Sunday, February 12, 2012

What Are Cosmetic Procedures Lasers Used For? by Nick Messe

Syneron lasers use an innovative combination of bi-polar radio frequency with intense pulsed light. They offer the safest, most effective method of facial rejuvenation currently on the market. This new technology, called electro-optical synergy can be used in a variety of aesthetic procedures. Because of the different applications needed, Syneron has created several types of lasers using the elos technology to make each cosmetic procedure as successful as possible.

There's one used to sculpt small areas of the body which may not be suitable for liposuction, and another that reduces the appearance of lumpy adipose tissue, or cellulite. Another system is used for skin rejuvenation, scarring, spider veins, varicose veins, firming, and acne treatment. There are laser specifically for hair removal, wrinkle reduction, vascular treatments and fractional non-ablative procedures. Skin tightening, hair removal, sublative skin rejuvenation, acne or cellulite treatment can all be treated with specialized lasers.

Dermatologists use these lasers for cosmetic rejuvenation procedures because they offer several advantages over other methods of cosmetic treatment. These include a complete line of anti-aging benefits which are never more than mildly invasive. This means that, with only a topical numbing cream, the patient suffers little pain and can often return to ordinary activities within hours. Laser treatment does not require hospitalization, and even though it is rarely covered by major medical insurance, this makes it more cost effective than more invasive treatments.

Clinicians also have greater control when using one of these lasers. These lasers allow the provider to adjust the range, and wave length for precise targeting of the problem areas. Because they use less light energy than standard lasers or intense pulsed light systems, they may be used safely on almost all skin types. Because these lasers are equipped with special safety features which monitor the heat and radio frequency, patients experience almost no risk of scarring or changes in pigmentation from this treatment.

Many patients experience significant improvements in achieving more youthful skin through just one treatment. Others find that a combination of several types of treatments makes a noticeable difference. According to the company, patients will notice improvements after just one treatment with a laser. Usually though, six to ten treatments are usually required to achieve the desired results.

Treatments generally takes less than one hour. However, the price can fluctuate drastically from one provider to another and in various regions of the country. Depending on the procedure and laser being used, the costs can range from two hundred and fifty dollars per session to as much as eight hundred. A few providers may offer some type of payment plan in order to make the procedures available to more of their clients.

