Monday, January 2, 2012

Nutrition for Physical Activity

Q: I am physically active, but do not always eat a well balanced diet. How can I improve my overall nutrition to complement my active lifestyle? Samara Felesky-Hunt, a registered dietitian in Calgary, provides advice:
A: Good nutrition plays an important role in exercise performance. The recommended diet for active individuals, at all fitness levels, is a high carbohydrate diet containing adequate protein, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fluids. Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for exercising muscles. The more vigorous the exercise, the more carbohydrate is required to fuel the activity.
Use Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating to figure out how to balance your food choices for your age, sex and activity level. Enjoy a wide variety of carbohydrates such as whole grains, breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables. As protein and mineral needs are also important, choose lower fat dairy products, legumes, nuts, eggs and leaner meats. Regular exercise may increase the loss of some minerals and alter the needs for certain vitamins. To ensure you meet your daily quota of vitamins and minerals, be sure to vary your food choices.
Due to hectic lifestyles, it can be a challenge to obtain your nutritional needs on a daily basis. I recommend that active individuals take a daily multivitamin, such as Centrum®, and eat well-rounded healthy meals to support their nutritional needs. Centrum® contains the essential vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health and to meet the needs of physical activity.

#petec12 Reg for my pre-con workshop. PC-C08 Moving & Learning: Integrate Physical Activity with Technology

Guidelines for Youth 12–17 years

Know how I know its 2012? The gym is filled with people forcing conversation to delay any physical activity. "Oh, its been an hour already?"

An easy New Year’s goal: make physical activity a family activity, and make it a part of everyday life.

#Aries Monday, January 2, 2012 You may be experiencing a high level of mental and physical activity (cont)

Calorie restriction & #Exercise increase #Longevity #Aging #health #FitFluential

PSYCHOBIOLOGY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Psychobiology of Physical Activity fills a void in the scientific literature...

CCAA Research Director Dr. Don Paterson chats about the new physical activity guidelines for those over 65 years here:

search for physical activity is the physical activity in which one is interested like sports , walking yoga jogging home work meeting

When discussing calisthenics or physical activity, only a little will help a lot

@ClevelandClinic looking obese is not a disease but physical activity is a cure , nutritional and physical activity management are only imp

Over 65 years or exercise with people of over 65years?- check out the updated Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines:

It is too early and WAY too cold for any type of physical activity. I am going straight to bed as soon as this practice is over.

...of what drives individual choices on food and physical activity is influenced by modern society. " Healthy Weight Healthy Lives, 2008

@BrennakHayes congratulations. I limited my physical activity to walking to the bathroom/sleeping yesterday. #newyearsday #h.o.

