Sunday, January 6, 2008

Quick Weight Loss Secrets

Quick Weight Loss Secrets
 by: Lance Walker

The Secrets have been in our family recipes, some even date back as far as 3000 BC. For years our Ancient ancestors have been using natural herbs and spices to heal and cure, even to take the weight off. For example: The Ancient Mayans used cayenne pepper which has been studied to increase the rate of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Some Additional research also indicates that cayenne increases production of epinephrine and nor epinephrine which together decrease appetite. The Chinese have used ginger root for years for all sorts of things like cleansing the colon, reduce spasms and cramps, stimulate water retention, earache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, stimulate circulation, and of course to aid the metabolism. HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), a natural appetite suppressant found in the rind of a small tropical fruit, Garcinia cambogia has been used as a condiment in Thai and Indian cuisine for years. Bromelain which is found in pineapple is very useful in helping with the digestion of fat producing enzymes that help curve the appetite that has been used by the Hawaiians and Tahitians for many generations for medicine purposes. The powerful health and healing qualities of natural Apple Cider Vinegar have been known and used since 3,000 B.C... Cider vinegar is a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent. It breaks down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits within the body. The List goes on.
Now just imagine what kind of results one could have if you combined all this past history into one capsule. Our ancestors have been using simple natural methods to cure all forms of ailments for years. To think how much time and money has been put into this industry to find the quickest easiest way to lose the fat, and all we had to do was unlock the secrets of the past.

About The Author

Lance Walker

I am not a Doctor or a Scientist or a Nutritionist or any thing close to all of these things. What I am is someone who loves his body and everything that goes in it. I believe that there is a cure for everything and it is just lying around. So let's grab it and use it.

For more info on what I am talking about go to

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

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Ophthacare Ophthacare
Our price: $16.5
Ophthacare eye drops are effective in the management of infective and inflammatory eye disorders.

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The Natural Remedy For Acne

The Natural Remedy For Acne
 by: Kevin Sheldon

Acne can be one of the most distressing of afflictions, given that it tends to strike during the teens (although it can, of course, occur at any time of life too). As a highly visible problem, acne can cause acute embarrassment at the very time when a person is struggling to become comfortable with themselves. The symptoms are varied, and do not just consist of the familiar scarring and skin pitting. Other symptoms can include blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, inflamed and infected nodules, sacs, and cysts.
Caused by over-activity of the sebaceous glands, acne tends to show where these (oil) glands are most numerous (i.e the face, neck, chest, and back). Scarring and permanently expanded pores can result, and this is the symptom most familiar to acne sufferers.
Why does acne occur? Well, every hair follicle produces oil to lubricate the skin and hair. Over-production of this oil can lead to clogging, in which bacteria can multiply. This usually leads to inflammation, and if this sebum, plugs the pores it can lead to blackheads. Whiteheads form when sebum collects below the skin surface. The most likely time for these outbursts are between the ages of 12 and 24, when the teen hormones are running wild, and androgen production goes into overdrive. There is some evidence that overindulgence in junk foods, the taking of oral contraceptives, certain allergies and stress can also cause acne.
So how can you deal naturally with acne? First of all, cleanliness is vital, and you must always keep your skin washed and clean. Do not be tempted to apply any oils or moisturizers to the affected areas. Instead, use freshly-squeezed lemon juice 3 times a day as a natural antiseptic face wash. Grease from your hair can also exacerbate the problem, so shampoo your hair regularly. Diet also plays a role in acne, so stay off the junk (saturated fats in fried food, go carefully with dairy products, carbonated drinks, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco). Instead, eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Sleeping soundly will also help, as will regular exercise. regularly, and get adequate sleep at night.
Diet in more detail - raw vegetables can be a life saver for the acne sufferer. Together with non-citrus fruits, raw vegetable juice, cooked vegetables, salads, whole grains, and a few low-fat seeds and nuts, you can construct a diet that can make it very hard for the sebaceous glands to overproduce. Stay right away from peanut butter, cheese, milk, and cream. Some sufferers have reported good results by trying 'vegetable juice' fasts of 1 to 3 days, although you should consult a doctor before considering any kind of fasting.
The second part of the natural remedy for acne is dietary supplements that have been shown to have a beneficial effect. You must ensure you get enough vitamin B6, zinc, and essential fatty acids. A general multivitamin once per day will probably be sufficient to make sure you are getting enough.
Finally, there are certain herbs which have been shown to be beneficial as a natural remedy for acne. Applied to the skin, dandelion root, echinacea, alfalfa, chaparral, and red clover are most beneficial, and are available from most health stores. Most importantly, stay positive! The problem CAN be beaten if you take care of yourself!

About The Author

Kevin writes on natural remedies for natural remedy site a site all about health and the use of natural remedy.

This article was posted on April 19, 2005


Procardia Procardia
Our price: $0.25
Procardia (Nifedipine) is a calcium channel blocker. Calcium is involved in blood vessel contraction. By blocking calcium, nifedipine relaxes and widens the blood vessels.

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A Proven Way That Women Can Quit Drinking Without AA

A Proven Way That Women Can Quit Drinking Without AA
 by: Jeannie Long

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism. For many women, however, AA may not be the best choice when it comes to the difficult task of quitting drinking. The main reason it may not be the best choice is this:
AA is based on the philosophy that self-centeredness is the root of alcoholism. In other words, AA's approach is to instill humility and minimize egotism in its members.
While this method may have been appropriate for white males in the 1940's when AA was founded, it does not meet the very different needs of women. Here's why. Women who have a problem with alcohol oftentimes suffer from feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. Women already judge and berate themselves mercilessly. What women need to recover is to develop a sense of competency in themselves and rebuild their feelings of self-worth. Quitting drinking requires overcoming dependencies, forgetting the past and planning for the future.
I agree that it is necessary for a woman to have humility in order to accept that she has a drinking problem. But taking humility beyond this first step is actually counter productive for the woman alcoholic.
Jean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., founder of the Women for Sobriety Program (WFS), writes that "to accept humility is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to a woman alcoholic." From long experience Jean understood that for women to overcome feelings of helplessness and powerlessness they must have a program that helps them to rebuild their self-image.
The main component of AA's program is spirituality. Specifically, they believe that in order to recover, one must surrender one's will to a higher power.
WFS, on the other hand, does not encourage reliance on a higher power or something outside yourself. Women for Sobriety believes that your power must come from within.
This new, empowering method for women to quit drinking produces concrete results. An interesting study was published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse by L. A. Kaskutas in 1996.
What the study found was that after women became really aware that they had to do something about their drinking, the percentage of women who were sober within 1 year after attending Women for Sobriety meetings was 38%. In contrast, the percentage of women who were sober within 1 year after attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings was 26%.
One of the reasons why AA meetings are so prevalent is the fact that one aspect of their spiritual philosophy is a strong emphasis on service. Specifically, AA members are encouraged to attend meetings for life, and be part of a sponsorship program where experienced members assist beginners.
In contrast, because WFS encourages self-sufficiency, it does not promote lifelong attendance at meetings. Also, although WFS does not have a formal sponsorship program, it encourages an informal support structure among the women. A result of this WFS philosophy of leading women away from dependencies is that meetings are not as widely found with the Women for Sobriety Program as they are with AA.
The Women for Sobriety web site does, however, provide support in the form of on-line meetings, chat, and a bulletin board. They also have a large collection of popular books on recovery as well as their own literature for sale. This contrasts with AA meetings where only AA approved literature is allowed.
I like that WFS permits a wide range of meeting topics. And one of the best aspects of the WFS meeting format is that conversation is encouraged whereas AA has a strict "no cross-talk" rule during meetings.
Another difference between WFS and AA is that one-third of WFS members also attend AA meetings because they need more frequent meetings to stay sober and they like the fellowship and support. Women for Sobriety is open to this approach and, in fact, states that their Program "can be used with or without AA."
AA, however, tends to discourage attendance at alternative programs. This can be seen through some of the wording in the introductory portion of the meeting where it is stated, "rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path," and, later: "many of us thought we could find an easier, softer way. But we could not."
Power comes from looking forward not back. It is very important for women to have a positive, proactive force supporting them when it comes to quitting drinking. This is different than the AA approach of focusing on negative memories of the past to prevent drinking in the future.
A classic example of this is I have had many women come to my Women for Sobriety group and tell me that after hearing a person's drinking story at an AA speaker meeting, they felt so badly when leaving the meeting that they just wanted to go out and drink. In contrast, many women share with me that they feel positive and hopeful for the future when they get out of our WFS meeting.
If you are curious about learning more about the Women for Sobriety Program, click on the link I've provided below. There you will find some resources that I have put together for you. Some of these resources include: Statistics on reasons why women like or dislike WFS and AA Specific details about the entire Women for Sobriety Program A revealing book describing the AA Program from a woman's perspective Why the Women for Sobriety Program may not be for you
AA has been responsible for helping women get and remain sober for many years and I applaud their efforts. However, I spent 3 years in and out of AA at the beginning of my sobriety and I was never able to get my heart into the program.
During that 3 years I purchased and read all the WFS literature and finally engaged the help of a private therapist. When I finally got empowered enough to start a WFS meeting in my area, my ability to stay sober became permanent.
I have been sober for 8 years now. I attribute my continuous sobriety to several things that the WFS Program revealed to me: The importance of getting to know myself and the reasons why I drank How to develop a lasting positive self-image The power was within me to pursue my true interests That long-term sobriety is possible with the support of like-minded women in my WFS group
Jeannie Long

About The Author

Jeannie Long now enjoys 8 years of continuous sobriety. She leads a weekly support group for women using the Women for Sobriety Program.

She helps women achieve better physical and mental health through her health related web sites and newsletters.

To read about the subjects covered in Jeannie's Commit to Recovery newsletter, click on the following link:

This article was posted on April 19, 2005


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Our price: $0.8
Lisinopril is used to treat elevated blood pressure and heart failure.

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New Treatments That Offer Increased Hope For Osteoporosis Patients

New Treatments That Offer Increased Hope For Osteoporosis Patients
 by: Janet Vasquez

For a time, hormone replacement therapy (the administration of estrogen either alone or in combination with other hormones) served as the preferred treatment for post-menopausal women hoping to reduce the progression of osteoporosis, a debilitating and inevitable bone-thinning disorder. Yet the latest findings from the prematurely halted Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study on hormone replacement therapy alarmed many women. The study concluded that an estrogen and progestin combination used by thousands increased the risk of breast cancer, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes when taken over a long period of time.
Osteoporosis is drastically accelerated during menopause and is the third leading cause of death of women over 70. By age 55, the average woman has already lost 30% of her bone mass. Eventually, bone loss can progress to the point where bones become so thin that they are susceptible to fracture from even the slightest trauma. According the National Osteoporosis Foundation, one out of every two women over the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in her lifetime. Caucasian and Asian women are more likely to develop osteoporosis. However, African American and Hispanic women are at significant risk for developing the disease. Additionally, small-boned and thin women (under 127 pounds) are at greater risk for osteoporosis.
Many women are now searching for a safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the effects of osteoporosis. Current treatments on the market such as bisphosphonates and SERMs (estrogen-related therapies) have safety issues and focus primarily on slowing bone loss. Another existing treatment option is calcitonin, a naturally occurring hormone involved in calcium regulation and bone metabolism. In women who are more than 5 years beyond menopause calcitonin slows bone loss, increases spinal bone density and, according to recent studies, reduces the risk of spinal fractures. In recent trials, calcitonin demonstrated a 62% reduction in the incidence of new vertebral fractures for a subgroup of women over 75, one of the most significant reductions demonstrated by any current osteoporosis therapy. In addition, calcitonin is the only osteoporosis therapy that can reduce the significant bone pain often associated with osteoporosis. Because calcitonin is a peptide, it cannot be taken orally because it would be digested before it could exert its therapeutic effect. Currently calcitonin is available as an injection or nasal spray. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") is currently reviewing FORTICAL‚, a unique nasal calcitonin product developed by Unigene Laboratories, and Unigene is also developing an oral form of the product.
A new therapeutic option is parathyroid hormone (PTH), which can rebuild bone mass that has been lost due to osteoporosis. PTH has proven to increase the volume and strength of honeycomb-shaped bone mass located within the bone. This inner mesh contains blood vessels and bone marrow and begins to diminish after menopause. PTH helps reduce the incidence of fractures by restoring some of the lost bone architecture. Currently, PTH therapy is available only via daily injections. Unigene Laboratories and GlaxoSmithKline are jointly developing a PTH treatment that can be administered orally.
"Calcitonin has a proven, 25-year record of safe human use with virtually no side effects, and can be taken simultaneously with other medications," said Dr. Warren Levy, president and CEO of Unigene. "After the WHI study, safety has become an even more important consideration because once a therapy is initiated, it should ideally be taken for life."
For more information on osteoporosis and treatment options, please log on to

About The Author

Janet Vasquez is a freelance health writer and also a publicist with a New York firm in New York.

This article was posted on April 19, 2005


Zyloprim Zyloprim
Our price: $1.26
Zyloprim (Allopurinol) is used to lower blood uric acid levels.

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Lexapro Lexapro
Our price: $0.5
Lexapro (Escitalopram) is used for treating depression and anxiety.

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Remember This: Tips to Help Improve Your Memory

Remember This: Tips to Help Improve Your Memory
 by: Janet Vasquez

To understand how memory might be improved, it is a smart idea to learn about how memory works and fails. A small structure in the brain called the hippocampus is the nerve center for memory formation. That's where the crucial switching from short-term to long-term memory takes place through a process called "consolidation." Most memory diseases involve the steady deterioration of consolidation, so it may be easier to call on ancient memories and not be able to store any new ones. Can anything be done to enhance your ability to store memories? Five tips that generally improve memory are:
Deal with stress. Continuous stress produces chemical by-products which inhibit memory.
Get enough sleep. Dream or REM sleep gives your brain the opportunity to process new information and consolidate learning.
Eat for memory. Certain foods are thought to improve memory performance. They include fish such as salmon and tuna, eggs, beef, chicken and bananas.
Exercise. Exercise can help your whole body work more efficiently. A short exercise break every 30 to 50 minutes can help push oxygen around your body and to your brain.
Drink lots of water or non-caffeinated drinks. Even a small degree of dehydration can reduce alertness. Some day you may use that glass of water to take a pill designed to protect your memory.
Research into drugs being used to treat memory difficulties found that by amplifying specific recep-tors in the brain, it may be possible to give memory a boost. For example, in developing treatments for Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and depression, Cortex Pharmaceuticals (AMEX:COR) has pioneered and is developing a new class of pharmaceuticals called AMPAKINE® compounds. These molecules amplify signals in the brain, like a hearing aid does for the hearing impaired, making it easier to encode new information. While the goal of these drugs is to treat Alzheimer's, depression and a variety of memory and cognition problems associated with neurological and psychiatric disorders—not to enhance normal memory performance— a lack of side effects found in experiments on mice indicates the drugs could be used that way in the future. Early Phase 1 clinical trials in elderly subjects suggest AMPAKINE may have memory-enhancing characteristics which could benefit patients with mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to Alzheimer's disease. The compounds may provide acute symptomatic relief for MCI and cognition. For more information, visit

About The Author

Janet Vasquez is a freelance health writer and also a publicist with a New York firm in New York.

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

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Wellbutrin SR Wellbutrin SR
Our price: $2.81
Wellbutrin SR (Bupropion) is a pharmaceutical prescription antidepressant and antismoking drug.

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Increase Your Production Of Nitric Oxide

Increase Your Production Of Nitric Oxide
 by: Seth Hoffman

The Science Behind Nitric Oxide (NO)
Putting your time in at the gym will certainly help you achieve your goals for a more fit looking body. But new research suggests that exercise may also help increase the production of nitric oxide.
What Is Nitric Oxide (NO)?
Nitric oxide (NO) is produced by healthy endothelial cells. The discovery of its function is possibly one of the most important in the history of cardiovascular medicine. In 1998 three Americans (Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Louis J. Ignarro, PhD, and Ferid Murad, MD, PhD) were awarded the Nobel Prize for their independent discoveries concerning "nitric oxide" as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Nitric oxide (NO) is essentially a signaling molecule that helps control a range of processes in the body, including nerve signaling, immune functions, muscle growth and the dilation of blood vessels.
Nitric Oxide (NO) And Increased Positive Blood Flow
Since the discovery that Nitric oxide (NO) is able to induce vasodilation a large number of other roles have been described for Nitric oxide (NO). It is also known to play a role in the immune system, the nervous system, in inflammation and in programmed cell death (apoptosis). Nitric oxide (NO) has also been implicated in smooth muscle relaxation, pregnancy and blood vessel formation (angiogenesis).
Viagra and Nitroxagen Increase Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels
Scientists have also taken this Nitric oxide (NO) research and run with it for commercial applications. Probably the best known is Viagra. The drug increases the levels of Nitric oxide (NO) and promotes smooth muscle relaxation. This, in turn, allows for extra blood flow to the penis, leading to erection. For fitness minded individuals, Nitroxagen is probably the most effective (NO) related product. Nitroxagen is an apple-flavored Nitric Oxide (NO) powder that has the ability to create a natural "muscle pump" that remains in a post-exercise state. Like Viagra, Nitroxagen is also being used to treat sexual dysfunction in men who have difficulty in maintaining an erection.
Researchers are continuing to study the possible uses of nitric oxide and its link to heart disease prevention and other assorted medicinal uses. In the meantime, scientists recommend that you maximize Nitric oxide (NO) production in your body by following a low fat diet, getting some exercise, consuming antioxidants like vitamins A and C, which prevent the breakdown (oxidation) of nitric oxide in the body.

About The Author

Seth Hoffman is an advocate for natural homeopathic therapies in the US and abroad. Since 2001 he has also has been involved with the clinical studies and applied sciences of Nitric oxide (NO) towards good health.

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

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Hytrin Hytrin
Our price: $1
Hytrin (Terazosin) is used to treat the symptoms of urinary obstruction as a result of an enlarged prostate.

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Why Our Healthcare System Isn't Healthy

Why Our Healthcare System Isn't Healthy
 by: Deborah Bromley

Most people are well aware that an estimated 45 million Americans currently do not have healthcare, but is the crisis simply the lack of health insurance or even the cost of health insurance? Is there a bigger underlying problem at the root of our healthcare system? Although the U.S. claims to have the most advanced medicine in the world, government health statistics and peer-reviewed journals demonstrate that allopathic medicine often causes more harm than good.
People in general have always felt they could trust doctors and the medical profession, but according to the Journal of the American Medical Association in July 2000, iatrogenic death, also known as death from physician error or death from medical treatment, was the third leading cause of death in America and rising, responsible for at least 250,000 deaths per year. Those statistics are considered conservative by many, as the reported numbers only include in-hospital deaths, not injury or disability, and do not include external iatrogenic deaths such as those resulting from nursing home and other private facility treatments, and adverse effects of prescriptions. One recent study estimated the total unnecessary deaths from iatrogenic causes at approximately 800,000 per year at a cost of $282 billion per year, which would make death from American medicine the leading cause of death in our country.
Currently, at least 2 out of 3 Americans use medications, 32 million Americans are taking three or more medications daily, and commercials and advertisements for pharmaceutical drugs have saturated the marketplace. Although our population is aging, exorbitantly expensive drugs are being marketed and dispensed to younger and younger patients, including many children who years ago would never have been given or needed medication, for everything from ADHD to asthma to bipolar disease and diabetes. Clearly, the state of health in this country is not improving even though there are an increasing number of medications and treatments. Between 2003 and 2010, the number of prescriptions are expected to increase substantially by 47%. In recent years, numerous drugs previously deemed safe by the FDA have been recalled because of their toxicity, after the original drug approvals were actually funded by the invested pharmaceutical companies themselves.
According to the media, thanks to advances in U.S. drugs and medical procedures, Americans are living longer statistically, but they are living longer sicker, with a lower quality of life, and often dependent on multiple expensive synthetic medications that do not cure or address the underlying causes, but only suppress symptoms, often with a plethora of dangerous side effects to the tune of billions of dollars for the drug industry. Considering that the U.S. is supposed to have the most advanced technology in the world and the best health care system, it is at odds that we spend the most on healthcare, yet are the most obese and most afflicted with illness outside of the AIDS epidemic in some third world countries.
Unless you have an acute emergency that requires emergency room care, being admitted to a hospital environment may be more dangerous to your health than staying out. In 2003, epidemiologists reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that hospital-acquired infections have risen steadily in recent decades, with blood and tissue infections known as sepsis almost tripling from 1979 to 2000. Nearly two million patients in the U.S. get an infection while in the hospital each year, and of those patients over 90,000 die per year, up dramatically from just 13,300 in 1992. Statistics show that approximately 56% of the population has been unnecessarily treated, or mistreated, by the medical industry.
Additionally, as a result of the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics in our bodies and environment, our immune systems have become significantly weakened, allowing antibiotic-resistant strains of disease-causing bacteria to proliferate, leaving us more susceptible to further disease. Not surprisingly, incidences of diseases have been growing at epidemic levels according to the CDC. Now diseases once thought conquered, such as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, and childhood ear infections are much harder to successfully treat than they were decades ago. Drugs do not cure. They only suppress the symptoms that your body needs to express, while they ignore the underlying root cause. Side effects of synthetic and chemical drugs, which even if they are partly derived from nature have been perverted to make them patentable and profitable, are not healthy or natural, and usually cause more harm than any perceived benefit of the medication.
Where "physician errors" are concerned, these may not be entirely the fault of the doctors, as they are forced to operate within the constraints of their profession or risk losing their license, but doctors have become pawns and spokesmen for the drug companies, and the best interest of the patient has become secondary. In the name of profit, physicians are also under great pressure from hospitals to service patients as quickly as possible, like an assembly line, increasing the likelihood of error.
In conclusion, increases in healthcare costs are not just the result of frivolous law suits, but are primarily the result of a profit-oriented industry that encourages practices that lead to unnecessary and harmful procedures being performed, lethal adverse drug reactions, infections, expensive legitimate lawsuits, in-hospital and physician errors, antibiotic resistance due to overprescribing of antibiotics and drugs, and the hundreds of thousands of subsequent unnecessary deaths and injuries. Many people do not realize that there are healthier natural options, and anything unnatural or invasive we are exposed to is likely to cause either immediate or cumulative damage over time.
For more information on how to help your body heal itself naturally without chemicals, information on drug side effects, and harmful disease-causing chemicals in the foods you eat and your environment and how to avoid them, please visit the NatureGem web site at

About The Author

Deb Bromley is a science and technology researcher and the President of NatureGem Nontoxic Living, an organization devoted to promoting awareness of toxins in our food and environment that can cause disease, and providing access to nutrition information, natural remedies, and alternative health resources. Please visit for more information.

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

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Amaryl Amaryl
Our price: $0.39
Amaryl (Glimepiride) is an anti-diabetic drug, used to control high blood sugar.

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Must Have List Of Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Must Have List Of Foods That Lower Cholesterol
 by: David Saunders

Cholesterol is present in our bodies by one of two ways; our liver produces cholesterol and we eat foods containing cholesterol. High amounts of cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol that is bad for us, can lead to many health complications and significantly increase your risk of heart diseases.
While there are many foods that are high in LDL cholesterol, there are a lot, which can actually help to lower your LDL cholesterol levels and increase your HDL cholesterol or the good cholesterol. Here's a list of foods that lower cholesterol, which is a must have for anyone who is trying to reduce their LDL levels and increase their HDL levels.
Apples: Everyone has heard of the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Well, apples are also very good for lowering your LDL cholesterol levels. 2 full apples, or 12 ounces of apple juice, if taken everyday, can reduce your risk of heart diseases by as much as 50%.
Garlic: Garlic helps to lower LDL cholesterol and thins your blood naturally. This prevents clogging up of arteries and thus lowers your risk of heart diseases.
Onions: Eating just half a raw onion everyday can increase your HDL levels by 25% and lower your LDL as well.
Beans and Legumes: These contain soluble fiber which helps to increase your HDL cholesterol and reduce your LDL cholesterol. All kinds of beans and legumes such as pinto, kidney, black-eyed, lentils, pink beans, etc are good for your heart.
Unsaturated Fats: Contrary to the misconception that all kinds of fat are bad for you, unsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids can actually be good for your heart. Monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola, peanut, and almond oil) and polyunsaturated fats (corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil etc) increase the HDL cholesterol and lower the LDL cholesterol and are thus good for your heart.
Other Cholesterol Lowering Foods: Oats, fenugreek, artichokes, turmeric, guggul, green tea, nuts, and black tea, are all known to lower LDL cholesterol in your body.
Of course, diet is no substitute for a doctor's care when you are ill. Diet and nutrition represent "the other side of the coin" and always inform your doctor whenever you make a dietary change, especially if you are on a pharmaceutical drug.

About The Author

Dave Saunders is a certified nutritional educator, wellness coach, member of the American International Association of Nutritional Education (AIANE) and author. He is also the host of a weekly, nation-wide telephone lecture on health and nutrition.

For additional information, please visit or or email Dave at

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

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Desyrel Desyrel
Our price: $1.72
Desyrel (Trazodone) is primarily used for the treatment of depression.

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Importance of your Skin's pH

Importance of your Skin's pH
 by: Danny T. Siegenthaler

Our skin's functions are too many to go through here in detail, however it protects our 'insides' from the external environment, acting both as a barrier and a filter between 'outside' and 'inside'.
The skin helps in regulating our body's temperature, like when we have a fever or we're physically working hard, we tend to sweat, which is the body's way to attempt to lower the temperature.
Our skin also protects us from harmful substances entering our body, and it eliminates many toxins. This takes workload off our Liver and Kidneys to filter out by-products from our body's metabolism. The skin also breathes!
The pores of our skin are made up of a combination of oil and sweat glands (sebaceous and sudoriferous glands) helping to keep our skin healthy and elastic. An excessive sebum secretion is often associated with oily skin and acne. This is particularly common in adolescents as the increased levels of sex hormones stimulate sebum production and secretion. When in balance, the combined excretion of oil and sweat from the skin's pores has a pH of about 5.5.
This slightly acidic layer, also referred to as the "Acid Mantle", is our body's first defence mechanism against bacteria invading it and is not a favourable environment bacterial growth to occur. This defence layer develops at puberty, which is why children are more susceptible to disease, viruses and fungal infections such are ringworm. The pH of children's skin is closer to neutral (pH 7).
At puberty, however, we start to produce more hair on our bodies. Hair follicles have an associated sebaceous gland or glands which become active as hair growth increases, causing changes in the skin's pH. The hormones that control sweat also become active and the whole surface of a teenager's skin is totally different to that of a young child. This is our body's way to increase our defence system.
The pH of normal, healthy human skin is somewhere between 4.5 and 6. However, this varies with age. Typically, newborns have a pH closer to neutral (pH 7) that quickly turns acidic in order to protect young children's skin.
In the late teens to early 20's, our Acid Mantle is well developed and provides good protection against potentially harmful, external environmental factors. Our skin usually looks healthy, heals quickly when injured and seems to take care of itself.
With increasing age however, the skin's pH becomes more and more neutral, and thus more susceptible to bacterial growth. This reduced acidity kills fewer bacteria than before, leaving the skin susceptible to bacterial growth and infections. The skin weakens as a result and begins developing problems with increasing age. (Interestingly, the pH value rises beyond 6 when a person actually suffers from a skin problem or skin disease.)
The aging process of the skin causes biochemical changes in collagen and elastin, the connective tissues underlying the skin, which give the skin its firmness (collagen) and elasticity (elastin). The rates of loss of skin firmness and elasticity differs from individual to individual, depending on their genetic makeup, general health, over exposure to the sun, skin care regime, or lack there of, and other factors.
As the skin becomes less elastic, it also becomes drier; the underlying fatty tissue begins to disappear resulting in the skin beginning to sag. Our skin is less supple, and wrinkles begin to form. At this stage, our skin is more easily injured, heals more slowly and tends to dry out more quickly.
As outlined above, the skin's pH is important and maintaining a slightly acidic pH of around 5.5 is critical.
The skin's pH value is one of the major contributors to acne and other skin problems. Propionibacterium acnes is a bacteria that normally lives on the skin and is a normal bacteria found in all persons regardless of the presence or absence of acne.
However, in individuals prone to acne, the number of P. acnes is greatly increased. It has been found that the growth of this bacteria is very much dependent on the pH value of the skin and its growth is at its minimum at the normal skin pH of 5.5. A slight shift towards the alkaline pH would provide a better environment in which it can thrive.
One of the major culprits that radically alter the pH of the skin, is soap. Ordinary, commercially available soaps are highly alkaline (pH range 9-11) and raise the skin's pH to be much more alkaline. This can be adjusted by using products such as the Wild Herb Toner or Milk of Roses Toner available from, depending on your skin type. These toners restore normal pH of the skin and thus provide an environment not conducive to the growth of bacteria. In addition, soap dries out the skin, because of its high alkalinity. Thus if you choose to use a commercially available soap, you must restore the pH of your skin to prevent loss of moisture and the excessive growth of bacteria. It is important to remember that this applies to the entire surface of your skin, not just the face.
Instead of using ordinary soap, you need to use products such as the Skin Renewal Gel from Wildcrafted Herbal Products, which cleanses your skin, removing dead skin cells and leaving your skin's pH as it is meant to be. Following this with the use of a Toner will close the open pores, preventing blackheads and loss of moisture from the skin.
Another factor that helps in regulating your skin's pH is the presents of microflora on your skin. Staphylococcus epidermis is involved in the breakdown of fatty acids, and is therefore partly responsible for the acidic pH of skin. The use of ordinary soap, not only changes the pH of the skin to be more alkaline, effectively removing the protective acid mantle, but also kills the bacteria responsible for creating, at least in part, the acidic pH of your skin – a double whammy.
It is therefore of great importance to have a good skin care regime in which high quality, natural skin care products are employed. There are a couple of simple steps to take before buying a particular brand of natural skin care products.
1. Identify the skin type(s) on the face. There are usually two or more. One skin type is usually isolated to the T-Zone (forehead and nose), the other applies to the rest of the facial skin.
2. Carefully select your natural skin care products. It is not good enough to choose products, which add natural ingredients to an otherwise non-natural base crиme or lotion, as is the case in many supermarket brands. READ the label carefully, ask questions and if you are buying the products on-line, make sure there is a guarantee that allows you some time to evaluate the products before they need to be returned for a refund.
3. Look for manufacturers that have qualified herbalists or naturopaths on staff. These people generally do not support the use of artificial ingredients because it goes against everything they teach their patients, friends and family. – For the most part, it's a pretty good indication that the products are pure, when natural therapists are in charge of the formulation of the products.

About The Author

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

This article was posted on April 19, 2005


Zyrtec Zyrtec
Our price: $0.53
Zyrtec (Cetirizine) is used to treat allergies, hives (urticaria), and other allergic inflammatory conditions.

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Natural Human Growth Hormone: Hope or Hoax?

Natural Human Growth Hormone: Hope or Hoax?
 by: David Adler

Anti-Aging Research: HGH Therapy
You may feel 30, but your body keeps reminding you you're not. You fatigue easily. Your bones and joints hurt more often. The only part of your body that's thinning is your hair. Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. With increasing age, physically and mentally healthy adults gradually become less fit and more vulnerable to illness and death. However, these changes happen at different rates in different people.
What if you could reverse some of the physical effects of aging? Looking, feeling, and performing 10, even 15 years younger? What if you could burn fat without dieting or exercising; increase your muscle mass without exercise; improve your sexual stamina and performance; enhance your athletic performance and endurance; have younger, more youthful looking skin; eliminate cellulite deposits; dramatically support refreshing deep sleep; build stronger and healthier bones; improve your cholesterol and triglyceride levels; strengthen your heart while lowering blood pressure; even improve your hair growth and texture; improve mood, memory and concentration abilities; strengthen your overall immune system; and likely add years to your life? Sounds like a bit much? Not to Mark Tyler and scientific researchers alike.
A married father of three children and a partner in a law firm in Arizona, Mark seemed to have it all. "I woke up one day and I looked in the mirror and saw an old man at the ripe old age of 44," Mark says, "I could not believe how tired and old I looked. I was not so concerned about the vanity wrinkles, but the weight gain and the overall lack of energy I felt. I knew right then and there I needed to find something to turn back the hands of time. That's when I started getting into anti-aging supplements like natural HGH secretagogue formulas. The results have been amazing."
What is HGH?
Located in the center of our heads there sits a rather tiny but very powerful gland called the pituitary gland. Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of 7 hormones secreted by the pituitary. Growth hormone, like thyroid hormone, has an effect on almost all our tissues and organs. As the name implies, it enhances the growth of various organs and tissues, especially muscle and bone. Basically, human growth hormone increases protein synthesis. Proteins are the major building block out of which our body is made. Normal secretion of HGH occurs in a daily cycle, like a tide. It varies with exercise, sleep, stress and nutrition.
Everyone naturally secretes HGH in their bodies from the day they are born with levels reaching their peak in the body during adolescence, which then slowly decreases with age. As we get older, HGH continues to slowly decline to the point where the body makes a small fraction of what it did at the age of 20. This deprives the body of what it needs for tissue, bone and muscle regeneration. This depletion of HGH is soon recognized by the familiar signs of aging, such as increased body fat, lack of vitality and energy, decreased muscle mass, wrinkling of the skin, poor immune health and poor general health.
Can Regenatropin™ and DHEA Truly Combat Father Time?
A few years ago, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine reported the opinion that the most effective anti-aging remedy for slowing (or reversing) the aging process would be to replenish growth hormones to proper levels. As a result, anti-aging specialists turned to a variety of natural secretagogue hormone replacement therapies. Perhaps the most promising of them all is Regenatropin™. This popular "anti-aging" product combines large doses of growth hormone-releasing amino acids with the latest advances in secretagogue nutrient technology. The clinical research findings on Regenatropin™ have been truly astonishing.
Another supplement that has shown great promise is DHEA. There is now strong evidence that DHEA is an "anti-aging" hormone for some people. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2004; 292:2243–8) showed that supplementing with DHEA can partially reverse the accumulation of abdominal fat and the insulin resistance that frequently accompanies advancing age. Previous research has supported findings that DHEA can improve bone density, muscle mass, strength, skin texture, libido, and erectile function in older people.
More and more research is being conducted into the process of aging and ways in which the process can be slowed. Through extensive research, scientists continue to find many positive results from HGH replacement therapy and its promising ability to successfully combat the degenerative aging process.

About The Author

David Adler has been a leader in the field of anti-aging medicine and longetivity study for over 20 years. He has just completed his new book tentatively titled "Reset Your Body's Clock."

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

weight loss product

Zebeta Zebeta
Our price: $0.45
Zebeta (Bisoprolol) is used for treating patients with high blood pressure.

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Safer And More Effective Than Botox? Shocking Results by Deanna Barducci

Safer And More Effective Than Botox? Shocking Results by Deanna Barducci
 by: Deanna Barducci

Are the new Argireline Wrinkle Relaxing Creams as effective as Botox?
For many women, wrinkles and fine lines are the an unforgiving reminder of the ravages of time. Looking into the mirror and seeing a face filled with wrinkles, weathered skin, and fine lines can be psychologically difficult to deal with, but it's all a part of getting older, right?
Well, yes and no. Of course, our skin will age as we grow older, but in this day and age we can take steps to reduce the appearance of aging and facial wrinkles. Recent surveys indicate that 70% of the female population over 35 will look for answers to their aging faces. Many will opt for plastic surgery, Botox® or chemical peels. Countless others will search for youth in a jar in the form of a cream. Up until recently some of these so called wrinkle creams have gotten mixed reviews. While they may have offered quality moisturizing and protection from the elements their impact was not as great in eliminating or reducing the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles.
Wrinkle fighting breakthrough: Rejuvinol™ and Rejuvox™ with Argireline
Recently Argireline, a unique new peptide ingredient that reduces the degree of existing facial wrinkles and has been demonstrated to be effective against their development, has been added to the formulas of the newest dermaceutical wrinkle creams. The Argireline containing wrinkle creams in controlled studies have demonstrated that facial wrinkle depth can be reduced in the forehead and around the eyes. These results validate the prevention of apparent facial skin aging. Skin topographic analysis done on healthy women validates the biochemical mechanism of action for these Argireline containing creams. The physical results have been amazing.
Nancy, a youthful 42 year old administrative assistant from Pompano Beach, Florida used a popular AM/PM Argireline based skin care system for three months. The product Rejuvinol™ was used in the morning and the Rejuvox™ was used just before bedtime. These formulas contained 5% high grade Argireline with additional anti-aging ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid. "I noticed a difference right away" Nancy stated, "My skin seemed to tighten up and by the second month the crows feet were dramatically diminished. I can't imagine stopping the use of these products."
Many of these Argireline based products can help people take years off their face, without resorting to Botox® injections or costly chemical peels or face-lifts. Products like Rejuvinol™ and Rejuvox™ are setting the standard for future Argireline based skin care products. Argireline wrinkle relaxing creams are definitely worth a try. They may not have the impact of plastic surgery but the risk to reward ratio is much better. You can get a bad face lift or have an expressionless face with Botox® while these new creams offer quality results without taking unnecessary risks.

About The Author

Deanna is a licensed dermatological skin care and cosmetic chemistry specialist. Her writings have been featured in many skin care journals and medical abstracts. Deanna has just completed a book titled "The Science Of Skin Care Beyond Today."

This article was posted on April 19, 2005

Women's Health

Shuddha Guggulu Shuddha Guggulu
Our price: $23.1
Shuddha Guggulu lowers the cholesterol and triglycerides levels in blood.

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Skin Beauty... Do Antiaging Creams Really Turn Back the Clock?

Skin Beauty... Do Antiaging Creams Really Turn Back the Clock?
 by: Warren Matthews

If you believe the television advertisements for skin care products, then, your answer would be a definite yes. These TV commercials suggest that if you use this or that product that you too can have a flawless and beautiful complexion and, by subtle inference be happy.
But, is this reality or an illusion?
It's a combination of both a partial reality and illusions. With the majority of skin products it is definitely an illusion as most women over thirty would attest to. Many products can certainly make your skin look better at the time of application but the real test is when all the make up is washed off.
Generally the fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and sagging of skin still remain!
Having said that, there are however a few natural products that will help with firming up the skin and reducing fine lines and blemishes but you have to accept that there are limitations to what they can do on their own. More about this later in the article!
So, what is the answer... plastic surgery? Many people obviously think that it is, given the booming cosmetic plastic surgery industry. But is it? In my opinion definitely not! I have met quite a number of people that have had plastic surgery and I have not been impressed. I remember just a few years ago meeting up with some old friends from St Louis for dinner in Palm Beach Florida.
My friends who were in their late 70's brought along a friend who would have been in her early 60's. It was apparent that this friend had had a number of plastic surgery procedures on her face and not all of them were successful. I remember thinking at the time that she would have looked better without them.
Of course that is not always the case. Some people get really good results, but they are very much dependent upon the skill of the surgeon. So, the risks are high.
So, what causes skin to age which results in sagging, wrinkles and blemishes?
If you want to maintain clear, healthy, and firm skin into old age you need to know this. So ... here is the brief version ... FREE RADICALS. That's it in a nutshell.
I am sure that you have heard about free radicals and you may even know exactly what they are, but nonetheless I will give you a quick briefing about them.
Even though free radicals age our bodies and skin they are a natural and essential part of life. They are everywhere, inside our body and out. They are more concentrated in the cities or anywhere there is any form of environmental pollution. Sunlight also creates free radicals.
It is possible to see the effect of them quite dramatically when you cut an apple open and leave it exposed to the air. The parts without the skin quickly go brown. This is because it is being attacked by these free radicals. If they were not there then nothing would decompose and the whole planet would be a massive garbage dump.
So, what exactly are they? They are oxygen molecules that have lost an electron through interaction with other molecules. As with everything in nature an effort is made (in this case the molecule) to heal itself!
There is only one way it can do this... and that is by stealing an electron from another healthy molecule. So, it rushes around like a thief until it can find one!
When it does and it steals the electron, what happens?
You guessed it... another free radical is created and in the process cells where the 'thief' has entered are damaged.
There is no 'security system' that can shut free radicals out.
They surround you, they enter your body with each breath you take. The greater your intake of air the higher exposure that you have to free radicals. Ever wondered why long distance runners look older than their years, particularly their face?
They inhale more air than most other people and with it more free radicals. They therefore age faster if they don't counteract the effect of the free radicals. Everyone who exercises should be aware of this. The good news is that this is not a problem if the appropriate measures are taken... more info soon.
Anyway, back to your skin. It needs good healthy Collagen (which is a protein). This Collagen gives your skin its suppleness and tautness. However it is constantly bombarded with free radicals that damage the cells by the cross linking of molecules. When this occurs the collagen molecules can no longer smoothly slide over one another. They instead become rough which impacts directly on the appearance of your skin.
Because collagen stays in the skin for many years it is continually subjected to this free radical damage and the effects are cumulative.
If you could stop the actions of these free radicals you could stop the aging process. This applies not only to your skin but to your entire body. But, it simply is not possible to achieve a 100% success rate. However, you can reduce the impact of these free radicals to a measurable degree.
This is through the use of a series of compounds known as anti-oxidants. I am sure that you have heard of these but you may be unsure exactly what they do? In simple terms they donate spare electrons to the free radicals to 'heal' the damaged molecule.
There are many different forms of anti-oxidants available ... some natural some synthetic. Some really potent, some quite weak. For example Vitamin C is an antioxidant which is relatively weak. On the other hand Alpha Lipoic acid is a relatively potent one being about 400 times more powerful than most Vitamin C's. Other antioxidants are even more powerful than Alpha Lipoic acid, and so on it goes.
So, how does this apply to your skin and what should you do to protect it?
Simple. When you are reviewing various crиmes and lotions to apply to your face select those ones which are natural, don't have any harsh chemicals that are likely to cause inflammation (free radicals love inflammation) and make sure they have natural antioxidants in them, for example, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C esters (fat soluble type), DMAE etc.
BUT... and this is an important but, if you are serious about your skin health take heed of the old saying 'Beauty comes from within'. Although this term is intended to relate to an individuals mental attitude it also applies in a physical sense. The health of your skin and thus the appearance of it is directly related to your internal health.
If you have free radicals rampant in your body, then putting all the expensive antioxidant crиmes on your face will only do a part of the job. Nourishing your skin from the inside out is much more rewarding and effective than any topical application.
Don't forget about your internal health ... your skin is an organ and it needs to be properly supported internally.

About The Author

Warren is the editor of XTEND-YOUR-LIFE, a bi-monthly Newsletter aimed at helping you live a healthier life. He is also the Chairman of Xtend Life Natural Products, manufacturer of anti aging and immune support products. All products are certified true to label, manufactured under pharmaceutical grade conditions, and come with a 100% unconditional money back guarantee.

To read more about Xtend Life, visit us at ....

This article was posted on April 18, 2005


Mysoline Mysoline
Our price: $0.54
Mysoline (Primidone) is used to treat a seizure disorder.

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The 3rd Biggest Cause Of Death!

The 3rd Biggest Cause Of Death!
 by: Warren Matthews

It will surprise you!
Did you know that if you become ill and you put yourself in the hands of 'mainstream' medical care and need to be admitted to a hospital that the chances of you dying from an unrelated problem are high?
In fact, in the USA, deaths from 'iatrogenic' cause rank # 3 after Heart Diseases and Cancer!
Let me explain what 'iatrogenic' means. This is a term used when a patient dies as a direct result of treatments by a physician, whether it is from misdiagnosis of the ailment or from adverse drug reactions used to treat the illness. (drug reactions are the most common cause).
This article will provide you with some facts which you should be aware of. I am not presenting these facts in order to have a 'shot' at physicians or indeed for that matter, hospitals.
The facts you are about to read are purely symptoms of a system that is largely out of control. Out of control, thanks largely to the overbearing influence that the pharmaceutical industry has on mainstream medicine.
Mainstream medicine has for some decades now placed more emphasis on medical intervention as opposed to primary care, prevention, and helping the body heal itself by natural methods.
The negative results of these policies which can never work are becoming more apparent each year. To determine how serious the problem is you need to consider some statistics. Ironically the most reliable statistics have been published in none other than the JOURNAL of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, July 26th 2000.
The researcher who wrote the article is Dr Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health.
Now let's review what Dr Starfield has unearthed!
'THE FACTS' Are...
2,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery
7,000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals
20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals
80,000 deaths/year from nosocomial infections in hospitals
106,000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications
These total up to 225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes which ranks these deaths as the # 3 killer.
Well above motor vehicle accidents and violent crime.
One of the most sobering components of these statistics, although I don't find it surprising is that 106,000 of these deaths result from CORRECTLY prescribed medications. In other words the physicians were not to blame. They just administered the drugs as per the manufacturer's recommendations.
Fascinating isn't it... when you consider that deaths from legal drugs far exceed deaths from illicit drugs and yet these deaths go virtually unnoticed and nobody makes a fuss!
Dr Starfield also warns that these figures only tell one part of the overall story. They only relate to DEATHS from HOSPITALIZED patients. They do NOT include non fatal adverse effects such as disability or discomfort.
Even if you make it through the hospitalization process you are not 'out of the woods'. Consider these further facts. 4% - 18% of patients experience further negative effects in outpatient settings resulting in the following: 116 million extra physician visits 77 million extra prescriptions 17 million emergency department visits 8 million hospitalizations 3 million long-term admissions 199,000 additional deaths $77 billion in extra costs
With human nature being as it is you can rest assured that the above 'official' figures are just the 'tip of the iceberg'. I have no doubt that for each 'official' iatrogenic death that there are others which are recorded as 'legitimate' deaths.
As an example ... when a patient dies of a heart attack in hospital whilst being treated for something else its easy enough to dismiss it as 'bad luck' and write it off to the fact that the patient had a bad heart and that they just happened to be in hospital at the time when the heart attack occurred.
Is the hospital or physician going to tell the patient's family that perhaps some of the treatments the patient was having could have precipitated the heart 'event'? In these days of litigation I don't think so... if they can avoid it.
I have no doubt that hospitals are the equal of politicians when it comes to 'cover ups'.
OK, I've said my bit about this problem and I am sure that you have the message, so what's the point of knowing these sad facts?
Avoid falling into the hands of hospitals and the 'health' system, because it can make you sick...OR EVEN KILL YOU! This means that you must be constantly aware of the health demands on your body such as the need to give it correct food, adequate exercise and rest, and of course adequate intakes of essential nutrients.
Liken it to your car... give it poor fuel and neglect the maintenance and it will either run badly or stop altogether.
Illness is UNNATURAL and can generally be avoided. The cause of almost all illness is people doing unnatural things to their body, whether it is due to the environment they live in, the food and liquids that they ingest, or living the life of a 'couch potato'. Each person controls their own health OR illness, not their physician or their 'Health Care' provider.
I am sure that you are aware that the average diet is very much lacking in essential nutrients due to the high level of food processing, as well as exposure to toxins such as pesticides.
The lack of these essential nutrients has been shown to 'trigger' off many ailments which can start a cascade effect and lead to serious problems in the future.
The lack of these nutrients can be largely overcome in most people by dietary supplementation. The problem is getting ALL the nutrients into your body in the correct proportion.
It is imperative that you explore your options and consider a professional supplement regimen that can provide you with the essential nutrients missing from the standard diet. A high quality supplement can help to prevent you from becoming an iatrogenic victim.

About The Author

Warren Matthews is the Chairman of Xtend Life Natural Products, designer and manufacturer of Total Balance. Total Balance contains over 84 nutrients encased in an enteric coating, which allows you to get the maximum benefit from each ingredient. Total Balance provides the best value for your dollar of any professional health supplement and is unequivically backed by a 100% guarantee.

Total Balance can be found at ...

This article was posted on April 18, 2005

Cialis Jelly

Endep Endep
Our price: $0.25
Endep (Amitriptyline) is used to treat symptoms of depression, along with insomnia.

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Fat... The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

Fat... The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
 by: Warren Matthews

It is likely that you are aware that there are many different forms of fat which you knowingly or unwittingly eat every day. You are probably also aware that some types of fat are bad for you and conversely some are good... but, are you sure which ones they are?
If you are not certain and you would like to know, then this article is devoted just for you. I will attempt to explain the basic facts that you need to know so that you will not allow 'bad; fats to damage your health and you can use the 'good' fats to enhance it.
You will often find that dietary fats are put into two simplistic categories. One being saturated fats and the other being unsaturated fats. You are told that saturated fats are bad and unsaturated fats are good. But, is it as simple as that? No, its not! Before we look at these closer lets discuss the real 'baddie' fat which is in a category of its own. This is because it is 'man made'. Maybe we should call this fat the 'ugly' one because it does the most damage.
I'm talking about Transfats or Hydrogenated fats... or, oils
OK, what are they, how are they made and where do I find them?
First of all you find them almost everywhere. In most processed foods including cookies, solid and semi solid margarines, commercial cooking oils and many domestic cooking oils. Look carefully at the labels of any processed food that you buy. If you see hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated on the label put it back on the shelf.
Hydrogenated fats are produced by taking liquid oil and putting it through a process called hydrogenation. This is a process which combines heat and pressure to add several hydrogen atoms to the oil. This process which takes place at around 400 degrees F for several hours in the presence of a nickel or platinum catalyst converts the liquid to a semi solid.
This helps prevent the oil from becoming rancid even though it destroys its nutritional value. This process enables manufacturers to convert cheap low quality oils into butter substitutes... hence the explosion of margarines on the market.
These reprocessed oils and fats are completely foreign to the body and it cannot assimilate them. There is therefore no nutritional value to them at all. Studies have shown that hydrogenated fats and oils are significant contributors to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, immunity and reproduction problems, as well as obesity.
Give them a wide berth!
What about saturated fats?
These are the fats which are found in animal fats, red meat, poultry skin, and dairy products. Also some vegetable oils such as coconuts and palm oil are high in saturated fat.
These are the fats that the mainstream media warns you to stay away from. This is either through ignorance or influence from their advertisers, or both. There is no doubt that eating saturated fats in excess would not be good for you, but this principle applies to virtually all food.
The simple fact is that your body is designed to cope with saturated fats and has been since the first human walked the earth. Not only are our bodies designed to cope with the ingestion of a certain amount of saturated fats, our bodies also need it. I accept that many people have too high an intake of dietary fat, but it is not usually through this source, but rather from trans or hydrogenated fats.
Saturated fats are natural whose molecules have not been 'bent out of shape'! I'm not kidding...the molecules of transfats are actually distorted into an unnatural configuration.
Cut out all hydrogenated fats and oils and enjoy that juicy steak.
OK, what about the unsaturated fats?
There are two types of unsaturated fats. Poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated.
It is generally believed that all unsaturated fats are OK, but this is not the case. Poly-unsaturated fats are bad for your health and are consumed in excessive amounts. They should be avoided.
Polyunsaturated fats are found in safflower, corn, sunflower and ... soybean vegetable oils. They remain liquid at room temperature. They do not have any redeeming health benefits. They are widely used because they are cheap and although they contain Omega 6 essential fatty acids most people get far too much Omega 6 which must be partially offset by Omega 3 essential fatty acids. More on that shortly!
Switch your polyunsaturated oils to mono-unsaturated.
The most common sources of mono-unsaturated fats are olive oil, rapeseed oil, hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, avocado, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.
Oils made from these foods are much more stable at high temperatures than the poly-unsaturated alternatives, and they do not have the negative health implications. The best oil for cooking is without doubt EXTRA virgin olive oil. I put the 'extra' in caps because it so important.
Most of the mono-unsaturated oils have been through varying degrees of processing. The more processing, the greater is the loss of the nutrients. The best is cold mechanically pressed oils which are often processed in darkness because of the sensitivity of these oils to light and oxidation.
Studies have shown that a quality cold pressed extra virgin olive oil will help lower the bad LDL cholesterol and raise the good HDL cholesterol. However, ordinary virgin olive oil makes no change.
So, only use quality mono-unsaturated oils for your cooking needs.
Where do Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids fit into all this?
This is another subject all on its own, so I will just try and give you the outline in a nutshell!
As the name suggests Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids are just that... they are 'essential'. Many, many ailments can be traced to a shortage of one of these... specifically Omega 3. There are schools of thought which believe the increasing incidence of brain disease is directly attributable to a shortage of Omega 3. I think that is credible.
There is no shortage of Omega 6 in the typical western diet. In fact there is a general over consumption of this as it is present in most cooking oils. The problem is a deficiency of the Omega 3. The optimum ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is 3:1. Over the last couple of decades that ratio has got out of control where it is now estimated that the ratio is something like 20:1 or maybe even as high as 50:1.
Start adding Omega 3 essential fatty acids into your regular diet. The best natural source is flax seeds. Go to your local health food store and buy some ground flax seeds (preferably organic) and sprinkle a heaped tablespoon on your food every day. You can also get omega 3 from oily fishes such as salmon. The problem there though is the difficulty of getting fish which is 100% free of contaminants.

About The Author

Warren Matthews is Chairman of Xtend Life Natural Products, manufacturer of Omega 3/DHA Fish Oil Esters. Give your body the DHA and EPA it need in a natural form that can be easily assimilated and free from contaminants.

Omega 3/ Fish Oil Esters is available at ...

This article was posted on April 18, 2005


Cialis Soft Tabs Cialis Soft Tabs
Our price: $3.61
Cialis Soft Tabs (Tadalafil) are quick-dissolving tabs, used to treat male impotence. Having the shortest start time of 15 minutes, Cialis Soft remains its most long-lasting effects of 36 hours among all the world-known ED products. The neutral react...

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Are 90% of Your Vitamins Going Down the Toilet?

Are 90% of Your Vitamins Going Down the Toilet?
 by: Warren Matthews

If you live in the USA it is likely that you have been exposed to advertising suggesting that 90% of the vitamin tablets that you are taking are going down the toilet. Because these claims are so wide-spread I feel that is appropriate to address the issue of bio-availability and sort out the fact from the fiction.
Is this claim true or not? The answer is not a definitive yes or no because there is no benchmark given in which to base the claim on. I'll try to explain.
Supplements are a bit like cars. For example, at one end of the spectrum you may have a Russian built Lada which are cheap, utilitarian and very unreliable (at least they used to be) and cost a few thousand dollars or you may have a Rolls Royce which is the ultimate in luxury motoring and reliability and will set you back around a half million dollars. There is no comparison between the two vehicles.
The same principle applies to supplements
You can buy cheap supplements at the supermarket and what you get is a product which is manufactured to a price. This means that the cheapest possible ingredients are used as well as the cheapest excipients which bind the ingredients together. To give you an idea of just how big the difference of ingredient costs can be I will quote an example of one nutrient... Beta Carotene.
The overwhelming majority of manufacturers use synthetic beta carotene (even those producing the more expensive brands). The cost of synthetic beta carotene to a manufacturer is around $60 per kilo.
However, the 98% pure natural crystalline beta carotene that we use in our Total Balance costs over $2,400 per kilo.
The same differences can apply with Vitamin B12 which is generally 3% pure and costs $340 per kilo versus the 99% pure that we use at $12,000 per kg. The differences do not stop at the active ingredient level but can also apply to the excipients as well. Some cheaper excipients bind the ingredients together so well that after swallowing the tablet a large proportion of it passes right through your system and does indeed end up in the toilet.
To make matters worse those ingredients that are released are done so in the stomach and are largely destroyed by your stomach acids. When using these types of cheap supplements as the 'yard stick' the statement of 90% of the supplement ending up down the toilet is indeed true...
But, that is like trying to compare apples with oranges...
The difference between some supplements are as great as the example given earlier about the motor vehicles, not only in the quality of the ingredients used but also the delivery system employed or in most cases the lack of it. When I am talking about a delivery system I am referring to how the active ingredients get into your blood stream where they are needed to do their work.
There are only four effective ways in which nutrients can get into your blood stream. By injection. Through the mucous membranes of the mouth. (Only some nutrients) Via the lining of the walls of the upper intestine. Via the lining of the walls of the colon.
The methods which are used are as follows: Injection with a hypodermic syringe... only practical via a clinic or physician. B12 injections for example. Through the mucous membranes of the mouth by a sublingual tablet or liquid. Note: This has limitations because many nutrients cannot be absorbed through these membranes. Via the lining of the walls of the upper intestine. This is how our Total Balance is absorbed through the use of a special delivery system within the excipients. Via the lining of the colon walls using suppositories which are prescription items and do not apply to supplements.
Sadly the overwhelming majority of supplements do not have any 'delivery' system. They are simply made into a tablet or capsule and if they dissolve within a reasonable time in water that's OK... but, because of this solubility the majority of the active ingredients are destroyed by the stomach acids. As a result only about 10 - 15% of the active ingredients actually get into the blood stream.
This percentage number is what is considered to be the bio-availability of the product as is quite standard for average supplements. In comparison the bio-availability of our Total Balance is over 90%.
Why don't all supplements have higher bio-availability?
This can be summed up in two words... cost and know how. It is surprising how few supplement companies have the technical know how to incorporate effective delivery systems into their products. And, often the will to spend the extra money in production costs.
OK, so you may now be thinking to yourself ... what about these companies that are 'knocking' ordinary supplements ... are their products as bio-available as they claim?
The short answer is NO! I'll expand on this:
The companies that are making these claims are generally those that are selling liquid supplements. Not sublingual liquids because as I mentioned earlier that is not practical for many nutrients and certainly not for a general health supplement. The liquid products that are being sold are taken by drinking straight or mixing with water. Many of the companies selling these products are multi level marketing companies and rely more on hype than good science to sell their products.
So, what happens when you drink these products?
Very simply the greatest bulk of the nutrients are destroyed by the stomach acids which mean that the bio-availability of these liquids is no greater than an ordinary capsule which dissolves quickly in the stomach. Granted there are no tablet remains to pass through your digestive system intact but the greatest percentage of the active ingredients of the liquids are destroyed in the stomach.
Unfortunately these companies take advantage of the fact that people do not understand the principles behind the bio-availability and as such can manipulate their presentation to make it appear that the efficacy of their product is much higher than it is in reality.
Just a final comment on these liquid products! Many of them are very weak. If you are currently using them or considering doing so, make sure you find out the amount of ACTIVE ingredient per dose and what the ingredients are. As a consumer you are entitled to know that, so ask for it and if you don't get the information you can be sure that the potency is very low and you should avoid it as your money is better spent elsewhere. Some of these products are little more than water with a few nutrients thrown in.

About The Author

Mr. Matthews is the Chairman of Xtend-Life Natural Products, the manufacturer of Total Balance, the worlds first multi-nutrient supplement featuring an enteric coating. This unique coating allows your body to absorb virtually 100% of it's 84 nutrients. Available at ...

This article was posted on April 18, 2005

weight loss product

Trandate Trandate
Our price: $1.6
Trandate (Labetalol) is used to treat severe high blood pressure (hypertension).

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MALNOURISHED... While Eating A Full Plate Of Food?

MALNOURISHED... While Eating A Full Plate Of Food?
 by: Warren Matthews

This is a concept that you may have difficulty in accepting. Nonetheless it is one that I have been 'preaching' for years and has now been confirmed by studies showing people in the US, Canada and the UK are amongst the most malnourished in the world. This is the case in spite of obesity reaching epidemic proportions in the US. Malnourishment is without doubt a leading factor in a wide variety of health problems including cancers.
Does this mean that overweight people are eating all the food to the detriment of the rest of the population? Not at all! In fact, obese people figure prominently amongst those people who are malnourished.
I can sense you thinking... "That's a crazy statement". After all, when you think of someone being malnourished your mind flashes to pictures which you have seen on TV of starving children in Africa.
How can an overweight person be malnourished?
Much easier than you think... please read on and I will explain.
The Problem is in the Food!
A recent analysis of a range of staple foods in Canada including potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, apples, onion, broccoli etc, was commissioned by The Globe and Mail and CTV news.
The results were predictable to some and a shock to others. Let's use potatoes as an example. This is what the analysis found:
Over the last 50 years the potato has lost: 100% of its Vitamin A 57% of its Vitamin C and iron. 28% of its Calcium. 50% of its riboflavin 18% of its thiamine
Of the seven nutrients analyzed only niacin levels had increased. The results were similar for all the 25 fruits and vegetables tested. One of the worst results was from broccoli in which ALL nutrients had declined measurably including niacin with Calcium down 63%.
The Globe and Mail and CTV used comparative figures from government researchers for the years 1951, 1972 and 1999. These earlier figures had been published in various scientific journals in the UK including the British Food journal. Release of this data in the US has been limited to a few alternative health journals.
Tim Lang a professor at the centre for Food Policy in England says as a further example of how our food has been degraded is that you would now have to eat eight oranges today to get the same amount of Vitamin A that your grandparents got from eating just one orange.
Do foods that have low nutritional values play a part in obesity?
Absolutely! I believe this is a major factor in the current epidemic of obesity. If you are lacking in essential nutrients it will have a serious flow-on effect in your body. First of all you will never really feel 'well', you will lack energy which means you exercise less, and you will have a tendency to seek out 'comfort' foods which generally contain sugars and thus the cycle continues and it gets worse and worse and ultimately ends up in obesity and ill health.
What can be done about this problem? Try to eat organic fruit and vegetables wherever possible. Avoid processed foods! If you think the loss of nutrient value in fresh fruit and vegetables is bad enough, I can assure you that it is nothing compared to the nutritional emptiness of processed foods... and to add insult to injury they are full of transfats due to the hydrogenated processing methods that are used. Take a QUALITY multi NUTRIENT supplement. A multi vitamin/mineral tablet is not adequate for a number of reasons. The prime one is that most 'multi vitamin' supplements use synthetic ingredients with both questionable efficacy and bio-availability and they lack other important nutrients. Unfortunately this is an area in which many consumers are being mislead. It's a complex subject and as such I may devote a newsletter to this very important subject in the not to distant future.
It was interesting to see that even some mainstream physicians are beginning to recognize this problem as evidenced by a recent article in JAMA which advocated people take quality supplements for preventative measures.

About The Author

Warren Matthews

XTEND-YOUR-LIFE is a FREE service of Xtend-Life Natural Products, manufacturer of Total Balance, a synergistic blend of 85 different nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, herbal extracts and bioflavinoids designed to provide your body with the key nutrients missing in today's food supply.

Total Balance is the world's first supplement with an enteric coating. This enteric coating ensures that your body is getting the maximum benefit from all 85 nutrients.

Complete details at ...

This article was posted on April 18, 2005


Ashwagandha Ashwagandha
Our price: $25.3
Ashwagandha enables its users to handle stress.

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Try This Mindfulness Meditation

Try This Mindfulness Meditation
 by: Steve Gillman

Learning To Be In The Moment
Imagine thinking clearly, and feeling relaxed at will. Could you get more done? Enjoy life more? Would you like to know how to do that right now? Start by learning how to put yourself more in the moment with a simple mindfulness exercise.
Basic Mindfulness Exercises
A basic mindfulness exercise begins with sitting down, relaxing and breathing deeply. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing, following the breath in and out a few times. Then move your attention to your body, one part at a time, noticing any sensations of cold, hot, tight, sore or anything you can identify. After a few minutes, start listening to the sounds of the room, without judging, criticising or thinking about them. Just listen for a minute.
Open your eyes and look around as if seeing for the first time. Rest your eyes on any object for half a minute. Examine it without talking about it in your mind. Repeat this with another object, and then another, while still maintaining an awareness of your body and breath. Continue this state of mindfulness until you're ready to get up.
When sensing your body, your breath, and your immediate surroundings, you are more fully "in the moment." A mindfulness exercise like this puts your mind in a receptive state while removing mental distractions that hinder clear thinking. It leaves you ready to work mentally. Do this before important mental tasks and you'll find you have more focus and concentration.
Using Mindfulness For Daily Life
When you're in the middle of a task and feel stressed, stop. Take three deep breaths, then carefully watch yourself until identify what is bothering you. Find everything you can. Are you expecting something bad to happen? Is an argument from this morning still going on just below the surface of your consciousness? Are you worried about something? Is some part of your body in pain? Note everything you find.
Now deal with these thieves-of-concentration one by one. Make the phone call that's on your mind, take an aspirin if you need to, and apologise to someone if necessary. Take things from your mind and put them on a list for tomorrow (in writing). If all you can do is acknowledge that there's nothing you can do right now - do that. After doing this mindfulness exercise, you'll feel less stressed, and you'll be able to concentrate more effectively on the tasks at hand. Try it now.

About The Author

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to The Meditation Newsletter at:

This article was posted on April 17, 2005

green tea diet pill

Zebeta Zebeta
Our price: $0.45
Zebeta (Bisoprolol) is used for treating patients with high blood pressure.

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Sinus infection: The Four Way Treatment

Sinus infection: The Four Way Treatment
 by: Marlon D. Ludovice

If you feel like you may have a sinus infection, the right type of doctor that can answer your problem is an Otolaryngontolist or Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. These doctors are well trained in the diagnosis and treatment of sinus infections.
In dealing with the infection doctor considers the following stages of treatment depending upon the severity of the problem. Diagnosis tells which among the four stages of treatment will be given to the sufferer.
The four treatments are as follows: Oral Antibiotics, Nebulized Antibiotics, IV Antibiotics and Sinus Surgery.
Oral Antibiotics
Oral antibiotics are one of the most prescribed treatments for chronic sinusitis patients. For this treatment, doctors prescribe a number of antibiotics that a patient takes on a daily basis for usually 2-3 weeks. Usually, this is given to a patient suffering a minor infection.
Nebulized Antibiotics
Nebulized antibiotics are a way of treating infections topically. A new treatment called SinuNEB aerosolizes the antibiotics so that you breathe the antibiotics in through your nose, getting directly to the source of the problem. This type of treatment usually lasts 2-3 weeks. This is commonly aid with nebulizer device.
IV Antibiotics
In select cases, a doctor may decide on an intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy. For this treatment, antibiotics enter directly into the bloodstream through an injection. This type of therapy generally lasts 4-6 weeks. This is a more complex treatment compared to the first two given above. Injection from the bloodstreams allows a faster effect of the medicine given.
Sinus Surgery
Sinus surgery is generally a last resort for doctors encountering a patient with a severe infection. Definitely, the purpose of the surgery is to relieve the chronic sinusitis condition. Most surgeries are endoscopic surgeries, a new way of operating without making incisions on your face. The surgery is generally accomplished in 1-3 hours. It can take several weeks for a full recovery.
Undergoing in a different sinus treatment is not the last thing for you to do. It is important to visit your doctor oftentimes and take the prescribed medicines for the maintenance of your treatment.

About The Author

Marlon D. Ludovice

Actually I'm not fond of writing, I don't even write at all. I am not expecting to be in this field. But nevertheless, I love to read books...almost everything interest me. Reading is my passion! And now that I am in an article writer team, writing gives me an additional thrill in myself...Before I love to read books but now I'm also in a writing stuff. I can say that I am not a good writer but I am always trying to be one.

For additional information and comments about the article you may log on to

This article was posted on April 18, 2005


Rythmol SR Rythmol SR
Our price: $1.1
Rythmol SR (Propafenone) is used to treat irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias) and maintain a normal heart rate.

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Sinus Pressure: Infection Next?

Sinus Pressure: Infection Next?
 by: Marlon D. Ludovice

One of the symptoms of sinus infection is sinus pressure infection. This happens when irritants enter to our body through the nose, thus if becomes severe the tendency therefore sinus membrane becomes irritated causing it to swell. Due to the swelling the sinus passages becomes constricted that result to blockage and congestion. Blockage causes the confined air, puss and mucus in the sinus cavities.
There are four pairs of sinus cavities: - Frontal sinuses – this is located above the eyes in the forehead region - Maxillary sinuses – found on either side of the nostrils in the cheekbones - Ethmoid sinuses – located behind the bridge of the nose and at the base of the nose between the eyes - Sphenoid sinuses – is found behind the ethmoid sinuses and the eyes.
Each of these sinus cavities contains an aperture called the ostium that opens out into the nasal passages for the exchange of air and mucus. These sinus cavities have mucous linings that continue up to the mucous linings found in the nasal passages. And with these linings there are cell called the cilia that shift the mucous from the sinus cavities and allows them to drain down into the nasal passages. If there are trapped air and secretions in the obstructed sinus cavity that may cause pressure in the sinus wall and this can result to extreme pain during a sinus attack.
Sinus infection and allergic reaction are some of the causes of sinus pressure. Sinus infection is caused by either virus fungi or bacteria. And if introduced to the nasal membranes, these pathogens can cause irritation in the membrane that causes the sinuses to swell. Due to the swelling the air, mucus, and pus can get trapped inside the sinus cavity and causes pressure to build inside. Allergic reaction to molds, pollen, dander, air pollution and dust is also a leading cause of irritation and swelling which can result to sinus pressure.
We denied that sinus pressure infection caused by infection of the sinuses can be really painful and troublesome. The causes of sinus infection cannot be totally eradicated but at least there are ways in which attacks can be lessened. In cases wherein sinusitis or sinus infection is the cause of sinus pressure infection, persons suffering from this condition can use decongestants, antibiotics, pain relievers and nasal sprays. For the cases wherein the cause is allergic reaction you must consult your doctor and do some tests in order to determine which particular element triggers the attack thus be able to avoid the said substance.

About The Author

Marlon D. Ludovice

Actually I'm not fond of writing, I don't even write at all. I am not expecting to be in this field. But nevertheless, I love to read books...almost everything interest me. Reading is my passion! And now that I am in an article writer team, writing gives me an additional thrill in myself...Before I love to read books but now I'm also in a writing stuff. I can say that I am not a good writer but I am always trying to be one.

For additional information and comments about the article you may log on to

This article was posted on April 18, 2005

cla pill

Parlodel Parlodel
Our price: $2.2
Parlodel (Bromocriptine) is used to treat persistent breast milk production, lack of a menstrual period, infertility, and other conditions associated with high prolactin levels.

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