Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How To Know And Help A Drug Addict.

How To Know And Help A Drug Addict.
 by: Steven Westphal
What is drug addiction?
Drug addiction is a brain disease affecting the emotions and behavior. It is distinguished by drug craving, seeking, and use. A person addicted to drugs will persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug-seeking may become compulsive in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on behavior.
How quickly can drug adiction happen?
There is no easy answer to this. How quickly a person becomes addicted to a drug depends on many factors including the biology of your body. All drugs are potentially harmful and may have life-threatening consequences associated with their abuse. There are also vast differences among individuals in sensitivity to various drugs. While one person may use a drug one or many times and suffer no ill effects, another person may be particularly vulnerable and overdose with first use. There is no way of knowing in advance how someone may react.
How can you tell if someone is addicted to drugs?
If a person is compulsively seeking and using a drug despite negative consequences, such as loss of job, debt, physical problems brought on by drug abuse, or family problems, then he or she probably is addicted.
What are the physical signs of abuse or addiction?
The physical signs of abuse or addiction can vary depending on the person and the drug being abused. For example, someone who abuses marijuana may have a chronic cough or worsening of asthmatic symptoms. Each drug has short-term and long-term physical effects. Stimulants like cocaine increase heart rate and blood pressure, whereas opioids like heroin may slow the heart rate and reduce respiration.
Are there effective treatments for drug addiction?
Drug addiction can be effectively treated with behavioral-based therapies and, for addiction to some drugs such as heroin or nicotine, medications. Treatment will vary for each person depending on the type of drug(s) being used, and multiple courses of treatment may be needed to achieve success.
How do I help somebody That is addicted to drugs?
Professional help is the best help. There are many types of drug rehabilitation programs available. Research which one will be best suited to your needs and contact them. You will find people ready and willing to help.


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Our price: $1.25
Cozaar (Losartan) is indicated for the treatment of hypertension

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Yoga Helps Fight Mid-Life Bulge

Yoga Helps Fight Mid-Life Bulge
 by: Rita Jenkins
Yoga practice helps middle-aged people lose weight and keep it off, suggest new studies published in the online journal Alternative Therapies In Health and Medicine.
Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center surveyed 15,500 men and women to assess their weight and yoga histories between the ages of 45 and 55.
For purposes of the study, regular yoga practice was defined as practicing at least 30 minutes once a week for four or more years.
20-Pound Gap
Statistics showed that the subjects who were of normal weight at the age of 45 and did not practice yoga consistently gained about 10 pounds, while those who performed regular yoga routines lost 3 pounds during that same 10-year period -- a difference of 13 pounds.
There was a wider gap between people who were overweight at the age of 45. The non-yoga group gained about 14 pounds, while the yoga group lost 5 pounds -- a difference of almost 20 pounds.
It is not likely that yoga's fat-fighting potential is due to the physical activity itself, according to the study's lead author, Alan R. Kristal, DrPH.
"During a very vigorous yoga practice you can burn enough calories to lose weight, but most people don't practice that kind of yoga," he notes.
Body Awareness a Factor
"From my experience, I think it has to do with the way that yoga makes you more aware of your body. So when you've eaten enough food, you're sensitive to the feeling of being full, and this makes it much easier to stop eating before you've eaten too much," Kristal explains.
"Most people practice yoga in a way that's not aerobic enough to burn a lot of calories, so it has to be some other reason," adds study co-author Denise Benitez, owner of Seattle Yoga Arts.
"People who regularly practice yoga develop the inner resources to stay with a little bit of discomfort," she says, hypothesizing that those inner resources help people to stay with the discomfort that is caused when they deny themselves junk food.
In order to accurately measure the effects of yoga on weight maintenance and loss, these preliminary findings will need to be replicated, Kristal cautions.
Yoga Tips
The following tips for enhancing one's yoga practice, offers Benitez, may be particularly helpful for those who wish to maintain or lose weight:
1. Practice in a room without mirrors and pay more attention to your internal experience than to your outer performance.
2. Learn to feel sensations more and more subtly, so that you become deeply involved in and curious about small movements -- sometimes called micro-movements.
3. In your poses, find an edge for yourself where you are challenged but not overwhelmed. At this edge, practice maintaining a clear, open and accepting mental state.
4. Give yourself permission to rest when you feel overworked.
5. Pay close attention to what you are saying to yourself as you practice, and make an intentional effort to appreciate your own efforts and innate goodness.
6. Go to class faithfully, arrive early, and talk to a few people before class begins.
7. Buy your own yoga mat and bring it to class.
8. Realize that the development of qualities like patience, discipline, wisdom, right effort, kindness, gratitude and many others will arise from your yoga practice. These qualities create a steady and soft mind.
9. Find a teacher who offers a balance of gentleness and firmness and whose teaching inspires you to practice from your highest self.
10. Recognize that simply attending class is a major statement of courage, self-care, and positive momentum. Realize that you are inspiring others as you become more true to your deepest desires.
Copyright 2005 Daily News Central


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Our price: $4.25
Viagra Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) is a jelly solution for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction.

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Tapping Our Water Supplies

Tapping Our Water Supplies
 by: Peter Young
H2o. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, are all that make up the most important substance to all living things on earth.
Water, as it is more commonly known, has a slight hint of blue in its most pure form and is known to be the most universal solvent. In its three states, water takes on many different forms: water vapour and clouds in the sky, waves and icebergs in the sea, glaciers and aquifers on land to name a few.
Earth's water is 97% saltwater and undrinkable by humans. The other 3% is freshwater or potable water but of which, 2% is frozen in glaciers and polar icecaps. Our bodies are made of about 65% water making it vital our health. To function properly the body requires between one and seven litres of water per day to avoid dehydration.
By means of evaporation, precipitation and run-off, water is constantly changing from one state to another, in what is know as the hydrologic cycle. Run-off is the flow of water after rain which recharges ground water or aquifers. In many countries water is becoming scarcer as human population in those places increases, and its availability is a major social and economic concern.
Increasing pollutants in water are also becoming a greater cause for concern as more contaminants, such as fertilizers and chemical waste, are found in our water supplies.
Gone are the days, in many developed nations, where municipal tap water is considered safe for drinking.
Here are a just few commonly found, unwanted contaminants:
Lead - Found in water supplies with lead solder or pipes, especially when water is soft or corrosive. While lead is never desirable, concentrations greater than 15 micrograms per litre (15 ug/L also known as parts per billion or ppb) can cause brain, nerve, and kidney damage, especially in young children.
Nitrate Nitrogen - Nitrate nitrogen is commonly used lawn and agricultural fertilizers.It is also a chemical formed when decomposing waste materials, such as manure or sewage.
Fluoride – Added to water to reduce tooth decay but controversy surrounds exists over its benefits and dangers. In low quantities fluoride is use commonly in health applications but levels found in water should be monitored and known.
Bacterial and parasite
Cryptosporidium - is a parasite commonly found in lakes and rivers, especially when the water is contaminated with sewage and animal wastes.
Escherichia coli - (usually abbreviated to E. coli) is one of the main species of bacteria that live in the lower intestines of warm-blooded animals and are necessary for the proper digestion of food. Its presence in groundwater is a common indicator of fecal contamination.
Bottled Water
Today, because of a much increased awareness of water contaminants, more often people are drinking bottled water, or filtering water for consumption. Bottled water can be categorised into three sources:
Spring water - Derived from an underground aquifer from which water flows naturally to the earth's surface. Spring water must be collected only at the spring or through a borehole tapping the underground formation feeding the spring. If some external force is used to collect the water through a borehole, the water must have the same composition and quality as the water that naturally flows to the surface.
Mineral water – Water from an underground source that contains at least 250 parts per million total dissolved solids. Minerals and trace elements must come from the source of the underground water. They cannot be added later.
Purified water – normally comes from municipal sources - in other words - the tap. Municipal water is usually treated before it is bottled.
As can be seen, there arises many questions to the authenticity of bottled water label advertising. If you drink bottled water, always read the small print to see where it came from or what it "claims" to be.
Another way of removing unwanted contaminants in water is by filtration.
Filtering and Purification
Filtering and purification don't need to much explaining as to what they do but what must be pointed out, is the many different types and their effectiveness against different contaminants.
Boiling - Water heated to its boiling point for one minute kills micro organisms that normally live in water at room temperature.
Carbon filtering : Carbon with a high surface area due to its mode of preparation adsorbs many compounds, including some toxic compounds. Water passed through activated charcoal removes contaminants.
Distilling : - Involves the boiling of water producing water vapour, leaving behind contaminants. The water vapour then rises to a cooled surface where it condenses back into a liquid to be collected. Although this method does not completely purify, it produces 99% pure water.
Reverse osmosis : Pressure is applied to contaminated water forcing it through a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis is said to be the most thorough method of large-scale water purification.
There are many more water purification methods which are also effective but depending on which geographic location they are used, each one must be studied before making a decision on the best one.
Earth's water, more than ever is becoming an important subject, especially when 1 in 6 people on the planet do not have access to safe drinking water.
Maybe before studying water on Mars, we should take a closer look at what is happening to our own - right here on earth.

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Flonase Flonase
Our price: $39.6
Flonase (Fluticasone) Spray is used for treatment of allergic and non-allergic nasal symptoms.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Three Problems of Supplements Today

Three Problems of Supplements Today
 by: Yi Lai
1.Most of the supplements available on the market today are found to have poor bioavailability. To ensure that the body benefits from the supplement, the active ingredients of the supplements need to be absorbed into the blood stream and reach the organs so that they can do their job. There are few ways nutrients can get into the blood stream: injection, via the lining of the walls of upper intestine and colon. When you consume a supplement, it reaches the stomach and active ingredients are released. The environment of the stomach is very acidic (ph1.0-3.5). At this stage, majority of the active ingredients are destroyed by the stomach acids. Some may not be damaged but most are almost severely affected. As a result, only about 10% of active ingredients manage the absorption process and enter the blood stream. Some poor quality supplements may even pass through the body with no absorption at all! Poor bioavailability of supplements is very common issue in supplements industry today. Unfortunately very few companies have the know-how knowledge and technology to incorporate the delivery technology into the supplements.
2.Many supplements are contaminated with metals, unlabeled prescription drugs, microorganisms, or other substances. In U.S., dietary supplements are regulated by FDA (Food and Drugs Administration)as foods. The government is not responsible for the safety and effectiveness of the supplements. It's the supplements manufacturers' responsibility to ensure the effectiveness, safety, potency and efficacy of the products. Many manufacturers took for granted. Most supplements today are produced in less than optimal environment. As a result, the products are contaminated with leads, metals, chemicals, bugs, and other substances.
Following are just few reported cases:
- FDA warns consumers that Actra-Rx(dietary supplements for sexual enhancement) undeclared prescription drug ingredient.
- 2 out of 21 magnesium products are found to have lead in a study conducted by independent body, Consumerlab.com.
- Several popular nutritional supplements are found to be contaminated with steroid.
3.Many supplements have false claims and inaccurate labels. Because dietary supplements are loosely regulated, there is no pressure to ensure the accuracy of the labels of the products. This means that you may be taking less, or more of the ingredients stated on the labels. In addition, there are products that promise to cure diseases and wide spectrum of health problems. Most of these claims are rather questionable, for example:
- A product called "Sea Silver" said their product have 98% bioavailability because liquid can bypass the digestive system. As mentioned earlier, the only way for liquid to bypass the digestive system is through injection, not drinking
- Barefoot coral calcium supplements is said to be able to 'neutralize' the toxic acidity of blood. The truth is, calcium supplements can only change the acidity of body fluids.

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Mevacor Mevacor
Our price: $0.6
Mevacor (Lovastatin) is a cholesterol-lowering medicine.

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How To Dramatically Improve Your Fitness Results

How To Dramatically Improve Your Fitness Results
 by: Mike Symons
Do you feel like you aren't making progress in the gym? Do you feel that you aren't reaching your physical goals such as lower body fat or increased muscle, even though you consistently "eat right" and get your workout in?
What if I told you that you only need two things to get the results that you deserve and that these items are readily available in your home or office right now?
Before you get all hyped up thinking that this is some miracle drug or new-fangled piece of exercise equipment, it isn't. There is absolutely no substitute for hard work and commitment towards your goals.
So what are these two things?
Wait for it…
Paper and pencil.
No, I'm not joking. Let me explain and give some examples.
Your body is highly adaptable. It will adapt and change so that it can meet the challenges that it faces day in and day out. This is great in some regards, but not so great in others. Let's take lifting weights (with building muscle as a goal) as an example. If you go to the gym and do bench press with 135 pounds every week and never strive to increase the weight you lift, your body will adapt just enough to make you good at benching 135 pounds. Your central nervous system will adapt slightly, and you might even grow some muscle. Eventually with no new challenges, your body will remain the same, and you will no longer grow or get stronger.
Another example would be walking. People walk a lot (or should) every day. If the only physical activity that these people do is walking, their legs will not get bigger after a certain point. The body adapts to the stress of walking, and then once it gets "comfortable", it will remain the same.
So how does the paper and pencil fit in?
Simple. If you are striving to reach a goal, whether it be gaining muscle or losing fat, you must strive to improve from week to week, and month to month. To me, it is amazing how few people actually keep track of their workouts at the gym. If you aren't writing what you do down, you won't have any way of tracking progress.
As a general rule, you should strive to either increase the weight that you use or increase reps for each exercise you do.
For example, let's say that last week, you did two sets of barbell military press. The weight used was 95 pounds, and you did two sets of ten repetitions. This week, when you do that exercise, you should increase the weight by five pounds, and attempt the same number of reps. Let's say that for the first set, you got all ten reps, but for the second set, you only got eight. Next week, in order to improve, keep the weight the same, but strive to get ten reps for both sets. Rinse, and repeat.
The other side of this coin is tracking your nutrition. Whether your goal is to gain muscle or lose fat, keeping a food log is the absolute best way to maintain steady progress.
If you start struggling to lose fat, keep track of everything you eat on a daily basis, including total calories and fat, protein and carbohydrates. Armed with this information, you can start analyzing your diet to see where the problems are. If you fail to lose weight, take the daily calories that you were getting before and subtract 200 per day from that amount. Continue this until you are losing the amount of fat each week that you desire (keeping in mind that a weight loss in excess of two pounds a week can be unhealthy).
If you are struggling to put on muscle weight, keeping track of total calories will give also assist you. Follow the same idea for losing fat, but instead of subtracting calories, add them.
Reaching your goals is very simple (don't confuse the word simple with easy). If you strive to improve each and every workout session, and keep track of your nutrition using some form of tracking, you will see results.

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Gyne-Lotrimin Gyne-Lotrimin
Our price: $3.3
Gyne-Lotrimin (Clotrimazole vaginal) is an antifungal agent used to treat vaginal yeast infections.

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Chromium 6 - Our Guest from Hollywood

Chromium 6 - Our Guest from Hollywood
 by: Dr. Patrick Flanagan
I am Dr Patrick Flanagan, and this is the latest edition of my Dr Health Secrets newsletter.
Lately I have written about toxins in our water and food supply. This installment is about a toxin that got a lot of attention in Hollywood. This newsletter is about chromium 6 and its effects on your body.
Hollywood, Hollywood, Here I Come...
My guest today in my focus on toxic water can easily say, and with confidence, that it owes all of its success and great notice to one little Hollywood movie.
Yes, that movie was year 2000's Erin Brockovich, starring the caustic chromium 6, and co-starring the fabulous Mrs. Julia Roberts. The film publicized the chromium 6 poisoning of Hinkley, California by the powerful and successful PG and E Corporation, which ultimately resulted in an Oscar win for Julia Roberts, and the highlighting of a growing concern over toxic chemical plants and their poisoning of public drinking water.
Chromium-6 is used in dyes, pigments, leather tanning, wood preserving, and chrome plating.
Chromium-6 is a by-product of metal plating and is classified as a carcinogen when inhaled as particles or fumes. When chromium-6 gets into water, the effects are equally as damaging.
Out of 1,591 National Priority List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1,036 were found to have chromium-6 in them.
Scientists as well as many health officials argue that no level of chromium 6 is safe for the human body. Water officials, however, argue that there is no scientific proof that any of these allegations are true. These "officials" say that there is not enough proof to verify that chromium-6 truly causes health problems, but a judge in Hinkley, CA readily disagreed.
This disagreement cost PG&E hundreds of millions of dollars, and cost a town pain, anguish, and devastating disease.
I am willing to stand behind hundreds of sick individuals much faster than I am willing to stand behind a state official that is required to make budget concessions as well as health decisions.
What's The Verdict?
The health implications of chromium-6 run far and wide, and exposure, even in small amounts, can be deadly. Major corporations know the cost of cleanup, and even more importantly, they know the cost of lawsuit. What people don't know won't hurt them, but what they do know already has.
Health problems listed among those who have suffered from chromium-6 exposure include liver cancer, kidney failure, respiratory distress, circulatory problems, gastrointestinal ailments, reproductive problems, and other cancers of the brain and bodily organs.
Also cited as "lesser side- effects" were nosebleeds, headaches, benign tumors, hair loss, and many more. I have said it before and I will say it again; being bald with a bleeding nose while nursing a headache is not exactly my idea of "lesser side-effects."
Light At The End of The Tunnel
Aside from educating millions of people on the hazards of chromium-6, Erin Brockovich also managed to scare scores of people into hospital rooms nationwide, searching and looking for any signs of toxic chemical exposure.
The fear is understandable, and it is much more real than many would care to think, but there are things that can be done to better the situation.
The best solution is get information about your local water supply (see RESOURCE BOX) and then to get a highly advanced water filter for your house. Quality filters can range in the thousands of dollars, but clean water is much cheaper and easier than medical problems later in your life. Nothing feels as good as a shower without chlorinated water!
Remember, the problem with drinking distilled water is that your body is designed to drink water with minerals in it. So try adding minerals to your water and see how you feel. And some mineralized bottled water sources are great, as long as they are rigorously tested as many premium bottled waters are.

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Evista Evista
Our price: $0.85
Evista (Raloxifene) is used to prevent and treat bone loss (osteoporosis) in women after menopause.

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Side Effects of Fish Oil

Side Effects of Fish Oil
 by: Yi Lai
Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of fatty acids. Fish oil is recommended as source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil products are becoming increasingly popular due to the many health benefits. However, there are some side effects of fish oil. If you take large doses of supplements which contain high level of vitamins (especially vitamin D) in addition to Omega 3 fatty acids, the risk is possibility of vitamin poisoning. Vitamin poisoning is a condition wcan lead to toxic symptoms. For this reason, you should take fish body oil instead of fish liver based oil.
Another side effect of fish oil is heavy metal poisoning. Many fish contain heavy metal (mercury,lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium) and other contaminants (PCB's, furans, dioxins). If you eat fish, avoid fish species which contain toxin mercury and contaminants, including Largemouth Bass, Sturgeon, and others such as Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel, and Tilefish.
Now you may ask, should I give up fish oil? All the side effects of fish oil are avoidable. If you are concern about the side effects, you should take fish oil supplements as your source of Omega 3 fatty acids. In fact, only fish oil contains the form of DHA that can be used by your body. In addition, fish oil helps to protect you against wide spectrum of diseases and promote overall health. Specifically, fish oil is beneficial to: Cardiovascular health Skin health and skin disorder, like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea Visual function Brain function Neurological health Immune system Diabetes Gout and arthritis
So, how to avoid the side effects of fish oil? The best source of Omega 3 fatty acids is fish oil supplements. These tips would help you to choose pure and quality fish oil supplements, to ensure you are safe from the above mentioned side effects:
1. Choose supplements that are manufacture under strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance.
2. Choose the supplements that contain high potency of DHA.
3. The fish oil should be in ester form. Ester's fish oil has good bioavailability that allow your body to absorb the essential nutrients.
4. The fish oil should be free from contaminants.
5. Choose the supplements that are processed with molecular distillation. This technology enables manufacturers to filter out contaminants and pollutants from the products.


Monoket Monoket
Our price: $0.35
Monoket (Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate) is used for preventing symptoms of angina(chest pain).

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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12
 by: Tami Close
Are you just exploding with the presence of light all around you? Isn't it awesome when you take time out for yourself, how amazing you feel? Just keep believing in yourself and the miracles will keep happening. The right people will show up and the right opportunities will show up….GUARANTEED!
I am basking in my own light and let me tell you why. I just became a co-author in a book with a few famous people like Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and others. The name of the book is Wake Up Live the Life You Love…Finding Personal Freedom. It's a compilation of short stories designed to motivate and inspire similar to Chicken Soup for the Soul. The book will come out in March and we anticipate taking it to number #1 on the best seller list. Pretty awesome, right?
Last weekend I attended a conference in Southern California as part of the Wake Up Live family. The keynote speaker was Stedman Graham, Oprah's boyfriend. During his presentation he came over to me and asked me my name and used me to illustrate some key points for his speech. I also got to attend a VIP dinner with Stedman in attendance. Pretty wonderful, right? I met some other amazing people at the conference who I attracted to help me build my business.
Why am I telling you this? Before I could manifest miracles, I first needed to BELIEVE in myself and TRUST that GOD, my angels, my guides are right here with me all the time lifting me higher and higher. I have spent too many years living in worry and fear and only manifesting heartache as a result. I am not going to waste any more time living off track in lower vibrational energy. God has created me to live my purpose and I want to please Him. Now that I am believing in ME, I am soaring beyond the clouds!
Want to fly with me? Then keep focusing on you and each and every minute of the day thinking thoughts that will bring in more light. You have the tools to do this: RET, EFT, affirmations, meditation, visualization, journaling, forgiveness, exercise, surrounding yourself with positive people. When you have a fearful thought that comes in, take a minute out and go tap. Guess what? You can do this for a screaming child as well. Tap for them on their face, collarbone, under the arm and their head. You'll get results for them as well.
It will be great to see where you started and where you are now as a result of making you a priority. Remember, we are made to manifest miracles. Listen, trust and take Divine action. Your dreams are right here!
Right now, what are you going to do to bring in more light?
Love and hugs,

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Cyklokapron Cyklokapron
Our price: $1.7
Cyklokapron (Tranexamic acid) is used for short-term control of bleeding in hemophiliacs, including dental extraction procedures.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Some Great Ideas on Staying Fit

Some Great Ideas on Staying Fit
 by: Helen Murtha
Physical exercise is something that you need to do on a regular basis. If you're looking for examples of great fitness exercises to try out, you'll find them on our site.
A regular exercise program of either running, walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics or any other physical exercise helps to improve the efficiency of the human body in many ways. A healthy exercise regimen can help strengthen the body physically, as well as make you more confident and help you avoid some future illnesses.
Exercise keeps your bones and joints in line and strong, so the benefits aren't purely superficial. It also acts to strengthen your cardiovascular system, to help keep your heart healthy. A few great fitness exercises used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet can help you live longer and better.
A general feeling of improved well-being can be found through light exercises, so there is no need to overdo things. Light walking is probably the easiest fitness exercise there is; yet this doesn't mean it isn't a great fitness exercise. It helps blow the cobwebs away and can improve the heart, lower blood pressure and improve physique. All of these things help keep you healthy, active and measurably improve your lifestyle.
Great fitness exercises can include the use of weights, a fitness ball, exercise machines or just you and your muscles.
Combining physical exercise with nutritional supplements can vastly improve all of your physical and mental attributes and decrease the possibility of illness and damage, especially related to muscles, bones, blood, and even the heart. Exercising also helps release hormones throughout your body and the adrenalin that physical exertion releases can improve mental health. So you see, great fitness exercises improve your general well-being in addition to your physique.

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Zyrtec Zyrtec
Our price: $0.53
Zyrtec (Cetirizine) is used to treat allergies, hives (urticaria), and other allergic inflammatory conditions.

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An Introduction To Online Mexican Pharmacy

An Introduction To Online Mexican Pharmacy
 by: Mathew Bill
Are you frustrated with the high prices of prescription drugs? Take a look at a Mexican Pharmacy. Not only can you save a lot of money but you can also be sure that you are getting quality medicines and online customer service that provides you all the necessary information on drugs. Whether you are looking for prescription medication or herbal products Mexican Pharmacy is your souce for your purchasing medicines.These are all claims that are associated with Mexican pharmacies catering today. But there are some risks involve in it too, which cannot be totally ignored. Awareness is one sure step towards better informed consumer for health care products.
Expired Drugs:
All drugs and medcations are reviewed but make sure to ask about your Mexican pharmacy's licensing requirements, if there are any, before filling any prescriptions to alleviate the concern of getting expired drugs.
Generic Medications:
Keeping in view the ever increasing prices of prescription drugs these days Mexican Pharmacy also offers generic medications which are virtually the same as their brand name counterpart. But its advisible to check with your doctors for precribed generic medicine instead of taking one informed by the pharmacy.
Shipping Time
Free delivery on your doorstep and complete discretion over shopping are some of the added benefits you get while purchasing from Mexican Pharmacy. Instead the actual delivery time can vary from seven days to six weeks. Undue wasteage of time for a much needed medicine.
Language Problem
Many medicines available from a Mexican Pharmacy is labeled in Spanish, or in broken English. Hence important information is lost, so make sure to ask first how your pills will be labeled before you purchase anything.
Remember, when you are surfing the net for medications you might be misguided. So this article although alarming is only intended for consumer information to help you make the correct decision and choose the best Mexican Pharmacy to cater to your needs.
Copyright © Mathew Bell 2005


Casodex Casodex
Our price: $6.5
Casodex (Bicalutamide) is an anti-androgen used to treat prostate cancer.

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Mesothelioma - An Asbestos Related Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma - An Asbestos Related Lung Cancer
 by: Jill Kane
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer located in the lining of either the lungs, abdomen or the heart. These linings are thin layers of tissue covering the organ.
The pleura is the tissue covering the lungs and the wall of the chest cavity which cushions and protects the lungs. The peritoneum lines the abdominal wall and surrounds most of the organs in the abdomen. The pericardium is the tissue surrounding the heart.
Mesothelioma is a rare but very serious cancer. There are three types of mesothelioma based on the types of cancerous cells. The most common type is epithelioid and consists of 50-70% of total cases and has the best prognosis. The second type is called sarcomatoid, consists of 10-20 % of mesothelioma cases and is more unpredictable in nature. The third type of mesothelioma is called biphasic, it is a combination of the other two types and consists of 20-35% of all cases.
There are an estimated 2000-3000 new cases of mesothelioma in the United States every year. The majority of these cases begin in the chest wall (pleural mesothelioma), a few start in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma) and very rare are the cases starting in the lining surrounding the heart (pericardial mesothelioma).
The pleura is a thin lining of mesothelial cells. There are two pleuras in the chest, the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura. The parietal pleura lines the chest wall including the inside of the ribs, diaphragm and pericardium. The visceral pleura covers the lungs and filters fluid to and from the chest. If the pleura becomes diseases it is not effective at eliminating fluid from the chest resulting in pleural effusion or too much fluid in the chest.
Mesothelioma is usually the result of exposure to asbestos. Most people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma have had jobs where they breathed asbestos fibers. It may take up to 60 years from the time of asbestos exposure until mesothelioma develops.
Although rare, mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer which is often in its advanced stage when a diagnosis is made. In general, prognosis for mesothelioma patient is poor, however, some patients live with the disease for a long time. As mentioned earlier, the type of mesothelioma has an impact on the prognosis, as well as, the age of the patient, how much tumor has developed and if treatment is rendered. There are many variables in evaluating a mesothelioma case, so only the patients doctor can determine the best treatment and possible prognosis on an individual basis.


Triphala Triphala
Our price: $23.1
Triphala provides overall support for the digestive function.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Are You Just Filling Your Tummy?

Are You Just Filling Your Tummy?
 by: Susie Dieet
The Proper Way to Diet
The importance of a well balanced diet is very important. The goal of this article is to answer the questions you may have about a well balanced diet.
A well balanced diet must include the correct amount of vital nutrients. These nutrients include carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts, and fiber. Water is also vital and may be more important that all the other nutrients.
A balanced diet must contain an appropriate amount of fat, carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruit, minerals, salts, vitamins, and fibers. A balanced diet should also include plenty of water.
Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulphur also. Proteins are very important for our body. It is needed for growth and repair. Proteins cannot be directly absorbed by our blood, that's why our digestive system converts it into amino acids. There are over 20 different types of amino-acids.
Proteins are also sometimes used for energy. The liver helps to excrete nitrogen form our body. This process forms urea which the kidneys then add to the urine.
Vitamins are required by the body but the body does not produce its own vitamins. Therefore we must obtain vitamins through outside sources such as food and supplements. Although the body can survive for a certain amount o time without vitamins certain diseases and even death can result from a pro longed vitamin deficiency. The body requires small amounts of vitamin A, B, C, D, and E.
Our body requires mineral salts in traces, although, the requirement of mineral salts in our body is much more than that of vitamins. Mineral salts consists of iron, required to make hemoglobin, calcium, required for healthy teeth, bones and muscles


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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What's Causing My Lower Back Pain And How Can I Get Rid Of It?

What's Causing My Lower Back Pain And How Can I Get Rid Of It?
 by: Dan Farrell
Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments people suffer from and approximately 8 out of 10 people will deal with back pain at some point in their life. That's a lot of people… are you one of them? Out of all of the various forms of back pain, lower back pain is by far the most common and there's a good explanation for this. Any idea why? It's not car accidents, it's not work-related injuries, and it's not a lack of prescription medications either. Lack of movement and use is the number one cause of lower back pain! I bet your orthopedic specialist or chiropractor didn't tell you that, did they? It's the lack of movement in various muscles over years that leads to muscle imbalances and uneven wear and tear on your body, especially the spine. For example, how many times a day are you bending, leaning, or twisting? Here's what the typical person's day is like: Wake up Eat breakfast (hopefully) Drive or ride to work Sit at desk Eat lunch Sit at desk some more Drive or ride home Eat dinner Sit on couch and watch television Go to bed
Notice the trend here? That's an awful lot of sitting and not moving. Well, this is what leads to serious muscle imbalances and so what do we do, we go to the gym and perform exercises that only make the imbalances worse! The key to eliminating lower back pain (nearly any ache, pain, or injury for that matter) is to identify the muscle imbalances that are pulling the spine, bones, and joints out of place and then stretch the tight muscles while strengthening the weak muscles.
How do I know this? Well, as certified personal fitness trainer and post-rehabilitation specialist, I have worked with hundreds of individuals with back pain and the conditions that ranged from sciatic pain, to bulging discs, to spinal fusion, and others. In working with these individuals I discovered some startling facts.
1. Many people who seek professional help are often mis-diagnosed and end up following a treatment plan that fails to eliminate the cause of their back pain.
2. Nearly all of the individuals I worked with were able to eliminate their back pain, or significantly improve their condition even though all of the traditional treatments failed them (physically therapy, chiropractic care, cortisone injections, anti-inflammatory medications, back surgery, etc).
Even more amazing is the fact that most of these individuals were able to eliminate their back pain in a matter or days or weeks simply by performing a handful of exercises and stretches! These weren't your basic exercises or the standard back stretches and stomach exercises most "experts" recommend - these were specific exercises and stretches prescribed based on the individual. Many of these people had suffered for years and years with aches, pains, and stiffness and lived inactive lives because of their back pain.
3. Most back pain treatments offered for lower back pain only address the symptoms and don't address the cause, which usually delivers just temporary relief for the individual. In addition to helping hundreds of others eliminate lower back pain, I also have had personal experiences with back pain and other various conditions such as sciatic pain, tendonitis, muscle strains and sprains, and more. In every single situation the traditional treatments did nothing but treat the symptoms (often times not successfully) and the only approach that gave lasting improvements and relief was targeted stretches and exercises.
Have you tried traditional treatments and found little relief? I am not saying these treatments are not effective at temporarily reducing the pain or inflammation, but I am saying nearly all fail to get rid of the underlying cause of the problem.
So how do you identify these muscle imbalances? Well, it isn't easy but with a basic understanding of how your body works you can at least start looking at your situation and find out which muscles are over worked and too strong and/or tight and which ones are too weak and stretched out. It also helps if you can find a qualified health professional who specializes in identifying muscle imbalances. Unfortunately, there are still few professionals who use what I call the "common sense approach." However, your best bet is to look for a personal fitness trainer that is trained and certified in post-rehabilitation, a manual physical therapist, or an osteopath. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions... you need to take charge of your health care and be sure to quiz them to find out what type of an approach they take in treating back pain. This is just some of what you'll learn when you order our "Lose The Back Pain" video. Stop fooling around with your lower back pain and address the true cause... because if you don't, you'll only end up with temporary relief of a life long problem.
I wish you the best and remember, the key to a healthy back is movement!


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Tobacco - A Crime Against Humanity!

Tobacco - A Crime Against Humanity!
 by: Colin Williams
Believe me.. no other consumer product in the history of the world has even come close to inflicting this amount of damage on mankind. If anything else of this magnitude was to pose the same threat to life, whether it was human induced or naturally occurring – be it war, terrorist attack, genocide, ethnic cleansing, natural disaster or disease, it would as a rule command immediate international intervention! Think about the current 'war on terror'. So why isn't it?
You would have learnt how to smoke from that very first cigarette, as you most certainly practised the draw-back and other styles of smoking until you finally achieved that great smokers status.
If you were born to be a smoker then maybe your nose would have been made upside down (like a chimney) with a little umbrella over it to keep the rain out! You'd have a special filtration system for your lungs and firemen wouldn't need any breathing apparatus either.
Seriously now, you wouldn't pour toxic chemicals in to the fuel tank of your car, truck, motor home or bike – would you? So why is it we can suck in over 4000 toxic chemicals with every cigarette and not really think anything of it (until it's too late). Your life has got to be more valuable than your car or truck.
There are dozens of what I call 'Smoker Myths' associated with nicotine addiction, some of them are like this....
Myth#1. "I enjoy smoking, it makes me feel good" ever said something like that, or what about….
Myth#2. "I really enjoy the flavour of tobacco" are you kidding me!!! (Dog vomit would taste better)
Myth#3. "I'm just soooo stressed out, I need a cigarette"
These Smoker Myths become apart of the smoking culture or belief system. How many times do you think a non-smoker would make these statements?
You don't lose anything when you quit smoking, as a matter of fact you gain life, health and money. Did you know that you can quit smoking anytime you choose to?
You simply LEARN NOT TO SMOKE, or you simply LEARN to think as a non-smoker "easy for you", you might be saying but the truth is just that EASY! Remember, you learnt to smoke and use tobacco in the first place – right! I know that are thinking that "this sounds too simple" and you're right, except it took me over 20 years to work it out!
Hi my name is Colin Williams and I passionately want to teach you how to quit smoking and destroy the nicotine addiction… forever. I was addicted to nicotine for 35 years. I lost count of how many times I tried to quit smoking. So I know where you're at and I know how you think as a smoker or tobacco user. That's why I can teach you about….
Your Body...the health issues and scientific information you need to know.
Your Victory... know your enemy and how to kill the world's greatest deception.
Your Bank...the $$$ cost of smoking to you, and who's making the profit?
Your Past...how to bury the memory.
The bottom line is this – the nicotine addiction IS NOT your friend or buddy, it's a lying parasite that basically wants to kill you. Have you ever wanted to quit smoking?
Copyright 2005 Colin Williams

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Evista (Raloxifene) is used to prevent and treat bone loss (osteoporosis) in women after menopause.

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Appreciating The Importance Of Folic Acid

Appreciating The Importance Of Folic Acid
 by: Charlene J. Nuble
Folic acid is actually just one of the many vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. Also known as folacin and folate, this indispensable nutrient serves the body in more ways than one.
While very much important for all age groups, pregnant women are the ones who actually benefit the most from folic acid as well as those who getting past the prime of their lives. However, despite all of its known benefits many people fail to meet the recommended daily intake levels of folic acid which can oftentimes result to various ill-effects on a person's health.
Folic acid is highly important to a person's growth as early the period of pregnancy, while a fetus is still developing inside a mother's womb, it greatly needs to be nourished by folic acid in order for it to come out strong and healthy. In fact, if a couple is even thinking about getting pregnant, the woman should immediately begin to monitor her folic acid consumption, making sure that she meets the suggested daily intake of folic acid. Most health care professionals recommend that every woman of childbearing age make sufficient folic acid consumption a nutritional priority. This is because this nutrient is vital to the development of the baby from the moment of conception. It can help prevent serious birth defects in the brain as well as in the spine, called neural tube defects.
Spinal Bifida is one of the more well known defects that can be caused by lack of folic acid in the body. Every woman who wants to have a baby should always be conscious of her folic acid intake because these types of defects usually occur within the first few weeks of the baby's development, even way before the woman actually realizes that she is indeed pregnant.
In addition to assisting in the formation of genetic material in each and every cell of the body, other important functions of folic acid include the formation of red blood cells essential to transferring oxygen and nutrients throughout the body as well as tissue growth. Folic acid, according to recent studies has been associated with various health benefits as well as serving as protection against debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease some cancers and heart diseases. It is also thought to offer a certain degree of protection from strokes.
Folic Acid deficiencies can cause a myriad of health problems. Among them are ulcerations in the mouth, inflammation of the tongue, peptic ulcers and chronic diarrhea. Folic acid deficiency can also contribute to certain kinds of anemia.
As a water soluble nutrient, Folic acid actually goes out of a person's body quite easily since it practically exits the body through the urine which is why the amount of folic acid in the body should always be replaced so as to not suffer from the consequences brought about the lack of folic acid. It is highly recommendable to actually consider taking some folic acid supplements to ensure that our bodies' folic acid levels are always replenished. This holds especially true for expectant mothers who need to ensure the good health of the babies that they're carrying. Like they always say, better safe than sorry.
When choosing a dietary supplement for your folic acid needs, it is always important to read and understand the label. This will help you to ensure that you are getting the daily suggested amount of folic acid which is needed for a person's good health as well as whether or not this supplement caters to one's specific needs. For example, something that is directly created for expecting mothers should not be taken by people who are not pregnant. Even though they both contain folic acid, they contain various levels of it that may prove to be too much or too little to some. When planning your supplement use, make an honest assessment of your eating habits. That way, you can select individual supplements that match your individual dietary needs and health goals.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

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