Friday, January 13, 2012

Shedding Light On The Chief Origins Of Acne by Andy Guides Jr

There may be a lot of myths out there about what causes acne. While many of these statements can be confusing for someone who is trying to deal with this skin problem, it is important to separate fact from fiction. There are three major contributing factors to this skin problem, which include: oil in maximum production of oil in the skin, irritation of the hair follicles because of abnormal and abundant dead skin cells and the collection of bacteria in the skin.

Acne is the result of a combination oil and skin cells that are dead. These mix together inside the hair follicle. How? Well, each hair follicle is connected to a gland called a "sebaceous gland". This gland produces oils that work to lubricate the hair and skin.

This oily substance moves along the hair shafts and out of the hair follicles for lubrication. When too much of the oily substance is produced and mixes with dead skin cells they mesh together to form a clog. This begins the formation of a skin condition.

Pimples that appear on the face are a result of this clog. This mix of oil and dead skin pushes against the follicle wall, thus the white head of a pimple. Blackheads are formed when the clog is exposed to the skin's surface in open air.

When these clogs happen deep within the hair follicle, much lower than right beneath the skin's surface, lumps known as cysts are formed. These are often the red lumps that do not have a white or black head you will notice with the formation of acne. So what about sweat glands? In comparison to the hair follicle, the pores of sweat glands are not typically involved in skin conditions.

The factors which cause the increased production of oil in the body are not yet known. However, there are a few possibilities. These possibilities may include, but are not limited to: hormonal imbalance, genes, bacteria and the side-effects of some medications.

Too often acne is wrongly associated with dirt. It is not a matter of cleanliness. In fact, scrubbing your face too hard with harsh soaps can irritate the skin even further. Normal washing of the skin to remove extra oil or dirt that may be found is enough for ordinary facial cleansing. If you find yourself seriously afflicted by this skin condition, consult your doctor.

