quick fix" to their problem...and that is why they turn to those "awesome" fat burners where you can just pop a pill and "lose 30 pounds in 10 days!"
However, do these fat burners actually work? Do they actually provide any benefits? Do the $40-$100 price tags justify any benefits that they may have? Here we will investigate some of the claims that they make such as
-increased thermogenesis
-decreased appetite
-fat loss without exercising
-increased energy
However, before I go into any more detail about fat burners, you must understand two important concepts:
Total Daily Energy Expenditure and The Law of Thermodynamics
(don't worry -they're quite simple).
Everyone has a set number known as "Total Daily Energy Expenditure" or TDEE for short. Your TDEE is how many calories your body uses per day to keep itself going. Pretty much everyone's TDEE is different, and it changes everyday depending upon how much work your body does that day or if you gained more muscle mass, etc... This number can be affected by such things as how much muscle mass you have, genetics, what you do during the day, etc.
You can get a rough estimate of you TDEE at
Once you understand TDEE, there is another simple concept to understand. This concept is known as The First Law of Thermodynamics (don't worry - our application of it is simple). This law states:
1. If you eat less calories than your TDEE, you lose weight (this weight can be muscle or fat or a number of other things, but that's for another article)
2. If you eat more calories than your TDEE, you gain weight (once again, this can really be anything)
3. If you eat the same amount of calories as your TDEE, your weight stays the same
So, in order to lose fat, you must create some sort of calorie deficit between your TDEE and the number of calories you eat. However, the deficit cannot be too large - otherwise your body will go into starvation mode. For more information on this topic you can check out
The Fat Loss Claims of Fat Burners:
--Increased Thermogenesis
Thermogenesis is essentially a fancy word for TDEE. Saying that a product will increase thermogenesis is like saying it will increase your TDEE - which would mean that you burn more calories per day. Many of the products in these fat burner's will increase your rate of calorie expenditure, but not by very much - the results are minimal.
Here's an example: A while back I saw an ad touting that their "green tea extract" increased thermogenesis by 4%. Sounds spiffy, eh? Now, let's take a somewhat normal number for TDEE - 2000 calories/day. 4% of 2000 would be 80 calories per day. If a pound of fat is 3500 calories, this means that you could get rid of an extra pound of fat about every 44 days by taking this supplement!
This small deficit could be easily accomplished many other ways though. For instance, you could eat 10 less wheat thins for a day, replace soft drinks with water, or not add mayonnaise to your sandwich at lunch.
Decreased Appetite
When trying to diet (actually, just achieve a calorie deficit), many times people complain that their appetite is holding them back - therefore companies that produce fat burners like to claim that their product "reduces appetite".
It's true, many ingredients in products may reduce your appetite. But do you really need these special herbs or ingredients to do that?
In my opinion, nature provides everything. Here are some strategies:
1. Drink water. If you get some sort of craving for something, just drink some water. This will help to decrease your appetite by filling up your stomach, it's natural, and you need water to function properly anyway.
2. Eat fiber. You can either eat foods with fiber in them, like vegetables, or you can just buy some of that powdered fiber at the store (it actually doesn't taste that bad), and take some with your meals. Fiber cannot be digested, so it will decrease the actual capacity for your stomach to hold food. Plus fiber pushes food through your digestive tract faster than normal. This can cause roughly 15%-20% of the food you eat to not be digested - resulting in a smaller amount of calories that your body actually digests. Fiber also provides too many other benefits to list here.
3. Eat foods that are low in calories, but high in satiety. These are foods that have a low amount of calories per amount of food that you eat. For instance, a stomach full of jello contains less calories than a stomach full of peanut butter.
Fat Loss Without Exercise
It's possible to lose some fat without exercising. However, when you do this, you're setting yourself up for failure in the long run. Muscle is an integral part of permanent fat loss. When you cut calories without lifting weights or exercising, part of the weight you lose will be muscle as well as fat. When you add weight lifting/exercise to your routine, you essentially signal your body to keep your muscle. For more information on this topic of "weight loss and weight lifting", check out our free 7-day fat loss e-course. The second lesson involves the effects of weight lifting on fat. So, in essence, you can lose weight without exercising - but it's kind of a waste of time.
Increased Energy & Focus
Many fat burner's contain ingredients like caffeine or vinpocetine, which they claim to help increase your energy and focus. In many cases, some (a rare few might I add) of these compounds can and have been proven to do this - but (this is from personal experience) mostly by a minimal amount. Probably the best way to gain focus and energy is the way nature intended - through exercise. Ever gotten that endorphin high after a great workout? You'll be surprised at how "high" you get and at how clearly you can think.
Fat Loss & Water Loss
Due to some of the ingredients in fat burners, they can make you lose weight - but not necessarily the correct type of weight. Some ingredients such as caffeine can be classified as mild diuretics. This can be deceiving, as the weight that you may have lost from the "fat" burning supplement may not be fat at all, it may just be water.
So, all in all, fat burning supplements do provide some benefits - that is, if the ingredients actually DO support their claims. However, many times, even though they do provide benefits, the benefits are many times small compared to what can be accomplished through intelligent dieting and exercising. It is up to the buyer whether the price tags justify the benefits that these supplements may provide.

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New Advances In Early Breast Cancer Detection

New Advances In Early Breast Cancer Detection
 by: Brenda Witt
In November 2003, the American Cancer Society stated that breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 44. In the United States, there are approximately 200,000 new cases of breast cancer and more than 40,000 deaths; making the U.S. one of the countries with the highest death rate due to breast cancer. Perhaps the most alarming statistic is 1: 8 women will eventually develop breast cancer over their lifetime.
One of the most powerful steps a woman can take to reduce her risk for developing breast cancer is to educate herself about the petrochemicals, or xenoestrogens that are in her environment and work to eliminate or reduce them. Petrochemicals are "hormone disruptors" and it is through the unbalancing of your hormone system that can lead to problems. These xenoestrogens are found in cosmetics, lotions and fingernail polish and polish remover. They are obviously found in pesticides and insecticides. What you may not be aware of is that petrochemicals are found in plastics. If food is placed in a plastic container and reheated in the microwave, the plastic melts into your food and you ingest it. The harder the plastic, the more resistant it is to this process but the potential for accidental xenoestrogen ingestion is still present. Simply put, do not reheat food in plastic containers in the microwave.
Conventional screening methods all examine structure. For example, mammography uses X-ray to examine breast tissue. Any structure that has grown large enough to be seen by X-ray could be detected by mammography. However, mammography can have a high false positive rate. In fact, only 1 in 6 biopsies are found to be positive for cancer when found by mammography or clinical breast exam. This leads to increased psychological stress, physical trauma and financial concerns.
Other risks of mammography include the radiation exposure, although this has been debated by doctors for many years. Recently published in Radiation Research, 2004 the author suggests that the risks associated with mammography screening may be FIVE times higher than previously assumed and the risk-benefit relationship of mammography needs to be re-examined.
There exists a technology that can detect a breast issue YEARS before a tumor can be seen on X-ray or palpated during an exam. This technology has been approved by the FDA as an adjunctive screening tool since 1982 and offers NO RADIATION, NO COMPRESSION AND NO PAIN. For women who are refusing to have a mammogram or those who want clinical correlation for an existing problem, digital infrared thermal imaging may be of interest.
Thermal cameras detect heat emitted from the body and display it as a picture on a computer monitor. These images are unique to the person and remain stable over time. It is because of these characteristics that thermal imaging is a valuable and effective screening tool.
Breast thermography has undergone extensive research since the 1950s. There are over 800 peer-reviewed studies on breast thermography with more than 300,000 women included in large clinical trials. An abnormal thermogram is 10 times more significant as a future risk indicator for breast cancer than a first order family history of the disease. A persistently abnormal thermogram carries a 22-fold higher risk of future breast cancer.
Medical doctors who interpret the breast scans are board certified and endure an additional two years of training to qualify as a thermologist. Thermography is not limited by breast density and is ideal for women who have had cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. It is recommended that since cancer typically has a 15 year life span from onset to death, that women begin thermographic screenings at age 25.
Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to

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My First Thermographic Experience

My First Thermographic Experience
 by: Brenda Witt
I had been a bit nervous all day wondering what my thermogram procedure would entail. Would I need to undress completely? Would I be given one of those paper gowns that opens in the front and barely covers me? Would there be any heat coming out of the camera? I had been avoiding a mammogram after reading the latest information about the risks associated with X-ray; knowing that I was potentially putting myself at greater risk by not taking charge of my health. It was my massage therapist who told me about thermography as an adjunctive tool for breast cancer screening and now I find myself lost in my thoughts as I am driving to my thermographic appointment.
As I entered the lobby, I noticed that the temperature was cool and refreshing. The paintings on the wall were bright and cheerful with many colors that caught my eye. I felt at ease right away.
I was quickly greeted by the thermographer. She guided me to her office and there I felt all the tension melt away. She showed me around the office explaining the need for a cool temperature and allowing me to browse her collection of literature, leaflets, handouts and brochures. It smelled like my grandmother's garden in the spring. Just a hint of orange blossom, honeysuckle, green apple all mixed with a light touch of rain forest greeted my nose. The plants were lush and healthy and soft music was playing in the background. The lights were dim and I could almost imagine myself back in grandma's Arizona room.
The thermographer asked if I had any questions and of course I said no, trying to show her that I was calm, relaxed and not a bit nervous. She smiled knowingly and asked me to please step behind the room divider and change into a robe she set out for me. The robes were soft cotton and tied in the front. She then asked that I fill out the paperwork. She explained that I would need to do my best to keep my arms away from the side of my body so I could cool down and she could get a more accurate image. Lynda then read over my information and asked me questions about my health in general and specifically breast health. All the while, I was grateful for the full coverage of the cool, cotton robe and remembered to keep my arms away from my body.
Next, I moved to the scanning area where I was shown the six different positions required for the scan. She then asked me to sit on the stool and turn my back to her. At this point, she asked me to drop my gown. I was told to keep my hands on my waist while she took my thermal picture. I learned that it usually takes 12-15 minutes for the temperature of my skin to come to equilibrium with the temperature of the room. Once my temperature stabilized, the scanning began. During the scan, she asked that I raise my hands above my head and remain still; allowing me to rest my hands back on my waist between the different poses. The camera did not emit any heat and never touched my body. The total scan time was about 5 minutes.
Once we were done, I changed back into my clothes and thanked Lynda for a soothing and comforting experience. Before I left the office, I picked up a few of the breast health brochures to share with my family, friends and colleagues.
Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Let.s Start Screening For Breast Health

Let's Start Screening For Breast Health
 by: Brenda Witt
In the United States, American women are told to begin annual mammographic screening for breast cancer at the age of 40. Long before we've reached this age, we are advised to perform a monthly breast exam and see our doctors for a clinical breast exam (CBE) annually as well. However, the detection rate of breast cancer for CBE is only 47% when the tumors are less than 1 centimeter while mammography has given us a 70% detection rate. By the time a tumor is detected by palpation or found mammographically, it has already been growing and developing for 8-10 years.
Mammography has a high false positive rate. Only 1:6 biopsies are found to be positive for cancer when performed due to a positive mammogram or CBE. This places additional stressors on women who undergo these procedures.
Other risks of mammography include the radiation that each breast is exposed to during a mammogram. During a chest X-ray, a person receives 1/1000 of a RAD, or radiation absorbed dose. This type of X-ray is a high energy X-ray. During a mammogram, however, the X-ray used is a low energy X-ray and results in 1 RAD or a 1000-fold greater exposure than a simple chest X-ray. It has been suggested that the low energy X-ray used may cause greater biological damage which is cumulative over time. In a journal entitled Radiation Research and published in 2004, the author concludes that the risks associated with mammography screening may be FIVE times higher than previously assumed and the risk-benefit relationship of mammography exposures need to be re-examined.
In 1982, the FDA approved thermography as an adjunctive tool for breast cancer screening. Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, also known as DITI measures heat emitted from the body and is accurate to 1/100th of a degree. Certified Clinical Thermographers follow strict guidelines and transmit their scans for interpretation by board certified thermologists. DITI examines physiology, NOT structure. It is in this capacity that DITI can monitor breast HEALTH over time and alert a patient or physician to a developing problem; possibly before a lump can be seen on X-ray or palpated clinically. There are no test limitations such as breast density. Women with cosmetic implants are great candidates for thermography which emits no radiation and no compression. Contact is never made during a thermographic scan.
Clinical research studies continue to support thermography's role as an adjunctive tool in breast cancer screening and the ONLY tool that measures breast health. There are now more than 800 publications on over 300,000 women in clinical trials. A recent finding published in the American Journal of Radiology in 2003 showed that thermography has 99% sensitivity in identifying breast cancer with single examinations and limited views. Scientists concluded that a negative thermogram is powerful evidence that cancer is not present.
In conclusion, women need to begin breast health screening early; as young as age 25. This can provide women with the earliest possible indication that further investigation is necessary. It takes approximately 15 years for a breast cancer to form and lead to death. If "early detection is the best prevention," let's start using technology that truly allows for the earliest possible alert to a developing problem.
Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to

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Vitamins For Vegetarians

Vitamins For Vegetarians
 by: Simon Harris
There are a lot of vegetarians amongst us, some by circumstance and some by choice. Those that are vegetarians by choice can be divided into two general groups, those that do not eat meat, poultry or fish, but do consume dairy products as – in theory – the animals are not harmed or killed by the gathering of those products. Vegans, however, use no animal products whatsoever.
There are many health benefits to a planned vegetarian diet, as opposed to the unplanned vegetarian diets that result from poverty and a lack of food availability. However, there are also some special precautions that need to be taken to safeguard nutrition, as adequate amounts of some of the most important nutrients can be more difficult to obtain. This is especially true for those following the more restrictive vegan diet.
The body is a complex and delicate system, and the foundation of all of its functioning is chemical and electrical actions, interactions and reactions. The operation of this system rests firmly upon the balance of these chemicals. The majority of the chemicals in these essential physical processes come from the food that we eat, from the nutrients that come from its consumption. Thus, nutrition has a deep influence of the health of the body and the quality of its functioning.
Because the brain, like the body, functions on chemical reactions and electrical impulses, the processes of cognition, emotion, and so on, are also affected by nutrition. In fact, deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can result in mental illness and retardation, as well as cognitive dysfunction and difficulties and emotional instability.
The Vitamin B complex offers a perfect example of how vegetarians must pay special attention to their diets to ensure peak performance of body and mind. The Vitamin B complex is involved with every major system in the body and has a role in almost every important bodily process. It is essential to mental health and functioning, and essential to life itself. However, there are certain Vitamin B complex vitamins that need special attention by vegetarians, as vegetarians do not consume the richest sources of these vitamins.
The richest sources of Vitamin B2 are milk and organ meats. It is available in enriched breads and cereals, but care must be taken to consume the right amount daily. Niacin and Vitamin B6 are other B complex vitamins in which the richest sources are meats and, again, are available in smaller concentrations in enriched breads and cereals. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products. It is important to note that vitamin B12, in addition to being important to the production of red blood cells, is essential for the normal growth of children.
Nutritional supplements can serve to enhance the health benefits of the vegetarian lifestyle. Indeed, they can serve to prevent the serious health consequences that vitamin deficiency can cause. Nutrition is especially essential for children, as their minds and bodies are growing and developing. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you may want to consider the complete, safe and reliable nutrition that dietary supplements can provide.

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Exercise Can Reduce Risks Of Diabetes

Exercise Can Reduce Risks Of Diabetes
 by: Simon Harris
The 2 types of diabetes are type I and type II. Type I diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or no insulin. An individual with diabetes type I will have to inject insulin throughout the day in order to control glucose levels. Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is characterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin to control glucose levels or the cells not responding to insulin. When a cell does not respond to insulin, it is known as insulin resistance. When a subject is diagnosed with type II diabetes, exercise and weight control are prescribed as measures to help with insulin resistance. If this does not control glucose levels, then medication is prescribed. The risk factors for type II diabetes include: inactivity, high cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension. Inactivity alone is a very strong risk factor that has been proven to lead to diabetes type II. Exercise will have a positive effect on diabetes type II while improving insulin sensitivity while type I cannot be controlled be an exercise program. Over 90% of individuals with diabetes have type II.
Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which lowers blood sugar. The more intense the exercise, the faster the body will utilize glucose. Therefore it is important to understand the differences in training with type I and type II diabetes. It is important for an individual who has diabetes to check with a physician before beginning an exercise program. When training with a diabetic, it is important to understand the dangers of injecting insulin immediately prior to exercise. An individual with type I diabetes injecting their normal amount of insulin for a sedentary situation can pose the risk of hypoglycemia or insulin shock during exercise. General exercise guidelines for type I are as follows: allow adequate rest during exercise sessions to prevent high blood pressure, use low impact exercises and avoid heavy weight lifting, and always have a supply of carbohydrates nearby. If blood sugar levels get too low, the individual may feel shaky, disoriented, hungry, anxious, become irritable or experience trembling. Consuming a carbohydrate snack or beverage will alleviate these symptoms in a matter of minutes.
Before engaging in exercise, it is important for blood sugar levels to be tested to make sure that they are not below 80 to 100 mg/dl range and not above 250 mg/dl. Glucose levels should also be tested before, during, after and three to five hours after exercise. During this recovery period (3-5 hours after exercise), it is important for diabetics to consume ample carbohydrates in order to prevent hypoglycemia.
Exercise will greatly benefit an individual with type II diabetes because of its positive effects on insulin sensitivity. Proper exercise and nutrition are the best forms of prevention for type II diabetics. It is important for training protocols to be repeated almost daily to help with sustaining insulin sensitivity. To prevent hypoglycemia, progressively work up to strenuous activity.
As with individuals with type I diabetes, carbohydrates should also be present during training to assist in raising blood sugar levels if the individual becomes low.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Introduction To The Sauna

Introduction To The Sauna
 by: Simon Harris
History and Use
The origins of the sauna have been lost in the mists of time (so to speak), but it is safe to say its history goes back at least 1000 years. We know that the nomadic peoples of Finland had a primitive type of sauna that was made by building a fire inside a tentlike structure. When the heat had built up and the fire had gone out, the people would enter the sauna to bathe. This was very similar to the American Indian sweat lodge.
This type of sauna evolved into a smoke sauna -- a small building with a stone fireplace inside. There was a small hole in the roof where the smoke could escape but the fire had to die down before the building could be entered. This type of sauna was commonly used up until the 1920s when it started to be replaced by modern saunas as we know them today. The smoke sauna, however, has enjoyed a recent revival in Finland. Many people consider them to be the finest type of sauna.
By the 1930s, a new type of sauna stove was introduced. This sauna stove allowed the rocks to be heated without being placed directly over the flames of the fire. This meant that the fire could burn while the sauna was being used. The earliest stoves of this type used wood as a fuel but later models used electricity.
Types of Saunas
Saunas can be built in many shapes and styles. They can be separate buildings or they can be installed in a house or apartment. Traditional saunas are wooden structures and are as beautiful as they are functional.
The worldwide popularity of saunas has spurred innovative new designs. One of the most unusual of these is the portable sauna -- folding saunas that can be used almost anywhere. They are just big enough for one person to sit in. There is a hole for your head and slits for your hands if you wish to read or talk on the phone while you are sitting in this sauna.
Another unusual design is the barrel sauna. This is a small cabin constructed using barrel making techniques and can hold six to eight people. Barrel saunas can be installed either inside or outside the house and can be heated with a wood or electric stove.
Infrared saunas have been used since the 1960s. The heating source in this type of sauna is an infrared heater. Unlike traditional heaters that heat the air of the sauna, infrared heaters heat objects and people but not the air. Infrared is a type of light and proponents of infrared saunas say that they have superior health benefits to traditional saunas.
Sauna Construction
Almost every type of sauna is made of wood. The walls, ceilings, and floors and benches are all made from a wood such as cedar or hemlock. The only non-wood materials are the stove and the rocks that are heated on the stove.
The sauna provides a dry heat -- usually between 70°C and 100°C. From time to time water can be thrown on the rocks on the stove. This creates a cloud of steam which has the effect of immediately raising the temperature.
The sauna can be heated with an electric or wood stove. Wood stoves are traditional in the countryside, but most urban saunas use an electric heater.

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If You Don't Track Your Diet. You Are Wasting Your Time

If You Don't Track Your Diet… You Are Wasting Your Time
 by: Marc David
Frankly, I'm puzzled whenever I hear this from somebody who's frustrated with their lack of gains:
Me: So what are you eating? How many calories per day and how many do you need?
Them: I don't know. I just eat.
Yes, it's true. People don't track their diets, don't calculate their calories and just guess at what they need. They have no idea where they are going, very little facts on how to get there and yet are frustrated and mad when 6 weeks later they don't see the results.
Imagine, for a moment, that's it's 6-months from today. And you've made no progress. Wouldn't you be frustrated?! I sure would.
But here's the deal, there's a real simple method to make sure you don't end up like so many people you'll hear about. Please don't be the person who just "eats" or does whatever without a plan. If you aren't tracking your diet you are wasting your time!
Let me explain…
In order for your body to change, you must do something different. Let's suppose that you want to burn as much fat as possible. What's the first thing you should do now that you have a long-term goal in mind?
Here's a h-i-n-t!
Make a plan!
A quick plan for losing fat:
1. Determine how many calories a day you need based on your situation
2. Track your daily food intake (yes you should count calories
Bodybuilding manuals go into great detail about how to calculate your caloric intake, giving formulas and such.
Anyway, a typical conversation might go like this:
"Excuse me? My wife made spaghetti bolognaise yesterday, I can't be asked to weigh my meals in order to count the calories, can I? (What would she think about me (not to mention what I would think about myself ;-) ?)
I tried to go to and calculate the calories, but it totally eluded me how many grams they were and looking for pasta and meat in different categories is a hassle anyway, so the site was no use for me with that.
Good heavens, there must be a way to go without the calorie counting, mustn't it?"
Despite what you may have heard…
Tracking your diet (counting calories) is important and I'll tell you why and how you can get around the whole calorie counting ordeal.
You see, in order to lose fat or gain muscle you need to know what you are eating in order to do such.
Let's say you need 3000 calories a day to maintain your current weight at your current activity levels.
Now you decide you want to lose fat.
Training more and more, more cardio, longer sessions will just tire you out. You can bump up the cardio and do certain fat loss tips and techniques but overall keep in mind:
Where do I burn the fat:
80% of fat loss comes from diet and 20% from cardio.
As you can see, the area you want to manipulate is the diet.
Back to the example.
You decide to lose the fat. You know you need 3000 a day to maintain. You do some calorie calculations and find that you want to be aggressive and cut your calories by 20%. It's aggressive but it's just enough to get fast results without making your body go into a 'starvation mode' and hold onto everything it's got.
Except you don't want to count calories.
That's sort of like saying...
I want to start in New York and get to California but I don't want a map or directions. I just want to drive West.
It just won't work. You might zig zag here and there. Maybe one week you'll eat less and lose a pound. The next on vacation you'll overdo it and gain 5 pounds. Who knows. You won't.
But do you have to count each calorie? And especially when you look at homemade items that have some many ingredients? What do you do?
While this isn't the most accurate method, I just basically get a good estimate by looking up the general food item, quantity I consumed and input that.
Over time, because I eat a lot of the same things for breakfast, I already know the calories and I don't need to track it anymore. I know via portions that a bowl of oats is such and such calories and how it adds into my total daily allowance.
I personally do not weight each piece of food. I will go to lunch, look at what I'm eating and know generally what portions of what I ate.
At the end of the day, I know roughly that I'm 20% below my maintenance for fat loss and 20% above for weight gain.
The problem that most people have is exactly what you describe.
They DO NOT want to track what they eat.
The bottom line is, if you don't know where you are, and where you are going, you really don't know how you'll get there and it's no wonder so many people are frustrated.
Look, you don't have to track every single piece of food you put into your mouth. And I know that when there's a home cooked meal, you aren't likely to know what's in it. But you can and should generally get an idea.
Eventually you can track your portions if you tend to eat a lot of the same things every day.
If you don't track your diet, you are wasting your time.

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Nutrition Is Not Common Sense

Nutrition Is Not Common Sense
 by: Marc David
I'd like to explain an important concept that most online trainers (even the "gurus") don't "get"...
Have you ever heard that 'nutrition is common sense?'
Have you ever thought about why the United States has an epidemic of overweight individuals and kids that are out of shape? Or that most people talk about how in their younger days they were able to do this and that. Yet these people are only 30 years old?
Most people think nutrition is common sense. But these people are completely wrong.
You see, common sense isn't specialized knowledge, but just native good judgment. Many times common sense is when it comes to many things in life are learned behaviors from parents, teachers, mentors or coaches. We get at lot of this common knowledge thru what we see as well. Driving on the right of left side of the road is common sense in your country. You get this from what you see.
The REAL four biggest problems when it comes to nutrition and common sense is that:
1- You learn what to eat from T.V. How crazy is that? I don't think I've seen a good commercial about just eating right. It's always about diets, points, fad diets, crazy workout stuff or fast food. Many kids get plenty of T.V. They don't understand why sugar cereal isn't part of a complete breakfast.
2- You learn what you see at home. If you were a witness to a lot of healthy eating habits (fruits, vegetables, moderate portions) then you probably got a lot of your good eating habits from your parents or guardians.
3- You learn to finish everything that's put in front of you. Does it matter if your hunger was satisfied half-way thru the meal? Or have you been told it was rude not to eat everything. You start to learn that finishing what's in front of you is more important then if you are hungry or not.
4- You learn nutrition at school. Some schools have good programs. Many do not. The only exposure most school children receive is the food pyramid. And then it's off to lunch period where they are served fish sticks and a variety of other unhealthy items. Only a few schools have a very healthy lunch option. It's pretty rare. You learn more about ancient Egyptians then you do about how to put together a healthy meal and what the heck is a complex carb.
This is an important concept -- so let me break it down and explain it in detail.
Most things we learn are common sense. It's common sense not to touch a hot stove. Why? Somebody told you or you tried it and your body responded by telling the pain receptors in your hand that it didn't like that.
You learned the stove was hot and not fun to touch. Common sense. It didn't require any specialized knowledge.
Then it hit me...
Neither should nutrition. It doesn't require any specialized knowledge to eat correctly. But yet it's not common sense.
The reason most people get it wrong is because they were never taught!
They received a lot of information from T.V. which was promoting diets and fast food and sugar cereals.
Their parents didn't learn either so they passed that onto their children.
There's a pressure to finish everything that is put in front of you (don't be wasteful) ignoring the absence of the hunger feeling.
The lack of sound nutrition in most schools. You learn how to read in school. You learn how to write. You learn how to solve math problems. You learn history and you learn different cultures.
I'll bet you can guess what happened next.
You never learn the definition of a complete meal.
You start by learning that right now...
A complete meal always includes a lean protein and a natural, complex carbohydrate. The best meal of all for muscle-building and fat-burning purposes contains three things:
1. Lean protein (chicken, fish, egg whites, etc)
2. Starchy carb (potato, rice, etc)
3. Fibrous carb (broccoli, green beans, salad, etc)
And that, is the biggest benefit of having a complete meal and understanding just how simple it is to create meals with these three steps.
So watch for your next issue of this mini-course, where I'll reveal the single most important question about how much cardio should you do.
Yours For Continued Success


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A Very Simple Program Anybody Can Follow To Gain MASS

A Very Simple Program Anybody Can Follow To Gain MASS
 by: Marc David
Until I started following a routine to eat, my gains were minimal. Once I set my eating times to a specific time during the day along with a protein boost, I could see the gains immediately. This sample program is a quick way to get your protein WAY up and generally increase your food intake. But it doesn't require the traditional sit down 6+ a day to eat 30 chicken breasts and spend all day cooking. I've got a full-time job at a corporate office. Cooking isn't an option. Nor is eating 6+ times a day involving meals with Tupperware and the likes. I need food and I need it fast.
Try this program on for size and notice the size you just might see.
Meal 1 - 7:00am
• 1 packet of a meal replacement with 16 ounces of skim milk
• 1 serving of whole grain cereal
• 1 cup of non/low-fat yogurt
• 1 piece of fruit
Meal 2 - 9:00am
• 1 serving of whey protein mixed in 10 ounces of water
• 1 large apple
Meal 3 -12:00pm
• 2 grilled chicken breasts
• 1 serving of brown rice
• 1 cup of low-fat yogurt
• 1 serving of whey protein
Meal 4 - 3:00pm
• 1 packet of a meal replacement with 16 ounces of water and 5-10 grams of L-Glutamine
• 1 large banana
• 1 workout bar of your choice (preferably some carbs and 20+ grams of protein)
Meal 5 - 6:00pm (Post-workout)
• 1 serving of whey protein combined with a 5gram serving of Creatine mixed in kool-aid. (This is an important meal and is designed for an insulin spike at just the right time to increase creatine and amino acid uptake by the muscle cells).
Meal 6 -7:00pm
• 8 to 10 ounces of a lean round or flank steak
• 1 serving of rice
• 1 medium baked potato
• 1 large green salad
Meal 7 - 10:00pm
• 1 packet of a meal replacement with 16 ounces of skim milk
• 1 large banana
• 3 to 5 grams of L-Glutamine
And that's about it. Simple? You will be significantly increasing the protein uptake. Which means you should be increasing that water consumption as well. I'm not a fan of waking up at 1:00am to get more protein and therefore, I did not include anything beyond 10:00pm. I've noticed some significant gains from this program. My workouts were hardcore but my nutrition was lacking. By putting my eating times to a set schedule, I felt better during the day and was even more ready to tackle that workout later in the day.
Good luck

Glucotrol XL

Premarin Premarin
Our price: $1.2
Premarin (Conjugated Estrogens) is used for treating the symptoms of menopause.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

If You Don't Track Your Diet. You Are Wasting Your Time

If You Don't Track Your Diet… You Are Wasting Your Time
 by: Marc David
Frankly, I'm puzzled whenever I hear this from somebody who's frustrated with their lack of gains:
Me: So what are you eating? How many calories per day and how many do you need?
Them: I don't know. I just eat.
Yes, it's true. People don't track their diets, don't calculate their calories and just guess at what they need. They have no idea where they are going, very little facts on how to get there and yet are frustrated and mad when 6 weeks later they don't see the results.
Imagine, for a moment, that's it's 6-months from today. And you've made no progress. Wouldn't you be frustrated?! I sure would.
But here's the deal, there's a real simple method to make sure you don't end up like so many people you'll hear about. Please don't be the person who just "eats" or does whatever without a plan. If you aren't tracking your diet you are wasting your time!
Let me explain…
In order for your body to change, you must do something different. Let's suppose that you want to burn as much fat as possible. What's the first thing you should do now that you have a long-term goal in mind?
Here's a h-i-n-t!
Make a plan!
A quick plan for losing fat:
1. Determine how many calories a day you need based on your situation
2. Track your daily food intake (yes you should count calories
Bodybuilding manuals go into great detail about how to calculate your caloric intake, giving formulas and such.
Anyway, a typical conversation might go like this:
"Excuse me? My wife made spaghetti bolognaise yesterday, I can't be asked to weigh my meals in order to count the calories, can I? (What would she think about me (not to mention what I would think about myself ;-) ?)
I tried to go to and calculate the calories, but it totally eluded me how many grams they were and looking for pasta and meat in different categories is a hassle anyway, so the site was no use for me with that.
Good heavens, there must be a way to go without the calorie counting, mustn't it?"
Despite what you may have heard…
Tracking your diet (counting calories) is important and I'll tell you why and how you can get around the whole calorie counting ordeal.
You see, in order to lose fat or gain muscle you need to know what you are eating in order to do such.
Let's say you need 3000 calories a day to maintain your current weight at your current activity levels.
Now you decide you want to lose fat.
Training more and more, more cardio, longer sessions will just tire you out. You can bump up the cardio and do certain fat loss tips and techniques but overall keep in mind:
Where do I burn the fat:
80% of fat loss comes from diet and 20% from cardio.
As you can see, the area you want to manipulate is the diet.
Back to the example.
You decide to lose the fat. You know you need 3000 a day to maintain. You do some calorie calculations and find that you want to be aggressive and cut your calories by 20%. It's aggressive but it's just enough to get fast results without making your body go into a 'starvation mode' and hold onto everything it's got.
Except you don't want to count calories.
That's sort of like saying...
I want to start in New York and get to California but I don't want a map or directions. I just want to drive West.
It just won't work. You might zig zag here and there. Maybe one week you'll eat less and lose a pound. The next on vacation you'll overdo it and gain 5 pounds. Who knows. You won't.
But do you have to count each calorie? And especially when you look at homemade items that have some many ingredients? What do you do?
While this isn't the most accurate method, I just basically get a good estimate by looking up the general food item, quantity I consumed and input that.
Over time, because I eat a lot of the same things for breakfast, I already know the calories and I don't need to track it anymore. I know via portions that a bowl of oats is such and such calories and how it adds into my total daily allowance.
I personally do not weight each piece of food. I will go to lunch, look at what I'm eating and know generally what portions of what I ate.
At the end of the day, I know roughly that I'm 20% below my maintenance for fat loss and 20% above for weight gain.
The problem that most people have is exactly what you describe.
They DO NOT want to track what they eat.
The bottom line is, if you don't know where you are, and where you are going, you really don't know how you'll get there and it's no wonder so many people are frustrated.
Look, you don't have to track every single piece of food you put into your mouth. And I know that when there's a home cooked meal, you aren't likely to know what's in it. But you can and should generally get an idea.
Eventually you can track your portions if you tend to eat a lot of the same things every day.
If you don't track your diet, you are wasting your time.


Isoptin Isoptin
Our price: $0.6
Isoptin (Verapamil) is used for treating high blood pressure.

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Bodybuilding on a Budget - It Doesn't Have to Put Your Wallet in a Wheelchair

Bodybuilding on a Budget - It Doesn't Have to Put Your Wallet in a Wheelchair
 by: Marc David
Believe me…
I've had my fair share of large bills especially when I'm trying to bulk up and gain weight.
Am I right about this so far?
Don't' worry… there are some really overlooked and rather inexpensive methods to get all the food you need without breaking the bank. But I have an even better idea… let me just start off with a quick list of foods that you can find at most grocery stories and warehouse locations that are cheap and are excellent sources of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Low Cost Bodybuilding Foods (no particular order): Tuna Nuts Olive Oil Whey Protein Concentrate, in bulk Pasta Chicken legs Beans
Of course you'll want to get servings of fruits and veggies but normally it's the other foods that are expensive in bulk. With just the above foods, you can get many of them in bulk or for discounts and have plenty of wholesome foods for your bulking, cutting and bodybuilding endeavors.
By now, you're probably wondering…
Okay, that's a nice list of general foods I can use but I am taking some supplements. And they aren't so cheap. I'd like to try everything I see in the latest muscle magazines but I really only have time for what works. Where's the cheap list of supplements?
Inexpensive (best bang for your buck) supplements: Multi-vitamin Fish oil Whey concentrate Dextrose Creatine Monohydrate
Fact is…
I try a lot of supplements myself. I'm curious. I want to know what works and sometimes I stumble across something that is worth it. But the above list is the basic supplement list that I always return to no matter what. It's part of the vitamin closet in the kitchen. If I have no time, no money or no desire to try anything new, I know that above is the only stash I need to make any gains I'll need.
So let me summarize and review…
Bodybuilding on budget is real. If you look for specific foods that are great sources of protein, carbs and healthy fats and mix and match, you have a really well rounded selection to make many meals. No matter if you are on a bulk phase, cutting phase or just want to eat healthy, it doesn't have to be the most expensive things you've ever done.

Women's Health

Prozac Prozac
Our price: $0.58
Prozac (Fluoxetine) is in a new class of antidepressant medications that affects chemical messengers within the brain.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are You Tired Of Looking For The Acne Cure ?

Are You Tired Of Looking For The Acne Cure ?
 by: MD Stracener
When it comes to zits and finding the acne cure it can be quite a difficult task. Everyone claims their product to be the one but are they. The acne cure is the product that works for you and what works for you might not work for someone else.
So how do you determine the acne cure that's right for you? Well I wish I could tell you it's very simple just buy product A or product B but the truth is you are going to have to experiment try different products until you find the one that works for you.
I could fill you full of bull and tell you Neutrogena is the one or Proactive is the one. For some that would be true, for others however it would not.
When trying a new product try to buy the smallest quantity available. Many acne products offer a trial size which is perfect! If no trial size is available then you'll have to buy the next smallest size you can find.
Remember price has no bearing on what works. For some the cheapest acne products do the job for others it's the most expensive. Trial and error is the only way you'll find out.
There are some general things you can do that help almost all sufferers to some degree.
Increase the amount of water you drink daily. It should be at least 10 8 ounce glasses. Water helps flush your system and that includes your skin which then can better move impurities and toxins out of the body.
Increase the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables you eat.
Exercise. Exercise helps boost the immune system which can then better fight our acne outbreaks.
Take a zinc supplement. Zinc has shown great results for many acne sufferers. If you want more information on zinc visit us at the acne cure center or do a quick search and you'll find other sites providing valuable information.
Reduce stress. Stress can trigger an outbreak so try to keep your stress under control. I know this can be easier said than done but there are many relaxation techniques available. Give one a try.
Contrary to the old wives tails floating around. Acne is not caused by sugar or greasy foods. Although they don't directly cause acne, they are overall not healthy for the body and can reduce the bodies ability to build a strong immune system so you should consume in moderation. But cutting them out of your diet won't make your acne magically disappear.
Many acne outbreaks are a result of hormonal imbalances. That's why acne is so prone in teens. There are hormonal treatments available that you can talk to your doctor about.
There are also many other treatments available from your doctor or dermatologist. This is certainly a route worth exploring if you suffer from severe acne.
But for the occasional outbreak you can find the acne cure that works for you over the counter. So why not start now?


Desyrel Desyrel
Our price: $1.72
Desyrel (Trazodone) is primarily used for the treatment of depression.

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All Natural Acne Treatments

All Natural Acne Treatments
 by: MD Stacener
At some point in your life you will probably suffer from acne. Almost everyone does. There has been a great deal of news about acne treatments recently with many claiming a combination of an acne prevention diet and some of the all natural acne treatments to be the answer. So you might want to try that route.
Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland. This is the gland in the skin that secretes an oily substance to the face, neck, and back mostly. If the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with this oily substance you get a zit or a pimple. And sometimes you get a lot of them.
There are many different forms of acne but acne vulgaris is the most common form in adolescents and young adults. The treatments are basically the same no matter what type of acne you have.
The actual cause of acne is still not really understood. Some believe it lies in genetics. Others believe it is a combination of factors such as androgens, allergies, stress, or the use of certain mediations. Natural practitioners tend to believe it is a result of nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the body that can cause the liver to dysfunction.
The skin is the largest organ in our body and it eliminates toxic body waste through the pores when we sweat. If the body has more toxins than the liver or kidneys can discharge the skin takes over. Many doctors actually refer to the skin as the third kidney. When toxins discharge through the skin they can cause a disruption in the healthy skin and wella you have pimples.
Here are some simple tips to try to help reduce and eliminate your acne. Remember it can take up to 4 weeks to see a difference.
1. Always drink plenty - 8 glasses minimum and more is better. Water helps the body flush it self better and more efficiently.
2. Apply white vinegar to the face, neck, and back. Let is sit for 5 minutes then rinse off with warm water.
3. Use lemon as an exfoliate treatment to remove dead skin cells that clog the pours. Apply the lemon to the infected areas. Let dry for 10 minutes then rinse off with cool water. You might feel a bit of a burning sensation when you apply it. If you can't take it then dilute the lemon a little bit.
4. Eat a well balanced diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods such as greasy or fast foods whenever possible.
5. Take a good quality muli vitamin daily. As well add zinc supplements to your daily intake. Zinc has shown remarkable results in clearing acne.
6. Use Grape seed extract or Echinacea to help boost your immune system to better fight acne causing bacteria.
7. Use Dandelion or Burdock to detoxify your liver and kidneys.
8. Try a homeopathic remedy or an Ayurvedic treatment. Natural medicine is known to have tome remarkable results. That's because they think outside the box. Rather than treating the symptom which in this case is the zit, they treat the whole you and look for the underlying cause.
Acne can be annoying at best and devastating at worst. There is no reason to have to live with acne these days, no matter how bad it is. There are many treatment options available and if over the counter isn't working then seek the assistance of your doctor or dermatologist. Don't suffer any longer!


Cardura Cardura
Our price: $0.53
Cardura (Doxazosin) is used for the control of elevated blood pressure (hypertension).

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How a 25 year old Asian Man Stumbled Upon a Sweet and Delicious Cure For Acne That Works Fast And Permanently!

How a 25 year old Asian Man Stumbled Upon a Sweet and Delicious Cure For Acne That Works Fast And Permanently!
 by: Kenny Goh Jern Yue
When dealing with acne, we somehow have the gut feeling that our diets do affect us. Well, you're absolutely correct! It's a proven fact because the toxic substances contained in certain food will cause your liver and kidney to overwork. Thus the skin, being a natural waste disposal organ will take over some of the tasks, and end up contaminated with the toxin which you chowed down so heartily at the diner's just hours ago.
I recently discovered a natural cure for acne when I was holding a potluck in my house a little while ago. As everyone needed to contribute some food or beverage in a potluck, I opted to provide the drinks and some other light snacks. Little did I know that the drink I concocted will give me a surprise when I woke up the next day and looked into the mirror. Needless to say I was an instant believer in my own accidental discovery! Here are the secret ingredients:
First ingredient: Apple – Make the apple juice and add some of the pulp into the juice for some texture. Grind the seed to fine powdery texture and mix a bit of the apple seed into the juice, not too much, but just a little. It may create a powdery texture but it's beneficial as it can effectively clean your colon. Apple contains lots of pectin, which is helpful in maintaining a good digestive system. Pectin also acts as an antioxidant which protects certain skin related diseases like acne. A dirty colon will keep toxic substances locked in your body, which will eventually flare up on our skin. So a clean colon is essential in keeping our skin healthy and clear.
Second ingredient: Pineapple - The enzymes found in the pineapple will fight free-radical damage and also cleanse the skin by dissolving blackheads and dead cells from the skin's surface. Thus also unclogs the skin and prevents buildup of acne and pimples. Generally, pineapples heal the skin.
Third Ingredient: Cucumber – Cucumbers are hydrating, nourishing and they possess astringent properties. Cucumbers have the same pH level as the skin, thus they aid to restore the skin's protective and natural acid mantle. Constant ingestion will cool our body system and serve to sooth and smooth our skin. Having a cool body system will reduce the risks of getting acne and other pimples related breakouts.
By mixing the juices of these three natural fruits and vegetables together in equal portions, one will have a natural and healthy cleanser which will maintain body balance and clear up our acne with consistent intake.
Our skin is the barometer of our health and therefore, good skin is a sign of a good health, particularly our digestive system. Acne patients often have poor digestive systems and may get constipation from time to time. With daily consumption of this concoction for at least three weeks, anyone and I mean ANYONE will be able to see the beneficial effect promised in this article! GUARANTEED! No, I don't sell fruits.


Atrovent Atrovent
Our price: $34.5
Atrovent (Ipratropium) treats lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

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