Sunday, October 21, 2007

Polyps in the Nose

QUESTION: I have been having a problem with my breathing, and after using all
the cold medications on the shelf, I finally overcame my fears and went to see
the doctor. He found "polyps" in my nose, and says I need surgery to remove
them. What would happen if I didn't go through this? What else could I do to
get rid of the problem? I'm just too scared.
ANSWER: Apprehension is understandable, but there is little to fear here. A
nasal polyp develops when the mucous membrane that lines the nose is
constantly irritated as the result of allergies or recurring infections. They
may grow individually or in clusters, but when they become too large, they
obstruct the flow of air in and out of the nose and cause the breathing
difficulties you are experiencing. Sometimes they dwindle when the infection
passes, and using corticosteroids such as beclomethasone spray may shrink
them, but even then, surgery may be required. It is not a frightening
procedure, but can be performed as an office procedure using local anesthesia
to make the procedure painless. If medications fail, and you choose not have
them removed, they will probably just continue to grow, until you are so
uncomfortable that you have them removed after all.

