Monday, November 2, 2015

Allergy to vaccines

redness of the lesion fever itching redness of the skin swollen lymph nodes swelling of the throat choking diarrhea, swelling of the face

Allergy vaccination is in the negative reaction to the drugs administered. Act as allergens vaccine components, which has a high sensitivity. This type of disease is classified as complications after vaccination.

Can proceed in one of two forms:

1. in the light;

2. In a heavy.

How are allergic to vaccinations

Among the main symptoms occur:

    rash and blisters on the body;
    urticaria low intensity;
    shortness of breath;
    runny nose;
    toxic epidermal necrolysis;

For more severe manifestations include:

    urticaria with a massive coverage areas of the body, and severe itching, redness (there a few minutes after inoculation);
    angioedema, which causes swelling of the throat, nose, throat, face, ears (gains intensity after a few minutes or hours);
    Lyell's syndrome spread blistering and rashes, accompanied by strong burning (applies to toxic and allergic response of an organism to a stimulus, it appears for the first 3 days);
    serum sickness with the defeat of the cardiovascular system, the lymph nodes, kidneys, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and nervous system (there is a week or two);
    anaphylactic shock (develops within the first 3 hours after the injection).

Causes of allergy vaccination

When the grafting reaction is dominated ballast substances used in vaccines. They are the cause of this type of disease. Also, they are called non-specific or additional components. These include:

    alien (heterogeneous) proteins;
    toxic substances used as preservatives (formaldehyde, thimerosal);
    aluminum hydroxide is used as an adjuvant, and a sorbent;

In addition, a negative reaction to vaccination is able to manifest and food or drug allergies:

    a vaccine against hepatitis B (in the presence of allergy to baker's yeast);
    a vaccine against yellow fever, influenza, mumps, measles (allergy to the protein of eggs);
    the vaccine against mumps, rubella, measles (with allergies to antibiotics).

Its beginning - the first hour after injection, or for the next day (3-5). For this purpose the graft is observed for 20-30 minutes. This measure allows promptly provide qualified medical.

This type of allergy occurs in varying degrees of intensity - from mild to severe. The reaction of the body is:

    raising the temperature of the body;
    the appearance of the rash and blisters;
    swelling of the throat, neck, throat, tongue, nose and throat;
    hives, burning, itching;
    choking with coughing and wheezing;
    difficulty breathing;
    vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
    fever, cramps.

The most serious complications allergy vaccination include:

    serum sickness (fever, urticaria, angioedema, joint pain, enlargement of the spleen and lymph nodes, damage to the nervous system, lungs, digestive tract, kidneys);
    anaphylactic shock (a fall in blood pressure, diarrhea, vomiting, dyspnea, swelling of the throat and neck, severe itching, rash, or redness of the skin, weakness).

Diagnosis of allergy vaccination

Diagnosis is based on external manifestations obtained medical history and medical observations. If the allergen is not determined, it is recommended to do a skin test. For this purpose under the top layer of the dermis is injected a small amount of the drug. When hypersensitive response of the organism occurs during the next half-hour. To prevent undesirable results of a study carried out under strict medical supervision. You must also carry a first aid kit protivoshokovym.


Vaccinate people prone to allergies should be cautious, because the cure is not completely possible. To avoid complications, it is necessary to pass a preliminary diagnosis. So it is possible to determine exactly what form of allergy is available.

Then appointed hypoallergenic diet with the exception of substance provocateur. Before vaccination pass consultation with a general practitioner, immunologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist and dentist. Vaccination is performed separately, with long intervals and only in remission of allergic manifestations.

Before vaccination receive medication preparation, which includes:

    antihistamines (Claritin, diazolin, tavegil, suprastin);
    calcium supplements;
    herbs (St. John's wort, valerian, dandelion, licorice, burdock root).

After being vaccinated to prevent complications should beware of psychological and physical overload and ereohlazhdeniya.

Prevention of allergy vaccination

Those who suffer from allergies, vaccination should take place more closely. However, this does not mean a complete rejection of it. Restrictions may serve only unusual allergic reactions or serious conditions caused by the previous vaccination.

The injection is administered with long intervals, separately, in the process of decay of allergic disease. Then watch for half an hour. That all went without complications, graft only in specially equipped classrooms - with anti-shock medical kit from allergies.

Allergies to medications

nausea, vomiting, itching of the skin runny nose watery rash shortness of breath swelling of the larynx bronchospasm discharge from the eyes

Allergies to medications occurs when the immune system rather than accept help - begins to fight with the active substances by producing antibodies to the drug. The reaction in most cases are mild and pass within a few days after discontinuation.
If you once had an allergy to any drug that is a 90% chance you'll never take this medication.
The reaction to the medicine is not necessarily allergic and can be a side effect. For example, if the wrong dosage can cause nausea, headache, malaise. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.
Allergies can have a cross-cutting nature, ie, manifested for drugs similar chemical composition. That is why it is important to report all cases of allergic reactions, doctors, and even better - to stick on the cover of the passport data on the drug, which has developed an allergy to when and how to show a reaction.
How is the diagnosis:
To diagnose an allergy doctor can only. For history it will need answers to the following questions:
whether previous cases of allergic reactions to medications and how they proceeded,
Did you have relatives like symptoms
a list of all medications that you have taken over the last point and just before the manifestation of the disease (need to tell including on dietary supplements, about vitamins, and even cosmetics).
After making history is necessary to conduct tests for allergy to those drugs, which according to the doctor, is a likely cause of the Greatest reaction.
Why do I get an allergic reaction to the medicine.
With confidence it is impossible to name the exact causes of allergies, but there are factors that increase the possibility.
Factors depending on the product: The origin of medicine: natural cause allergies more frequently than synthetic. The degree of impact: how often, how long dose. There are studies that prove that the frequent and chronic administration of drugs, and also increases the chance of developing an allergy. The method of administration. For example, when the local process often manifested contact dermatitis. The safest - subconjunctival and intraarticular. Cross-sensitization
Human factors: Age and gender Genetic factors (whether allergic reactions from relatives) concomitant diseases (eg, asthma or HIV) occur whether the patient previously drug allergies
There are cases where symptoms of allergy to the same drug in the patient each time may be different.
Allergies to medication occurs in no more than 15% of cases, and is rarely fatal.
How does the disease:
Symptoms occur within the first 72 hours after dosing. After contact with the allergen in the blood can develop a delayed reaction (is not immediately) or immediate (immediate symptoms) type.
With slow development there is local swelling, or inflammation develop symptoms of the type of contact dermatitis.
For instant symptoms include hives, angioedema, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock. Symptoms such as rashes and breathing problems occur within the first hour.
When instantaneous termination of the medication the symptoms begin to disappear.
What drug allergy occurs most often:
Allergies can occur at any medicines, but the most popular allergens are:

Treatment options depend on the severity of the allergic reaction. More often than not simply stop taking the medication, the culprit.

If the allergen is not clearly determined, it is necessary to stop taking all medications.
When receiving the drug inside is necessary gastric lavage or enema.
When symptoms such as rash need to take an antihistamine ..
In more severe forms of the disease such as angioneurotic edema, difficulty breathing, and the like, need urgent hospitalization and subsequent treatment in hospital.

What to do if you suspect at allergies to medicines:

    stop taking any medication, even if you are sure you are not allergic to this drug is
    consult your allergist
    If symptoms are severe, such as angioedema, wheezing, anaphylactic shock, call an ambulance
    take any enterosorbent (activated carbon, Polyphepanum, smectite, enterosgel, Atoxil, etc.), if possible to do an enema
