Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Cheapest Way To Stop Eating Junk Food And Start Finding Your Ideal Weight Again

Your health is your responsability. As a human being, you have the choice to put in your stomach whatever you want. It is YOU and only you that can choose what you want or not to eat. In other words, it is YOU who chooses to be slim and fit or not. That is your choice. You need to take 100% responsability of the way you eat. That's the beginning of your success.
Now, you'll say: "I can't, it is stronger than me" or "look at this cake, I can't leave it alone. It needs to be eaten." or "It is so good, another one please!". The question is: "Why do you eat?" Is it for pleasure or for fuel? After all, food is just food, but the emotion we attach to food is so strong that we tend to eat for pleasure or for an emotional reward.
When you eat junk food, subconsciously you say YES! to it. Let's learn another word: NO! Most of us said, "No!" quite well when we were two and we have grown up to be people pleasers and say "YES!" all the time. Most of us believe that saying "No" can cost us a lot in our adult life.
NO! is a powerful word when said at appropriate moments. One of the best moments to say that powerful NO is when you want to eat junk food. Dr. Bob Bodenhamer, co-developer of neuro-semantics said, "All change in essence boils down to saying 'No' to what you don't want and 'Yes' to what you do want."
If this statement is correct, each time that you say YES to junk food, you say, subconsciously of course "I want to be fat and don't want to be slim and fit" even if consciously you really want to be healthy and full of energy.
Words are power and your language is a representation of your map. Let's add some choice to your map. The more choices you have, the more success you will have.
Therefore, let's learn or re-learn to say this powerful NO! The results of saying NO to certain foods are: you will have a sense of control over your own body (you don't want to be controlled by it, don't you?), you will feel more confident, more self-esteem and eventually you will feel at peace. It will reinforce your belief that you need to take 100% responsibility for your own health and nobody will do it for you
First, get a good strong representation of saying "No!" to something. It doesn't need to be related to food. You will want to make sure that your No looks, sounds, and feels congruent and that it truly fits with your beliefs and values.
Second, to reinforce this powerful NO, find 4 other situations where you said NO!. It can be as simple "NO, it's too late to go out now". The most important is that it needs to be congruent. If you are a 100% people pleasers and can't find any NO! situations, think of what it would be, how you would feel and what you would hear if you had the courage to say NO! to something or someone. This is this kind of NO! that you need.
Third, Say No! to the junk food. Re-access the "it's stronger than me" feeling and once you have it, say No! Do it congruently, intensely, and repeatedly. And you can keep on saying No! until you begin to feel that it no longer has any power to run your programs. Notice how the feeling diminish and how the desire for the food is far and disappearing. To finish, picture yourself already slim and fit. You already know it's not hard to do it. Now, say a big "YES! That's what I want!"
As you know, you have the power of saying NO! Everybody does. But we are trapped with some limited old thinking that eating is for a reward or for pleasure. We are conditioned to eat for false reasons. When you keep repeating this pattern, you break some old belief and it comforts you: you can change, you can do it, can't you?

Why Drug Companies are Naughty and 5 Remedies to Cure the Symptoms

With the hum of the election campaign and the debate of "big business," versus human interest, I decided to do a bit of muckraking into the art and science of the recent removal of Merck's Vioxx. My motivation of course; to look for clues as to the role drug companies play in our health and wellness (or lack thereof).
Here's some symptoms giving me trouble:
Symptom #1: After pulling Vioxx from the shelves, drug company, Merck, (as well as the media) made the "only 7.5 in 1,000 patients could be at risk for heart attack or stroke" sound like a simple omission.
Symptom #2: Prior to the pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies clearing their shelves of Vioxx, studies had shown the drugs destructive effects for over four years (Check out the proof for yourself in this article: )
Symptom #3: We are given all of this data in a most nonchalant fashion, prior to learning the amount of money Merck was pocketing on the drug: current tally, $2.6 billion (reference article above).
Symptom: #4: We are meant to be comforted by the fact that the drug, Vioxx, was released with only limited clinical testing. And gosh, if no one from the random sample had any cardiovascular consideration to begin with, who knew it would cause heart attacks or stroke (ref. )?
Symptom: #5: (Even if we are to digest this) Perhaps they shouldn't have told us that in 2002, according to a report from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ( ) over $160 million dollars was spent to advertise Vioxx (which was higher than advertisement dollars for both Pepsi and Nike).
Shall I continue?
Why not... here's more off the cuff musings:
On the other side of the coin, Merck has set off a chain reaction. Each and every day I see advertisements from lawyers on my local upstate New York television asking for Vioxx users to step forward. Yes, if you dial 1-800 they're at your disposal, poised and ready to sue the pants off Merck.
And so I ask you... Do two wrongs make a right?
Here's my assessment of the situation based on clinical experience: When we're sick, we trust our doctor to help us come back to health. We trust the pharmaceutical companies to support research and create drugs to prevent disease and ailments. Yet, in a fear based society (assuming death to be the fear we speak of) we hear precious little about the trust we should place on our bodies own natural ability to heal itself. It's just that simple.
Let's all be honest with each other, drug companies are betting that you are going to get sick – and if and when you do they will be happy to accommodate you. When doctors prescribe drugs, pharmaceutical companies make money. And when a doctor prescribes a certain "brand" of drug, the doctor receives a kick-back from the company. It's simple supply and demand.
What's more, now their digging a little deeper into your pocket and your psyche. Here's a prime example. Turn on your television set during – let's say football season just to be timely. You'll notice prime–time advertisements by your favorite (or not so favorite) celebrities promoting Celebrex, Levitra and so on... These advertisements bypass the medical profession placing drugs on the table for commercial consumption.
So this all begs the question - are drugs bad for you? The answer can be both yes and no. All drugs have side effects. Most drugs are created from organic sources but are then chemically manipulated to cause a favorable reaction in the body. When you take a drug, basically, you're putting an inorganic substance into nature.
Therefore, the hullabaloo makes me think – how do we stay out of the machine? Or better yet, if there are drugs which will help people become well (which I believe there are) how do we keep the money-hungry honest? Here's my 5 remedies:
Remedy One: Educate Yourself
What drugs can do is be a means to wellness. But you need to know the facts. If you walk into your doctor's office with a list of symptoms, you will receive a drug that promises to (on paper) relieve you of your symptoms.
But what if those symptoms are trying to tell you something? And what if the drug your doctor prescribes could make you sicker? Here's what you can do: If you are given a drug, check out the side effects and interactions here, then decide:
Remedy Two: Think Complimentary Medicine
So, Laura, what is complimentary medicine? Complimentary medicine asks you to take a long look at yourself, your body and your beliefs about why an illness has developed. It's not about treating one ailment (joint pain, an injury, an illness) – it's about looking at the whole picture: your posture, your diet, your lifestyle. Then, creating an exit strategy for your illness.
Complimentary medicine asks you to take a look at your relationship to the affliction and then – with your doctor's facilitation - developing a treatment program as a means to health (which can include medication). This way you become fully active in your illness and treatment.
Remedy Three: Practice Prevention
The best way to approach wellness is when you are well. Then, if the time should come for you to become a part of your own health care, you can be honest with yourself and how you feel about your body.
Start now. Take a long look at your self. Begin by checking your score on the wheel of life: ( ) Are you taking ample time for yourself? Time for exercise, time for play? Are there outside forces instigating stress in your body? By taking the wheel of life exam you'll understand that your personal fulfillment can pay dividends on your health.
Remedy Four: Have Routine Check Ups
This one is easy. Create a relationship with your doctor: Make continuous notes of all your concerns and talk to your doctor about them. Most doctors will only spend a limited time with you, so get your notes together before hand and aim to keep the lines of communication open.
Step Five: Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Be Kind To Yourself: Start by taking a few quiet moments each day to silence the outside world and allow the heart rate to slow. Continue your process to be well by becoming conscious of all that is around you.
Nutrition: Practice becoming aware of what you are putting in your mouth – try to focus on the naturals: fruits and vegetables and go for lean meats and low fats. Finally, don't forget to drink your 8-oz glasses of water.
Exercise: Be sure to find an exercise program you enjoy and be consistent with your workouts: My philosophy: spend 1 hour per day at least 5 days a week. This is just a guideline. Find what kind of exercise you enjoy most, and be consistent. Your body will thank you.
In Closure:
Learn to get to know your body. Your body and your relationship to it will give you signals as to how to take care of it. You can keep the drug companies honest by asking questions, challenging information and making the most of the time you spend with your doctor. By creating a positive atmosphere and a positive lifestyle you are certain to find yourself betting on wellness and keeping the pharmaceutical monies right where they belong: in you own pocket.

Penis Enlargement Pill Questions And Answers!

Many of the pill sites including those that we have listed claim the can enlarge your penis without the need for a natural enlargement program. We personally doubt this (just being honest!) However we know that penis pills when combined with natural penis enlargement techniques can significantly enlarge your penis. Below is some FAQ on penis pills:
Other than enlargement, what are other benefits of penis enlargement pills?
As well as enlarging the penis the following benefits have been reported Erection strengthening (erections like rocks) Increased sexual stamina Increased head size More intense orgasms Improvement in urinary flow Increased blood circulation to genital area. Higher sex drive Treatment of impotence Increased sperm production Overall improvement in sexual function Increased orgasm intensity.
Quite often we get asked; how can one get penis enlargement from a pill?
Penis enlargement pills internally stimulate development of the erectile chambers allowing for more blood to be held, thus giving a longer and thicker erection. The science is simple; the effects are astounding.
There are thousands of skeptical men in the world who can't quite believe that you can gain inches on your penis simply by taking a penis enlargement pill. We've done the math, researched the possibilities and ultimately tried out each available method of penis enlargement and our studies have shown amazing results.
Penis enlargement pills will not only increase the length and thickness of your erections but you'll also experience longer lasting and harder erections with most available products. This offers you gains in length, thickness, stamina and strength. Most men appreciate help in at least ONE of these areas - penis enlargement pills help in them ALL!
Are penis pills safe?
Generally speaking, enlargement pills are quite safe. This is because their ingredients are non-prescriptive, consisting mostly of natural herbs. However, you should ALWAYS read the ingredients for yourself. Some pill companies state that men with diabetes or genital nerve damage should NOT take enlargement pills.
What is the daily dose I must take?
You usually take 2-3 tablets per a day. A month's supply is either 60 or 90 capsules.
How much do pills cost?
Penis enlargement pills are not cheap. They usually cost anywhere between $40-$80 per a month. However if you buy in bulk then you usually get large discounts. You usually have to take them for no longer than 3-4 months.
Will I see results, for sure?
Results may vary but you WILL see some results. WE have many e-mails from readers of this site stating they have enlarged their penis by up to 2 even 3 inches in just a couple of month's. We have also had men that have gained only 1 inch but you will benefit from ALL the additional things listed above no matter what size gain you make.

Lose Weight - Find Hidden Calories

If it seems that you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories.
When we are busy, stressed or focused on something else we reach for convenient snacks that are usually high in fat. This unconscious eating will add up to a whole of extra calories in the course of a day or week. This mindless eating is nothing more than a habit that can be broken.
To get this habit under control write down everything you eat for the next 3 weeks – everything! Be on guard for those times when you are more susceptible to unconscious eating.
At work: You find bowls of candy on coworkers' desks Your coworkers bring in doughnuts and pastries Office gatherings – where you will always lots of fatty food
At home: You're cooking dinner and sample the food – these calories add up Your children don't eat all their food – you eat that too – more calories While talking on the phone – there goes how many cookies? When you are worried When you are happy
Dining out: You eat the bread that is served before the meal You have a drink before your meal You eat dessert which you usually don't do
Parties: Endless party snacks that are full of fat and calories Talking while you eat is the easiest way to take in those extra calories Then those drinks again – it is easy to stack up the calories
Watching Television: We are so focused on what we are watching that we pay little attention to how much we are eating.
The first step is to tune in and be aware of those times that you do consume extra calories. Then find ways to avoid them. For example, how do you avoid the candies on coworkers' desks? First become aware of how many calories there are in each candy and how long it will take to burn those calories off. You will look at the candies differently when you think of them in this light. If high fat snacking is a temptation at work bring some low fat food to keep you full and your hand out of the candy jar. To avoid eating a lot at a party eat a little before you go so you won't be hungry and tempted to snack on everything you see. As for alcohol, you can delete your drinks with water.
One pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Depending on your gender, age, muscle mass, and size you need approximately 2000 calories per day to stay at your normal weight. When you consume more than this amount your body stores the added calories as fat. If you go over your daily requirement then you will have to exercise to get rid of those calories.
If you go to this site you will be able to calculate how many calories you need to maintain your weight. (The weight is in kilos)
Check out this site to find out how many calories are in candies and junk food

Uncover Emotional Secrets and Live a Happier Life

Can you remember a time when you became a little irritated with someone and made a sharp comment that may have hurt, one which you later regretted? Have you ever writhed in the pain of emotional agony over some loss or missed opportunity? Do you recall a time when you felt so overwhelmed by emotion that you withdrew from everything and everyone? In any of these cases to a lesser or greater degree the emotional part of your brain has produced a questionable response or perhaps a response that you may have regretted later.
Researchers generally agree that there is an appropriate 'alarm' system in the brain. This system effectively overrides the thinking part of your brain in emergencies and causes an action or reaction that can be life saving.
The same system causes you problems when it creates inappropriate and unreasonable responses in your daily life in non-life threatening situations. Maybe your loved ones see your anger and it hurts them or your relationship to them. Perhaps you experience other consequences that would have been averted had you greater control over your emotional brain.
You can exert control over the reactionary part of your gray matter. The first step is realizing why these unwanted and seemingly uncontrollable responses happen. Just being cognizant that your emotional alarm system sometimes triggers at inappropriate times is half the battle. With awareness, you will be primed to take the next step.
Using your will to produce a calmer state is the second step. You'll want to exert some effort from the rational or thinking part of your brain. Your thinking mind must not be timid and should be a bit stronger in applying a conscious influence over your emotional reactions. You can learn to control the alarm response with persistence and patience and reset the threshold to a more appropriate 'setting'.
Once you begin to recognize the emotional response before it happens, you begin to develop the ability to stop that response and engage the more rational part of your brain.
When successful, you will find that you no longer 'snap' at others. You will be happier and your emotional side will not run ramped like an out of control team of horses racing away with the wagon of your rationality.
Instead, you may find yourself becoming calmer, more relaxed and better able to handle situations in a way that helps everyone and allows the wonderful person that you truly are to shine through.
Developing a more compassionate and kinder nature may help. Becoming less quick to judge a situation and more understanding of the perceived transgressions of others may be useful in resetting the threshold of your emotional alarm system.
Ridding yourself of thoughts of arguing or fighting with others may also leave you in a better state of mind. Allowing things to happen naturally and letting go of the need to be in control of every situation will allow you to feel better about yourself and the world around you.
Consider practicing that sage-like advice that comes from a most unusual source, bumper stickers. You have probably seen the ones that say, "I practice random acts of kindness' If you actively do so, you may find your threshold for emotional responses naturally adjusting upwards.
Checking inappropriate responses is a great reason to pay attention to your emotions and feelings. Yet, there is a an even more positive benefit that hasn't been mentioned yet.
Consider this quote from the inside front jacket of Daniel Goleman's book, "Emotional Intelligence". "Emotional Intelligence includes self- awareness and impulse control, persistence, zeal and self-motivation, empathy and social deftness. These are the qualities that mark people who excel in real life: whose intimate relationships flourish, who are stars in the workplace. These are the hallmarks of character and self- discipline, of altruism and compassion -basic capacities needed if our society is to thrive".
Clearly, you have the power to make changes that vastly improve the quality of your life and the lives of those around you. The answer rests within and can change your world.

Water, The Magic Drink: Learn How It Helps Glow Your Skin

Glowing skin comes free of charge to you. Our simple water does it effectively.The effect of water is immediate, say overnight. your skin not only glows but you also feel a lot better after having a glass of water. Your wrinkles will seem less pronounced and your body will work most effectively as the waste and toxins are washed away. This is what our free of cost renewable source of energy does to us.
Tip: Drink a glass or two of water if you are watching your diet. Dehydration triggers false feelings of hunger so its easy to confuse thirst with hunger.
Natural spring water, whether its fizzy or still, is full of natural minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, which are so important for our growth and healthy skin, along with iodine, copper and iron .Fizzy water is believed to be absorbed much quicker in body and is thought by some beauticians to aggravate cellulite.
Tip: People who drink a lot of tea, coffee, hot chocolate and aerated drinks tend to have tired-looking skin and have greasy skin and spots.This is because these drinks contain caffeine which prevents your body from making efficient use of minerals and vitamins.Try not to drink more than 3 cups of tea or coffee a day.
Alcohol and Smoking also effect the skin in great great way.Keep their intake low. Excessive intake of alcohol can lead to split veins. Smoking which has Nicotine doesn't help you keep healthy skin too.Try Giving up Smoking.Nicotine attacks the blood vessels that feed the skin with oxygen and nutrients, as well as those that drain away the body waste. Smoking also age the skin greatly and affect nail beds and hair follicles, which nestle the epidermis .
Tip: Try not to take more than recommended 21 units of alcohol a week and GIVE UP SMOKING . Learn how to give up smoking effortlessly and painlessly here .
So, i would advice you to increase your water intake. One of the best way is to start a day with a glass or two of water. These initial glasses are important as you are reversing any mind dehydration that may have occurred overnight. It is always advisable to have water empty stomach as it avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices .So half hour before your meal, do have water.Get into the habit of taking water bottle along with you when you go out so that you can refresh yourself whenever you want.
Benefits of Pure Water: It doesn't create any false feeling of hunger if we have proper intake of water. Hence, no overeating. Skin feels moist with the increase in energy levels. Pumps you up, improves mental and physical performance. Flushes out Toxins and unwanted substances . Gets you rid of dark circle under eyes . It also alleviates migraine headaches, high blood cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis pain, allergies and high blood pressure.
Tip: Your intake should not be less than 8 glass of water per day.
Get More free informative articles on health at So, i would advice you to increase your water intake. One of the best way is to start a day with a glass or two of water. These initial glasses are important as you are reversing any mind dehydration that may have occurred overnight. It is always advisable to have water empty stomach as it avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices .So half hour before your meal, do have water.Get into the habit of taking water bottle along with you when you go out so that you can refresh yourself whenever you want.

Dieting While Partying: Check Out Various Diet Tips And Weight Loss Tips

It's really difficult for a person to socialise if he is on a Diet. Totally ignoring parties and invitation is definitely not a solution.You have to strike a balance between your diet and social parties which, trust me, isnt easy at all . But we can always take necesaary precautions so as to avoid overeating.
Here is some valuable tips to keep everyone happy. Try eating light snacks aroung 6 PM before leaving for the party. The problem with late night parties is that dinner isnt served before 11 and by that time rats are running in everyones stomach, so people end up eating a lot which they shouldnt. At dinner, try eating vegetables only along with some fat free yoghurt . If you cant resist non-veg, go in for grilled chicken. Caution: Do not drink soups at parties as they have cornflour which is by any means not good for people who are on diet. Avoid unhealthy food like white bread, deep fried foods and oily vegetables. Choose salads with combination of chicken and and greens with marinated vegetables. Chinese greens are great choice anyday. Eat your food slowly and cherish it to the fullest.
Few more veryday Diet Tips for everyone: If you prefer non-vegetarian food, eat more fish and lesser red meat. Infact one should avoid Red Meat . It not only increase Cholestrol but also makes you more susceptible to heart attack and other heart related diseases. Your Diet should have less sodium and more fibre . Fibre improves your digestion and keeps your stomach in good shape. People with cholestrol problem should not eat york at all.Keep them for kids. Get into the habbit of eating fruits as desserts instead of high calorie ice creams and puddings.
For more Diet Tips, weight Loss tips and msucle building tips visit

From Now On, Europe Focuses On Dieting Pills

A state of emergency has been recently put on European Union agenda. In the next ten years, European countries will be "on diet". The EU countries have to manage an alarming situation: high rate of obesity and overweight. It seems that all America's weight-loss problems along with diets and any kind of dieting pills crossed the Ocean.
European countries borrowed bad habits from Americans
Along with foods, Americans have brought the whole picture to the "Old continent": fad diets and related-weigh loss problems, dieting pills and dietary supplements. According to International Obesity Task Force, the prevalence of obesity has grown by up by 10 to 40 percent in most European countries from 1993 to 2003. It is an alarming statement. 30% of people living in the European Union are overweight and more than one in ten is now obese, according to EASO. Not surprisingly, a war against obesity has started recently. European officials are worried specifically about childhood obesity since children with "weight problems" are three to five times more likely to suffer a heart attack or even stroke before the age of 65. Although this problem is not as urgent as the American issue, the forecasts are ruthless.
The battle against obesity
When overweight and obesity are on the agenda, fast food and modern unhealthy eating habits (too many sweets and refined foods) a sedentary lifestyle
are often quoted. Officials of the European Union are worried because obesity brings along related problems such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Unfortunately,70.000 cases are added each year, while heart disorders are already the leading cause of death in the European Union: half of all deaths are caused by heart disease.
Since the issue became so urgent, the EU was prompted to apply a "fight-plan" against obesity for the next ten years. Experts have decided in the recent European Congress of Obesity that the new fight-front should proceed on four major ways: governments NGOs food industry consumers themselves.
Additionally, two pathways can be involved in this effort: television computer industry.
They are to induce and educate nationwide a well-balanced eating regimen and promote physical activity and regular exercise (schools included). A direct and sharp link to the new way of eating (fast food, biscuits, high carbohydrate foods, fatty products) hasn't been established precisely. It is argued though that giving up old healthy habits proved a significant overweight factor. Thus, obesity has been declared "public enemy number one" in the European Union.
Portugal case study
Anorectic teenagers and obese middle-aged people - this is happening nowadays only in Portugal. It is a strange situation, the least to say. Nearly two-fifths of all Portuguese of 18 to 65 are overweight and no less than 15 percent are already obese while over 8% of all 18 and 19 year olds are extremely thin (twice than in the same age group in 1995). These facts were released in September 2004, after a study had been carried out and cited by Agency France-Presse.
What do these two statistics disclose? on one hand, the health of people of 18 to 65 (active Portugaese) is highly threatened by heart disease, stroke and diabetes on the other hand, many teens of Portugal suffer from eating disorders (it is argued that they have a repulsive reaction to obesity and they are obsessed with their look).
As the Portuguese have changed their eating habits lately, adding more sweets and fatty foods into their meals, the obesity range highly increased. A review of their eating habits reveals that many people go to work with no breakfast. Around ten o'clock in the morning there is the "coffee break", which is usually taken with a lot of sweet cakes, rolls, croissants. Lunch is regularly around one o'clock and means meat (codfish, veal, pork, chicken, rabbit) and potatoes (raw vegetables are rarely eaten). Another coffee break is around five o'clock. Dinner is at eight and consists of meat primarily. The Portuguese eat soup often but after a meal, not before. The famous caldo verde soup is preferred, in spite of the fact that it contains a potentially lethal piece of cholesterol rich sausage.
Besides, Portugal is invaded by fast food, especially hamburger outlets like McDonalds. Not only large cities, but also small towns have a McDonalds. Not to mention the other fast-food outlets, which make things worse for the Portuguese.

Integrative Medicine And It's Future

The NBC National News, quoted the Washington Post in March of 2000, about the concerns that the FDA had over the mixing of supplements and conventional medications. There were concerns that millions of people are taking supplements (considered herbs, homeopathic, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and some diet products) and having reactions when they mix these things with common and prescribed medications.
I have studied this phenomenon for over 20 years and do know for a fact that with conventional medications, these reactions are quite common. The AMA is calling for the FDA to reverse their ruling on supplements implemented in 1997.
But is this really the best approach?
Many Universities across the nation have closed their Ethno -botany and Botany labs, disallowing many with the gift in this field to aid in the search for new cures, and to determine which plants will have adverse reactions when combined with other chemicals
A good example is the treatment of Gout.
Medications that are prescribed by traditional medicine are normally Allopurinal or Zyloprim and Colchicine (which, by the way, is a homeopathic remedy from the bulb of the Autumn Crocus) which decreases the reaction that causes uric acid in the blood. Allopurinal and Colchicine can be enhanced by a specialized diet and the elimination of some supplements that can cause an elevation of certain enzymes in the diet. Both of these drugs can also cause serious side effects and toxicity when taken in high doses and/or for a prolonged period of time.
The deficiency of certain nutrients can provoke an attack of gout, people who take antibiotics can increase the risk of an attack and a persons diet can certainly influence not only the severity of an attack, but the frequency of attacks.
There are other reactions that need to be taken into account also, and that is that Allopurinal and Colchicine has a negative effect on the liver after 6 months of use, which will make it harder for those drugs to work effectively. If you also add some supplementation, even a regular multi-vitamin into the system when the liver is already struggling to keep up with the demands of the system, this can cause an adverse reaction to the liver, in part because the liver has to work harder to absorb the micro-nutrients given in the multi-vitamin.
The balance between conventional medicine and alternative medicine is a delicate one. Right now, both schools of thought refuse to work together, and the general public is who suffers.
For some who suffered from allergies when Seldane was prescribed, this was a very concerning issue. When taking Seldane, patients were not told that taking the medication along with certain micro-nutrients could prove to be fatal, and was in a few cases across the United States.
In 1993, the New England Journal of medicine published an article in which researchers estimated that as many as 60 million people had participated in alternative medical care. A follow-up study to that one, which appeared in a 1998 issue of JAMA, estimated that the number of visits to alternative practitioners had increased more than 47 percent between 1990 and 1997 and that expenditures in 1997 for alternative medicine services exceeded 21 billion dollars.
In our small town we had a family practitioner that took care of the community needs. He was a wonderful man that always gave of his time, energy and knowledge freely. A week after he was diagnosed with Gastric Carcinoma, he called me for advice. I asked him why he would call me and ask me for help. He told me that he had watched the patients that he had diagnosed with this same disease die slow, painful and miserable death, even while they were on conventional medications. He said he knew that the traditional medications and protocols didn't work, he had diagnosed cancers, informed the patients, watched them slowly die and he wanted something else. I treated him for 9 months; the cancer did not advance in that time, it didn't go away either, but it didn't advance. I asked him to do both treatments together, traditional and integrative, but he refused. He had a friend that was a Oncologist and this friend finally convinced him to try some clinical trials at a couple of Universities. In order to do that, the family doctor had to come off all other protocols that he had been taking. They waited a few weeks for the nutrients to leave his body, then started him on a protocol called PP6 and Thalidomide. A few days after the first treatment, he told his closest friend, "I've killed myself." Within a few weeks, he was totally incapacitated. He passed away some 5 months later, in severe pain and agony.
It's not always conventional medicine at fault....A cancer patient in N-stage was being treated by both conventional physician and naturopathic physician. Because the patient had been put on Prednisone he had become edemic. The Naturopath told the patient to come off the drug immediately, and then left town on a business trip. I got a call a few days later, the patients breathing was labored and he had fluid in his lungs. The massage therapist that called explained what had happened. I told her to call the man's medical physician immediately, the reduction of Prednisone can not be halted that quickly without the patient undergoing repercussions . The patient paid the ultimate price for the bridge between alternative and conventional medicine. There is so much that can be integrated into both schools of thought and treatment. These stories are why the public is turning to other methods for treatment, most do a combination, which, as the previous story illustrates, can be detrimental to health, unless the health care giver has a knowledge of both fields and an understanding of the chemical reactions that can occur.
It is always best to be responsible for your own health and treatment. No health care professional should be given total and complete control over another man's life. The need for knowledge is a necessity when deciding to integrate different methods of treatment for the health care provider involved, it could mean the difference between the life and death of a patient. The future of Integrated Medicine lies in the publics demand for the combination of traditional, alternative medicine, Bio-technology and Nano-technology. This integration will be needed in order to give patients the best of all fields of study.

Improve Your Eating Habits To Save Money On Prescriptions!

Do you like the arthritis pain relief you get from over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pills (like ibuprofen)? But do they "bother your stomach"? Take an honest assessment of your eating habits. Think about your diet before you declare the cheaper NSAIDs off-limits and switch to the more expensive coxibs like Celebrex® or Bextra®. (Each costs about $100 per month!) If you tend to skip meals or eat poorly, any anti-inflammatory will cause indigestion, heartburn or a bleeding ulcer!
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) work by cooling off inflammation wherever it smolders. The theory is: No inflammation, no pain. Inflammation happens because of an elaborate sequence of biochemical reactions in your body. Some of the steps in these reactions lead to good work elsewhere, like controlling normal blood-clotting, and defending the stomach's lining from the acid within. NSAIDs block these reactions, and could interfere with your body's healthy housekeeping. This is where their "side effects" come from.
When you swallow an NSAID tablet, don't imagine that it sits in your stomach and burns a hole on contact. Instead, it is absorbed into your bloodstream, and then floats around and takes effect. One of these effects is arthritis pain relief. On the other hand, it could also hinder your stomach's ability to protect itself. You can help your stomach and reduce the chance of side effects by eating properly.
A sound diet requires you to eat frequent, small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. Having food in your stomach will give the acid something to do, rather than digest the stomach itself! It's not just a matter of "take it with food." By fueling and replenishing your body with a healthful eating plan, you could also do without fancy heartburn pills like Prevacid® (about $150 per month!)
Good health and a state of "wellness" means you respect the way all of your organs and systems are interrelated. Do everything you can to sustain your body's vigor and balance in order to ward off anything that threatens it with pain and disease--or threatens your wallet with the cost of brand-name drugs!
Want to learn more? Visit to order "Making Sense of Arthritis Medicine: Manage Your Symptoms Safely" and discover the risks and benefits of all common remedies!

How Do I Choose The Best Arthritis Medicine?

Are you spending a fortune on prescription arthritis medicines? Are they helping? Are you concerned about side effects? You may think a particular drug is a miraculous godsend. Yet, someone you know may take the same dose only to experience little relief and life-threatening side effects. All of the choices can be confusing.
The best treatment for your arthritis is based on your needs. Making the diagnosis of "osteoarthritis" is fairly straightforward, but deciding what to do about it is a complex and very individualized matter. There's a wide range of options available to help you deal with OA; medicines are only part of the picture: The Basics: Weight Management / Exercise / Education / Modify Activities Medications: Pain Relievers, NSAIDs (like ibuprofen), Supplements Injections/ Bracing Surgery
The highest dose of the latest, "greatest" arthritis medicine on the market will NOT help unless you follow common-sense health practices. Focus on low-tech/low-cost habits that pay off throughout your body and quality of life. Modify the combination of remedies over your lifetime as symptoms wax and wane. Start simple, and then move to the next step if the first isn't helping. You can cut back during the times you have less pain.
At this point, available medicines can relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis, not cure it. There are some treatments for rheumatoid arthritis that can slow down joint destruction. Scientific research suggests that nutritional supplements, like glucosamine, might strengthen cartilage tissue. Stay tuned!
The dozens of arthritis medications available are categorized by drug class. The drug classes differ in the way your body handles the chemical that makes up the drug, known as the mechanism of action. Different mechanisms of action target different arthritis symptoms: pain vs. stiffness vs. inflammation. If you understand the classes, you will understand: how each drug works, which drugs are related because they work in a similar way, what side effects can occur, and why a drug may or may not be right for you.
Fortunately, there are eight drug classes to choose from to relieve your osteoarthritis symptoms. If you must avoid a whole class because you have another health condition, there are plenty of others that could keep you comfortable. Combining smaller doses from different classes may be the right answer. Usually only with prudent, thoughtful trials will you and your doctor discover what's best for you. Keep a diary of the remedies you try, and their effects, good and bad. You spend a lot of money trying to feel better - don't waste it!
Beware of your drugs' true cost! "Cost" applies not only to the money you pay for the pills, but also to the toll they could take on your system in terms of side effects like stomach ulcers, kidney failure, addiction, and other problems worth avoiding!
OA is a chronic, degenerative condition that progresses at different rates in different patients (and even in different joints in the same body!) You've got better things to do than let OA rule your day. The right treatment strategy will get you back to the Pursuit of Happiness!
Want to learn more about all EIGHT classes of OA drugs? Visit to order "Making Sense of Arthritis Medicine: Manage Your Symptoms Safely" and discover relief that's right for you!

Is Heat or Ice Better for Arthritis Pain?

You probably know that applying heat or ice to a painful joint can help relieve pain, but have questions about these simple techniques. Which one? Why? How often? How long?
The only time you must choose "ice" is during the first 48 hours after a sudden injury or surgery. Cooling the area causes the nearby blood vessels to constrict; there is less swelling, so there is less pain. Heat opens up the area's blood vessels, improving the flow. Increased circulation brings oxygen and healing elements to the scene, while flushing away wastes: in with the good, out with the bad.
Use your ice/heat pack as often as you'd like; at least three times a day. Heat before activity warms up the joints, and ice afterward cools the inflammation from the friction in arthritic joints. Most packs can be frozen or heated; buy two. Keep one in the freezer, pop one in the microwave when you need it.
When trying to find relief from your daily arthritis pain, you can't go wrong by experimenting here! Choose a large ice/heat pack that is pliable enough to cover and conform to your painful joint. Try it for 20 minutes (check your skin every 5 minutes!) If you feel better, then you've made the right choice! If not, try the other.
Take notes on what works. Make good use of low-tech, low-cost, low-risk, common-sense health habits that pay off in many ways!
Want to learn more? Visit to order "Making Sense of Arthritis Medicine: Manage Your Symptoms Safely" and discover relief that's right for you!

How to get the Alzheimer.s patient off the road... Taking the Keys Away

For most people, driving is a necessity as well as a symbol of independence. There are very few people that will easily give up their independence and give you the keys to their vehicle. Yet for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, driving a vehicle can pose serious risks and endanger themselves or others. The decision of when to stop driving is one that Alzheimer's patients and their families often face.
There are many opinions concerning the issue of driving for the Alzheimer's patient. If he trusts his physician, the doctor may have more success than the primary care giver in letting the patient know when to stop driving. The physician may be trusted by the patient and be able to explain to him that his medical condition may interfere with his driving. This scenario is good for the caregiver as it takes the responsibility off you and puts it on the medical condition, with the physician being the messenger.
Below you will find some guidelines for approaching this sensitive issue with your family and your loved one. Ask your relatives to back you by being pleasantly supportive of your loved one. For a while, make sure he has a ride to familiar frequented places. Routine is so important.
Humor is almost always a positive way to cope with this situation. A fun way of approaching the subject is to tell him how lucky he is to have his own chauffeur!
However, knowing when to take the keys out of his hands can become tricky. Here are some warning signs that will help you make the decision: Car accidents Stopping in traffic for no apparent reason. Getting confused between the brake and the gas pedals Getting a ticket for moving violations Getting lost when places are familiar Getting agitated or irritated when they are driving Not anticipating dangerous situations Delayed responses to unexpected situations Driving at inappropriate speeds Incorrect signaling Getting confused at exists Switching into a wrong lane
If some of the warning signs above are present, then it's time for family members to gather and discuss the problem. Sometimes it is easier to be together to face a difficult decision and intervene at an early stage when signs of impairment are not yet critical
The accident rate for drivers 85 years old and over is nine times higher than drivers between ages 25 and 69. The primary care giver may perform routine exams to assess the ability and skills of the patient and conform to state and local restrictions and laws. If you are concerned about your loved one's driving, take measures to keep him and others safe on the road.
You may find some additional information by finding a specialist in your area and you can contact the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (1-800-290-2344), Your local Department of Motor Vehicles may also be able to help you on this subject.

How to cope with agitation in your loved one who has Alzheimer.s

Many times, understanding the meaning of a word can give us great insight into the issue at hand.
What is agitation? Extreme emotional disturbance. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language) A stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquility; disturbance of mind that shows itself by physical excitement. (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary). A mental state of extreme emotional disturbance, the feeling of being agitated; not calm. (WorldNet 1.6).
Many Alzheimer's patients experience agitation in addition to memory loss. In the early stages of the illness, people with Alzheimer's may encounter changes in their personality, such as irritability, anxiety or even depression. But as the disease progresses, these symptoms can worsen and become more difficult to live with. They may include sleep disturbances, delusions and hallucinations. Many times Alzheimer's patients cannot get in touch with or express their feelings. So when they experience agitation, it is often difficult for the caregivers to understand and to help.
When a person with dementia displays agitation or other "symptoms," you must try to determine what they are trying to communicate.
Good communication is an important part of any relationship. When caring for a person with dementia, the ability to communicate becomes more and more difficult. Both expressing and processing information becomes impaired. This inability to express and process can be frustrating and can manifest itself as agitation.
Following are some suggestions that may allow you to improve your communication with your loved one who has Alzheimer's: Approach from the front to prevent startling him or her. Maintain eye contact. Lower the tone of your voice. A high pitch may indicate that you are upset. Smile and be pleasant. Talk with a calm presence. Speak slowly, clearly and directly. Identify yourself. Use short, simple sentences. Ask one question at a time. Eliminate background noise. Give plenty of time to respond. If he/she cannot find words, sometimes it helps if you finish the sentence. Repeat information when needed – repetition is good. Frequently affirm/praise him/her, even for the smallest things, i.e. "Good job," "Thank you," "You're the best!" Validate feelings. Use touch. Touch the shoulder, knee, back, hand. Give hugs many times a day. Don't argue – you'll never win. Laugh together. If your talk becomes "heated," stop. Go back and try again later. Don't talk down. Respect him/her as an adult. Don't' correct him/her. Don't demand. Ask nicely. Don't take adverse behavior personally. Slow down! Hurrying increases frustration.
Another issue in agitation is non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is important to be aware of, both in what we are communicating to our loved ones, and what they are communicating to us. Non-verbal communication is expressed by persons with dementia through body languages, facial expression and tone of voice. At times, the Alzheimer's patient can look into your eyes and seem to read your soul, almost like a "sixth sense." They are sensitive and intuitive to people and things around them. They know when someone is being sincere or not. Body language is as important as their facial expressions. For example, if your loved one suddenly gets up and walks around, that may indicate the need to go the bathroom. Be alert to those signs and give big hugs as much as possible. A gentle touch will make their life much easier and relaxed.
Environment can also cause agitation. Examples would be where temperatures are too cold or too hot, or lights too strong or too dim. Try to set up an environment that is relaxing for your loved one. It will make his or her life easier. And as your loved one with Alzheimer's relaxes, so will you.

Medicinal Properties of Bitter Melon - Good for Diabetics

Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia, a climbing vine whose leaves and green fruits, although bitter, has been used to fight cancer, diabetes and many infectious diseases. It is also a powerful weapon against HIV/AIDS since some reports claim that bitter melon has substance Q. It is one of the most favorite egetables among the Chinese and the most popular herbal tea as well.
The fruits and leaves of bitter melon are a good source of minerals and vitamins, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin B. However, it is not known how much nutritional contents can actually be absorbed by the body's digestive system of the plant become some of these substances exist in unabsorbable form.
Does Bitter Melon have Medicinal Properties
Yes. Books and articles about bitter melon states that the extract from the leaves or roots shrinks hemorrhoids. The juice from the leaves is also good to prevent and lessen cough, for fever and against roundworms. Reportedly, it is also used to treat sterility in women and alleviate liver problems. Likewise, bitter melon has some antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds.
However, none of the medicinal uses of bitter melon has been proven scientifically, although they have not been disproved, either. It's just that it has not been studied enough.
Is it true that bitter melon tea and capsules are effective in lowering blood sugar of diabetics?
There is one case where it is proven that it can lower blood sugar levels from people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. Results of these scientific studies that determine the effect of drinking of bitter melon extract on blood sugar level of Type 2 Diabetes have consistently shown that bitter melon lowers blood sugar level. The effect on blood sugar is due to momordicin, a substance that is also responsible for it's bitter taste.
The effect of the bitter melon leaves lowering blood sugar level among diabetics is evident regardless of how it is prepared - boiled then eaten, in the form of tea, capsule or tablet. But diabetics should be cautioned about replacing their proprietary medicines with bitter melon teas, capsules or tablets. So far, studies were done only on a very limited number of human subjects so bitter melon and diabetes cannot be labeled conclusive.
In fact, no large clinical trial has yet been published on the preparation of Momordica charantia (bitter melon). The manufacturers of bitter melon teas, capsules and tablets themselves are not claiming healing benefits for their products. They market them only as supplements.
Are they really good substitutes fot the anti-diabetic drugs that are available in the market?
Bitter melon should be considered an addition in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. It could probably reduce the patients intake of antidiabetic drugs. It should not however, be regarded as a stand-alone medicine.
Also, diabetics who want to try bitter melon need not to spend money on the teas, tablets or capsules. They can cultivate or buy the plant from the market and prepare it themselves.
To prepare bitter melon extract, the following steps should be followed: Wash and finely chop the leaves. Add 6 tablespoons of the chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water. Boil it for 15 min. in an uncovered pot. Cool down and strain. Drink 1/3 cup of it 3x a day.
Alternately, bitter melon tops can be steamed and eaten (1/2 cup 2x a day).

Crohn's Disease and Stress

It was so tough in those early years. Not knowing what was wrong. I didn't know what to think. Was I going crazy? The doctor said I have a nervous stomach. I'm not a nervous person.
Then I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Even though it's a chronic disease without a cure, it was a relief to know what was wrong. But then the reality set in. How was my life going to change?
And change it did. In 1985 I was admitted into a hospital suffering from a stomach obstruction. A surgeon had to remove a foot and a half from my small intestines. The pain was terrible. I never, repeat never , want to go through that pain again. Ever.
After going through the pain of an operation, knowing that people with Crohn's Disease can have more than one operation, I couldn't help but wonder what I could do to help my situation? It occurred to me that, in the least, I could learn to handle the stress from the disease and the stress from life itself. I knew that stress, in and of itself, could cause my symptoms to worsen.
No, the stress didn't cause Crohn's Disease, but it sure could affect the amount of pain I would experience. I knew it was possible for me to deal with my stress better than I had dealt with it in the past. Before the operation, I was fairly motivated to work at controlling my stress. After the operation, I was highly motivated. I was determined to do everything in my power to improve my situation.
So how could I handle life's stress better? I had to learn what I could about dealing with stress and to then develop the necessary skills to make it happen. I learned about the close relationship between relaxation and stress relief. I learned to meditate, I learned to set reasonable expectations about my life and desires, and I learned to be more objective about what was happening to me physically and mentally.
I've come to the conclusion that people with Crohn's Diseases can do a lot to help themselves with the stress in their life. Not only can we do a lot to help ourselves, but we can also get support from loved ones as well as others going through the same circumstances.
I have three steps to offer others to help them control the stress in their lives. The first is to learn to meditate, the second is to learn visualization and the third is to get support.
By watching my emotions closely, I could know quickly when the stress in my life was building up too fast. I could then take a little time to meditate. I learned the different strategies of meditation and found one that worked good for me.
In addition to meditation, I learned visualization. Whenever I felt myself getting stressed out, I could visualize myself at St. Simon Island, a place I love and go to once a year. Just thinking of the different locations on the Island, I could feel myself relax. And with practice I've got quite good at visualization.
Finally, there's the Crohn's Disease message boards on the internet. What a wonderful resource they are. To be able to talk with people who are going through the same situation. You can't put a price on that. It's invaluable. I highly recommend everyone with Crohn's Disease to use this resource.
I believe that anyone with Crohn's Disease (or any chronic disease) can improve their life by taking the time to learn and implement the three part strategy I've outlined above. It's has worked wonderfully for me and I believe it can work for others as well.

The Highway to Health - Blood Pressure

What is... Blood Pressure? A free report from
(This article is an extract of the full PDF available at the above URL.)
* What's wrong with high blood pressure?*
High blood pressure shows doctors what else is happening in your body. Years of experience and research tell doctors that high blood pressure is a sign of other problems including: Angina Heat Attack Heart Failure (it doesn't work as well as it should) Stroke
If you can reduce your blood pressure, you can reduce the chances of these problems. There's a free report at that goes in to more detail about what exactly 'blood pressure' is, and what the numbers mean.
*What is _too high?_*
Your doctor will normally set a target, depending upon your own medical history, conditions, etc. If you don't already have a target set, or have not had problems with your blood pressure, then a good guide is 140/100. If you're regularly getting a reading above this, see your doctor. An 'ideal' target is 120/80.
(See the free report at for a full explanation of the numbers, and what 'ideal' means for you.)
* Three fast steps to change your Blood Pressure *
The good news is that if your blood pressure is too high, you can lower it yourself. No medication and no cost needed (to start with)!
1. Exercise helps to improve your blood pressure.
The recommended amount is (at least) 30 min, five days a week. Gentle exercise is fine to start with. Just enough to raise your pulse a little. You don't have to be a gym-rat to achieve this! (Get for a 'secret' way to exercise.)
2. Changing your diet can help your blood pressure.
If you are overweight, decreasing your weight can help. Changing what, and how much you eat can help too. ( can help tell if you're overweight.)
3. If you drink alcohol, decreasing the amount you drink will improve your blood pressure. ( tells you how much is too much and how to work it all out.)
So now you know what's too high, why it matters and what to do about it.
Come on over to for the full (free) report and grab yourself an eBook that will improve your health, extend your life (probably!) and save you money too.

Sticks and Stones Break My Bones, and Arthritis Always Hurts Me

On September 30, 2004, Merck & Co Inc (MRK) recalled Vioxx due to negative clinical trial results. Recipients of this drug seem to experience increased experience of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, or intestinal bleeding. Both the American Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine stress the dangers of this prescription drug. European and American cardiologists recognize the implicit dangers of this highly marketed arthritis prescription. This does not have to happen to you when safe natural and effective arthritis pain relief might provide relief!
Did you know that pharmaceutical drugs have their history embedded in herbal medicine? Apothecaries offered medicines with medical care. The cost of medical help was expensive(sound familiar), so many families made home remedies. However, today's pharmaceuticals derive from the the medicines stirred and pounded by the apothecary in the mortar by the pestle. "The history of Merck & Co., Inc. can be traced back to Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668 when an apothecary named Frederic Jacob Merck opened a chemical firm." If curious about Merck's history, learn more about it here:
Further historical proof is found in 1792, Alexandria, Virginia. Three Hundred homes nestled near the Potomac River; on Fairfax Street, Edward Stabler, a Quaker pharmacist, started a family business which operated until 1933. To this day, many of Stabler's herbs, potions and paper labels in his apothecary desk. Stabler like other apothecaries of his day prescribed Native American Indian remedies like witch hazel for external treatment of inflammatory conditions.
Today, most patients visiting a doctor go for cold and flu symptoms or joint and muscle pain. Modern prescriptions provide relief, but sometimes with side effects. Now, you can get temporary relief from minor arthritis pain by using remedies derived from all natural ingredients. For example, the non greasy, penetrating and topical cream referenced below, brings soothing relief quickly. Further relief comes from Boswellia serrata, used in India for centuries as a proven pain reliever.
Although pharmaceutical drugs may cause side effects, other studies indicate that glucosamine, a common recommendation for arthritis discomfort, has no effect. You might consider reading this October 2004 study by researchers at the University of British Columbia: Whatever choices you make, take time to research, and then take action. Despite these debates, the American Journal of the American Medical Association has considered glucosamine effective when promoting cartilage formation for your joint health. So, why not get some spring back in those steps? You can find relief using high quality natural alternatives to side-effect laden drugs. One manufacturer with years of experience has natural alternatives. This company started in 1955; read about this remarkable company, its philosophy and contributions here:
To read more about these natural and effective alternatives to arthritis, type the product numbers found below into the search box found here:
Pain Relief - 20667
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Joint & Muscle - 20669
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Joint Health - 20668
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Sometimes too much information brings confusion; on the other hand, too little information leads to unwise choices. Good health involves your wisdom, discipline, and desire to feel better. As a friend reminds me, I remind you, "Think healthy", and choose your medicine carefully. Always read every label closely. The natural alternatives offered in this article provide you with a safe, natural, and effective arthritis pain reliever.
The Internet serves a library of information and resources. We all have to be careful about self-diagnosis and prescription. Read wisely by cross-referencing the content. These articles may be of further benefit as you search relief for your arthritic pain. You may read the source for these references by reading the entire article in the Echievements article library:
"Vitamin C and Arthritis"
"The link between smoking and rheumatoid arthritis in men"
"Ice beneficial in treating gouty arthritis"
"Genetic Factors Play Small Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief"
"Benefits of exercise decline over time in osteoarthritis sufferers"
"Vegan diet may be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis"

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is one of the most useful products in nature. It has been used by some Aboriginal People in Australia for many centuries as one of their most useful medicines. Tea Tree oil is derived from Melaleuca Alternifloria which is a narrow-leafed paper bark tree that is native to certain parts of Australia. Some people think that it is called the Tea Tree because Captain Cook, who sailed from England in the 17th Century, used the leaves to make a tea from when they first voyaged to Australia, hence the name Tea Tree. Captain Cook found that it was good at combating scurvy a disease that many of his crew suffered from at that time due to a lack of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.
Australia has more than 300 different kinds of Tea Tree, but only one of them is used to make the oil which is now world famous. Tea Tree Oil first came to prominence during the First World War in the early 20th century. Australian soldiers were seen to be using the oil to treat their infections. They had a great deal of success with this. During World War Two, Tea Tree Oil growers were exempt from National Service in Australia as their contribution to the war was to produce Tea Tree Oil for use by its troops.
Tea Tree oil has a number of fantastic properties making it an excellent treatment for many complaints. These are all external uses as Tea Tree oil should not be taken internally.
Tea Tree oil has been shown to be effective against Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses. It is extracted as an essential oil by steam or water distillation from the leaves and twigs of the Tea Tree. The oil is a water-white liquid or pale yellow-green. It has a fresh, spicy and slightly camphoraceous smell.

Heavy Breathing - Ill Effects of Environment

As I write this, I am less than two weeks away from my highly anticipated family vacation. We will be going with two other families, so the usual abundant memories should be double. However, being the fitness enthusiast that I am, there is a bit of anxiety about visiting the "Happiest Place On Earth". This is due to the fact that the Los Angeles metropolitan area has placed #1 on the list for most ozone pollution for the fifth consecutive year. As well, it has a detrimental amount of particle matter (soot, among other things) and is also the smoggiest city in the U.S., according to the American Lung Association. With this information I am betting that the fit folks of Los Angeles either seek shelter while working up a sweat or they endure burning lungs and reel from inadequate amounts of oxygen while exercising outdoors.
Air pollution can greatly impact an individual's cardiovascular efficiency in many ways. This is due to the pollutant's (e.g., carbon monoxide, ozone, etc.) ability to infiltrate the respiratory system. During normal breathing, most people will use their nose to channel oxygen to their lungs. This route serves as a filtering vessel utilizing your mucous membranes to snag particle matter as well as soluable gases before they can penetrate through to your lungs. When someone is performing a higher impact activity (e.g., running), there is an inclination to begin mouth breathing. This act bypasses your body's natural filtration process and more pollutants are received into the lungs. From the lungs, the pollutants will circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream. The results include bronchial vasoconstriction (airway opening becomes smaller), lung tissue can be compromised from alveoli damage and the capacity for oxygen transport is decreased. The exercising individual will experience less oxygen entering the bloodstream, which will result in an inadequate supply of oxygenated blood to the muscles. End game is that the physical performance of that individual will be substantially compromised.
If you find yourself visiting a city with poor environmental conditions, your best bet is to pay the drop-in fee at the nearest gym; this fee can range from $7.00 - $15.00 per day. While the average healthy adult can withstand up to a 15% increase in carbon monoxide, cardiac and pulmonary patients can be adversely affected by as little as a 5% increase. Children are also more susceptible to ill effects. And, exposure to these pollutants can stay in the bloodstream for hours. That means if you were around an unusual amount of toxins in the morning (commute traffic, cigarettes), your afternoon workout could be more labored than usual.
While every city or even small towns can have their own form of contaminants, it is up to you to make wise decisions when choosing a safe environment in which you perform your exercise.
Cleanest U.S. Cities (Ozone%) Ames-Boone, IA Bellingham, WA Brownsville-Harlingen-Raymondville, TX Colorado Springs, CO Duluth, MN
Cleanest U.S. Cities (Particle Matter) Santa Fe-Espanola, NM Honolulu, HI Cheyenne, WY Great Falls, MT Farmington, NM
SMOGGIEST CITIES Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA Fresno, CA Bakersfield, CA Visalia-Porterville, CA Houston-Baytown-Huntsville, TX Merced, CA Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Truckee, CA Hanford-Corcoran, CA Knoxville-Sevierville-La Follette, TN Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

Clinton on South Beach Diet

Clinton's recent quadruple bypass surgery has been largely debated. Being on the South Beach Diet made everybody wonder how the former president's illness advanced so much as to need to be surgically corrected. Some even blame it on the diet. Some wonder why the diet didn't help avoiding surgery.
Fact is that, first of all, being on the South Beach Diet for a relatively short time or being on any other diet couldn't work miracles and suddenly reverse atherosclerosis. It is true that recent clinical trials have indicated that with a reduced cholesterol level, reduced weight and regular exercise heart disease may regress but a longer period of time is required to restore what was built in decades. Studies show that coronary artery disease starts as early as childhood progressing throughout adolescence and childhood.
Then, there were other factors sure to worsen Clinton's condition. In heart disease there are several risk factors that cannot be changed: age, heredity, gender. Older males with a family history of heart disease are more likely to suffer from it, and Bill Clinton fit the profile.
Stressful life contributed to a great extent to his illness, although he is known to exercise regularly. Among other benefits, exercise helps relieving of stress. But the former president overlooked other important aspects. His fondness for smoking and unhealthy foods worsened the situation. Since he started the South Beach diet he lost weight. Probably if dieting had been one of his priorities earlier in his life, his health would have improved substantially. Unfortunately, it seems that his doctors were not that persuasive! The result was that surgery was needed to prevent a heart attack.
Following the South Beach Diet (in a low-sodium version) on a long term basis, accompanied by an exercise routine and quitting smoking would be likely to help the former president to improve his health after his release from the hospital.

Healing Heartburn Holistically

Everyone at some point in time has experienced some form of heartburn. Often, what we notice is a bitter, sour or acid taste in our mouths. At times, we may feel as if partially digested foods or liquids are moving from our stomach back towards our mouth. Sometimes we may also experience chest pain that increases when we lay down. Each of these is an indication of heartburn.
Before we move on, however it is important to note that heartburn is only an indicator of a potentially larger digestive disorder called acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux is neither a serious disorder nor life threatening. This is especially true for those who only experience it occasionally. There are nonetheless millions of Americans that encounter the discomfort associated with acid reflux monthly, weekly and for some daily.
But what causes acid reflux? Well, when we eat, food moves from the mouth through the esophagus and into the stomach for further digestion. At the end of the esophagus there is a circular band of muscles that relax and allow food and liquids to pass into the stomach. It then tightens and prevents foods and stomach juices from traveling back up into the esophagus. If, however, food or digestive juices escape the stomach and travel back up the esophagus, irritating the esophageal lining, this is when many people experience heartburn.
For some, acid reflux is due to a mechanical disorder where the sphincter muscle at the end of the esophagus becomes weak or doesn't close correctly. This can cause them to experience acid reflux when lying down as well as when standing up. In addition to mechanical issues that can cause the sphincter muscle to relax, alcohol, smoking, prescription medications and certain foods such as chocolate, onions, spicy foods and mints can also lessen the gripping power of this muscle.
Other reasons people experience acid reflux includes eating large meals. A large meal increases the pressure on the stomach. This pressure can cause stomach contents to literally be pushed out of the stomach and back into the esophagus. In addition, lying down right after a large meal increases your chances of experiencing acid reflux because digestive juices can more easily move in the wrong direction. Pregnancy and obesity can also increase abdominal pressure and increase your risk of experiencing acid reflux as well. Other digestive disorders such as a peptic ulcer or insufficient digestive enzymes in the stomach can also cause stomach acid to build up and back up into your esophagus.
In addition to heartburn, individuals with acid reflux can experience difficulty swallowing, a persistent sore throat or feeling a lump in the throat, coughing or wheezing. In more severe cases, the individual may regurgitate blood or notice that their stool is black, which can indicate that it contains partially digested blood.
Recommendations for Wellness
Eat a number of smaller, more frequent meals instead of one or two large meals daily.
Avoid lying down right after eating. Give your body a couple of hours to digest the food you've just eaten.
If you experience acid reflux at night, elevate your head or the head of your bed 4-6 inches.
If you are overweight, begin a diet and exercise program to help you shed a few pounds.
Take a good look at what you are eating. If you are consuming chocolate, alcohol, fried or fatty foods, foods flavored with peppermint or spearmints or acidic beverages such as certain juices, coffee, tea and carbonated beverages, they may be contributing to your acid reflux and should be avoided.
If you are taking prescription medications or suffer from a peptic ulcer, discuss your concerns with to your doctor to help you rule them out as the true cause of your acid reflux.
Reduce your stress level. Sing, dance, meditate, practice deep breathing or do yoga to help your body relax. This will help to reduce the pressure on your stomach.
Carminatives such as chamomile, fennel, ginger, peppermint and sage can work to sooth stomach muscles, increase the secretions of digestive juices as well as promote bile flow.
Similarly, digestive bitters improve digestion through enhanced secretion of digestive juices
Soothing herbs such as aloe vera, marshmallow and slippery elm have traditionally been use to combat the irritation often associated with heartburn.
If you feel as if the foods you are consuming are not being digested properly, try taking digestive enzymes before each meal to help break down foods in the stomach and improve digestion. Food enzymes come in many forms. There are broad spectrum food enzymes that can help to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. There are also specialized enzymes that help digest specific types of foods such as fats, proteins and milk.

Air Purifiers And Air Filters Can Help The Health Of Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Indoor air pollution in the form of dander, dust and pollen particulate matter can be a real irritant for suffers of asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions. In addition to removal of all direct irritant sources and minimizing the irritant containment materials in your house, you should also consider the indoor ventilation and filtration system of home.
Environmental control is the key to reducing exposure to indoor and outdoor allergens. Keeping a clean house free of dust, dander, smoke, pollen, and other airborne particulate matters will help to reduce the irritation and effect on family members with respiratory difficulties. Air cleaners, filters and hepa filters can play a role in helping to control or reduce the exposure to indoor and outdoor allergens.
Several health authorities have recognized that certain types of air filtration systems can be beneficial in reducing the amount of airborne particulates in a room. The American lung association recommends using a hepa air filter purifier for the bedrooms of asthma suffers. The Mayo clinic recommends an air particle filter for household ventilation systems. Ionic filters and hepa filters have been endorsed or recognized by the Asthma and allergy foundation of America (AAFA) and the British Allergy Foundation seal of approval.
Selecting the wrong type of filtration system could exacerbate the problem by agitating and circulating the existing particulate matter throughout your house, so it is important to do your research thoroughly. Ionic air filters do not create high airflow patterns to clean the air and simply rely on negative ion attraction to collect the airborne particulate matter. They have demonstrates to have decent capture rate of airborne allergens and irritants like pollen, dander, tobacco smoke and dust and can help improve the quality of your indoor air environment. You can read more the ionic air filtration process at:
Air filtration systems should not be considered as a solution for any respiratory condition, nor as a reason to ignore sound medical advice and guidance about the removal of irritant sources and allergen habitats from your household. They are also not a substitute for thorough and regular cleaning of your household environment. Selecting the right air purifier system can help complement and enhance your efforts to reducing airborne particulate matters, as well as maintain a healthier indoor breathing environment.
