Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hair loss

Hair loss can be caused by various diseases, hormonal imbalances, head injury or damage to the scalp, stress or taking certain medications. Often hairs start to grow again in addressing the causes of loss. Alopecia (alopecia) baldness (alopecia) - a disease in which the lost hair in place remain smooth round spots.
General Information
Each person loses 50 to 100 hairs every day. Hair Color lives of 3 to 7 years. 90% of the hair on the head is actively growing, the remaining 10% are at rest. This phase lasts from 2 to 6 months, after which the hair falls out. Typically, with age the hair is getting thinner, but sometimes on the spot lost hair will not grow new ones. This process can begin in early adulthood. Hair loss can be caused by various diseases, hormonal imbalances, head injury or damage to the scalp, stress or taking certain medications. Often hairs start to grow again in addressing the causes of loss.
Alopecia (alopecia) baldness (alopecia) is a disease in which the lost hair in place remain smooth round spots. In this case, the scalp looks normal (no dandruff, scars and ulcers).

Causes of hair loss
- The aging process;- Heredity (bald men and women in the family);- Hormonal imbalance (for example, in women after childbirth or during menopause);- Damage to the hair (coloring, drying, perming);- A head injury;- Damage to the scalp;- Bacterial and fungal infections, autoimmune diseases;- Some medications can cause a reversible hair loss (pressure medications, anticoagulants, antidepressants, funds from arthritis and gout). Radiation and chemotherapy for cancer in 90% of patients causes hair loss.- Birth control pills can also cause more intense hair loss during the reception.- Stress: physical, emotional and neuropsychiatric.
Other causes of alopecia include:
- Thyroid disease;- Infection, surgery, high fever;- Systemic lupus erythematosus;- Fungal infection (tinea, ringworm);- An unhealthy diet;- Wrong hairstyles (tight braids and tails).Symptoms
Partial male pattern baldness:
- A line of hair growth gradually shifted toward the neck, the hair falls out first at the temples, and then on top.
Complete baldness:- Hair thinning and falling out over the entire surface of the scalp.
Local baldness:- The hair falls out only in some areas;- Thinning hair.
In some cases, hair loss is observed within 3 months after childbirth, surgery or serious illness. It is recommended to consult a doctor for hair loss, which may be due to medication, or if hair loss is accompanied by pain, inflammation and sensitivity of the scalp, the appearance of flakes, scabs, sores, or pus on the scalp, as well as the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes hair loss or other regions of the body.

What you can do
If hair loss is due to heredity or aging, prevent or reverse its almost impossible. Takes care of hair (use balm, conditioner, comb with a few teeth as rarely as possible painted or dry hair dryer, avoid perm).
Do not pull your hair, do not pull in the hair (braids, tails, beams).
Although there is no tool that is guaranteed to stop hair loss, you can try minoxidil OTC drug that helps patients recover about a third of the hair. However, discontinuation of the drug can cause loss of hair regrown.
Use wigs, hairpieces, and so if you are experiencing because of their appearance.Consult your doctor if you suspect that hair loss is associated with serious disorders in the body.

What can a doctor
The physician should rule out serious causes of hair loss. Appropriate treatment of the disease, which led to the loss of hair. Prescription medications that stimulate hair growth (Finasteride should not be prescribed to women).
In the case of permanent hair loss doctor may recommend hair transplants or hair weaving and nylon yarn in your own hair.
Alopecia areata often resolves on its own. If this does not happen, the doctor may prescribe steroid injections into the scalp or prescribe lotion containing steroids.

