Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What to Know About Dental Veneers by Meredi Wagner-Hoehn

When teeth are severely stained, crooked, cracked, or worn down, it can adversely affect the way your smile looks and, in turn, may affect the way you view yourself. If your smile makes you uncomfortable or insecure, you may want to consider veneers which effectively address these issues and transform your smile to its brilliant best.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers, also called laminates, are extremely thin layers of porcelain or composite which are bonded to the front of your teeth to conceal staining, chips, and misalignments.

The Veneer Procedure

During your initial consultation, your San Antonio veneer dentist will assess with you what imperfections you would like to address. If veneers are a viable option for your situation, the next step is to determine the shape, material, and shade which will be most suitable for you. X-rays may be required to ensure the veneers won’t hinder any internal dental work which may be necessary in the future.

During your veneer appointment, the dentist shaves off a miniscule amount of enamel – generally, about .5 millimeters. Often, temporary veneers are applied to ensure your teeth are protected in the interim week or two while your permanent veneers are created at a dental laboratory. When ready, your cosmetic dentist will carefully placed the permanent veneers over your teeth, then finish the process by bonding the veneers permanently to the teeth using a laser light to cure the bonding agent.

Types of Veneers

There are two types of veneers commonly used: porcelain veneers and resin-based composite veneers. Both materials reflect light similarly to the natural tooth. Resin-based composite veneers are thinner than porcelain veneers allowing your San Antonio dentist to remove less enamel when preparing your teeth.

Things to Know About Veneers

Veneers do not stain but they also cannot be whitened. This is an important point to take into account when your veneer shade is being considered and selected. Also, if you do not have much enamel to begin with, you may not be a candidate for veneers. If you grind your teeth, be sure to discuss your bruxism with your San Antonio dentist; grinding teeth too vigorously can crack veneers.

For more personalized veneer options, consult with your professional San Antonio cosmetic dentists at Culebra North Dental Care. With over 30 years of experience serving patients in San Antonio, the dentists at Culebra have the expertise and training necessary to address any of your dental needs.

