Sunday, March 15, 2015


Itchy skin - one of the most distressing symptoms that a person can experience. Fortunately, in most cases the competent doctor is able to identify the cause of itching and eliminate it.
General Information
Itchy skin - it is quite frequent unpleasant sensation that causes the desire to comb the affected area of ​​the skin. Itching can be acute or chronic, local (to be felt at some one particular area of ​​the skin) or generalized. Itching in itself is not a disease - it is just a symptom of certain skin diseases, disorders of the internal organs and the nervous system. However, severe itching capable of causing human suffering incredible. Endure itching often even more difficult than the pain.
Combing leads to increased itching, redness and inflammation of the skin. The site of injury can penetrate the infection that causes pustular skin diseases.

Causes of itching
Oddly enough, the pathophysiology of pruritus is very complex. Itching is the result of a cascade of humoral and neuro-reflex responses, which can be run by various factors.
The most common causes local itching:
- Dry skin;- An infection of the upper layer of the skin, such as folliculitis and impetigo;- Itching is one of the first symptoms of contact, allergic and atopic dermatitis - allergic reactions to certain drugs, chemicals, plants, insect bites, etc .;- Itchy rash on the skin accompanied by one of the symptoms of childhood infections (chicken pox, measles);- Parasitic infections, such as lice (mostly itching of the scalp), mites (characterized by itching combined with mange strokes on the skin), pinworms (cause intense itching in the anal area for children).
Genital itching occurs predominantly in women. The reason for this are abundant leucorrhea, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, irritating urine in diabetes, gout, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, sexual neuroses, in some cases, girls pinworms.
The causes of generalized itching include:
- Liver disease accompanied by jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia;- Endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism);- Some blood diseases (iron deficiency anemia, polycythemia vera and others.);- Mental disorders;- Dermatoxerasia;- Some cancers.Also produce "senile pruritus" - unexplainable intense itching in people over 70 years in the absence of obvious reasons.

As we have already said, itching is not an independent disease, but a symptom. That is why the presence of pruritus doctor first performs a thorough diagnosis (which may include a variety of research based on the clinical symptoms and the particular situation) and then prescribes a treatment.
To weaken the sense of itching can use the following local media:
- The action of cold (cold shower, a cold compress towel soaked in cold water, but it should be remembered that prolonged exposure to moisture can adversely affect the skin in allergic diseases);- Lotion with menthol and camphor (have a local anesthetic effect, have a cooling and soothing effect on the skin);- Antihistamines, topical (creams and ointments).Antihistamines for oral imazi containing glucocorticosteroids should not be used to consult with your doctor.Avoid exposure to heat, bright sunlight, exercise. Wear loose cotton clothing.

