Saturday, September 22, 2007

Aren't All Natural Products and Herbs Good for You?

Aren't All Natural Products and Herbs Good for You?

QUESTION: In an attempt to gain some relief from a variety of problems too
unimportant to warrant a visit with my physician, I purchased a book on herbal
remedies. When I did visit my doctor, he was quite negative about the things
I had read, and cautioned me about their use, stating that I might even poison
myself. What do you think? I thought all natural products and herbs were
good for you.
ANSWER: Natural is not necessarily safe. Herbal preparations or even
overusing vitamins in excessive amounts as self medication can bring on
results that can be disastrous.
Additionally, many people try to cure serious health problems with herbal
preparations that may not work and delay seeking medical help for a serious
but treatable condition that can be helped if caught in time.
For example, herbal remedies to relieve arthritis may indeed contain
substances to relieve inflammation. However, these natural concoctions may
also contain dangerous steroids and other contaminants including mercury,
arsenic, camphor, lead and carcinogens.
Ginseng is now used in teas, sodas, even candies, and is regarded as
useful in treating several different health problems. Unfortunately, ginseng
can affect glucose metabolism, elevate blood pressure, and produce an estrogen
Those who over medicated themselves with ginseng can suffer with
diarrhea, nervousness, insomnia, and increased motor and cognitive activity.
Most of these symptoms will disappear when use of ginseng is discontinued.
Chamomile tea is very popular too. It's touted as soothing, calming and
good to drink before going to bed. Many people, however, are allergic to this
tea, and don't realize it is the cause of their flare-up of allergies. A
single cup of chamomile tea can cause an outbreak of hives and respiratory
troubles. Chamomile is in the same family as ragweed, aster and chrysanthemum
and anyone who knows they are allergic to pollens from those plants should
stay away from chamomile tea.
Bee pollen is another natural product that has caused allergic reactions
in many people. Some "natural" vitamin companies are marketing bee pollen as
a product that enhances athletic performance, though this has not been
substantiated by scientific investigations.
Other herbal teas are said to work as natural laxatives, but the package
directions don't say how many cups to drink and how much would be too much.
In large doses, laxative teas containing senna and goldenseal may produce
hypotension, respiratory depression and seizures.
Fortunately, most of the health problems caused by herbal remedies can be
relieved by simply refraining from using the concoction. Sometimes, however,
a substance must be taken to clear your system of the toxic substance.
Clearly, your best bet is to consider an herbal remedy a type of medicine, and
as you did, ask your doctor about taking it.
Now, I am sure that many of you will feel that I am merely taking the
usual "medical" line with this response, for many of you may have had a "good"
result with a given preparation or herb. But when the situation is looked at
from the point of view of reliable proof or valid statistics, the conclusions
are less positive. I must therefore advise on the basis of research I have
confidence in and feel is reliable.

