Sunday, October 14, 2007

Can Asbestos Cause Breathing Problems?

QUESTION: I am beginning to think I have the disease caused by asbestos. It
certainly could answer many questions about my shortness of breath, just
starting to be a problem. How can I find out what's wrong?
ANSWER: Asbestos disease (also know as "asbestosis"), one of several
disorders affecting the lungs and surrounding areas, is caused from years of
exposure to asbestos. Asbestos has been used as an industrial material since
the late 19th century. It is a material that consists of long, threadlike
fibers and when it is used commercially, minute particles from these fibers
becomes detached and spread into the air. Health hazards arise from breathing
these invisible fibers into the lungs.
Asbestos disease takes years to develop. Usually people who have had
direct contact with the substance through their occupation are the ones at
risk. The disease can cause many symptoms, one of which is breathlessness. A
dry cough is another typical sign, as is fast, heavy breathing. However,
these symptoms can arise from other disorders, and other clinical findings are
important in the diagnosis of asbestos disease. If your doctor suspects that
you have an asbestos-related disorder, he will ask you for a detailed history
of places where you have lived and worked over long periods. It is extremely
important to be as precise as possible in your recollection, because the
amount of time which has elapsed since exposure is directly related to the
kinds of clinical findings which will appear. Different symptoms show up at
different periods of time after the initial exposure. Chest x-rays are very
important in determining the exact kind of asbestos-related problem you may
The disease can take many forms. Sometimes there is a thickening of the
tissue that encloses the lungs. This reduces the ability of the lung to
expand fully. Sometimes, in workers who have had heavy exposure, there are
incidences of lung cancer.
Not all people who have been exposed to this asbestos will get sick. But
for those who do, early detection is of great importance, so that treatment to
help overcome their breathing difficulty can be promptly started.

