Friday, June 19, 2015

Anorexia is genetically predetermined

Scientists were able to detect genetic changes that may significantly increase the risk of developing anorexia. To such conclusions the new study, which was the largest of its kind. It should be noted that these changes include both small and differences between the DNA of healthy and sick man, and quite substantial.
Thus, despite the magnitude of the research, scientists still are planning to hold several similar studies involving an even greater number of people to finally confirm the results.
"When we discover a rather large number of genes that are in some way associated with the development of the disease, we are now much easier to develop specific diagnostic markers to identify those people who are at risk," - says the expert study, Dr. Hakon Hakonarson (Hakon Hakonarson) engaged in scientific work in a specialized center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
People suffering from anorexia nervosa have panic overweight, among other things have greatly distorted perception of their own body. 10 times stronger than the influence of this disease affects women.
Studies on twins have shown that anorexia - is largely a hereditary disease, since the presence of the corresponding genes in most cases - it is more than 50 percent probability that a person is predisposed to the disease. Nevertheless, all the same in spite of the discovered relationship between the development of the disease and gene disorders, yet the mechanism of the genetic underpinnings of anorexia is remains unknown.
In order to still closer to unraveling the mystery, Hakonarson and his colleagues examined the genomes of 1003 people suffering from anorexia, the average age was 27 years, and compared them with the genomes of 3,733 healthy children, whose average age was 13 years. Of course, some concern about the possible future development of anorexia existed, but the probability was so low that it is unlikely it could affect the results.
As a result, researchers have found several injuries along the genome, so-called single nucleotide polymorphisms, which can serve as a genetic basis for the development of anorexia. These lesions are also present in the human genome with this disease, such as autism. Although it is absolutely two different diseases, disorders, occurring in the body, it is very similar. Experts extremely intrigued by the coincidence detection and plan further studies to do a thorough study of the issue.
Experts make bold assumptions about the possible conclusions to which they can come as a result of the forthcoming investigations, but whether they will be credible, we will know soon.

Spine - the foundation of health

It is impossible to imagine the human body without reason - the skeleton and the spine. No body and no other system in our body does not perform so many vital functions, such as the spine. After all, he is a kind of gravitational axis of the body, connecting the skull and pelvis person. Thanks to him, a person can walk straight, run, swim, in general, to perform any movement and manipulation of his body. In addition, placing a spine and protects against damage to the spinal cord that is responsible for the reflex function of our body and protects muscle from excessive strain.
The spine is a very complex mechanism, protection, support and driven by the strength of the whole body. It attached to it, ribs, muscles and internal organs, it is the center of their energy metabolism. Our spine is divided into several sections, when viewed from the top down - a cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. All units except coccygeal are interconnected by intervertebral discs, ligaments, joints. Thoracic vertebrae, connecting with the ribs forming the thorax and glued coccygeal and sacral vertebrae form the basis of the pelvis. Healthy spine is S-shaped, which makes it more resilient and allows a damper function. That less like any other organ, the spine is subject to many diseases - scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, etc.
Over time, the spine often loses its flexibility. The intervertebral discs may shrink in size and lose their elasticity and mobility. In this case, the spine can not simply make everyday motor loads that already talking about sports or heavy physical labor. And the reason for this - a disease of low back pain, which is 80% of the people manifests severe back pain. Typically, the first time the disease has an effect after 30 years. The exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown, but factors that contribute to the disease are mainly sedentary, or sedentary lifestyle, heredity, injury and inconsistency of physical activity possible physiological and motor loads on the organ to a specific person. Starting with a single disc disease, low back pain may spread to the entire spine, change its shape, which leads to compression of the blood vessels, disruption of normal blood flow to the brain and nervous regulation of other organs. It is important to see a specialist, do not close our eyes to the pain in the back, which periodically make themselves known. To get a real idea about the state of the body and identify the problem areas is assigned to the patient CT scan of the spine, carried out with the help of modern equipment.
Equally important is the early prevention of diseases of the spine. For example, scoliosis - disease comes from our childhood. Unhealthy deviation of the spine to the right or left side, as well as the reversal of the vertebrae around its axis of varying severity due to lack of timely treatment can lead to deformation of the chest, heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. If the parents just do not pay attention to the posture of their children after 16 years to cure teenage scoliosis conservative methods of treatment extremely difficult. Disease prevention backs need to be addressed from an early age. The first thing to watch out for posture, systematically give the body commensurate with the age of the load so that the muscles of the back and abdomen were in good shape, as well as monitor their diet.

What you should know about HPV

Certainly each of us has an idea of ​​what a wart. But few know that the cause of these unpleasant manifestations is a special human papilloma virus, or HPV. That is HPV, treatment of the disease, and about other aspects will be discussed in this article. So.
What is HPV?
This is a separate group of viruses that includes more than 65 different types. The result of their actions is the appearance of warts on the skin and sores on the mucous membrane. Of this group, more than twenty virus affects the mucous membranes of the genitals and anus. Recent transmitted sexually or from mother to child labor.
Studies have shown that HPV is one of the important factors causing the development of some forms of cancer. Among them, bladder cancer, cervical, vaginal, adenocarcinoma and t. D.
What threatens HPV?
There are four ways of infection. They are:
- Regression, ie self healing forces of the body. The probability of this is around 15-17%, and most falls on the warts that have developed during pregnancy.
- Stabilization of the warts on a more or less long period of time.
- A marked activation of HPV treatment in this case should not be delayed, and is usually used radical methods.
- Developing into malignant tumors. The probability of about 5% for 5 years.
As HPV is diagnosed?
Symptoms of viral symptoms in this group are the following:- The outward manifestation of HPV, that is, the appearance of genital warts;- Cytological study of character cells;- Diagnostics using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR);- Examination of blood for antibodies; only for scientific purposes.
In the absence of symptoms, even highly sensitive PCR does not always detect the virus. The reason is that HPV may be a long time in a sleep state in the depth of the skin and mucosa.
How to deal with HPV? Treatment and other techniques
Since HPV can not be completely cured, it was mostly treated its manifestations. It is worth noting that in many cases, HPV treatment is required because of its spontaneous regression and complete cure. The efficiency of modern methods ranges from 50 to 70%, with about 25% of HPV appears again in a few months.
Among the methods of combating HPV treatment often performed the following procedures:
- Local removal of warts by various physical and chemical methods. Among the physical is to provide cryotherapy, laser therapy, electrosurgical excision. For the chemical methods used substances such as ferezol, solkoderm and other drugs. It is widely used, and surgical removal.
- Use of cytotoxic drugs. To suppress HPV treatment produced drugs such as 5-fluorouracil, podofilin et al.
- Immunological treatment of HPV. This is a different immunomodulators, ie drugs designed to enhance human immunity for self fight infection. For this purpose most often used interferons.
- The use of special antiviral drugs such as cidofovir, and so panavir. D. At the same time, not all of the existing antiviral drugs are effective, for example, has no effect on HPV-known drug such as acyclovir.
The use of a particular technique depends on the degree of infection and other factors, including the condition of the person. For example, during pregnancy may not be used cytotoxic and antiviral drugs
