Sunday, September 23, 2007

Is New Dieting Break Through Safe and Will it Work?

Is New Dieting Break Through Safe and Will it Work?

QUESTION: I am enclosing an ad from my Sunday paper which almost sounds too
good to be true. I have had trouble losing weight all my life which has
become just one never-ending diet. As you can read, they claim that this new
break through has excited the "scientific community" and that I can now melt
the fat away without diet. Can you please tell me if this product is safe and
will it do what they claim it will?
ANSWER: Your letter is just one of the many that flow in each week, enclosing
similar advertisements and equally seductive promises. I decided this time to
try and follow through, to try to find out the true facts, the name of the
substance or something about the scientific research that backed up the
claims. I found that the number called was merely an order taking service; I
could not get any additional information through them, nor was an address
available. In rereading the ad and picking up on a clue here and there, I
believe the product is probably one of the dietary fiber supplements which are
known to reduce cholesterol, and since they are natural products, do not come
under the same strict surveillance by the Food and Drug Administration that
chemicals classified as medications do. There is no astounding medical
breakthrough here, just a few inflated claims, and a very inflated price for a
product which you probably can find on the shelves in any pharmacy. Weight
loss can only be accomplished through sound nutritional management, lots of
motivation and perseverance, and a full understanding of your own patterns of
eating. Modifying your own eating habits, along with some help from a
counselor, and even the assistance of a "diet product" if you must, can make
you a suitable candidate for the "before" and "after" pictures featured in all
of these ads that claim miracles for a price.

