Monday, March 16, 2015

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma - a serious disease that interferes with normal breathing, as due to inflammation, swelling and the formation of mucus narrow the airways leading to the lungs.
General Information
The disease usually starts at an early age. About 50% of children with the right treatment to get rid of asthma in adulthood.
Causes of Asthma
Asthma occurs due to hypersensitivity stimuli. Asthma can be associated with both genetic predisposition and environmental factors (including allergic factors or frequent infections of the respiratory tract).
Asthma attacks can be caused by:
- Allergens: animal dander, dust, food, mites, pollen, spores;- Viral and bacterial infections: bronchitis, colds, flu, sinusitis;- Irritants in the environment: exhaust gases, sprays, perfumes, tobacco smoke;- Drugs such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. If you have "aspirin asthma", you must avoid taking aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially given the fact that this type of asthma can be very severe and attacks occur very quickly;- Stress: anxiety, fear;- Intense physical activity, especially in cold areas.

Asthma symptoms
Although asthma is a fairly common disease, its symptoms can be different for different people. Most patients experience the first symptoms at an early age: about half of the patients under the age of 10 years and about a third to 40 years. However, asthma may each person at any age.
Asthma can have varying degrees of severity and frequency of exacerbations. Asthma symptoms can vary from slight shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing to shortness of breath, chest tightness and asthma attacks.
When you cough, which is accompanied by wheezing or shortness of breath should consult your doctor. If the diagnosis has been made, but the patient became necessary to use the inhaler more often than was prescribed, contact your doctor.
If symptoms persist or grow for 24-48 hours, you may need emergency medical care and hospitalization. If the patient starts choking, it is difficult, you should immediately call an ambulance.Complications of asthma
- Pneumothorax (air into the pleural cavity)- Acute respiratory failure- Emphysematous disorders of the lung

What you can do
First of all, you should consult with your doctor to get tested and get the necessary treatment and advice.
It is essential that a person suffering from asthma, and his family had the maximum amount of information about asthma from an accredited and recognized sources.You must have a plan of treatment. You must know the symptoms of an asthma attack, it is desirable to be in possession of written instructions on what to do in an emergency. Record all drugs seizures, indications, reactions to drugs.You need to know exactly what medications when and how much you need to take. It is also necessary to know what are the side effects and how to reduce their exposure. Carefully follow all instructions. Learn how to use the inhaler. Make sure that you always have on hand all the necessary preparations. If you are prescribed a new tool from asthma, ask your doctor or pharmacist to check their drug interactions with those drugs that you are already taking.
Every day, write down your symptoms and indications, in order to reduce the frequency and relieve asthma attacks.
Identify all possible factors affecting your condition and provoking attacks. To determine the factors you help your records. If those factors have animal dander and dust, take measures to eliminate them from your home. Avoid cigarette smoke and exhaust gases.
During an asthma attack, follow the pre-compiled plan of action. Stay calm, breathe slowly several times and use the inhaler. After the appearance of the first symptoms of an attack immediately take action. In the early phase required less medication and time to stop the attack.
Stay in good physical shape. It is necessary to control asthma so that you could play sports.
Make sure your family has someone else besides you, who knows where the necessary medicines, such as, how much and in what order to take them and what to do in an emergency.
See your doctor regularly for analysis and evaluation of your condition.

What can a doctor
To conduct inspection and pick therapy: bronchodilators in the form of aerosols or inhalers, steroids when necessary to assign an inhaler and / or inside.Appoint antibiotics accompanying infection.
Teach you how to use the devices (different types of inhalers and sprays) to get the most benefit from them. 

Prevention of asthmaKnow exactly what factors can trigger an asthma attack. If possible, these factors are avoided. Keep the house and eliminate any allergens: dust, animal dander, mites, etc. Avoid cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes and so on. Quit smoking if you smoke. Take all prescribed medications to reduce the frequency of attacks.
Exercise to improve the condition of the heart and lungs.

