Saturday, July 4, 2015

Diagnosis and treatment of particularly infantile autism

Experts refer to children with autism disorders, which are characterized by qualitative abnormalities taking place in social communication and associated with limited interaction with the outside world and repetitive set of actions and interests. In the diagnosis of the disease is usually taken into account a number of points, including clinical parameters, hereditary factors, environmental conditions. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the first five years of life and, as usual, is diagnosed on the basis of the various features of behavior, regardless of whether the patient has any medical comorbidity.

Correctly diagnosing a disease, it should be distinguished from other abnormalities, including mental retardation from schizophrenia, different syndromes (Rhett, Geller et al.), As well as disorders of deprivation. For example, infaltilny autism (where the patient is unable to speak or in some other way to communicate) could be confused with mental retardation if not observed in autism patients' ability to communicate with inanimate objects. Treatment of psychosis in this case there is a certain way, different from the treatment of other diseases.

 Despite strenuous efforts to find an effective method of biological therapy is a way to not be found. Today, the confrontation disease is mainly in the use of various methods of special education and training. In addition, the therapy involves a special diet, as well as receive special sedation, strengthen the patient's condition.

 Currently, treatment of this disease are already used various methods by which the disease is quite well adjusted. Effective therapy is directed at developing the child's independence, autonomy and even some ability to adapt to society. Among the most common methods are considered to be especially popular audio-vocal training, as well as so-called holding therapy (forced use), based on violent embrace of technique is aimed at the forced opening of lack of communication between the child and his mother. Incidentally, the absence of this relationship in this case is the main anomaly.

 Among the commonly used techniques in the treatment of autism - and frequent therapeutic physical activity. Effective exercise helps the child better mastery (control her own body), to deal with various obstacles.

