Monday, October 8, 2007

Alcohol and Pancreatitis

QUESTION: I have had several flare-ups of pancreatitis and my doctor is now
insisting I totally abstain from alcohol. Is this really necessary? This
will be very difficult for me as my buddies always go out for a couple of
beers after work. What do you think?
ANSWER: Alcohol abuse is considered a contributing factor that may cause some
people to develop acute pancreatitis. The pancreas is responsible for
producing powerful digestive enzymes, plus the hormones insulin and glucagon,
which help the body metabolize sugar. When you have pancreatitis, the
digestive enzymes attack pancreatic tissues and the pancreas becomes inflamed.
Researchers don't understand fully why this happens. In severe cases, the
inflammation is accompanied by bleeding in the pancreas, cysts, or abscesses,
and tissue degeneration in the pancreas.
Alcoholism has been noted as the most common cause of chronic relapsing
Chronic pancreatitis can lead to poor digestion because the pancreas is
not secreting the necessary amounts of the enzymes needed to break down food.
This can inhibit the body's ability to absorb nutrients.
Doctors have found that patients with alcohol related pancreatitis can
prevent the painful attacks by totally abstaining from alcohol. Patients who
give up drinking (alcohol) totally often have improved absorption of nutrients
and malnutrition may improve. It would certainly be very wise for you to take
your doctor's advice. You then have a shot at getting this very serious
disease under control.

