Tuesday, March 17, 2015


In case of insufficiency of venous valves or lowering the tone of veins gravity is sufficient to interfere with normal blood flow. In this case, the blood stagnates in the veins, causing the venous vessels themselves are deformed. These are called varicose veins.
General Information
It is known that the gravity effect on blood flow. The heart acts as a pump, which provides a constant circulation of blood. For circulatory organs located above the heart, gravity exerts a positive effect. However, in the vessels of the lower limbs force of gravity acts against the body. Sometimes failure of venous valves or with a decrease in venous tone gravity is sufficient to interfere with normal blood flow. In this case, the blood stagnates in the veins, causing the venous vessels themselves are deformed. These are called varicose veins.
They can usually be found in the calf muscles and the back surface of the knee. Approximately every tenth inhabitant of the planet is suffering from varicose veins. As a rule, women aged 30 to 60 years old with a birth defect of the venous valves. This disease leads as obesity, poor posture, the conditions under which a person is forced for a long time standing or sitting, pregnancy. At each of these states is extra pressure on the veins and blood flow in the lower limbs difficult.
Causes of Varicose Veins
- Absence of venous valves, their hereditary defects or damage, so that they can not prevent the reflux of the blood in the lower extremities, which in turn is caused by gravity. Thus, veins dilate blood and overflow;- Long stay in an upright position.- Obesity;- Increased pressure on the veins of the lower half of the body at a voltage of muscles during defecation, while weight lifting, pregnancy.
Symptoms of varicose
- Twisted, dark blue or purple flowers veins in the legs;- Irregular brownish pigmentation of the skin in the lower legs and ankles;- Intense pain in the legs;- Occasional occurrence of cramps in the muscles of the lower extremities;- Thickened vein;- Ulcerative defects of the skin of the legs or in the joints.Complications
- Eczema;- Skin ulcers;- Severe venous bleeding wounds of the lower extremities;- Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a certain area of ​​the vein, which is accompanied by the formation of a blood clot).
What you can do
Without treatment measures varicose disappears. However, you are free to relieve pain and reduce discomfort in the following ways:
Avoid prolonged standing motionless in one place. Without exercise, the blood stagnates in diseased vessels, the pressure increases. All this leads to an accumulation of water in the feet, ankles and the lower portion of the tibia, which is accompanied by increase of pain.
Remember to move, to change the position of the body. When walking reduced calf muscles. In this case, the blood flows away quickly to the heart, thereby reducing the pressure in the veins. In addition, physical activity through the liquid is absorbed by the soft tissues faster and thereby reducing pain.
Wear special medical stockings or socks, so you let the fluid retention in soft tissues.
Do not sleep sitting up.
If you have a long time to sit, bend and unbend legs at the ankle joint to maintain blood flow. In travel, pay special attention to the condition of the feet. Do not sit long in one place. Every 45-60 minutes, get up and need to warm up.Do not sit close to the fire. Fixed position of the body in combination with a high temperature environment, which enhances the veins lead to fluid retention together and discomfort in the legs.
Take a bath in the evening. If a hot bath early in the morning, then it will re-expand the veins and fluid retention, and, hence, to the painful syndrome.
Suffering from varicose rasshireniemven without any heart disease may be advisable to sleep in a position where the feet are above the level of the heart. Thus, gravity drainage is carried lower extremities. Raise your legs above heart level 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. This is especially useful for pregnant women. Do not eat a lot of salty foods, because in this case more fluid is retained in the body.

What can a doctor
Your doctor may prescribe drugs to facilitate or improve the condition of the tone of veins. However, in patients with severe varicose requires sclerotherapy or surgery.
Sclerotherapy is a special injection drugs, the effect of which leads to the law decay and overgrowing of varicose veins, which prevents reflux of blood.
Surgery is the removal of varicose veins (vein excision).If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment complications.

