Monday, March 16, 2015


Gastritis - an inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
General Information
There are acute and chronic gastritis. Acute gastritis due to poisoning develops acids or alkalis, radiation injury when administered at high doses of certain drugs, such as aspirin. In this case, there is an acute-burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and weakness. Acute gastritis requires urgent referral to a doctor and, in severe cases - hospitalization. After treatment, acute gastritis may become chronic, however, often chronic gastritis is an independent disease.
Causes of gastritis
A clear understanding of the causes of chronic gastritis developed relatively recently, after the discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It became apparent that these bacteria colonize the gastric mucosa, the most frequent are the causative agent of gastritis gastritis options with high acidity of gastric juice.
The causes of chronic gastritis also include:
- Repeated or prolonged eating disorders;
- The use of acute and roughage;
- Passion for hot food;
- Bad chewing, eating cold food;
- The use of alcoholic beverages;
- Long-term uncontrolled medication, irritant to the mucous membrane of the stomach (salicylates, phenylbutazone, prednisolone, certain antibiotics, sulfonamides, and others.);
- Occupational hazards (lead, coal, metal dust, etc.).
- Endogenous intoxication in renal disease, gout (in which the gastric mucosa allocated urea, uric acid, indole, skatole);
- A genetic predispositionSymptoms of gastritis
- Aching or sharp burning pain in the upper abdomen, which is exacerbated or disappears in the course of the meal;
- Nausea;
- Vomiting;
- Lack of appetite;
- Belching;
- Flatulence;
- Feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating;
- Weight loss
Chronic gastritis develops gradually and occurs with frequent relapses.
Without timely and comprehensive treatment of gastritis can lead to stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Some forms of chronic gastritis increase the risk of gastric cancer.

What can you do

I would like to emphasize that only a doctor can diagnose gastritis and appoint competent therapy depending on the form and severity.
The role of the patient in the treatment of chronic gastritis extremely high. After treatment of this disease requires a long and meticulous dieting to prescribed drugs.
Diet varies depending on the acidity of the stomach.
If this is the most common variant with high acidity, you need regular fractional (4-5 times / day) meals at certain hours with the exception of products that stimulate the secretion of acid. Such products are, for example, nourishing meat, fish and mushroom broth. They should be replaced meatless soups or milk that neutralize excess acid. Alcohol, strong coffee and tea also stimulate the production of acid and digestive enzymes. But the sweet fruit juices, non-carbonated mineral water bicarbonate, cocoa and all kinds of jelly very well "quenched" symptoms. In addition, you have to give up foods irritate the stomach lining - from the acute, smoked, marinated and grilled.
In chronic gastritis with low acidity of the diet should also exclude acute, smoked and spicy food, which, as we have seen, not only usilivet acidity, but also irritate the stomach lining. But the meat and fish broth, which stimulates acid production, it is necessary to enter in your daily diet. Exclude from it must be the products and dishes that are digested in the stomach for a long time. This includes any products biscuit dough, pancakes, fried pies, rice and rye bread.
During exacerbation of the disease your doctor may make changes to the diet.

What can a doctor
Symptoms of chronic gastritis are not sufficiently specific. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of this disease should be performed by a qualified physician gastroenterologist. To clarify the diagnosis and determine the forms of chronic gastritis conduct additional tests:
- Ultrasonography;
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - visual inspection of the upper gastrointestinal tract using gastroscope - fiber optic tube, transmitting the image on the monitor;
- Biopsy of the gastric mucosa;
- Study of gastric secretion isolated gastritis with chronic and reduced secretion of gastric juice.
In addition, you can assign a blood test for anemia, a blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pilori, fecal occult blood test, x-ray of the abdomen and other studies.
Treatment of chronic gastritis is made up of four main components:
- Diet;
- Prescription drugs, normalize the acidity of gastric juice;
- Prescriptions, reducing the gastric mucosa;
- Antibiotic therapy (in the case of confirmation of infection Helicobacter pilori).

