Sunday, February 12, 2012

Altadrine - Citrus Aurantium for Weight Loss by ALTA CARE Laboratoires

Bitter fruit gives sweet results

Citrus Aurantium–also called bitter orange or zhi shi. Although well known as a health supplement in traditional medicine, it is only recently that the extraordinary value of citrus aurantium for weight loss has come to light.

Lose fat without losing your cool

Studies show that synephrine extracted from Citrus Aurantium increases the body’s resting metabolic rate and encourages the release of stored fat for energy production. What makes this botanical so unique is that it appears to increase thermogenesis without stimulating the central nervous system. As a result, it encourages the body to burn calories at a faster rate without creating a feeling of nervousness or “jitters.”

Altadrine Fat burners by Alta Care Laboratoires contans citrus aurantium with 6% synephrine (the cousin of ephedrine). The synephrine acts on the Beta 3 receptors of the adipocytes and it breaks down fact according to the Kreb cycle. The fat is broken down into energy. 1g of fat releases 9 calories of ATP energy. Altadrine fat burner tablets are made in France by Alta Care Laboratoires.

Ask your pharmacist for fat burners containing 100% Citrus Aurantium and start controlling your weight!

For more inforamtion:

