Monday, October 31, 2011

Corporate Health: 5 Strategies to Limit Your Weight Gain at Work by Anders N W Lindgreen

We spend the majority of our waken existence at work, well; most of us do in some shape or form. So it’s not a stretch to imagine that our behaviours at the workplace can seriously impact or at the very least influence our weight management. We have got 168 h in our weeks and if you spend 8 h at work five days per week and get 8 h of sleep every night - a whopping 35% is work-related. Take away travel, chores, and over-time and see that figure rise. So it’s not a bad idea to have your workplace work for you rather than against you, and this is how to bring more corporate health thinking into the picture:

1. Water Cooler Magic

Drinking plenty of water will assist your body in removing toxins, improve your skin tone and aid your fat loss or weight management in two ways. If you consume two large glasses of water before every meal or snack, chances are that you won’t super size whatever you are having, and by getting enough water your will also assist your liver in converting fat into energy. So, get to the water cooler regularly or fill up a water bottle if you want to go less often. If you haven’t got one, make sure you do.

2. No Vending Machines

A mate of mine had a workplace lose on average 3-10kg per person over two months by simply removing their soft drink vending machine. This convenience was ruining their health. If you can’t get yours removed without being crucified, make sure you leave all coins and notes at home, and if you have to, make your colleagues promise to never lend you any money.

3. Healthy Snacks

If you know that you always get hungry at work, come prepared with healthy alternatives. It is far more convenient to only having to reach into your backpack or drawer to get that healthy snack and far better for you as well. Try to have a small snack every 2-3 hours.

4. Lunch-time Walk

Since you already come prepared with lunch (yeah, right), why not take it outside instead of inside the staff room or at your desk. Yes, some place may only have the concrete jungle alternative, but many places have at least a park nearby. You get the benefit of a walk, fresh air and a break from the work environment.

5. World's Quickest Nap

If you can get a way with it, here is how to take the world's quickest power nap. Sit and lean back comfortable and place a medium sized object in one of your hands. Place your hand so that if you drop the object, it will hit the floor (just make sure it’s not too heavy or fragile). Now, lean back, shut your eyes (still gripping the object) and once you fall asleep you will drop whatever you are holding and it hitting your floor will wake you up. How great is that?

Personal Training: Are Your Ab-Exercises Increasing your Waistline? by Anders N W Lindgreen

Working your abdominals to get a tighter midsection is nothing new. Hopefully you are fully aware that working the muscles themselves won’t take any fat of your tummy and if not, now you know. Most people who just want the six-pack to show would do better training abs less and spend more time fine-tuning their diet to get the body fat percentage low enough to make them visible. But that is not what this article is going to be about. Instead I want to go through how certain abdominal exercises in your personal training routine can actually give you a wider and more protruding midsection, which is not likely to be why you began strengthening your abdominals. However, there is nothing wrong with the exercises discussed below, but today we are talking pure aesthetics.

The three muscles I’ll refer to in this are rectus abdominis (the six-pack), external obliques and internal obliques. Rectus abdominis run from your pubic region up to the base of your sternum, while your internal and external obliques run diagonally down toward your hip and up toward your sternum from your sides (around navel height). For building our six-pack we often use exercises such as crunches in all different shapes or forms and for the obliques we often do crunches with twists or bend our upper body side-ways. Doing these exercises with weights or with enough frequency and intensity can cause muscle hypertrophy, which just means muscle growth. If you have a little covering your six-pack, adding significant muscle bulk without losing the fat, will make your tummy protrude even more. And adding bulk to your internal and external obliques will cause your midsection to widen, and if you want it as narrow as your genes allow you do, this is not optimal.

To get your midsection tiny and trim, you need to reduce your body fat levels – nothing else will work. But if you want to strengthen it (which you should) to also make it physically firmer, look to held abdominal and core exercises. The simplest variation is the plank (can also be called a hover) and it can also be done both flat and on your side to target either your front or your sides. So, avoid adding weights to your abdominal and oblique exercises, and keep your eating clean and spot on. You could even build your gluteus muscles (bum muscle) or widen your shoulders slightly to make your waist appear smaller.

Getting a Job Selling Medical Products by Silas Reed

Have you decided about the career path that you want to choose for yourself? There are so many avenues open these days. It is very important to choose the right kind of job so that you can have complete job satisfaction.

If you are interested in the medical profession then you can either choose to become a doctor or you can even get a job selling medical products. There are different kinds of products that are required for the medical purpose.

Do you know that medical products sales are one of the hottest jobs that are available in this category? You might face a lot of competition in the beginning when you want to enter the job.

But once you are through you will find that you are in one of the best jobs present in the market these days. There are certain strategies that can help you get recruited in medical sales. The first thing you need to do is find out what is exactly going on in the market.

You need to find out these details about the various medical device companies that are present in the market. If you are interested in selling medical products you first need to find out the process involved in the sale of these products.

You need to find out how the hospitals purchase the medical technologies. After this you must learn how to deal with the doctors. Other than this, you also need to find out the reforms presently going on in health care and the effect it is going to have on the profession.

There are various companies selling products for health care. It is your duty to find out the companies in which you have interest. You need to shortlist some of the companies where you can try to get recruited.

You also need to find out proper information about the medical devices that are available these days. Other than this, it is also important to find out about the sales of these products. Selling health care products is one of the most popular professions these days because of its success rate.

Before you choose the profession of selling medical products you need to complete your education and training. You can either have a degree in business or in life science to go for this profession. Other than this there are certain skills require for selling medical products.

You need to have an initiative. You must have good selling as well as communication skills. Other than this, you must also pay proper attention to the details. Before you join this profession you will surely be interested about the salary. The salary is good and is according to kind of responsibility taken.

Fitness Strength Training: Winning Mentality for Long - term Training Success by Anders N W Lindgreen

Many advanced trainees differ from their less experience peers in the way they perceive their own fitness, health and wellness. Their fitness strength training goals are largely long-term oriented and they are more concerned with the overall outcome of their efforts than micro managing their performance. You seldom hear them speak of preparing for "Beach 20XX" or making New Years Resolutions about what they should do. They just do. The rest is just not what they are about, and their performances are consistently getting better where others may experience three steps forward and two steps back.

This mentality is largely brought on by experience, knowing what works for yourself and I'm sure also quite a few short-term rallies for Beach 19XX. They have done that but have now aligned their goals with who they are and what they want to get out of this lifestyle of theirs. Minor defeats don't face them as long as they are moving forward toward. If they' feel sick, they rest until they've recovered. Their program and structure is consistent but not set in stone. If they feel amazing they may very well double their efforts on the day just like they'll take it easier on less energetic occasions.

The advantages are obvious as you heave a healthier and more mature relationship to your fitness, health and wellness. If you have a day or a night that didn't follow protocol it won't force you to take the entire week off (while you indulge in comfort-activities and self-loathing). Unless you are a professional athlete there is no need to put such emphasis on one "wrong move". All it does is creating guilt. If you start to consistently regress backwards then, by all means, pick yourself up and be stricter, but if you are doing 60-80% good deeds every week, then there is no need to get upset when life gets in the way. It always will every now and then.

We could learn a lot from these men and women but chances are that we won't until we naturally come to the same conclusions that they have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with short-term thinking, if you align it with long-term goal setting. Eventually we are all likely to retire from the pure performance and aesthetics stages of our training and thinking, and perhaps that has to do with improved self-image, maturity or the fact that we feel at ease with what we have achieved or will achieve. Whichever the case, the sooner we can embrace it, the better.

Stop Panic Attacks by Michael Logan

Anxiety is on the rise and more people are seeking ways to stop panic attacks without having to rely on prescription medications. Some of the most popular solutions are mental strategies and natural (herbal) medications.

A panic attack is a very real physical ailment. Most people want you to believe it's all in your head, but there are physical symptoms that accompany these episodes. Adrenaline floods your bloodstream and a wave of fear overcomes you.

Your body reacts to the adrenaline by increasing blood supply, which makes you feel your heart pounding, your face and body flush, and more. Your mind has to stop the flow of adrenaline in order for the physical symptoms to subside. You have to find a way to control your mind during these episodes or prevent it from occurring completely.

First, you have to relax. Easier said than done when you're going through a panic attack, right? But to stop panic attacks, you must get your mind and body to a more relaxed state. Deep breathing will help with this.

Some people control panic attacks completely with deep breathing techniques. Try to focus your mind on the reality of the situation - that it's only a panic attack - nothing more serious.

Breathe as slowly as possible - inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Some people are able to hold the inhaled breath for a couple of seconds, which helps to calm your body and mind.

Second, you have to talk yourself through this episode. Your mind is trying to tell you that death is imminent, that the worst is about to happen. Without publicly making a scene, close your eyes (if possible) and tell yourself that this is not an emergency - that you are not going to panic and that you will remain calm.

Continue with the self talk. Most panic attack sufferers keep repeating panicked statements during these episodes. Replace those with something positive. Repeat the reality of the situation to yourself. Instead of, "My heart is about to explode," say, "I'm only having a surge of adrenaline that's making my heart beat faster and it will stop as soon as I calm down."

Take precautionary measures that allow you to have proof that everything's okay. For instance, meet with your doctor to ensure that your heart is healthy. That way, when you're having a panic attack and fear that you're having a heart attack, you can tell yourself, "My doctor said my heart is fine - this is only a panic attack."

You can stop panic attacks with ease if you learn to work through them. Your mind has a lot of power in controlling these episodes but it's up to you to learn how to master the techniques that keep anxiety at bay.

The one thing that nobody tells you is that your thoughts and the feelings that follow them happen very rapidly.

Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, Ph.D. in his bood FLOW reports that the Central Nervous System (CNS) processes sensory data, which means sounds like tone of voice and visual data like facial expressions in packets of seven bits of data and the shortest amount of time between packets of data is 1/18th second.

It takes us 1/10th second to blink our eyes.

Paul Ekman, Ph.D., who has studied facial expressions for 25 years of so, says that we can respond to a very subtle change in expression in 1/25th second, so it is no wonder that a panic attack feels overwhelming.

It feels like it comes on with no warning.

The good news is that you have handled sudden changes in feelings and thinking tens of thousands of time.

The bad news is that it doesn't take too many breakdowns in capturing and changing strong emotions for the process to become a habit, so I better have some deep breathing and pleasant thinking tools available for implementation within the heart beat if not the blink of an eye.

Luckily for us there are now some very powerful biofeedback technologies available for use to stop panic attacks.

One that I have used personally and professionally is heart rate variability biofeedback, which is a feel good tool I can use on any heart beat to move my heart rate into a coherent heart beat.

Heart rate variability biofeedback is based on recent discoveries about the heart's own nervous system that no one knew about 20 years ago.

The long and the short of it is that I can use both CBT and deep breathing with computerized feedback to learn a powerful tool to use when and if a panic attack strikes.

But there is more to heart rate variability biofeedback than just a tool to use in the face of a panic or anger emergency.

Heart rate variability biofeedack is a lifestyle tool that I can implement very frequently in short bursts to help in the anti-aging process, because it changes the hormonal bath inside my body and another very powerful impact is that it activates the higher perceptual centers in my brain for more effective decision making.

Not sure about you, but I like the idea of my brain making effective decisions rather than my emotions.

In fact, the brain fitness gurus are saying that stress management is a key piece of the neurogenesis and neuroplasticity landscape.

Neurogenesis means the growth on new neurons daily, and neuroplasticity describes how those new neurons link together when new learning takes place.

In fact, Alvaro Fernandez, the co-creator of the SharpBrains blog, says that heart rate variability is the best stress management tool on the market.

Well, there you have it, some great ideas and new tools for stopping panic attacks which can work heart beat by heart beat.

Panic Attack Relief by Michael Logan

When you're in the middle of a panic attack, relief can seem very far away. Perhaps you've had the symptoms for so long now that they've become a regular part of your life. You don't know what brought them on, you only know you want them to stop.

The great news is that you can rid yourself of these attacks forever. You might find yourself taking two steps forward and one step back, but if you stick to it, you will be the victor.

What genes you carry from your family can give you a predisposition to developing the condition. But it can also be stress that's triggered the beginning of this cycle for you and without help, the cycle can drain your energy and leave you with less than the great life you should have.

Treating these attacks needs to be a priority because they can turn into severe phobias that can cause you even greater stress. It's okay to attempt some self help steps if you think you don't need or aren't ready to talk to your doctor or other professional.

The attacks usually don't last longer than a few minutes at a time. Don't allow your mind to think about what hasn't occurred and don't drag past attacks up. Fearing an attack can actually cause an attack to happen. Put what's happening in the right place in your mind. What you're dealing with are emotions and not real circumstances.

More often than not, attacks are brought on by feelings that are a projection of a known or unknown fear and not a reality. Panic attack relief can be found by facing what it is you're feeling the fear over.

If you're afraid of a fire starting in your home, take steps to make sure you have a fire safety plan. Have your home checked by a qualified electrician. Keep a fire extinguisher where you can get to it.

Don't allow pride or fear of what people might think stop you from reaching out for help. Keeping emotions locked inside can make an attack worse and it can cause them to happen again.

If you feel anxious and stressed because of past attacks, that anxiety and stress can trigger another attack and each subsequent attack will only reiterate those emotions. Let someone know what you're dealing with. Sometimes just getting those emotions out relieves the anxiety.

The anxiety doesn't have to control your life and it doesn't have to take away your ability to handle life. Don't think you have to fight alone, not when panic attack relief can be as simple as a phone call or a getting a prescription filled. Panic Attack Relief Through Counseling Not only are there medical approaches to panic attack relief, there are counseling and biofeedback approaches that might be useful.

The counseling approach most often utilized is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and this type of counseling will ask that you pay attention to your thinking and dispute thoughts which can begin the panic feeling.

A biofeedback approach, like heart rate variability biofeedback, can combine a powerful physiological training with the CBT.

I really like heart rate variability biofeedback personally because it feels good, and I can induce the feel good physiology on any given heart beat, and if I decide to pay attention to a fearful thought too long, I can switch out of that to a coherent thought in the proverbial heart beat.

In other words, I can practice heart rate variability biofeedback every five minutes for a couple of heart beats, and very soon my body gets used to this coherent physiology, and it doesn't let me get too far away from it.

Other useful tools that I have discovered over the years are to remember that "Gratitude is the Attitude", which certainly takes me away from the fearful thought.

I have also had a wonderful experience using the Open Focus model of Les Fehmi, Ph.D, which asks me to consider the space around the anxiety or my thought which brings the anxiety.

If you stop and think about it, there is a great deal of space, a universe of space around my thoughts and my body.

As a professional though, the heart rate variability biofeedback process is the one my clients find the most believable, because they see the process on the computer screen.

Clients seeing biofeeback experience that the learning is happening and are more confident that they can repeat the good feeling heart rate variability biofeedback on their own.

Disadvantages of Coconut Oil by Laura Ng

Have you read about the disadvantages of coconut oil besides its health benefits? Coconut oil does have its disadvantages and shortcomings despite its healthful characteristics. Let's go over them one by one and see how we can turn each disadvantage in your favor so you can minimize its negative effect and maximize its health benefits on you.

Disadvantage #1 - No Effect on "Cold"

The medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil can kill many types of viruses, including influenza virus that causes flu. But they're helpless against the rhinovirus that triggers common cold. In fact, no medications or herbal remedies can fight against rhinovirus, except your body immune system.

However, when you're down with cold, the infection could leave your immune system vulnerable to invasion by more bacteria, germs and viruses. That's where MCFAs in the oil come into play.

MCFAs help you kill those harmful microorganisms and ease the burden off your immune system so that it can focus on fighting the cold virus effectively. So it's still important to eat coconut oil when cold attacks you.

Disadvantage #2 - Excessive Coconut Oil May Harm

Just because everyone says it is healthy doesn't mean you start scoffing a ton of it. Too much of a good thing may do you more harm than good. You could end up running diarrhea-like symptoms if your body is not used to such sudden change.

Go slow with 1 tablespoon first and gradually increase to 3 or 4 tablespoons a day. Spread the dosage throughout the day instead of gulping down few tablespoons at one go. That'll keep you safe and sound while reaping the oil's health benefits.

Disadvantage #3 - Flavor Sucks!

Most people love its aromatic flavor. However, like durian, some people may not like it. So, if the original smell or taste of coconut oil just doesn't appeal to you, fret not, you still have 2 options.

- Mix it into the food or beverage containing strong flavor which will well cover the health-promoting virgin coconut oil's original scent.

- Use RBD (refined, bleached and deodorized) coconut oil where it possesses very light or no smell of coconut oil. But make sure you get the pure RBD oil type without hydrogenation or its trans fatty acid content (hydrogenation can produce trans fatty acid) may cause irreversible damage to your health.

Are you put off by these disadvantages of coconut oil? Better not or you're losing big-time for not using coconut oil for both your skin and health benefits. Anyway, I've provided tips to help you get around with the shortcomings and inconvenience easily, so it shouldn't deter you from pursuing excellent health with one of the most powerful foods on earth - coconut oil (and remember, use virgin coconut oil for best healing effect).

Coconut Oil & Weight Loss by Laura Ng

How does coconut oil relate to weight loss? "Eating whatever oils will make you fat" is the common belief for the general public. But coconut oil is different, despite its 92% saturated fat content.

Saturated fat from animals and some vegetable sources (like soybean oil, peanut oil etc) belongs to the long-chain structure which makes it difficult for your body to break down. So, normally most of this long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) or long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) will end up in your fat cells easily. That's why heavy meat-eaters or even vegetarians who eat foods fried with those oils gain weight so much easily than those who eat more whole fruits and vegetables.

What about the saturated fat in coconut oil? About 50 - 60% of its saturated fat comes from the medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) family, which when consume, can easily be broken down and converted to energy to fuel your bodily functions and activities, instead of getting deposited in your fat storage.

Because it gives a power boost to your energy level, you tend to move more and hence, you'll burn more calories than you normally would. The end result is, weight loss. But the weight loss benefits of coconut oil don't stop there. Its thermogenic effect encourages the burning of long-chain fatty acids storing in your fat deposits as well.

As Dr. Julian Whitaker, a well-known authority on nutrition and health, says, "LCTs are like heavy wet logs that you put on a small campfire. Keep adding the logs, and soon you have more logs than fire. MCTs are like rolled-up newspaper soaked in gasoline. They not only burn brightly, but will burn up the wet logs as well."

You'll experience more weight loss effect with coconut oil due to its fat-burning fat. It does sound strange to eating a dietary fat to burn more body fat, but that's what happens to eating coconut oil. You can get a small bottle of virgin coconut oil to try out for 2 weeks and see how it promotes weight loss and reduces your waistline. (There are few different types of coconut oil, but I highly recommend virgin coconut oil for both health benefits and effective weight loss.)

I've been taking coconut oil for about 2 years and I use it as an additional energy booster before my workout sessions, and also to help maintain my ideal weight. But I'm not the only one gaining this dramatic weight loss benefit from coconut oil, thousand others are gaining from it. So, you just can't lose when eating coconut oil for weight loss. Enjoy.

Healthy Vegetarian Weight Loss by Laura Ng

Not all vegetarian weight loss programs and plans are healthy. You probably have suffered from using them, which leads you to seeking healthy vegetarian weight loss. Losing weight and gaining health at the same time, in fact, are not difficult. All you need is just a dash of common sense and healthy habits.

Let me bring out the contrast between the unhealthy and healthy vegetarian weight loss methods to show you a clear picture of what's good for you. You'll then know how to work towards a healthy vegetarian weight loss in your diet plan.

Unhealthy Vegetarian Weight Loss - High Protein, Low Carb

This crash vegetarian weight loss diet is created from those infamous meat-laden fad diets. The principle is the same - you eat about 2- 3 times more protein than carbohydrate and when your body needs additional energy, it'll turn to your fat stores for fuel. No doubt you'll lose weight with this diet, you get a host of health problems tagging along such as headache, bad breath, loss of concentration, constipation, etc.

There are these groups of dare-devils who can't be bothered with their health. Their priority - weight loss first, health later. Meaning, they'll lose weight and suffer some health issues first, then once they achieve their target weight, they'll try to fix their health problems. By the time you reach your weight loss goal, your body could have suffered irreversible damages to some degrees, which had already happened to some people. How sad!

Health Vegetarian Weight Loss

What constitutes a healthy vegetarian weight loss? Numerous human physiological and behavioral studies / researches have proven that we need carbohydrate for prime functioning.

Especially the human brain, it needs immediate energy to power it up to process, handle, manage and control data. With low supply of carbohydrate, you can imagine how much your brain has to suffer. Moreover, our human bodies do not need as much protein as we normally think. We need protein to build new cells and repair damaged tissues. We actually need only about 35 - 45 grams for women and 60 - 75 grams for men, per day.

So, a healthy vegetarian weight loss should not compromise these basic macro nutritional needs. You need high-carb, but carb composes of good carb (natural, unrefined complex-carbohydrate) and bad carb (simple, refined carbohydrate). Good carb comes from whole vegetarian foods while bad carb comes from processed vegetarian foods.

Similarly, you have good dietary fat (coconut oil, olive oil, flax oil) and bad dietary oil (animal fat, soybean oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil).

Having said that, your diet for healthy vegetarian weight loss should encompass as much whole food as possible, with carb bearing 40 - 60 %, protein 15 - 25%, fat 10 - 15%. You can alter the percentage slightly to make your meal plans more interesting. But never make your protein 2 - 3 times more than your carb.

Oh, include exercise as part of your healthy vegetarian weight loss too. Exercise has been scientifically proven to promote health and fat loss. Bottom line - don't sacrifice your health for weight loss.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Program by Laura Ng

What's inside an effective vegetarian weight loss program that will help overweight vegetarians lose weight efficiently? You need only two things - a vegetarian weight loss diet which contains 90%, if not 100% whole natural foods plus a set of scientifically-proven fat-burning workouts.

Inside Your Vegetarian Weight Loss Program - Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

In your vegetarian diet for weight loss, you should spread out your meals into five meals a day - breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. This is by far the most effective weight loss meal plan for many overweight vegetarians. On top of that, all your meal should preferably be in their most natural form, like this:

Breakfast - Veggie smoothie with 40% vegetables, 30% fruits and 30% wholegrain, nuts, seeds and virgin coconut oil. (Keep your satiety level at 70%.)

Morning Snack - Any mixed fruits. (Keep your satiety level at 30 - 40%.)

Lunch - Wholegrain sandwich stuffed with 50% vegetables (such as alfalfa, cucumbers, tomatoes, shredded beet, butterhead lettuce etc). Complete this fiber-dense meal with a natural protein-rich drink like unsweetened soy milk. (Keep your satiety level at 70%.)

Afternoon Snack - Any mixed nuts, grains, seeds and dried fruits. (Keep your satiety level at 40%.)

Dinner - Rainbow salad with 60% shredded vegetables, 30% chopped fruits and 10% dressing (mix virgin coconut oil with flaxseed oil as dressing). This meal should stop your cravings for supper or additional snack before bedtime. It should last you till the following morning. (Keep your satiety level at 70%.)

Inside Your Vegetarian Weight Loss Program - Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Tips

Although natural foods like most nuts and seeds are calorie dense, adding them to your vegetarian diet will help you lose weight instead since they provide important phytonutrients for your body to metabolize its storage fat effectively. Of course, overeating these foods can gain weight. That's why you should always keep the vegetable portion to at least 40 - 50% in your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Please learn to increase your vegetable intake as vegetables are extremely vital for a vegetarian weight loss program to take serious effect.

Inside Your Vegetarian Weight Loss Program - Fat-Burning Workouts

You probably heard of cardio, but have you heard of interval training? Cardio does help you burn fat but only during the exercise bout. Interval training? This is a very effective fat loss component to be included in your vegetarian weight loss program. It not only boosts your metabolism to burn fat during the training bout, but keeps you metabolically active even hours after the workouts.

Of all fat-burning workouts, I personally recommend full bodyweight (multi-joint) exercises as these will help you lose more fat more efficiently and effectively. You can go with burpees (jumping jacks), pushups, step-up, lying hip extension, bicycle crunch, mountain climbers etc. You can get a stability ball to perform stability ball rollouts, stability ball jackknives and stability ball leg curl etc.

To maximize fat loss in exercising, combine these fat-burning workouts with interval training such that you'll exercise, rest, then exercise again. Slotting in active rest is the key to burning fat. Bear in mind.

Now you got a fail proof vegetarian weight loss program in your hand, what are you waiting for? Do it now and get awesome results in the next 10 - 14 days.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Program by Laura Ng

What's inside an effective vegetarian weight loss program that will help overweight vegetarians lose weight efficiently? You need only two things - a vegetarian weight loss diet which contains 90%, if not 100% whole natural foods plus a set of scientifically-proven fat-burning workouts.

Inside Your Vegetarian Weight Loss Program - Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

In your vegetarian diet for weight loss, you should spread out your meals into five meals a day - breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. This is by far the most effective weight loss meal plan for many overweight vegetarians. On top of that, all your meal should preferably be in their most natural form, like this:

Breakfast - Veggie smoothie with 40% vegetables, 30% fruits and 30% wholegrain, nuts, seeds and virgin coconut oil. (Keep your satiety level at 70%.)

Morning Snack - Any mixed fruits. (Keep your satiety level at 30 - 40%.)

Lunch - Wholegrain sandwich stuffed with 50% vegetables (such as alfalfa, cucumbers, tomatoes, shredded beet, butterhead lettuce etc). Complete this fiber-dense meal with a natural protein-rich drink like unsweetened soy milk. (Keep your satiety level at 70%.)

Afternoon Snack - Any mixed nuts, grains, seeds and dried fruits. (Keep your satiety level at 40%.)

Dinner - Rainbow salad with 60% shredded vegetables, 30% chopped fruits and 10% dressing (mix virgin coconut oil with flaxseed oil as dressing). This meal should stop your cravings for supper or additional snack before bedtime. It should last you till the following morning. (Keep your satiety level at 70%.)

Inside Your Vegetarian Weight Loss Program - Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Tips

Although natural foods like most nuts and seeds are calorie dense, adding them to your vegetarian diet will help you lose weight instead since they provide important phytonutrients for your body to metabolize its storage fat effectively. Of course, overeating these foods can gain weight. That's why you should always keep the vegetable portion to at least 40 - 50% in your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Please learn to increase your vegetable intake as vegetables are extremely vital for a vegetarian weight loss program to take serious effect.

Inside Your Vegetarian Weight Loss Program - Fat-Burning Workouts

You probably heard of cardio, but have you heard of interval training? Cardio does help you burn fat but only during the exercise bout. Interval training? This is a very effective fat loss component to be included in your vegetarian weight loss program. It not only boosts your metabolism to burn fat during the training bout, but keeps you metabolically active even hours after the workouts.

Of all fat-burning workouts, I personally recommend full bodyweight (multi-joint) exercises as these will help you lose more fat more efficiently and effectively. You can go with burpees (jumping jacks), pushups, step-up, lying hip extension, bicycle crunch, mountain climbers etc. You can get a stability ball to perform stability ball rollouts, stability ball jackknives and stability ball leg curl etc.

To maximize fat loss in exercising, combine these fat-burning workouts with interval training such that you'll exercise, rest, then exercise again. Slotting in active rest is the key to burning fat. Bear in mind.

Now you got a fail proof vegetarian weight loss program in your hand, what are you waiting for? Do it now and get awesome results in the next 10 - 14 days.

Need More Patients? Get A Listing In A Specialized Medical Directory by Jim Peterson

The advancement in technology has enabled almost everybody to be tech-savvy. Indeed, the World Wide Web has become a world parallel to the one we live in, and just like its counterpart, benefits and threats are ever present and need to be taken account of, in order to make the best out of both worlds. Despite that, people nowadays still prefer to do things online: from buying a carton of milk to setting up a doctor's appointment. Why is it so? Well, it is easier, faster, precise and less time consuming.

Yes, almost all types of medical offices can now be accessed by patients and potential signees straight from the comfort of their own homes, thanks to the innovative interactive websites, provided with custom web forms and online schedulers. Dentists, more particularly a Toronto dentist, are very aware of how this goes about. It is one form of medical promotion that has given a big boost to Toronto dentistry.

If you are a Toronto dentist who runs your own dental clinic, then you're very much aware of the fact that your business highly depends on the daily flow of patients. However, relying on your regular patients is not enough to give your dental practice that much needed lift and neither is it enough to increase the profitability of your practice.

Since almost everybody own personal computers and laptops and have internet access, then it's only logical to capitalize on this. You can use the internet to get new patients by searching for sites that offer medical promotion. How is this done? Well, there are online medical directories where you can submit your dental office's website. These medical directories are easily accessible to people who frequently surf the internet. Being that people today use the internet for almost anything, including looking for a Toronto dentist, the probability of them finding the listing of your dental clinic is very, very high.

Toronto dentistry became very popular all thanks to online medical promotion. You, too, can be a very famous Toronto dentist by simply setting up a website which explains all the additional services that you offer, such as online appointment scheduling and automated appointment reminders. You may even take it one step forward by providing a page on your website that would target young patients.

You can set that particular page up by making it child-friendly, complete with easy to understand words, fun activity sheets and other stuff that would make children want to visit you. Since it's a known fact that most kids are scared of dentists and since kids nowadays are very skilled and knowledgeable about computers and even the internet, online medical promotion of your dental practice will definitely change the way they view dentists.

So make the most out of the World Wide Web and start promoting your dental practice online to increase your clientele and profitability.

Busy Clinics Need To Automate Their Appointment Scheduling by Jim Peterson

Whether your medical practice revolves around only a few hundred patients or thousands of them, you would agree that handling the ever increasing number of patients, as well as the many demands of your job can be a tad too overwhelming.

A typical scene inside a very busy medical clinic will show you a dozen or so patients in the holding area waiting for the front desk receptionist to accommodate them. Then over at the receptionist's area, you would see several patients filling out forms, making inquiries and new patients working on their registration forms. Aside from that, you would hear the telephone ringing non-stop.

Basically the inside of a busy medical clinic can be described as near chaotic. No matter where you are in the world, if you're a very capable medical practitioner then you would surely have lots of patients, therefore, a busier clinic. Most doctors, in order to remedy the situation, have to resort to hiring additional staff. So aside from the front desk receptionist who welcomes the patients, there may be another staff whose main task is to answer telephone inquiries, list phoned in appointments and make schedule cancellations that patients call in.

There's nothing wrong with hiring additional personnel. However, that would mean additional manpower costs on your end. Just imagine that if your practice keeps on growing, then you would need to hire more and more people to work there. Other doctors, in worst cases, temporarily hold off accepting new patients. Can you imagine saying no to someone who badly needs your help?

However, aside from the two options mentioned above, there is a third option which more and more doctors are discovering to be the most advantageous. What is it? It's called a virtual medical receptionist.

The name itself suggests that the system works in the same way as your front desk receptionist. The only difference is that it is web-based. This means everything your front desk receptionist does is done by the virtual medical receptionist in an automated manner. This system is integrated with a self-service appointment scheduling which typically works this way: your patient will access your medical office's website, select the menu for the online appointment scheduler and then type in his desired date and time for his appointment. Or he can just call your clinic and by means of the automated phone scheduler built-in to the system, he can just leave a voice imprint of the schedule he wants.

This last option is the best one because it saves you from resorting to the first two options: hiring more people and temporarily hold off the acceptance of new patients. With the virtual medical receptionist, you wouldn't have to pay for additional staff and you'll gain even more patients especially when people hear that your clinic offers self-service appointment scheduling.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan by Laura Ng

If you want to lose weight effectively as a vegetarian, you need to have a proven vegetarian weight loss plan that includes both vegetarian weight loss diet and a set of fat-burning exercises. But what kind of diet and what types of exercises should you take up in order to help you achieve weight loss due to fat loss instead of water or muscle loss. Let's find out.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

Your vegetarian weight loss plan should contain a vegetarian weight loss diet in such manner - 5 meals a day which comprises breakfast (7 - 8 A.M.), morning snack (9: 30 - 10 A.M.), lunch (12 - 1 P.M.), afternoon snack (3: 30 - 4 P.M.) and dinner (6:30 - 7:30 P.M.).

Each of your breakfast, lunch and dinner should keep you full at 70%. Not 80 or 100%. They should also include lots of fiber-rich foods especially vegetables which form about 50 - 60% of each meal. As for your snack, prepare just handful to fill up your stomach at 30 - 40% only.

Sample Meal Plan for a Day

Breakfast - Oatmeal with energy-dense dried fruits as topping.

Morning snack - Mixed fresh fruits.

Lunch - Veggie burger made from wholegrain breads and Portobello mushroom, topped with shredded vegetables.

Afternoon snack - Handful of mixed grains, nuts and seeds.

Dinner - Rainbow salad with mixture of coconut oil and olive oil as dressing.

Fat-Burning Exercises

I find it insufficient to include just diet in a vegetarian weight loss plan. My bottom line is, you can lose weight and gain health at the same time. And if you share my sentiments, you should factor in exercises in your vegetarian weight loss plan. But not all exercises will produce rewarding fat loss results for you.

Single-joint exercises like sit-ups and crunches barely burn fat. A more effective way to lose fat is through multi-joint exercises like bicycle crunch, jumping jacks (burpees), pushups, step-up, prisoner squat, kick-boxing etc.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Tips

In your vegetarian weight loss plan, you should take note of the way you eat your vegetarian diet for weight loss. As your brain takes about 10 - 20 minutes to receive the 'full' signal from your stomach, you should try to eat slowly (probably 30 - 45 minutes) to allow enough time for your stomach to communicate its satiety level to your brain. Do you always feel stuffed after you finish your meal? That's because you've eaten too fast. Before you feel full, you could have already overeaten.

Next, you should plan to do your workout in the morning as morning helps you burn more fat than any other times in the day. Remember to drink sufficient amount of water to keep your body well hydrated. And make sure you catch enough quality sleep.

All these little tips, when combined together, can yield amazing results in your vegetarian weight loss plan. So, never miss out any of them or you could experience a slow or even reverse progress in your weight loss regimen.

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss by Laura Ng

How does an effective vegetarian diet plan for weight loss look like? It should look something like this - weight loss dieting tips specifically for vegetarians plus a set of fat-burning exercises that work to help you lose weight in the least amount of time. Let's get right down to it without further ado.

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Dieting Tips

What Food to Eat - Cut back on all your processed vegetarian food intake. Increase your intake of whole natural foods. That's because whole foods like vegetables carry tons of fiber that help to slow down the digestion of food, thereby releasing energy slowly to help sustain your activities throughout the day. You tend to eat less after ingesting fiber-rich food at the start of eating because it is filling.

So, this is the number one thing you must carry out in your vegetarian diet plan for weight loss. Next…

How Many Times to Eat - Preferably 5 times a day. You'll break your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals to keep you going with constant energy supply. Bear in mind that your main meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner should keep you only 70% full while your snacks (two - each slots in between the main meals) should make you feel 30 - 40% full only.

How to Eat for Weight Loss - In each bite, you should take time to chew the food. This helps to improve digestion and allows your brain to receive the "I'm full" signal quicker before you stuff in too much food. Slowing down your eating speed proves beneficial for your health and definitely will help you lose weight.

Vegetarians who include this simple chewing act in their vegetarian diet plan for weight loss lose fat more effectively. Don't believe? Try it out yourself for 7 days. It should preferably take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to finish your breakfast, lunch or dinner. For snacks, take 10 - 20 minutes.

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Exercising Tips

What Exercises to Do - Jumping jacks, pushups, side plank, Spiderman climbs, bicycle crunch, mountain climbers, ab curl, step-up - these are high-intensity full bodyweight (also multi-joint) exercises that will help you lose fat effectively. You can start off with cardio first before you proceed to these workouts. These workouts are easy to begin with even for those who weigh 200 pounds and above.

What Time to Get Best Fat Loss Effect - An Australian experiment shows that you'll burn more fat exercising in the morning. If you can't make it due to shift work or other reasons, other timings work fine too, although you'll burn less fat. But the truth is, it's better than burning nothing.

In your vegetarian diet plan for weight loss, you should also take note of the amount of water you drink. Drinking too less can result in dehydration and trigger weight gain. Drinking too much can lead to hyponatremia (water poisoning) which can cause permanent brain damage or even death. Hence, drink just sufficient water depending on your body's condition on that day. Observe your urine's color. If it turns pale yellow or clear, it means you're having enough water. When it becomes yellow or deeper, you need to drink more water.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It Is Important To Have A Multi-Lingual Online Receptionist System by Jim Peterson

In countries like Canada and USA it is important to have a multi-lingual medical receptionist because there are large non-English speaking populations, who might not be accessible as new patients if they had to confront an English-only software program that did not cater for their language. Doctors who would like to acquire patients from the different cultures which abound in both countries need to take this into consideration.

In the USA, there are many different nationalities of people who do not all live in the same vicinity. Some areas and parts of different cities cater for some same population groups. But, on the whole, in one city alone you might find Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Chinese, Germans, Dutch, Spanish, Brazilian, Indian, English, Portuguese, French and Swedish. How to cater for all these nationalities?

It is very unlikely that you will find a receptionist who could speak all of these languages, not a real one anyway. The multi-lingual medical receptionist system is your answer, as this will make all of the different nationalities feel comfortable, being able to understand what is required of them, and fill in the web forms with help maybe, with their medical information in their own language.

The multi-lingual online receptionist system will simplify your and your live receptionist's lives by catering for the different nationalities.

The same goes with Canada, who has a multi-lingual population as well. There will obviously be more of the English speaking community, that language being more prevalent in both the USA and Canada. But there will be population groups who might not be reached if you limit your online reception system to cater for only one language group.

This does not mean that you will have to learn and know all of these languages. Most foreign language patients should know enough English to be able to get around in a new and strange country. But also not know enough of the language to understand your messages, or write and read in English only. This they may still have to learn. They will feel more comfortable if you are considerate enough to cater for their language, as they are strangers in a strange land,

The multi-lingual online medical receptionist provides a web interface in alternative languages which will attract the different population groups.

This will go a long way to adding patients from those population groups to your practice and will definitely go a long way towards fostering diplomatic foreign relations policies.

Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil by Laura Ng

Before I show you the benefits of coconut oil, I just wanted to let you know that there's in fact no such thing as "extra virgin coconut oil". That's because this healthful oil is not officially classified based on its production method, acidity level and flavor, unlike olive oil. So, when companies label their coconut oil as 'extra virgin', it simply means the same as virgin coconut oil.

They do not mean to cheat the consumers but just to tell you that their virgin oil is of the best unrefined quality, that's why they use 'extra virgin coconut oil' as the label for that matter.

Virgin coconut oil carries the most health benefits as compared to other types due to its full nutritional values being retained through its cold-pressed extraction method. The most powerful nutrient in it is none other than its abundant supply of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs).

Because of its massive amount of MCFAs, "extra" virgin coconut oil can help you ward off diseases like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, breast cancer and many others. It can also help you kill most viruses, fungi and bacteria. Even the killer HIV is no match for coconut oil.

Besides healing you internally, it does wonders to your skin too - relieving symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and cure your dry, flaky skin in matter of days. Oh, it helps you purge out all your acnes and return you a smooth, spotless skin too.

How about losing some unwanted body fat? Yup, coconut oil promotes weight loss too.

Sounds too good to be true? Don't take my word for it, give it a shot. Make sure you get the quality organic virgin coconut oil which carries the most health benefits and comes with a distinctive, mild coconut aroma. Also, as there are many different brands you can choose from, I suggest that you buy the smallest bottle of a brand first and try it out until you lock on to a particular brand that you like the best.

And remember, begin with 1 tablespoon spread out in a day first for at least 3 days to see how your body reacts to this super food. You should not experience any negative response with virgin oil. Once you feel safe with it, you can up your intake to 3 - 4 tablespoons daily.

In fact, the best way to reap the full benefits of virgin coconut oil is to consume and use it topically. You'll gain extra boost to your health and restore your baby-like skin faster.

2 Vegetarian Weight Loss Mistakes You Must Fix to Lose Weight the Vegetarian Style by Laura Ng

Are you thinking like the majority that once you start your vegetarian lifestyle you'll lose weight automatically? Actually, it really is easy to lose weight as a vegetarian, but if you commit these 2 mistakes, it'll make losing weight an almost impossible mission for you, even though you're not eating the harmful, fat-filled and toxin-laced meat.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Mistake #1 - Eating Junk Food

Going vegetarian doesn't mean you won't get a chance to eat junk food. In fact, junk vegetarian foods are everywhere, infusing with sugar, sodium (salt), bad saturated fat and lots of funny artificial additives. Look at your size now, that's the end result of eating too much of these processed foods. Proof.

So, to lose weight as vegetarian, you need to make an effort to avoid these foods and replace them one by one with whole natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, which carry plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber to help you flush out toxins and lose weight easily. Vegetarians should actually eat this way, shouldn't they?

Vegetarian Weight Loss Mistake #2 - Skipping Breakfast

Why skipping breakfast is a big mistake for vegetarians in weight loss? When you skip breakfast and starve your stomach, your body will enter starvation mode. During this period, your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy. That means, your body will burn less calories to sustain your bodily activities.

Then when you start eating (lunch), your stomach tends to absorb as much food as possible since it doesn't know when it'll go hungry again, so its absorbing power will double. As a result, you heap on excess calories easily and more calories get stored in your fat tissues. That's the negative side effect of skipping breakfast. But when you take breakfast, the whole situation reverses - your body will absorb slower and less calories, helping you to lose weight more efficiently.

This also applies to any meals in a day. Don't think that the side effect of weight gain in skipping dinner will be relatively less intense. It could go worse and stock up more calories as fat since your metabolism tends to run slower at night.

In a Nutshell...

The secret of effective vegetarian weight loss lies in eating the right type of vegetarian diet for weight loss and feeding your stomach regularly to avoid hunger. Once you achieve these 2 things, it'll make losing weight easier for you, as a vegetarian.

Corporate Health: Why Junk Food is So Addictive by Anders N W Lindgreen

It is safe to say that a lot of people like junk food, some more than others and some not at all, but many like it. Perhaps it’s the convenience, the taste, the price or our emotional state that makes us go for it, or is there actually something in the food itself? If your team or colleagues are running stressed at work, convenience options won’t be far away. And having people make these choices on a regular basis can be quite damaging to the corporate health score in your business.

Can junk food become an addiction, and what is it that makes it addictive – I mean, it’s not a cigarette, right? Well, for some people it seems just as bad and there is actually both a natural and an un-natural explanation to why that is. Hear me out.

A Winning Combination

Back in the caveman days fruit and vegetables were seasonal, meat was hunted (not farmed) and the only cooking done was over an open fire (if any). This made our diets limited in carbohydrates, fats (because wild animals tend to be leaner) and salt. So whenever our bodies ran into any of these three, our taste buds went bananas to make sure that we had as much as possible, as we never knew when to get it next. Also, our brain only runs on blood sugar, which is made primarily from the carbohydrates that we consume. And sugar (a simple carbohydrate) converts even faster than slower alternatives and so our brain is extremely keen to get some. Now think about fast food; it’s high in salt, fat and carbohydrates and often washed down with a drink of sweet sugary goodness. Our bodies love it! The only difference is, we can get it whenever we want it nowadays, but our bodies haven’t caught up to that fact yet, so we still crave it like there’s no tomorrow.

MSG Keeps Us Coming Back For More

MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate, is a flavour enhancer common in processed foods and especially Asian foods. It is the food industries own anti-appetite suppressant. It achieves this by stimulating our pancreas to release insulin into our system, just like carbohydrates do, raising our blood sugar levels quickly only to drop not long after. This quick drop is what makes us feel hungry again.

What Does It Mean

It means that our bodies prefer junk food for many reasons. The more you eat, the more you are likely to want to eat and the harder it will be to cut down. Because not only have you got the winning combination of nutrients and minerals, plus the MSG, you will now also have the habit of eating a lot of junk food. Those three bad boys combined may be difficult to break apart, but it is far from impossible. I would suggest just going cold turkey if you have the will power for it, otherwise, cut down and replace the junk with an equally tasty but less processed and healthier alternative.

Fitness Training: Learn To Love Your Weight Loss Journey (or Lose The Race) by Anders N W Lindgreen

I can tell you right now, that if you are not looking forward to making that lifestyle change or the road to get there, you will fail. Little in life is really just about the outcome. When you decide to buy that car that you have been dreaming about on for weeks, months or even years; a lot goes into that experience. All the times you’ve been scanning brochures, researched it on the internet, customised it online, test-driven it, enquired about it, imagined it, talked about, dreamt (or even fantasised about it), putting money away, looking forward to the day you’d buy it, going through motions with the dealer, exchanging pleasantries while acting hard to get (even though you have already made up your mind), deciding on the customisation (even though you’ve known what you wanted for months), picking the right colour, signing the papers, driving it home, showing it off to your friends… and the list goes on.

Just snapping your fingers and having that car today would be great, indeed, but it would take away all the satisfaction and exhilaration involved with buying the car in the first place; everything that will make you really treasure owning it. Your weight loss journey can be like that, and if you make it out to be you’ll soon care less about the outcome, because you know that you will get there, just like you know that putting away X dollars each month will eventually get you that car. And once you have that confidence in your ability you will find that a lot of stress, worry and anxiety will be simply stripped of your body, like fat literally melts away through effective fitness training. You can also look forward to the positive reinforcements you will get all through your journey to compound off of each other, leaving you with an unstoppable positive spiral and energy high. So, let’s get excited about the journey and I can assure you that it will be a much more pleasurabl!

e experience and something you will actually stick with. You are the only one who knows what motivates you, so fill your mind with images and emotions illustrating just that. And don’t just do it on the days you may find yourself discouraged, do it every day and make it next to impossible for negative thinking to find you. You’ll have a ball, and when times do get tough, you will be tougher!

How to Lose Weight with a Vegetarian Lifestyle & Maintain Your Ideal Weight for Life by Laura Ng

There are 2 types of vegetarian lifestyle - one will make you lose weight and then maintain your ideal weight for life, the other will cause weight gain and impair your health over time. Obviously, you're leading the latter vegetarian lifestyle. If not, why are you reading this?

It's no surprise nowadays to see more and more overweight vegetarians. "I'm a vegetarian, but I'm overweight!" That doesn't sound right but it does occur. You can reverse the situation easily if you're willing to. Here I offer you 5 tips to help you lose weight as a vegetarian. There are a lot more vegetarian weight loss tips to pursue, but I suggest that you learn to pick up these 5 habits first before you advance to the next level for more fat loss.

1. Vegetable Helps to Lose Belly Fat - Up It!

Don't take veggies completely out of your meal plans just because they don't taste as delicious as grains, legumes, nuts and seed, and other vegetarian foods. Now, other than their cancer-fighting abilities, vegetables are one of the best foods for effective fat loss. Let me explain.

Let's say you eat spinach that carries 50 calories, due to its fibrous complex-carbohydrate structure, your body may use up 75 calories (from your energy reserve - fat storage and glycogen) to digest the food to get its energy value (50 calories) and nutrients. In other words, you lost a net 25 calories while breaking down spinach.

The more vegetables you consume, the more calorie deficit you create, and the more fat you'll burn, particularly on belly fat. Now you know why vegetables are so important in fat loss. Those who eat tons of veggies don't grow fat easily. Those who don't, grow fat (are you one of them?).

2. 5 - 6 Vegetarian Meals Burn More Fat

Split your breakfast, lunch and dinner into 5 or 6 smaller portion size meals. For example, breakfast - morning snack - lunch - afternoon snack - dinner.

This is a typical vegetarian diet for effective weight loss. If you take lots of veggies and other nutrient-dense food, you should not feel the need to eat the 6th meal (supper). But if you prefer 6 vegetarian meals for weight loss, go ahead. But make sure your 6th meal contains light calories like a small bowl of oatmeal since it'll be close to your sleeping time. Eating too much can affect your sleep quality.

3. Keep to this 70%-Satiety Rule to Block Unwanted Calories

Don't eat too full in every vegetarian meal, especially your lunch as it can make you feel heavy and clumsy. It might couple with intense sleepiness as more blood will gush to the digestive system to help digest the big chunk of food you just took, resulting in less blood carrying oxygen to your brain.

Hence, practise this 70%-satiety rule. I guarantee you'll feel a lot better by keeping to this satiety level starting today, and you won't feel sleepy and sluggish so easily.

4. Water Helps to Lose Weight - Water Can Kill Too!

Adequate water consumption can boost your metabolism and burn fat. On the contrary, drinking excessive water can cause water poisoning and eventually lead to brain damage or death. You shouldn't follow the general rule of drinking 8 glasses or 2 liters of water as parroted by many others out there.

The best way to see if you need more water is check your urine color. If it shows colorless or pale yellow, that means you already got enough water. However, if it looks yellow, then that's a sign indicating you need more water. Proper hydration of your body promotes fat-burning. This works for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. So, no more, no less is the key.

5. How a Vegetarian Should Sleep for Effective Weight Loss?

There's no hard-and-fast rule as to how many hours you should sleep for optimal fat-burning response. Different people require different number of hours of rest to feel recharged. If you need 7 hours, so be it. Don't mimic another person who needs only 5 hours to get rejuvenated. You'll get worse.

Try to turn in before 11 P.M. as studies show that our bodies go into repair mode between 11 P.M. and 2 A.M. You'll feel revitalized when you get more cells and tissues repaired. Your fat-burning engine will operate at its best once you get the quality sleep you need.

How To Lose Weight For Vegetarians In 2 Weeks by Laura Ng

It's so common nowadays to see overweight vegetarians. Fret not, I'm gonna show you how you can lose weight the vegetarian style in 2 weeks or less. Wait, I'm not saying that you can slim down from 200 pounds to 140 pounds in just that 14 days. That's way too drastic and unnatural for your body to take it. What you'll discover are the practical, proven tactics that'll help you shed pounds on a natural pace. In other words, you'll learn how to lose weight as a vegetarian healthily and safely without any side effects. Let's begin.

1. Whole Vegetarian Foods Make Losing Weight Easier

No doubt pre-packaged (processed) vegetarian meals can fill your stomach fast, their high-sugar, high-sodium and high-fat content can easily sabotage your weight loss plan. Cut back on those and include more raw vegetarian food in your meal plans. Not only you save time in cooking, but you'll lose weight vegetarian way more easily.

2. Eat More to Lose Weight Effectively

You get optimal metabolism when you break up your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals. The logic behind eating smaller meals at 2 - 3 hours interval is that your metabolic rate will stay active over longer duration. You won't get too full on each meal, but yet you won't feel hungry so easily. When you starve, your metabolism will slow down, and you'll burn less fat. Hence, eat more meals to burn more fat.

3. Create Your Own Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

Whenever possible, make your own meals so you know exactly what you're feeding your body with. To save time on making vegetarian meals at home, I suggest that you buy some recipes that show you how to easily whip up nutrient dense dishes in less than 20 minutes so you won't feel daunted at the thought of creating your own weight loss vegetarian diet.

4. Change Your Weight Loss Recipes

Keep changing your recipes every 2 - 3 days. Sticking to the same old meals will deprive your body of certain vitamins and minerals it needs for optimal metabolism. When you rotate your meals with a wide spectrum of ingredients and nutrients, you won't likely experience weight loss plateau, which some overweight vegetarians face.

5. Proper Body Hydration Burns Fat Efficiently

Drinking soup, fruit juice or green tea already contribute some water content in your body, so you don't need too much water. When weather turns cool, you may need only 5 glasses of water per day. Observe your urine's color. If it turns pale yellowish or clear, it means your body is properly hydrated for effective fat loss. When it goes yellow, you need to drink more water. But don't drink 2 glasses at one go even if the weather is extremely hot. Spread out your water consumption over time for better fluid absorption.

Besides these 5 tips, you should take great care of your sleep and couple your vegetarian weight loss plan with exercises at least 3 times a week. Only then will you be able to effectively lose weight the vegetarian way faster and safer.

Fat Burning Exercise: Ab-Machine Scam Revealed! by Anders N W Lindgreen

Oh, the infomercials we love to hate. The ab-machine creators never seem to run out of ideas for new creations, but since they now seem to attack the abs from every possible angle I am wondering what the next upgrade will be. But do they actually work? Consider this; the difference between the very first ab-machine I saw (and bought!) back when I was ten years old, to the ones that are on sale today, is that the newer ones seem to do more. And not just doing more, promising more, both in effect and in how fast you will achieve it. The five minutes / day is now three minutes per day, instead of just the abs it now targets the sides as well, does cardio AND inner thigh work, it used to promise 5kg in 30 days now it will happen in only two weeks. Is the design really that much smarter? No.

Easy Storage and Money-Back Guarantee

The companies know that the demographics that buy these products are notorious stop-starters and fairly lazy at that. First it was enough to offer a product that was easy to store so that they could put it under the bed after the first three times they’ve used it. Today, that’s not enough, so they have the money-back guarantee – knowing that most people are too lazy to send it back anyway.

Abs and Cardio

Some ab-machines claim to give you a cardiovascular workout, so let’s evaluate that claim. A cardio workout is a heart workout and it requires a heightened heart rate for a period of time. Lie down and do crunches for three minutes; sure your abs may be screaming, but is your heart rate that different? Put on a heart rate monitor if you don’t believe me. And in three minutes? Give me a break! Poor heart rate elevation and insignificant duration. Period.

Thermo Imaging

Yeah, I just saw one ad showing thermo imaging between a runner (just starting out) and someone using the ab-machine. And the picture only showed the torso (of course). Now clearly the ab-machine torso went all orangey-red from the abdominal stimulation and was therefore deemed superior to running - BUT - YOU RUN WITH YOUR LEGS! So how is that even relevant? It’s nothing but clever marketing.

All the Experts, Trainees and Celebrities

If you have money, you can hire just about anyone. Enough said.

Is It Fat Burning Exercise Anyway? People Do Get Results!

These machines always come with a food plan, and an almost starvation-like food plan at that. So, take someone who used to have a real sloppy diet, give them a healthy eating plan and they will lose weight. Does it have anything to do with the ab-machine itself? No, that’s just how they make their money. And when sales drop off they will develop a new model, a more convincing script, hire new actors and the cycle begins again.


I wish I came up with the concept.

Vegetarian Weight Loss Tips to Help Overweight Vegetarians Lose Weight with Eating by Laura Ng

As a vegetarian, you'll definitely lose weight much more easily than those non-vegetarians since your body carry less toxins (from dead animals). However, if you want to lose weight with just vegetarian weight loss diet without exercising and yet wanted to get positive results, then you got to "work harder" in the way you eat your vegetarian weight loss diet. In fact, these are easy techniques to follow, all you need is just a little discipline. Follow them and you'll probably see yourself getting into better shape and look slimmer in the next 7 - 10 days.

Tip 1 - 5 Vegetarian Weight Loss Meals Daily

Break your 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) into 5 smaller-sized meals, with snacks in between the main meals to keep you going, like this: breakfast - snack (morning) - lunch - snack (afternoon) - dinner. This vegetarian weight loss diet plan will help sustain you through your daily tasks without you feeling hungry easily. You should be able to quit your supper naturally when you eat a fiber-packed dinner.

Tip 2 - Leave Your Stomach 70% Full

All your weight loss meals should not make you too full. Your breakfast, lunch and dinner should fill you up to about 70% only. You should receive 30 - 40% satiation from your snacks. But don't waste food. Always ask for smaller portion when eating out.

Tip 3 - Eat Longer to Avoid Gaining Weight

Eating slower by chewing your food more times not only helps you digest better but also allow your stomach to tell your brain how full it is. It takes about 10 - 20 minutes (at times, 2 minutes) for the communication between your stomach and brain to complete. So, don't rush your meal. Savor it and it'll help you block unwanted excess calories.

Tip 4 - Ingest Foods Rich in Fiber and Complex-Carb

Effective vegetarian weight loss diet should achieve these 5 things - it makes you feel full easily; it makes you feel full longer; it helps you burn more calories than you eat, it provides quality nutrients for your body to work optimally and it helps you secrete your waste daily. Vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, seaweed etc - these foods are packed with fiber and complex-carbohydrate and will help you achieve these 5 things in one go. Include them in your vegetarian diet for weight loss, always.

Tip 5 - Eat Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

Coconut oil is one of the best healthful foods on earth to help vegetarian lose weight and stay healthy. It generates a thermogenic effect in your body that in turns boost your metabolism up to 24 hours - you keep burning fat throughout. But choose only virgin coconut oil.

Tip 6 - Create Your Own Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

Whip up delicious vegetarian meals for weight loss in your own kitchen. You can control the amount of the meal to fit your needs and ensure the quality of the ingredients use at the same time. How cool is that?

Tip 7 - Eat Raw for More Effective Vegetarian Weight Loss

Do you know that a raw vegetarian diet can help you achieve weight loss more effectively than any other weight loss diets in the world? Craig Ballantyne, a non-veggie pro trainer even admits that a raw diet is the best weight loss diet in the world. But not all can turn to raw easily. It takes time to transition your diet. However, partial raw works well too. Start upping your raw intake today and you'll get a fast ticket to effective vegetarian weight loss.

Though you can achieve fat loss with eating alone, it's even more rewarding to build some muscles and improve your body shape with exercises.

Fat Burning Exercise: Are You Ready to Change? by Anders N W Lindgreen

It is a valid question; if you are not ready it wouldn’t matter if all the opportunities in the world lay at your feet because you’d be walking all over them with soles so thick that you wouldn’t feel a thing. Not even access to the world’s best fat burning exercise would do you much good.

To better understand where you are I will use and explain the Stages of Change model developed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente at the University of Rhode Island when they were studying how smokers were able to give up their habits.

Determining exactly which stage you are at and what you need to advance to the next is absolute key. But it is also equally important to your support network (friends and family) to understand where you are to make sure that their thoughtfulness does not become an unnecessary obstacle in your journey.

The 5 Stages of Change:

1. Precontemplation

In the precontemplation stage, you are not yet ready to realise that there are any issues and you are not accepting help from anyone. People may actually keep you in this stage by trying to force change upon you and thus the harder they are trying to push you the more you are likely to resist. In this stage you may even find yourself defending your bad habits out of sheer principle or obliviousness.

2. Contemplation

In the contemplation stage, there has been a shift in your thinking. You have started to realise the consequences of your ways and even though you are not sure whether you really want to do anything about it or not; you are weighing the pro’s against the con’s and are now open to receive information from friends and family.

3. Preparation

In the preparation stage, you are now committed to do something about it. It is a deeper acknowledgement and a realization that the problem is serious and that you cannot allow it to go on any longer. You begin by researching your options and strategies available to achieve your goal (like reading this book e.g.).

4. Action

In the action stage, you have put your money where your mouth is and you are doing courage by acting. It may be one step forward two steps back at times but make no mistake, you are on your way and with the right guidance and information you will get there as long as you persist for long enough.

5. Maintenance

In the maintenance stage, you have reached your target and are now hard at work trying to maintain what you have got. We cannot fall back into past habits here or we will fall flat on our face and may end up right where we started. Your body will always choose the easy option and habits you have held on to for decades die hard and so you must persist daily to build new and more permanent ones.


When you try to skip a stage, quit reinforcing or in any other way shortcutting change you run a serious risk to relapse all the way back to the beginning. The moral of the story is that is takes effort, it takes time and once you have it you cannot let it go. Make it a lifestyle and not a fad.

Hospice CNA by Karen Williams

A hospice is defined as a medical facility providing emotional and mental health care services for patients who are terminally ill along with their families. A CNA providing services in a hospice, is generally referred to as hospice CNA. A CNA with considerable experience and a regular CNA certification can take up job at a hospice, no additional qualifications are needed. A hospice CNA can either get employed at a hospice center or at a patient's home.

A hospice nurse usually provides solace and comfort to patients who are at the end of their life by taking care of them and their respective families too. Thus they provide both emotional and physical support to the patients and families. A hospice nurse usually takes complete care of the patients by administering medications on time and providing massages to provide comfort, if any required. They generally take utmost care of their patients and find every possible way to keep them away from pain.

They even educate the families of patients and teach them the methods of taking care of their loved ones, if the patients prefer to be taken care of, by their families, instead of being in hospital. This way they ensure that the patient's last days are lead in the comfort of their loved ones.

In case, a hospice nurse gets employed to take care of a terminally ill patient, then at times they even prefer to do some simple household chores, so that, the patient's family members get maximum time to spend with the patient. This gives the families some more time to be spent with their loved one, who is on the death bed, counting days.

On an average, a hospice nurse can earn up to $57,280 a year. Being a hospice nurse, is not a child's play. They need to have a lot of patience, need to know how to keep their cool at times of stress, need to be cheerful and pleasant, should be friendly, so that they can easily build a rapport with the patient, should be able to easily communicate with the family members in such a manner that, the family members understand what they want to convey. They need to be able to provide comfort and solace to the family members.

They should be wise enough and able to keep the stress resulting from the job, off their own personal life. Their job is really demanding and an emotional one too. A hospice nurse needs to be an epitome of incredible compassion, spirituality, patience. Also, the ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds is also necessary.

If you are an youngster pursuing education in CNA and are interested in taking up a job in hospice, then, try to utilize the rotation policy of your school and take up work in a hospice setting, this way you can get a feel of the typical life of a hospice CNA. If you are afraid of watching people die, then this job is not for you. A successful hospice nurse is one who can ease and reduce patient's fears and bear to watch them suffer immense pain. It is definitely not a job for the faint hearted!

Biofeedback Relaxation by Michael Logan

I have used a number of biofeedback relaxation techniques in my counseling practice including handwarming, EEG biofeedback, and heart rate variability biofeedback, which is the tool I have used since becoming a licensed one on one provider in 2000.

I like to teach my heart rate variability biofeedback clients another tool, which I believe works very synergistically with it, called Open Focus. Open Focus helps me to remember the space in and around everything, including my heart, and when I create an Open Focus, my brain moves into an alpha brain wave (or relaxed external focus) very quickly.

I think the key to biofeedback relaxation is to be able to switch attentional styles, brainwave status, or heart rate variability coherence quickly, moving into and out of eustress and avoiding distress.

I think it is important to understand that a couple of factors mitigate a constant brain wave pattern or heart rate variability coherence.

One is the human orienting response, which means I pay attention to movements and changes around me, and when I attend to a change in the environment, like a noise behind me, I move quickly into an alarm physiology, which can take me away from my heart rate variability coherence and my alpha brainwave state and into beta (focused external awareness) in perhaps 1/18th second, according to Mihalyi Csiszentmihalyi, Ph.D. or 1/25th second response time for facial expressions like a look of contempt. By comparison, it takes me 1/10th second to blink my eyes.

My thoughts change that rapidly, and once I have identified that the noise behind me is not dangerous, and the facial expression is not a concern, then I can, with some mindfulness, return my heart rate variability to coherence.

How does heart rate variability biofeedback coupled with Open Focus help me be that mindful?

Heart rate variability biofeedback is a computerized program that provides the feedback on a computer screen, and clients get a sense, from the audio and visual feedback, of how fast their physiology changes when they create a stressful thought rather than a affiliative or cooperative thought, even though they are sitting quietly, attending to a computer.

Once clients get a sense that by switching thoughts from "I do not know how I am going to pay the gas bill this month" to "that fun birthday party with their children", they can move into heart rate variability coherence, which is a very relaxed feeling of contentment, clients begin to understand that they can mindfully engineer their internal state of biofeedback relaxation heart beat by heart beat.

Why is that heart beat by heart beat distinction important? If your heart stops, do you have to worry about biofeedback relaxation anymore? No.

I have made heart rate variability biofeedback a part of my domestic violence and anger management groups for about 10 years.

In fact, I would have a client hooked up to the computer sitting on a table that was purposefully placed in the center of the room, and each client would do the heart rate variability biofeedback while the group swirled about them, which is the way life is, lots of noise and distractions.

Most clients were surprised to see how they responded to a tone of voice or a particular topic, and almost all of them could still move into a medium of even high level of coherence.

I would stop the group and ask them how they did that, and many would relate that they were thinking of some pleasant experience from the past, so I of course asked them if they could repeat that experience on demand. Of course, most said they could.


If you have been reading about neurogenesis and neuroplasticity at all in the last two or three years, then you have seen that we actually grow neurons daily if we attend to the pillars of brain fitness including stress management.

The heart rate variability biofeedback tool was recommended by Alvaro Fernandez, one of the leading lights in the brainfitness field.

He says it is the best stress management tool in the marketplace.

4 Factors To Find A Good Lose Weight Diet That Is Effective For You by Jeff Schuman

Are you looking for a good lose weight diet but everything you have tried so far has not worked like you believed it would? Then you need to understand 4 important factors that will help you finally find the good diet that will help you effectively lose all the weight you want to.

The following 4 factors are imperative to look for when searching for a weight loss diet.

1. The diet you choose to use needs to ensure that you will be getting enough food to help keep your body processes running at top level. It is important that you eat enough of a few different things which include:

- Calories

- Vitamins and minerals

- Protein

- Carbs

You don't want to overdo on any of these things but it is imperative to losing weight that you get enough to help you live a healthy and active lifestyle.

2. You have to feel satisfied with the diet that you will be eating and can't be left to feel like you are not getting enough. You will be putting a limited amount of food into your body everyday so the best diet will ensure that you are not left feeling hungry all the time or you will end up cheating on your diet.

The best type of diet will allow healthy snacks to be eaten in between meals so that you are getting enough energy from the food you eat and so you are not hungry all the time in between these meals.

3. Liquids should be an important part of the diet because they are important for keeping your from being thirsty and in helping to keep your metabolism working to burn the fat. Staying hydrated is one of the secrets to not only losing weight but also to keeping it off once you have achieved your weight loss goals.

4. Exercise should always be a part of the diet plan because this is imperative along with the foods you eat to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Exercise is needed on a regular basis to lose weight and to keep it off once you have lost it.

If you find a diet that tells you that you can lose weight without exercising then this is a good sign to avoid that particular diet because it may work temporarily but it will not be effective for long term weight loss.

Knowing these 4 factors means you now have the knowledge needed to help you find the good lose weight diet for you and avoid all the ones that won't work effectively. Just don't rush your decision because finding the right diet can really help you achieve the weight loss goal that you are aiming for.

A Description Of Bacillus Coagulans Probiotics by Rudy Silva

Do you know what good bacteria you need in your intestinal tract? There are hundreds of different bacteria in your intestines. Do you want to know, which ones dominate and that contribute to your over all health. Read this article to discover what health benefits you can get with the right bacteria.

Good bacteria, also known as probiotics, live in the human digestive system. It helps the system do its job by restoring the digestive tract balance.

Studies show that there are actually more than 400 types of bacteria in a human body. Contrary to the common misconception, the majority of them are good species that are essential for regulating the immune system. One of the best types of these bacteria is the bacillus coagulans probiotic.

Among the health benefits of good bacteria is to prevent diseases. Good bacteria like bacillus coagulans probiotic make an unfavorable environment for less desirable bacteria.

Good bacteria are classified in two major categories according to their environment in the human’s digestive track. These two categories are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Lactobacilli are those which are known to exist in the small intestine while the latter are those which are found in the colon.

Either of these types of bacteria are usually the main components of the best probiotics. These beneficial bacteria like the bacillus coagulans probiotic are important in maintaining good digestive and immune health. Probiotic products are now readily available in the market.

Before purchasing any of those products, it is also important to know the different kinds of bacteria that provide us with the needed health benefits. Here are four different types of good bacteria that are commonly found in many probiotic products:

Lactobacillus rhamnosus. This is a kind of probiotic bacteria that has the ability to treat a lot of ailments. As such, it is now gaining a lot of interest because of its GG (What's this?) strain component. Studies show that this bacterium is useful especially for treatment of communicable diseases and allergic situations.

Lactobacillus plantarum. This is a very dominant type of bacteria. It is commonly found in nearly all normally fermented foods. It is also considered as an efficient form of antibiotic. It helps a lot in obstructing receptor sites for negative bacteria.

Streptococcus thermophilus. This microorganism is considered as an excellent antioxidant. It helps individuals recuperate from malnutrition. It is particularly beneficial to address malnutrition resulting from instant fasting.

Bacillus coagulans probiotic is a species of live microorganisms that are present in many food products in the market today. This beneficial bacterium has been giving health benefits especially when administered in adequate amounts.

Studies show that daily intake of food supplements containing these bacteria help maintain the delicate intestinal balance. It has also been proven to be an effective way to enhance the immune system.

These are just a few of the many beneficial bacteria that are present in many different kinds of probiotic products that are readily available in the market today. You can also support probiotic growth in your digestive system by increasing the amount of cultured dairy products you eat.

It helps a lot to eat foods that increase probiotic growth. This includes cheeses, yogurt, and other forms of dairy products. Hence, the next time you do your grocery shopping make sure to pick up food products containing good bacteria.

How Big Are the Scars After Liposuction? by Roy Kim MD

Pretty darn small! The incisions are about as long as this line-____

Liposuction is done with several different technologies. The bottom line is that the cannulae, or the small thin instruments that liposuction requires, require very small incisions, usually about 3-5 millimeters in length.

Generally, plastic surgeons hide the surgical incisions by putting them in folds of the body. For example, if you’re getting liposuction in your neck, we put the incision in your chin. If you are getting liposuction in your abdomen, the tiny incisions go in your belly button, groin folds, outer pelvis area, or anywhere else where it’s naturally hidden.

The skin also stretches to accommodate the liposuction equipment, so the actual incision is usually a little smaller than the actual diameter of the liposuction equipment. This contributes to the small size of the surgical incisions.

The scars should heal as very small, thin, white lines. They are very difficult to see long term. Sometimes, depending on how your body heals, they may develop a slight excess of scar tissue. Special creams, bandages, or injections may help the overall surgical incision appearance if this occurs.

Some of the liposuction instruments, or cannulae, can be quite long. This allows the incision to be pretty far away from the actual area of liposuction. The bottom line result to you is that you may have fewer surgical incisions for the same surface area.

Also, feathering, or performing liposuction from 2-3 different areas, is key to get smooth and consistent results in liposuction. Most plastic surgeons will want to perform liposuction in the same area from 2-3 different areas, which allows for more fat extraction and a smoother overall result.

Vegetarian Fat Loss - 1 Effective Tip to Lose Fat for Vegetarians by Laura Ng

Many vegetarians consume only about 12 g of fiber per day, which is more than 50% lesser than the recommended daily value (DV) of 25 - 35 g. Do you know how important fiber is to your vegetarian fat loss success?

Its bulk satisfies your hunger faster and longer. It carries relatively low calories and slows down conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, while flushing out toxins, fats, cholesterol from your body through regular bowel movements. Because of these, fiber is an effective element to help vegetarians lose fat.

Here's a guide to show how much fiber you need per day.

Men (less than or equal to 50 years old) - 38 grams

Men (more than 50 years old) - 30 grams

Women (less than or equal to 50 years old) - 25 grams

Women (more than 50 years old) - 21 grams

Source: The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine

Doctors and dieticians always advise people to eat more fruits and vegetables to boost fiber intake for good health and fat loss, but, easier said than done. Even with a simple but useful suggestion like "2 cups of fruits and 2.5 cups of veggies daily", many people still don't eat enough fiber in their diets.

Interestingly, vegetarians are supposed to ingest more fiber than anyone else, but due to the modern processed fiber-stripped vegetarian food choices nowadays, their fiber intake becomes as low as non-vegetarians. That explains why vegetarians are growing fatter and now they need to lose fat too.

Perhaps you find counting cups too troublesome. So you must come up with more innovative ways to boost adequate fiber in your vegetarian diet. Why not try this method that will sure provide enough fiber in your daily vegetarian meal consumption for effective fat loss?

Blend veggies and fruits into smoothies. Imagine facing 5 cups of shredded vegetables and fruits at every meal, how much can you eat? You probably would stop after the second cup. But you need the fiber from these quantities of greens and fruits at each meal not just to lose fat but for health maintenance too.

Now, blending them into green smoothies works best because you get to retain their fiber and other important nutrients. Indeed, the valuable nutrients in these fruits and veggies get broken down into smaller particles during blending so that it becomes easier for your body to digest and absorb them.

Moreover, what turns out from blending 5 cups of veggies and fruits is only 1 cup of smoothie. Wouldn't you find it easier to drink 1 cup of smoothie instead of munching through 5 cups of veggies and fruits just to lose that excess body fat? Most importantly, smoothies ensure you consume enough fiber daily.

If you worry about the veggie taste in the smoothie, try mixing fruits to veggies at ratio 3:2 for a nice combination. I always do that. If you can think of more ways to boost your fiber consumption, just make sure they're natural and safe before going ahead.

All in all, you should always include sufficient fiber content in your vegetarian weight loss diet if you want to lose fat effectively as a vegetarian. Working out like mad without enough fiber won't get you much reward in fat loss. Fact.

Benefits of Coconut Oil by Laura Ng

The benefits of coconut oil don't just cover internally to improve your health, but externally as well to give you a smooth, ageless skin. Here's the list of the advantages of eating coconut oil:

1. Prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes.

2. Support the development of strong bones and teeth, prevent tooth decay and protect against osteoporosis.

3. Help you lose weight by generating up to 24 hours of thermogenic (fat-burning) response.

4. Kill viruses that cause mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, measles, herpes, AIDS.

5. Kill bacteria that cause pneumonia, earache, throat infections, dental cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, and other diseases.

6. Kill fungi and yeast that cause candida, jock itch, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.

7. Expel or kill tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.

8. Relieve symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcers, malabsorption syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, prostate enlargement and cystic fibrosis.

9. Mitigate your pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

10. Reduce your chronic inflammation and epileptic seizures.

11. Protect you against colon, breast and other cancers.

12. Prevent premature aging, kidney disease, liver disease, periodontal disease and bladder infections.

13. Moisturize your skin to prevent dry and flaky skin. And ward off skin infections.

14. Protect your skin against UV radiation that may aggravate your wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.

15. Control your dandruff.

You might think that the above list of benefits of coconut oil is a lot, but in fact, this is just a conservative list. There's more than what coconut oil can do for you. Eat it. Apply to your skin. And experience the amazing health and skin benefits that coconut oil will bring to you.

However, as there are about 4 types of coconut oil available in the market such as virgin, fractionated, RBD (refined, bleached and deodorized) and hydrogenated, it's best to consume and use topically only the virgin coconut oil type as it provides the most health benefits.

Refined oil, especially hydrogenated, may cause harmful side effects since you're ingesting trans fatty acid along with the oil which will more or less offset some of the natural nutritional benefits of coconut oil. Also, refined oil will clog up your pores when apply to skin whereas virgin coconut oil will not.

That's why when you buy coconut oil for your health and skin benefits, choose only the virgin type. For even more radiant health and smoother skin, get organic virgin coconut oil which is free of pesticides.

Science and Health Scientist Addresses Cancer Concerns Related to Atrazine by Sue Schulte

Elizabeth Whelan, President of the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) posted a great entry on ACSH’s Health Facts and Fears blog on the growing attempts by activist groups to convince the EPA to ban atrazine due to cancer claims and other health concerns.

Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. It helps farmers fight weeds on corn, sugar cane and other crops, leading to dramatic increases in crop yields. Without it, our food supply would be in jeopardy. Activists want the public to believe that atrazine causes cancer and birth defects, but it’s simply not true. Whelan writes:

“Atrazine’s health and safety record is stellar. The Safe Drinking Water Act requires monitoring for a multitude of chemicals, including atrazine. Levels of atrazine in U.S. waters are well within the federal lifetime drinking water standard — a level containing a 1,000-fold safety buffer. The Environmental Protection Agency in 2006 completed a 12-year review involving 60,000 different studies and concluded that the current use of atrazine poses “no harm” to the general population — infants, children and adults. According to this same regulatory agency (which oversees pesticide use) atrazine is “one of the most closely examined pesticides in the marketplace.”

Whelan points out that many activists are not willing to accept this assessment and were able to cast doubts upon the issue with the EPA. As a result, last fall the EPA announced it would initiate a re-re-re-evaluation of atrazine and health. These activists will not be happy until the EPA bans this herbicide, which would then open the door for activists to attack more chemicals, claiming they are unsafe.

Finally, Whelan points to the media for “scaring” the public into thinking that these “chemicals” are unsafe and that the manner in which they are evaluated should be changed:

“Many of the recent media chemical scares, like the two hour “toxic” presentation on CNN, argue that a) there are tens of thousands of “chemicals” out there; and b) the current government policy, assuming these chemicals are safe until contrary evidence was presented, must be reversed so that a chemical is considered hazardous until it is “proven safe.” But how do you prove something to be safe? It’s like trying to prove a negative — it can’t be done. The example of atrazine — with decades of safe use, thousands of studies that found no harm to humans and years of getting a green light from EPA (which is not known for understating chemical risks) leaves us with the question: After all these evaluations and years of use, if atrazine doesn’t meet the criteria for “safety,” what chemical possibly could?”
