Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spasm of the neck

Spasm - this compression: vessels, nerve bundles, and behind them - the muscle tissue.
Primarily affected nerve tissue is disturbed regulation of vascular tone. Blood stagnates in the veins stand out oxidized metabolites. In response to their appearance there is a further vasospasm, in order to limit the focus of inflammation. Transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle tissue is broken, so there is a spasm of the neck, which is manifested by a sharp pain. At first, such as lumbago. It occurs after physical exertion, usually at the end of the day or on the second day. The attack triggered by cooling - heat receptors are activated. She lowered due to what is happening locally spasm of the neck vessels, and then there is a strong involuntary muscle contraction, which does not allow to turn his head.

 Causes of neck spasm

 Pathology is seasonal in nature, appearing in the spring, when the "weather is deceptive." Sunlight in intensity similar to the summer heat, but evaporation from the frozen ground during the winter provoke cold wind. Quite a few times appear in the yard without warm clothes to get a spasm of the neck the next day. Therefore, the disease was the popular name: spasm of the neck cottage that has plagued almost all the people who open the holiday season. Physical activity in the open space leads to local hypothermia, which provokes a spasm of the neck vessels, for which necessarily follow convulsions. Of course, it has nothing to do with organic brain damage. However, spasm of the neck can lead to restriction of disability and the development of neurosis. In addition to local cooling, to a spasm of the neck muscles and blood vessels cause the following factors: a sharp, uncomfortable movement. The additional load on the spine in the cervical vertebrae leads to a sharp filled with blood, which provokes a spasm of blood vessels and muscles of the neck, accompanied by intense pain sensations; Lack of sodium in the blood. The electrolyte is lost in the general dehydration or is triggered by receiving diuretics. With the reduction of sodium performs a major role, providing the resting potential of muscle cells. When the electrolyte is absent, there is a spasm of the neck muscles, for their relaxation is not enough material substrate; Beriberi. Vitamins B and D, providing muscle contraction and innervation, contribute to the development spazmofilii. Spasm of the neck muscles in such cases is the initial stage of the disease. Hypothermia, the presence of the cervical intervertebral hernia, as well as an unhealthy diet, combined with the spring vitamin deficiency contribute to the development of country spasm of the neck, which is seasonal in nature. At other times, the incidence is sharply reduced for obvious reasons: people dress for the season, do not suffer from vitamin deficiency, have time for examination by a neurologist for a cervical intervertebral hernia and other manifestations of osteochondrosis.

 Symptoms of neck spasm

More than half of the neck spasm occurs after injury. Less commonly, it is provoked by the appearance of accumulated fatigue. When inflammation of muscle called myositis usually pain occurs on one side, and extends along the side surface of the neck to the shoulder belt while gripping the occipital region. Painful "backache" neck spasm symptoms are felt in the arm to the fingertips. Myositis is always accompanied by numbness of the skin. Symptoms of neck spasms are accompanied by disturbances of all functions of muscular sensations and exhibits the following: difficulty swallowing; Change in diction; Violation of the process of breathing, with difficulty due to the expiration of pain; Limitation of motion of the head. As a rule, a spasm of the neck accompanied by severe headache, starting with the occipital region. In this blood pressure remained unchanged.

How to remove the neck spasms

In the acute period is not recommended sessions of physical therapy, but recently formed entity within neuroscience, which states that exercise can and should bring relief. Proponents of active treatment know how to relieve spasms of the neck with the help of spinal traction. There are special exercises aimed at strengthening the blood supply to the muscles. Receptacles opened and passed get delayed metabolites, which fall into the general circulation and detoxified by the liver. Thus, there is the elimination of the causes of myositis. Since relieve spasms of the neck can only stop trigger disease, the adherents of active treatment are a lot of supporters.
However, exercise can lead to tears fibers swollen muscles, which further aggravate the disease. In the classic version, all physical therapy and physiotherapy conducted after removal of spasm of the neck, which is produced by the following methods: novocaine blockade - relieves pain almost instantly, producing a doctor; Acupuncture to active points - makes only a specialist in IRT, who knows exactly how to relieve spasms of the neck without dangerous consequences; Manual therapy - effective for confirmation of the diagnosis: "herniated intervertebral discs"; Postisometric relaxation - the technique of nonviolent stretching muscles, followed by relaxation; Laser and cryotherapy - methods certainly effective for removal of spasm of the neck, but not all are available; Drug treatment means from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on a doctor's appointment; Local treatment - ointments, traditional medicines. The need to eliminate vitamin deficiency and lack of electrolytes. Selected a special diet, it is recommended intake of multivitamins

