Friday, June 19, 2015

Spine - the foundation of health

It is impossible to imagine the human body without reason - the skeleton and the spine. No body and no other system in our body does not perform so many vital functions, such as the spine. After all, he is a kind of gravitational axis of the body, connecting the skull and pelvis person. Thanks to him, a person can walk straight, run, swim, in general, to perform any movement and manipulation of his body. In addition, placing a spine and protects against damage to the spinal cord that is responsible for the reflex function of our body and protects muscle from excessive strain.
The spine is a very complex mechanism, protection, support and driven by the strength of the whole body. It attached to it, ribs, muscles and internal organs, it is the center of their energy metabolism. Our spine is divided into several sections, when viewed from the top down - a cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. All units except coccygeal are interconnected by intervertebral discs, ligaments, joints. Thoracic vertebrae, connecting with the ribs forming the thorax and glued coccygeal and sacral vertebrae form the basis of the pelvis. Healthy spine is S-shaped, which makes it more resilient and allows a damper function. That less like any other organ, the spine is subject to many diseases - scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, etc.
Over time, the spine often loses its flexibility. The intervertebral discs may shrink in size and lose their elasticity and mobility. In this case, the spine can not simply make everyday motor loads that already talking about sports or heavy physical labor. And the reason for this - a disease of low back pain, which is 80% of the people manifests severe back pain. Typically, the first time the disease has an effect after 30 years. The exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown, but factors that contribute to the disease are mainly sedentary, or sedentary lifestyle, heredity, injury and inconsistency of physical activity possible physiological and motor loads on the organ to a specific person. Starting with a single disc disease, low back pain may spread to the entire spine, change its shape, which leads to compression of the blood vessels, disruption of normal blood flow to the brain and nervous regulation of other organs. It is important to see a specialist, do not close our eyes to the pain in the back, which periodically make themselves known. To get a real idea about the state of the body and identify the problem areas is assigned to the patient CT scan of the spine, carried out with the help of modern equipment.
Equally important is the early prevention of diseases of the spine. For example, scoliosis - disease comes from our childhood. Unhealthy deviation of the spine to the right or left side, as well as the reversal of the vertebrae around its axis of varying severity due to lack of timely treatment can lead to deformation of the chest, heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. If the parents just do not pay attention to the posture of their children after 16 years to cure teenage scoliosis conservative methods of treatment extremely difficult. Disease prevention backs need to be addressed from an early age. The first thing to watch out for posture, systematically give the body commensurate with the age of the load so that the muscles of the back and abdomen were in good shape, as well as monitor their diet.

