Sunday, September 30, 2007

Electrical Muscle Stimulators

QUESTION: I am thinking of purchasing an electrical muscle stimulator, that I
may use to tone up my stomach muscles without those painful situps. What do
you think of the idea?
ANSWER: Not much, I am afraid, and neither does the FDA. They have been
stopping the sale of such devices for years and even seized a number of muscle
stimulators in the early 1980's to prevent them from reaching the marketplace.
While the devices may contract your muscles for you, there is little gain if
muscles do not contract against resistance. That means work, and work means
sweat, without which there rarely is gain. A few indications under medical
supervision do exist for such devices. They are helpful in relaxing muscle
spasms, preventing blood clots in patients confined to bed, and preventing
muscle atrophy in a paralyzed arm or leg. Their cost does not provide you
with a bargain for a short cut to bulging muscles

